265 resultados para APM-08279 5255


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During the last years, there has been much concern about learning management systems' (LMS) effectiveness when compared to traditional learning and about how to assess students' participation during the course. The tracking and monitoring capabilities of most recent LMS have made it possible to analyse every interaction in the system. The issues addressed on this study are: a) Is LMS student's interaction an indicator of academic performance?; b) Are different results in performance expected between distance and in-class LMS-supported education?; c) How can LMS interactions from logs be categorised?; d) May this categorisation detect 'learning witnesses'? To answer these questions, a set of interaction types from Moodle LMS activity record logs has been analysed during two years in online and in-class Master's degrees at the UPM. The results show partial or no evidence of influence between interaction indicators and academic performance, although the proposed categorisation may help detect learning witnesses.


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Here, Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIVs) of a circular cylinder are analyzed as a potential source for energy harvesting. To this end, VIV is described by a one-degree-of-freedom model where fluid forces are introduced from experimental data from forced vibration tests. The influence of some influencing parameters, like the mass ratio m∗ or the mechanical damping ζ in the energy conversion factor is investigated. The analysis reveals that: (i) the maximum efficiency ηM is principally influenced by the mass-damping parameter m∗ζ and there is an optimum value of m∗ζ where ηM presents a maximum; (ii) the range of reduced velocities with significant efficiency is mainly governed by m∗, and (iii) it seems that encouraging high efficiency values can be achieved for high Reynolds numbers.


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The present paper deals with the calculation of grounding resistance of an electrode composed of thin wires, that we consider here as perfect electric conductors (PEC) e.g. with null internal resistance, when buried in a soil of uniform resistivity. The potential profile at the ground surface is also calculated when the electrode is energized with low frequency current. The classic treatment by using leakage currents, called Charge Simulated Method (CSM), is compared with that using a set of steady currents along the axis of the wires, here called the Longitudinal Currents Method (LCM), to solve the Maxwell equations. The method of moments is applied to obtain a numerical approximation of the solution by using rectangular basis functions. Both methods are applied to two types of electrodes and the results are also compared with those obtained using a thirth approach, the Average Potential Method (APM), later described in the text. From the analysis performed, we can estimate a value of the error in the determination of grounding resistance as a function of the number of segments in which the electrodes are divided.


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This paper deals with a stochastic epidemic model for computer viruses with latent and quarantine periods, and two sources of infection: internal and external. All sojourn times are considered random variables which are assumed to be independent and exponentially distributed. For this model extinction and hazard times are analyzed, giving results for their Laplace transforms and moments. The transient behavior is considered by studying the number of times that computers are susceptible, exposed, infectious and quarantined during a period of time (0, t] and results for their joint and marginal distributions, moments and cross moments are presented. In order to give light this analysis, some numerical examples are showed.


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La Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid (APM) es la mayor y más influyente organización de periodistas de España agrupados en la Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE) por lo que está vinculada a las demás agrupaciones provinciales. Tiene entre sus asociados y directivos a personalidades de relieve nacional e internacional (Miguel Moya, su primer presidente, José Francos Rodríguez, Alejandro Lerroux, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Azorín, Concha Espina, Josefina Carabias, Manuel Chaves Nogales, Camilo José Cela… entre otros muchos). La APM nació en febrero de 1895 aunque fue en el mes de mayo de ese mismo año cuando celebró su acto verdaderamente fundacional. Nace, en principio, como agrupación asistencial y para defender los derechos de los periodistas, tanto en el terreno laboral como en el profesional. Busca los mismos fines asistenciales (farmacia, asistencia médica, economato) que otras asociaciones similares, pero muy pronto amplía sus servicios: biblioteca, actos culturales, clases de idiomas, de taquigrafía… De los 173 asociados iniciales cofundadores, ha llegado a los 7.521 con los que cuenta hoy. La APM es una institución privada sin ánimo de lucro. La biblioteca está compuesta por una rica colección iniciada el año mismo de su fundación, 1895, y que ha llegado hasta hoy con 13.208 volúmenes y una importante sección de medios de comunicación. Las primeras donaciones, todavía en el S.XIX, fueron de la reina María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena, Ministerio de Gracia y Justicia, Ministerio de Fomento, Congreso de los Diputados, Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico. Desde entonces ha sufrido tantos avatares de todo orden (desatenciones, cambios de sede, incendios, escasez de medios, una guerra civil…) que su conformación ha resultado una difícil tarea. En algunos periodos de su historia no pasó de ser un mero instrumento simbólico de prestigio. Sin embargo, siempre ha gozado del interés y atención de numerosos asociados que han ido donando libros de sus bibliotecas particulares...


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Mathematical morphology addresses the problem of describing shapes in an n-dimensional space using the concepts of set theory. A series of standardized morphological operations are defined, and they are applied to the shapes to transform them using another shape called the structuring element. In an industrial environment, the process of manufacturing a piece is based on the manipulation of a primitive object via contact with a tool that transforms the object progressively to obtain the desired design. The analogy with the morphological operation of erosion is obvious. Nevertheless, few references about the relation between the morphological operations and the process of design and manufacturing can be found. The non-deterministic nature of classic mathematical morphology makes it very difficult to adapt their basic operations to the dynamics of concepts such as the ordered trajectory. A new geometric model is presented, inspired by the classic morphological paradigm, which can define objects and apply morphological operations that transform these objects. The model specializes in classic morphological operations, providing them with the determinism inherent in dynamic processes that require an order of application, as is the case for designing and manufacturing objects in professional computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) environments. The operators are boundary-based so that only the points in the frontier are handled. As a consequence, the process is more efficient and more suitable for use in CAD/CAM systems.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor Filipe Miguel Bispo Fidalgo, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e da coorientação científica do Professor Doutor Rogério Pais Dionísio, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.


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Con il seguente documento si vuole esaminare l'utilita trasportistica dei sistemi di trasporto del tipo Automated People Mover passando da un inquadramento storico generale all'uso dei sistemi nell'ambito aeroportuale dall'inizio degli anni '60 fino ai tempi piu moderni. Dopo avere analizzato le configurazioni e le caratteristiche tipiche dei sistemi APM in ambito aeroportuale si definira quale tipologia di infrastruttura e stata privilegiata negli aeroporti europei e mondiali. Successivamente si prendera in esame lo stato dell'arte dei sistemi APM installati nell'aeroporto principale di Parigi e uno dei piu trafficati del mondo, l'Aeroporto Internazionale Charles de Gaulle; e del sistema installato nell'Aeroporto Internazionale Galileo Galilei di Pisa.