992 resultados para 860.09
Este trabalho estima, usando o método generalizado dos momentos e dados brasileiros, os parâmetros estruturais do modelo CCAPM (consumption capital asset pricing model) a partir de três classes de funções utilidade distintas: função utilidade potência (CES/CRRA), utilidade com hábito externo, e aversão ao desapontamento (Kreps-Porteus). Estes parâmetros estruturais estão associados à aversão ao risco, à elasticidade de substituição intertemporal no consumo e a taxa de desconto intertemporal da utilidade futura, o foco central desse artigo. Os resultados aqui obtidos são analisados e comparados com resultados anteriores para dados brasileiros e americanos.
Por meio de um survey, ouvimos 56 gestores financeiros e de relações com investidores de empresas listadas na BM&F Bovespa sobre o grau das restrições financeiras observadas durante a crise de 2008/09, contrapondo diferenças entre firmas que declararam ter sofrido restrições àquelas que disseram não terem sido afetadas. Nossa evidência aponta que as restritas rebaixaram os preços praticados e demitiram colaboradores em dose maior do que as irrestritas. As restritas também acusaram salto pronunciado no endividamento, enquanto as irrestritas conservaram suas fontes de financiamento, buscando preservar reputação no mercado. Cerca de 65% das firmas restritas indicam que as restrições financeiras afetaram a capacidade de aceitar projetos atrativos, e 25% dessas firmas se viram forçadas a postergar/cancelar investimentos vantajosos. Comparando a medida direta de nosso survey frente a proxies usualmente adotadas, cremos que este trabalho agrega ao espectro de ferramentas empregadas para avaliar o impacto de restrições financeiras sobre as decisões corporativas.
Brazil was frequently criticized for its interventionist and heavy financial regulation up until the 2008‐09 world financial crisis. According to the neo‐liberal or pro‐market view that predominated in academic and financial circles during the early 2000s, economic development came together with financial deepening, which in its turn could only be achieved through financial liberalization and deregulation. The currency crises of the 1990s notwithstanding, by the mid‐2000s Brazil’s segmented financial market and its restrictive reserve and capital requirements were seen as a symbol of inefficiency and backwardness by most financial specialists. To the luck of the Brazilian population, most of the advices of such specialists were ignored by the Brazilian authorities, so that, when the 2008 financial crisis hit the world economy, Brazil still had powerful and efficient instruments to deal with the problem. The objective of this note is to present the mains aspects of the Brazilian financial regulation and how they helped the economy to deal with the consequences of 2008‐09 financial meltdown.
Nas últimas décadas temos assistido a um crescimento da produção de resíduos de construção e demolição. Surge então a necessidade de fazer uma gestão consciente destes resíduos reintroduzindo-os quando possível, no ciclo de vida de novas construções, provocando uma redução quer das zonas de aterro quer da abertura de novas zonas de extração de inertes as quais, provocam um elevado impacto ambiental afetando a biodiversidade existente nessas zonas. Com esta intenção, o presente trabalho centra-se na temática do betão com agregados reciclados e pretende contribuir para o seu conhecimento, analisando as características quer dos agregados reciclados quer do betão com eles confecionado, seguindo normas e diretrizes recomendadas por diferentes especificações um pouco por todo o mundo. Ainda no mesmo contexto o estudo pretende conhecer o destino (eliminação, aterro, valorização, etc.) dado aos RCD procedentes de betão na Região Autónoma da Madeira. A análise da bibliografia existente demonstra perdas nas características destes betões reciclados quando comparados com betões convencionais, isto sem dúvida devido principalmente à quantidade de pasta de cimento aderido presente na composição do agregado reciclado, a qual afeta direta e indiretamente a maioria das propriedades quer do agregado reciclado quer do betão com eles confecionado. Foi recolhida informação que permite caracterizar o sector da construção civil, fazendo o diagnóstico do estado atual da gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição que é feita pelas empresas de construção sediadas na RAM, mais concretamente a gestão dos resíduos de betão e a reutilização e reciclagem dos mesmos.
The objective of this study was to evaluate pregnancy rates of recipients of different breed groups (Nellore and crossbreed), as well as the effects of size and type of the corpus luteum (CL) on plasmatic concentrations of progesterone and pregnancy rates of embryo recipients. A total of 152 heifers were synchronized with progesterone implants and on the day of embryo transfer, previously obtained by superovulation and frozen in ethylene glycol, the diameter and type of the corpus luteum (cavitary and compact) was measured and blood was collected for progesterone measurement. The pregnancy rate was 44.1%, with a diameter of corpus luteum higher in recipients that became pregnant (2.03±0.41) compared with non-pregnant ones (1.86±0.34 cm). Plasmatic concentrations of progesterone did not differ between pregnant (1.50±1.05) and non-pregnant (1.31±0.91 ng/mL) animals. The type of corpus luteum did not influence the pregnancy rates. Only Angus and crossbred Marchigiana differ among themselves in pregnancy rates (33.3 and 59.2%, respectively). The pregnancy probability was affected only by CL diameter, but not by P4 plasmatic concentration. Selection of the corpus luteum size at the time of embryo transfer is an important factor to increase pregnancy rates in recipients, and compact and cavitary corpora lutea do not influence the pregnancy rates of bovine embryo recipients. Nellore recipients have pregnancy rates that are satisfactory and comparable to crossbred (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) recipients.
The Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of Vocational Education foresees the construction of 860 new units of instruction until 2020, representing a strong growth against the 140 existing units prior to its disclosure by Federal Government of Brazil, in 2005. The Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology have been performing the expansion while experiencing the shortcomings and challenges of units still in development, created in previous phases of the Plan. The quality of the services of these institutions has been evaluated by the control bodies, which require the submission of performance indicators in annual management reports of institutions under their jurisdiction. In this context of expansion process, particularly, is desirable to identify possible changes in quality standards. Thus, this research was motivated by the following problem: there was difference in the performance of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology after the inauguration of the first units of phase II of the Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of Vocational Education? This is an exploratory-descriptive, ex-post-facto, quantitative approach research, which aims to contribute to the knowledge of the impact of the expansion of the Federal Network. The data were collected from 12 indicators presented in management reports of 38 Federal Institutes through years 2007 to 2011 to evaluate the performances using descriptive statistical techniques. The indicators were analyzed in both consolidated and open manners by the following perspectives: country region, growth of instruction units and institutions origin. Was also performed a multivariate analysis of clusters in order to identify excellence groups of Institutes. The results showed differences in the expansion plan s development among Brazilian regions, both in terms of infrastructure and academic indicators, with better results in the Midwest and South, and that there are differentiated profiles of institutes as its origin, where the best quality indicators occur in those originated by integration of different educational institutions. Still, were identified two excellence groups, with emphasis on academic management, human resources and expansion
Broiler digestive tract fungal communities have gained far less scrutiny than that given corresponding bacterial communities. Attention given poultry-associated fungi have focused primarily on feed-associated toxin-producers, yeast, and yeast products. The current project focused on the use of pyrosequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to identify and monitor broiler digestive fungal communities. Eight different treatments were included. Four controls were an Uninfected-Unmedicated Control, an Unmedicated-Infected Control, the antibiotic bacitracin methylene disalicylate plus the ionophore monensin as Positive Control, and the ionophore monensin alone as a Negative Control. Four treatments were two probiotics (BC-30 and Calsporin) and two specific essential oil blends (Crina Poultry Plus and Crina Poultry AF). All chickens except the Unmedicated-Uninfected Control were given, at 15 days of age, a standard oral Eimeria inoculum of sporulated oocysts. Ileal and cecal digesta were collected at pre-Eimeria infection at 14 days of age and at 7 days post-Eimeria infection at 22 days of age. Extracted cecal DNA was analyzed by pyrosequencing to examine the impact of diet supplements and Eimeria infection on individual constituents in the fungal community, while DGGE was used to compare more qualitative changes in ileal and cecal communities. Pyrosequencing identified three phyla, seven classes, eight orders, 13 families, 17 genera, and 23 fungal species. Ileal and cecal DGGE patterns showed fungal communities were clustered mainly into pre- and post-infection patterns. Post-infection Unmedicated-Uninfected patterns were clustered with pre-infection groups demonstrating a strong effect of Eimeria infection on digestive fungal populations. These combined techniques offered added versatility towards unraveling the effects of enteropathogen infection and performance enhancing feed additives on broiler digestive microflora.
O segundo satélite da Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira (SCD2/MECB) foi colocado em órbita em 23 de Outubro de 1998 e carrega a bordo um experimento de células solares. Célula solar de silício é um dispositivo semicondutor, que pode medir a intensidade da radiação visível e parte da radiação infravermelha (400-1100 nm). O experimento permite medir simultaneamente a insolação direta e parte da radiação solar que é refletida pela Terra para o espaço. Os dados do experimento célula solar são transmitidos em tempo real pela telemetria do satélite e recebidos pela estação terrestre em Cuiabá, MT-Brasil (16°S; 56°W). Este fato limita a cobertura espacial para um círculo sobre a América do Sul. O albedo planetário é obtido dentro desta cobertura e seus valores podem ser agrupados em períodos temporais (anual, sazonal ou mensal), ou podem ser estudados para várias localizações (latitude e longitude) durante a vida do satélite. O coeficiente de transmissão atmosférica ou índice de claridade (Kt), medido em estações meteorológicas na superfície da Terra, junto com o valor medido simultaneamente do albedo planetário, permite calcular o coeficiente de absorção atmosférica (Ka). O método desenvolvido neste trabalho para avaliar Ka considera que o albedo planetário é composto por duas partes: uma refletividade local e uma refletividade não local. Considerando este novo conceito, é definida uma taxa de absorção atmosférica (denominada Ra) que é a razão entre Ka e a potência de irradiância solar líquida, que não atravessou a atmosfera (100%-Kt). A taxa de absorção atmosférica assim definida é independente da cobertura de nuvens. O histograma de freqüência de Ra mostra os valores de 0,86±0,07 e 0,88±0,09 sobre as cidades de Botucatu-SP e do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, durante os anos de 1999 até 2006, respectivamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) species identification is still difficult for most clinical laboratories. The scheme proposed by Kloos and Schleifer and modified by Bannerman is the reference method used for the identification of staphylococcal species and subspecies; however, this method is relatively laborious for routine use since it requires the utilization of a large number of biochemical tests. The objective of the present study was to compare four methods, i.e., the reference method, the API Staph system (bioMérieux) and two methods modified from the reference method in our laboratory (simplified method and disk method), in the identification of 100 CNS strains. Compared to the reference method, the simplified method and disk method correctly identified 100 and 99% of the CNS species, respectively, while this rate was 84% for the API Staph system. Inaccurate identification by the API Staph method was observed for Staphylococcus epidermidis (2.2%), S. hominis (25%), S. haemolyticus (37.5%), and S. warneri (47.1%). The simplified method using the simple identification scheme proposed in the present study was found to be efficient for all strains tested, with 100% sensitivity and specificity and proved to be available alternative for the identification of staphylococci, offering, higher reliability and lower cost than the currently available commercial systems. This method would be very useful in clinical microbiology laboratory, especially in places with limited resources.
Os resíduos vegetais de uma cultura de cobertura de outono/inverno podem interferir na infestação das plantas daninhas das culturas de verão subseqüentes. Dessa forma, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da palha de híbridos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), associada ao uso do herbicida imazamox, no controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da soja (Glycine max), cv. 'Conquista', em sucessão, foi conduzido no ano agrícola 2000/2001 um experimento em Uberlândia-MG. Foram utilizados quatro tipos de cobertura: três provenientes de resíduos culturais de híbridos de sorgo (Sara, DKB 860 e Ambar) e uma sem restos vegetais (anteriormente sob pousio). Aos 24 dias após aplicação do herbicida, o controle das espécies Leonotis nepetifolia, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus hibridus, A. retroflexus, A. spinosus, Ipomoea grandifolia, Commelina benghalensis e Nicandra physaloides foi mais eficaz nas palhas dos híbridos Sara e Ambar, na ausência de imazamox, com porcentagens de controle de 40 e 41%, respectivamente. Quando associada a 15 g ha-1 de imazamox, a palha do Ambar resultou em melhor controle dessas espécies de plantas daninhas, com controle de 76%; e a 30 g ha-1 a palha do DKB 860 foi a mais eficaz, promovendo 85% de controle. Sem cobertura do solo, com 30 g ha-1 de imazamox obteve-se controle de 62,5%, e 47,5% com metade da dosagem. Os resultados indicaram variabilidade de controle em relação ao híbrido de sorgo estudado e a possibilidade de redução de dosagens do herbicida imazamox quando associado aos resíduos vegetais de sorgo.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a estrutura e função do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e a rigidez arterial em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo II. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 13 doentes diabéticos de ambos os sexos (55±8 anos) sem outras doenças. A estrutura e função do VE foram avaliadas por meio de ecodopplercardiografia associada à monitorização não invasiva da pressão arterial (PA). Os resultados foram comparados aos obtidos em grupo de indivíduos normais de mesma idade (n=12). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto a PA diastólica, dimensões das câmaras esquerdas e índices de função sistólica e diastólica. Os pacientes diabéticos apresentaram índice de massa do VE (101±10 vs 80±14g/m²; p<0,001) e índice de rigidez arterial sistêmica (0,86±0,26 vs 0,69±0,19mmHg/mL; p<0,05) significantemente maiores que os controles. CONCLUSÃO: O diabetes mellitus está associado a aumento da rigidez arterial sistêmica e esse fator poderia contribuir para seus efeitos adversos sobre o VE.
The nanoscale interactions between adjacent layers of layer-by-layer (LBL) films from poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and azodye Brilliant Yellow (BY) have been investigated, with the films employed for optical storage and the formation of surface-relief gratings. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, we identified interactions involving SO3- groups from BY and NH3+ groups from PAH. These electrostatic interactions were responsible for the slow kinetics of writing in the optical storage experiments, due to a tendency to hinder photoisomerization and the subsequent reorientation of the azochromophores. The photoinduced birefringence did not saturate after one hour of exposure to the writing laser, whereas in azopolymer films, saturation is normally reached within a few minutes. on the other hand, the presence of such interactions prevented thermal relaxation of the chromophores after the writing laser was switched off, leading to a very stable written pattern. Moreover, the nanoscale interactions promoted mass transport for photoinscription of surface-relief gratings on PAH/BY LBL films, with the azochromophores being able to drag the inert PAH chains when undergoing the trans-cis-trans photoisomerization cycles. A low level of chromophore degradation was involved in the SRG photoinscription, which was confirmed with micro-Raman and fluorescence spectroscopies.
In this work, humic substances were extracted from water samples collected monthly from the Negro River basin in the Amazon state (Brazil) to study their properties in the Amazonian environment and interactions with the mercury ion considering the influence of seasonalness in this formation. The C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratio parameters, functional groups, concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals, pH, pluviometric and fluviometric indices, and mercury concentrations were interpreted using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The statistical analyses showed that when the pluviometric index was greater and the fluviometric index was smaller, the degree of humification of aquatic substances was greater. The following decreasing order of the degree of humification of the AHS collected monthly was established: Nov/02 to Feb/03 > Mar/02 to May/02 > Jun/02 to Oct/02. The greatest concentrations of mercury were detected in more humidified samples. These results suggest that due to inter and/or intra-molecular rearrangements, the degree of humification of aquatic humic substances is related to its affinity for Hg(II) ions. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.