We analyze the efficiency of coherent population trapping (CPT) in a superposition of the ground states of three-level atoms under the influence of the decoherence process induced by a broadband thermal field. We show that in a single atom there is no perfect CPT when the atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field. The perfect CPT may occur when only one of the two atomic transitions is affected by the thermal field. In the case when both atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field, we demonstrate that regardless of the intensity of the thermal field the destructive effect on the CPT can be circumvented by the collective behavior of the atoms. An analytic expression was obtained for the populations of the upper atomic levels which can be considered as a measure of the level of thermal decoherence. The results show that the collective interaction between the atoms can significantly enhance the population trapping in that the population of the upper state decreases with an increased number of atoms. The physical origin of this feature is explained by the semiclassical dressed-atom model of the system. We introduce the concept of multiatom collective coherent population trapping by demonstrating the existence of collective (entangled) states whose storage capacity is larger than that of the equivalent states of independent atoms.
We investigate an optical scheme to conditionally engineer quantum states using a beam splitter, homodyne detection, and a squeezed vacuum as an ancillar state. This scheme is efficient in producing non-Gaussian quantum states such as squeezed single photons and superpositions of coherent states (SCSs). We show that a SCS with well defined parity and high fidelity can be generated from a Fock state of n
A system of cascaded qubits interacting via the one-way exchange of photons is studied. While for general operating conditions the system evolves to a superposition of Bell states (a dark state) in the long-time limit, under a particular resonance condition no steady state is reached within a finite time. We analyze the conditional quantum evolution (quantum trajectories) to characterize the asymptotic behavior under this resonance condition. A distinct bimodality is observed: for perfect qubit coupling, the system either evolves to a maximally entangled Bell state without emitting photons (the dark state) or executes a sustained entangled-state cycle-random switching between a pair of Bell states while emitting a continuous photon stream; for imperfect coupling, two entangled-state cycles coexist, between which a random selection is made from one quantum trajectory to another.
In this paper we do a detailed numerical investigation of the fault-tolerant threshold for optical cluster-state quantum computation. Our noise model allows both photon loss and depolarizing noise, as a general proxy for all types of local noise other than photon loss noise. We obtain a threshold region of allowed pairs of values for the two types of noise. Roughly speaking, our results show that scalable optical quantum computing is possible in the combined presence of both noise types, provided that the loss probability is less than 3 X 10(-3) and the depolarization probability is less than 10(-4). Our fault-tolerant protocol involves a number of innovations, including a method for syndrome extraction known as telecorrection, whereby repeated syndrome measurements are guaranteed to agree. This paper is an extended version of Dawson.
We investigate the use of nanocrystal quantum dots as a quantum bus element for preparing various quantum resources for use in photonic quantum technologies. Using the Stark-tuning property of nanocrystal quantum dots as well as the biexciton transition, we demonstrate a photonic controlled-NOT (CNOT) interaction between two logical photonic qubits comprising two cavity field modes each. We find the CNOT interaction to be a robust generator of photonic Bell states, even with relatively large biexciton losses. These results are discussed in light of the current state of the art of both microcavity fabrication and recent advances in nanocrystal quantum dot technology. Overall, we find that such a scheme should be feasible in the near future with appropriate refinements to both nanocrystal fabrication technology and microcavity design. Such a gate could serve as an active element in photonic-based quantum technologies.
We report that high quality PbS nanocrystals, synthesized in the strong quantum confinement regime, have quantum yields as high as 70% at room temperature. We use a combination of modelling and photoluminescence up-conversion to show that we obtain a nearly monodisperse size distribution. Nevertheless, the emission displays a large nonresonant Stokes shift. The magnitude of the Stokes shift is found to be directly proportional to the degree of quantum confinement, from which we establish that the emission results from the recombination of one quantum confined charge carrier with one localized or surface-trapped charge carrier. Furthermore, the surface state energy is found to lie outside the bulk bandgap so that surface-related emission only commences for strongly quantum confined nanocrystals, thus highlighting a regime where improved surface passivation becomes necessary.
Composite Web Services (CWS) aggregate multiple Web Services in one logical unit to accomplish a complex task (e.g. business process). This aggregation is achieved by defining a workflow that orchestrates the underlying Web Services in a manner consistent with the desired functionality. Since CWS can aggregate atomic and other CWS they foster the development of service layers and reuse of already existing functionality. An important issue in the deployment of services is their run-time performance under various loads. Due to the complex interactions of the underlying services, a CWS they can exhibit problematic and often difficult to predict behaviours in overload situations. This paper focuses on the use of request scheduling for improving CWS performance in overload situations. Different scheduling policies are investigated in regards to their effectiveness in helping with bulk arrivals.
Rare earth doped upconversion nanoparticles convert near-infrared excitation light into visible emission light. Compared to organic fluorophores and semiconducting nanoparticles, upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) offer high photochemical stability, sharp emission bandwidths, and large anti-Stokes shifts. Along with the significant light penetration depth and the absence of autofluorescence in biological samples under infrared excitation, these UCNPs have attracted more and more attention on toxin detection and biological labelling. Herein, the fluorescence probe based on UCNPs was developed for quantifying Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanut oil. Based on a specific immunity format, the detection limit for AFB1 under optimal conditions was obtained as low as 0.2 ng·ml- 1, and in the effective detection range 0.2 to 100 ng·ml- 1, good relationship between fluorescence intensity and AFB1 concentration was achieved under the linear ratios up to 0.90. Moreover, to check the feasibility of these probes on AFB1 measurements in peanut oil, recovery tests have been carried out. A good accuracy rating (93.8%) was obtained in this study. Results showed that the nanoparticles can be successfully applied for sensing AFB1 in peanut oil.
The expansion of a magnetized high-pressure plasma into a low-pressure ambient medium is examined with particle-in-cell simulations. The magnetic field points perpendicular to the plasma's expansion direction and binary collisions between particles are absent. The expanding plasma steepens into a quasi-electrostatic shock that is sustained by the lower-hybrid (LH) wave. The ambipolar electric field points in the expansion direction and it induces together with the background magnetic field a fast E cross B drift of electrons. The drifting electrons modify the background magnetic field, resulting in its pile-up by the LH shock. The magnetic pressure gradient force accelerates the ambient ions ahead of the LH shock, reducing the relative velocity between the ambient plasma and the LH shock to about the phase speed of the shocked LH wave, transforming the LH shock into a nonlinear LH wave. The oscillations of the electrostatic potential have a larger amplitude and wavelength in the magnetized plasma than in an unmagnetized one with otherwise identical conditions. The energy loss to the drifting electrons leads to a noticeable slowdown of the LH shock compared to that in an unmagnetized plasma.
After sudden ionization of a large molecule, the positive charge can migrate throughout the system on a sub-femtosecond time scale, purely guided by electronic coherences. The possibility to actively explore the role of the electron dynamics in the photo-chemistry of bio-relevant molecules is of fundamental interest for understanding, and perhaps ultimately controlling, the processes leading to damage, mutation and, more generally, to the alteration of the biological functions of the macromolecule. Attosecond laser sources can provide the extreme time resolution required to follow this ultrafast charge flow. In this review we will present recent advances in attosecond molecular science: after a brief description of the results obtained for small molecules, recent experimental and theoretical findings on charge migration in bio-relevant molecules will be discussed.
New absolute cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to HCCCN (cyanoacetylene or propiolonitrile) in the range of 0-10 eV electron energy are presented here, which have been determined from a new analysis of previously reported data (Graupner et al 2006 New J. Phys. 8 117). The highest cross sections are observed for the formation of CN- at 5.3 eV and CCCN- at 5.1 eV; approximately 0.06 Å2 and 0.05 Å2 respectively. As part of the re-analysis, it was necessary to determine absolute cross sections for electron-impact ionization of HCCCN with the binary-encounter Bethe method. These electron-impact ionization absolute cross sections for HCCCN are also presented here; the maximum value was found to be ∼6.6 Å2 at ∼80 eV.
Laser-target interaction represents a very promising field for several potential applications,
from the nuclear physics to the radiobiology. However optically accelerated particle beams are
characterized by some extreme features, not suitable for many applications. Therefore, beyond
the improvements at the laser-target interaction level, many researchers are spending their efforts
for the development of specific beam transport devices in order to obtain controlled and
reproducible output beams.In this background, the ELIMED (ELI-Beamlines MEDical applications)
project was born. Within 2017, a dedicated transport beam-line coupled with dosimetric
systems, named ELIMED, will be installed at the Extreme Light Infrastructure Beamlines
(ELI-Beamlines) facility in Prague (CZ),as a part of the ELIMAIA (ELI Multidisciplinary Applications
of laserâA ¸SIon Acceleration) beamline