515 resultados para ANURA


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A new species of Sphaenorhynchus, probably closely related to S. surdus, is described from the states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina in the southeast and south of Brazil. This species, Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii sp. nov., is an intermediate species in size within the genus and is characterized by the absence of external tympanum, by the snout from truncate to slightly mucronate in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, by the presence of a dark line from the snout to the eye, and mainly by differences in the advertisement call (a long call with several notes). It is found in open areas, calling during the wet season of the year, generally, in the deepest area of permanent ponds. Illustrations of the adults, descriptions of the advertisement calls, and a map of geographic distribution of the species are provided. Also, we provide data on the distribution and natural history of S. surdus and describe its advertisement call. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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Cytogenetic and random amplified polymorphic DNA analyses carried out in the species Leptodactylus podicipinus, L. ocellatus, L. labyrinthicus, and L. fuscus from rural and urban habitats of the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil, showed that the karyotypes (2n = 22), constitutive heterochromatin distribution and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) location did not differ between the populations from the two environments. The in situ hybridization with an rDNA probe confirmed the location of the NORs on chromosome 8 revealing an in tandem duplication of that region in one of the chromosomes of L. fuscus. DAPI showed that part of the C-band-positive heterochromatin is rich in AT, including that in the proximity the NORs in L. podicipinus and L. ocellatus. The molecular analyses showed that the two populations (urban and rural) of L. podicipinus and L. fuscus are similar from a genetic point of view. The urban and rural populations of species L. ocellatus and L. labyrinthicus showed differences in genetic structures, probably due to urbanization which interferes with the dispersion of those frogs. The marked differences observed between the two populations of L. ocellatus can be representing the cryptic condition of the species. Unweighted pair-group method of analysis and genetic distance analysis detected the genetic proximity between L. ocellatus and L. fuscus. The results indicate that there was no reduction in the genetic diversity in the populations from the urban environment; however, the survival of these frogs would not be guaranteed in the case of an increase in human impact especially for populations of L. labyrinthicus and L. ocellatus. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Fifty eight Chaunus ictericus and 42 C. schneideri specimens were collected on São Cristóvão district, Três Barras, SC for helminthological studies. Fourteen helminth species were diagnosed, from which only five species were found on both hosts. Chaunus ictericus showed higher values of species richness (2,8448+/-1,1516) and diversity (H = 1,374), with mild dominance (1-D = 0,642, J = 0,5528), in comparison with C. schneideri (0,6428+/-1,007; H = 1,165; 1-D = 0,5822 e J = 0,5985). Also, descriptors of helminthic infection were superior in the former host. Little number of shared species between the analyzed toad species suggests parasitic host-specificity.


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We studied the reproductive biology and visual signaling of Dendropsophus werneri, whose distribution is limited to the Atlantic Rain Forest. The fieldwork was carried out in the Estação 2 do IAPAR, municipality of Morretes, state of Paraná, Brazil, from August 2006 to March 2007. Additional information on reproduction was gathered in the Reserva Natural Salto Morato, municipality of Guaraqueçaba, state of Paraná, Brazil, from September 2006 to March 2007. Males were smaller than females. Males called throughout all the study period in Morretes, but were active only during three months in Guaraqueçaba; males called from low vegetation along the edge of temporary ponds in open areas. The visual signaling was observed in two contexts: (1) aggressive behaviors between two males and (2) during the reproduction, by amplectant males. In the territorial behavior, males exhibited both aggressive and mixed calls, visual signaling as well as physical combats. We also recorded satellite behavior in four males. The mean egg number per clutch was 244 ± 32 eggs, varying between 188 and 310 eggs. We observed two reproductive modes: Mode 1 and Mode 24. In the present study, Dendropsophus werneri showed elaborated social interactions involving visual signaling, territorial behavior, mating bahavior with tactile stimuli, and two different reproductive modes, demonstrating its complex reproductive biology.


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Herein we report predation by the hylid anuran Hypsiboas albomarginatus on another hylid anuran Scinax littoralis, observed in a remnant of Atlantic Forest in the municipality of Santos, southeastern Brazil.


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Color patterns are strongly related to defensive strategies in anurans. Some anurans present more than one morphotype. Leptodactylus fuscus, for example, present two morphotypes (with and without vertebral white line). The proportion of each pattern in nature is different, whereby there are always more individuals without stripes. Therefore, we speculated if this difference in the observed color pattern is due to unequal predation pressures (i.e. stronger over the striped morphotype), and/or if there is a genetic component related to autossomic heritage. To test the selective predation over the morphotypes, we prepared plasticine models of L. fuscus with both phenotypes and placed them in the field. We did not find evidence of predation selection and as we found significant relationships between the proportions of the phenotypes and Mendelian proportions, we suggest that the phenotypes observed in this species are genetically determined (involving dominant and recessive alleles) and may not have a defensive function.


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We present the first Brazilian record of the recently-described glassfrog Hyalinobatrachium carlesvilai Castroviejo-Fisher, Padial, Chaparro, Aguayo and de la Riva, 2009. This species, previously known in Peru and Bolivia, was collected at two localities at the municipality of Aripuanã, northern state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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We present the first record of Odontophrynus carvalhoi for the state of Alagoas, Brazil, and a distribution map for this species. This new record represents the nearest location to the Brazilian coast known for this species. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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The geographic distribution of Leptodactylus furnarius Sazima and Bokermann, 1978 comprises Argentina, Brazil (southern, southeastern, and west-central regions), Paraguay, and Uruguay. Herein, we report for the first time the occurrence of L. furnarius in northeastern and north regions of Brazil, at the states of Bahia and Tocantins, respectively. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Herein I present a new geographical record of Ischnocnema verrucosa Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862 for northeastern Brazil and briefly discuss the new record with a previous record of similar characteristics. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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Hypsiboas raniceps is a large treefrog typically found in the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes. Here we provide information about new records of this species in the Atlantic Forest and raise some hypotheses that could explain the late record of this species in this biome. © 2010 Check List and Authors.


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Toadlets of the genus Brachycephalus are endemic to the Atlantic rainforests of southeastern and southern Brazil. The 14 species currently described have snout-vent lengths less than 18. mm and are thought to have evolved through miniaturization: an evolutionary process leading to an extremely small adult body size. Here, we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for Brachycephalus, using a multilocus approach based on two nuclear (Rag-1 and Tyr) and three mitochondrial (Cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA) gene regions. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using a partitioned Bayesian analysis of concatenated sequences and the hierarchical Bayesian method (BEST) that estimates species trees based on the multispecies coalescent model. Individual gene trees showed conflict and also varied in resolution. With the exception of the mitochondrial gene tree, no gene tree was completely resolved. The concatenated gene tree was completely resolved and is identical in topology and degree of statistical support to the individual mtDNA gene tree. On the other hand, the BEST species tree showed reduced significant node support relative to the concatenate tree and recovered a basal trichotomy, although some bipartitions were significantly supported at the tips of the species tree. Comparison of the log likelihoods for the concatenated and BEST trees suggests that the method implemented in BEST explains the multilocus data for Brachycephalus better than the Bayesian analysis of concatenated data. Landmark-based geometric morphometrics revealed marked variation in cranial shape between the species of Brachycephalus. In addition, a statistically significant association was demonstrated between variation in cranial shape and genetic distances estimated from the mtDNA and nuclear loci. Notably, B. ephippium and B. garbeana that are predicted to be sister-species in the individual and concatenated gene trees and the BEST species tree share an evolutionary novelty, the hyperossified dorsal plate. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.