378 resultados para ARM9 Linux


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n. Resumen en ingl??s


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La creciente dinamización de las IDE's genera una demanda de la construcción de Geoportales y por ende la demanda de herramientas que además de facilitar su construcción, configuración e implementación, ofrezcan la posibilidad de contratar un soporte técnico profesionalizado. OpenGeo Suite, paquete de software libre profesional e integrado, que permite desde el almacenamiento de datos geográficos, hasta su publicación utilizando estándares OGC e implementación de soluciones web GIS con librerías de código abierto Javascript. OpenGeo Suite permite un despliegue multiplataforma (Linux, Windows y OSX), con cuatro componentes de software libre fuertemente integrados basados en el uso de estándares OGC. Los componentes del lado del servidor están orientados al almacenamiento, configuración y publicación de datos por parte de usuarios técnicos en SIG: PostgreSQL+ la extensión espacial PostGIS que se encarga del almacenamiento de la información geográfica dando soporte a funciones de análisis espacial. pgAdmin como sistema de gestión de base de datos, facilitando la importación y actualización de datos. Geoserver se encarga de la publicación de la información geográfica proveniente de diferentes orígenes de datos: PostGIS, SHP, Oracle Spatial, GeoTIFF, etc. soportando la mayoría de estándares OGC de publicación de información geográfica WMS, WFS, WCS y de formatos GML, KML, GeoJSON, SLD. Además, ofrece soporte a cacheado de teselas a través de Geowebcache. OpenGeo Suite ofrece dos aplicaciones: GeoExplorer y GeoEditor, que permiten al técnico construir un Geoportal con capacidades de edición de geometrías.OpenGeo Suite ofrece una consola de administración (Dashboard) que facilita la configuración de los componentes de administración. Del lado del cliente, los componentes son librerías de desarrollo JavaScript orientadas a desarrolladores de aplicaciones Web SIG. OpenLayers con soporte para capas raster, vectoriales, estilos, proyecciones, teselado, herramientas de edición, etc. Por último, GeoExt para la construcción del front-end de Geoportales, basada en ExtJS y fuertemente acoplada a OpenLayers


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A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.


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This paper describes a prototype grid infrastructure, called the eMinerals minigrid, for molecular simulation scientists. which is based on an integration of shared compute and data resources. We describe the key components, namely the use of Condor pools, Linux/Unix clusters with PBS and IBM's LoadLeveller job handling tools, the use of Globus for security handling, the use of Condor-G tools for wrapping globus job submit commands, Condor's DAGman tool for handling workflow, the Storage Resource Broker for handling data, and the CCLRC dataportal and associated tools for both archiving data with metadata and making data available to other workers.


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This paper introduces PSOPT, an open source optimal control solver written in C++. PSOPT uses pseudospectral and local discretizations, sparse nonlinear programming, automatic differentiation, and it incorporates automatic scaling and mesh refinement facilities. The software is able to solve complex optimal control problems including multiple phases, delayed differential equations, nonlinear path constraints, interior point constraints, integral constraints, and free initial and/or final times. The software does not require any non-free platform to run, not even the operating system, as it is able to run under Linux. Additionally, the software generates plots as well as LATEX code so that its results can easily be included in publications. An illustrative example is provided.


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The use of virtualization in high-performance computing (HPC) has been suggested as a means to provide tailored services and added functionality that many users expect from full-featured Linux cluster environments. The use of virtual machines in HPC can offer several benefits, but maintaining performance is a crucial factor. In some instances the performance criteria are placed above the isolation properties. This selective relaxation of isolation for performance is an important characteristic when considering resilience for HPC environments that employ virtualization. In this paper we consider some of the factors associated with balancing performance and isolation in configurations that employ virtual machines. In this context, we propose a classification of errors based on the concept of “error zones”, as well as a detailed analysis of the trade-offs between resilience and performance based on the level of isolation provided by virtualization solutions. Finally, a set of experiments are performed using different virtualization solutions to elucidate the discussion.


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A virtual system that emulates an ARM-based processor machine has been created to replace a traditional hardware-based system for teaching assembly language. The proposed virtual system integrates, in a single environment, all the development tools necessary to deliver introductory or advanced courses on modern assembly language programming. The virtual system runs a Linux operating system in either a graphical or console mode on a Windows or Linux host machine. No software licenses or extra hardware are required to use the virtual system, thus students are free to carry their own ARM emulator with them on a USB memory stick. Institutions adopting this, or a similar virtual system, can also benefit by reducing capital investment in hardware-based development kits and enable distance learning courses.


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Background: The sensitivity to microenvironmental changes varies among animals and may be under genetic control. It is essential to take this element into account when aiming at breeding robust farm animals. Here, linear mixed models with genetic effects in the residual variance part of the model can be used. Such models have previously been fitted using EM and MCMC algorithms. Results: We propose the use of double hierarchical generalized linear models (DHGLM), where the squared residuals are assumed to be gamma distributed and the residual variance is fitted using a generalized linear model. The algorithm iterates between two sets of mixed model equations, one on the level of observations and one on the level of variances. The method was validated using simulations and also by re-analyzing a data set on pig litter size that was previously analyzed using a Bayesian approach. The pig litter size data contained 10,060 records from 4,149 sows. The DHGLM was implemented using the ASReml software and the algorithm converged within three minutes on a Linux server. The estimates were similar to those previously obtained using Bayesian methodology, especially the variance components in the residual variance part of the model. Conclusions: We have shown that variance components in the residual variance part of a linear mixed model can be estimated using a DHGLM approach. The method enables analyses of animal models with large numbers of observations. An important future development of the DHGLM methodology is to include the genetic correlation between the random effects in the mean and residual variance parts of the model as a parameter of the DHGLM.


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Developing successful navigation and mapping strategies is an essential part of autonomous robot research. However, hardware limitations often make for inaccurate systems. This project serves to investigate efficient alternatives to mapping an environment, by first creating a mobile robot, and then applying machine learning to the robot and controlling systems to increase the robustness of the robot system. My mapping system consists of a semi-autonomous robot drone in communication with a stationary Linux computer system. There are learning systems running on both the robot and the more powerful Linux system. The first stage of this project was devoted to designing and building an inexpensive robot. Utilizing my prior experience from independent studies in robotics, I designed a small mobile robot that was well suited for simple navigation and mapping research. When the major components of the robot base were designed, I began to implement my design. This involved physically constructing the base of the robot, as well as researching and acquiring components such as sensors. Implementing the more complex sensors became a time-consuming task, involving much research and assistance from a variety of sources. A concurrent stage of the project involved researching and experimenting with different types of machine learning systems. I finally settled on using neural networks as the machine learning system to incorporate into my project. Neural nets can be thought of as a structure of interconnected nodes, through which information filters. The type of neural net that I chose to use is a type that requires a known set of data that serves to train the net to produce the desired output. Neural nets are particularly well suited for use with robotic systems as they can handle cases that lie at the extreme edges of the training set, such as may be produced by "noisy" sensor data. Through experimenting with available neural net code, I became familiar with the code and its function, and modified it to be more generic and reusable for multiple applications of neural nets.


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de mecanismo para o controle de integridade de arquivos em sistemas operacionais, com a capacidade de bloquear o acesso à arquivos inválidos de forma a conter os danos causados por possíveis ataques. O modelo foi inicialmente formulado a partir do estudo detalhado do processo de controle de integridade, revelando diversos pontos críticos de segurança nele existentes, e da avaliação dos mecanismos atualmente implementados nos sistemas operacionais que oferecem, mesmo que indiretamente, algum tipo de garantia de integridade dos arquivos do sistema. Durante o seu desenvolvimento, a segurança do próprio modelo foi detalhadamente analisada de forma a enumerar os seus pontos críticos e possíveis soluções a serem empregadas, resultando na definição dos requisitos mínimos de segurança que devem ser encontrados nesse tipo de mecanismo. Em seguida, visando a validação do modelo especificado e decorrente disponibilização do mecanismo para uso prático e em estudos futuros, um protótipo foi implementado no sistema operacional GNU/Linux. Procurando confirmar a sua viabilidade, foram realizadas análises do impacto causado sobre o desempenho do sistema. Por fim, foi confirmada a importância e viabilidade do emprego do modelo apresentado como mecanismo adicional de segurança em sistemas operacionais. Além disso, foi colocado em evidência um campo de pesquisa ainda pouco explorado e portanto atrativo para a realização de novos estudos.


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O presente trabalho explora a aplicação de técnicas de injeção de falhas, que simulam falhas transientes de hardware, para validar o mecanismo de detecção e de recuperação de erros, medir os tempos de indisponibilidade do banco de dados após a ocorrência de uma falha que tenha provocado um FUDVK. Adicionalmente, avalia e valida a ferramenta de injeção de falhas FIDe, utilizada nos experimentos, através de um conjunto significativo de testes de injeção de falhas no ambiente do SGBD. A plataforma experimental consiste de um computador Intel Pentium 550 MHz com 128 MB RAM, do sistema operacional Linux Conectiva kernel versão 2.2.13. O sistema alvo das injeções de falhas é o SGBD centralizado InterBase versão 4.0. As aplicações para a carga de trabalho foram escritas em VFULSWV SQL e executadas dentro de uma sessão chamada LVTO. Para a injeção de falhas foram utilizadas três técnicas distintas: 1) o comando NLOO do sistema operacional; 2) UHVHW geral no equipamento; 3) a ferramenta de injeção de falhas FIDe, desenvolvida no grupo de injeção de falhas do PPGC da UFRGS. Inicialmente são introduzidos e reforçados os conceitos básicos sobre o tema, que serão utilizados no decorrer do trabalho e são necessários para a compreensão deste estudo. Em seguida é apresentada a ferramenta de injeção de falhas Xception e são também analisados alguns experimentos que utilizam ferramentas de injeção de falhas em bancos de dados. Concluída a revisão bibliográfica é apresentada a ferramenta de injeção de falhas – o FIDe, o modelo de falhas adotado, a forma de abordagem, a plataforma de hardware e software, a metodologia e as técnicas utilizadas, a forma de condução dos experimentos realizados e os resultados obtidos com cada uma das técnicas. No total foram realizados 3625 testes de injeções de falhas. Com a primeira técnica foram realizadas 350 execuções, com a segunda técnica foram realizadas 75 execuções e com a terceira técnica 3200 execuções, em 80 testes diferentes. O modelo de falhas proposto para este trabalho refere-se a falhas de crash baseadas em corrupção de memória e registradores, parada de CPU, aborto de transações ou reset geral. Os experimentos foram divididos em três técnicas distintas, visando a maior cobertura possível de erros, e apresentam resultados bastante diferenciados. Os experimentos com o comando NLOO praticamente não afetaram o ambiente do banco de dados. Pequeno número de injeção de falhas com o FIDe afetaram significativamente a dependabilidade do SGBD e os experimentos com a técnica de UHVHW geral foram os que mais comprometeram a dependabilidade do SGBD.