1000 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS


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Sedimentological, geochemical and paleomagnetic records were employed to reconstruct the history of East Asian Monsoon variability in the South China Sea (SCS) on orbital- and millennial-to-sub-decadal time scales. A detailed magnetostratigraphy for the southern central SCS was established as well as a stable isotope stratigraphy for ODP Site 1144 for the last 1.2 million years in the northern South China Sea. Furthermore a volcanic tephra layer from the southern central SCS could be identified as the Youngest Toba Ash, which thus re-presents an important age marker and was used to reconstruct paleo wind directions during the eruption 74 ka. Special attention was paid to the high- and ultrahigh-frequency variability in the last glacial-interglacial cycle and the Holocene, and to a precise age control of climate changes in general.


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The Arkhangelsk area lies in the region that was reached by the northeastern flank of the Scandinavian ice sheet during the last glaciation. Investigations of Late Pleistocene sediments show interglacial terrestrial and marine conditions with sea level up to 52 m above the present level. An unconformity in the stratigraphy suggests a hiatus representing the Early Valdaian (Weichselian) and the beginning of the Middle Valdaian. This unconformity could be related to a low base level and isostatic depression of the area north of Arkhangelsk, either caused by ice masses advancing from the Kara and Barents ice sheets and/or to Scandinavian ice over the Kola Peninsula. During Middle Valdaian, from c. 66 ka BP, until the advance of the Late Valdaian glacier, c. 17-16 ka BP, peat formation, and northward fluvial sedimentation occurred coexisting with permafrost conditions in a later phase. Before the glacier advance, the base level rose and thick vertical accumulations of fluvial sediments were formed. Associated with this glacier advance from the north-northwest, ice damming occurred. Fluvial drainage was opposite to the present drainage pattern and deposition appeared in glaciolacustrine ponds in the area outside the limit of the glaciation. After the deglaciation that started c. 15 ka BP, permafrost conditions and downwasting of buried stagnant glacier ice prevailed until at least 10.7 ka BP.


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We have reconstructed the surface water environment of the Arctic Ocean over the last ? 50,000 years using measurements of the organic nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios, carbonate and total organic carbon concentrations (TOC), and terrestrial biomarkers (lignin and long-chain n-alkanes) in four multicores. Variations in nitrogen isotope ratios that are concordant with TOC and carbonate concentrations (representing foraminifera and excluding ice-rafted-debris) reflect differences in relative nutrient utilization of phytoplankton in the surface waters. However, d15N variations also appear to be dependent on the stratification of the water column and therefore potentially track the exchange of nutrients between deep and surface waters. Low Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) d15N values and higher Holocene values are opposite to those recorded in the Southern Ocean. The Arctic Ocean with higher nutrient utilization today compared to the LGM therefore acts as a counterpart to the Southern Ocean, although the global impact on carbon dioxide variations compared to the Southern Ocean is probably low.


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The Mediterranean Sea hydrology at the time of the Heinrich formation in the North Atlantic Ocean was analyzed by comparing sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and oxygen isotope composition of seawater (dw) changes during the past 75 kyr in two marine cores. These were compared to the palynological variations derived in the Mediterranean Sea core. During the last glacial the two oceanic SST records show similar and synchronous patterns, with several long-term cooling periods, ending by abrupt SST increases. At the time of the Heinrich events, cold SSTs and low salinity prevailed in the Mediterranean Sea. The freshwater budget was similar to the modern one, permitting the presence of a mixed forest on the Mediterranean borderlands. The post-Heinrich periods are marked by a freshwater budget decrease, limiting oak and fir tree growth in the Mediterranean region. Increase of precipitation or reduction of evaporation is observed before the Heinrich episode, and is associated with a well-developed mixed Mediterranean forest.


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Based on a revised chronostratigraphy, and compilation of borehole data from the Barents Sea continental margin, a coherent glaciation model is proposed for the Barents Sea ice sheet over the past 3.5 million years (Ma). Three phases of ice growth are suggested: (1) The initial build-up phase, covering mountainous regions and reaching the coastline/shelf edge in the northern Barents Sea during short-term glacial intensification, is concomitant with the onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (3.6-2.4 Ma). (2) A transitional growth phase (2.4-1.0 Ma), during which the ice sheet expanded towards the southern Barents Sea and reached the northwestern Kara Sea. This is inferred from step-wise decrease of Siberian river-supplied smectite-rich sediments, likely caused by ice sheet blockade and possibly reduced sea ice formation in the Kara Sea as well as glacigenic wedge growth along the northwestern Barents Sea margin hampering entrainment and transport of sea ice sediments to the Arctic-Atlantic gateway. (3) Finally, large-scale glaciation in the Barents Sea occurred after 1 Ma with repeated advances to the shelf edge. The timing is inferred from ice grounding on the Yermak Plateau at about 0.95 Ma, and higher frequencies of gravity-driven mass movements along the western Barents Sea margin associated with expansive glacial growth.


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We report the paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results from discrete sample analysis of sediments from Walvis Ridge, Leg 208 of the Ocean Drilling Program. In an effort to refine the shipboard magnetostratigraphy, alternating field and thermal demagnetization of discrete samples were carried out, predominantly on samples from Sites 1262 and 1267. Results are generally consistent with the shipboard pass-through cryomagnetometer data, though in some cases the discrete samples resolved ambiguities in the reversal record. Significantly, the C24r/C24n reversal boundary was identified at Sites 1262 and 1267, and most boundaries in the Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous sections are now identified to within 10-30 cm. Magnetic mineralogy results show that prior to the late Miocene, the predominant detrital magnetic component was coarse-grained magnetite and that after the late Miocene, titanomagnetite has also been present. This suggests a possible change in detrital source at that time.