990 resultados para 622, WAST
Molecular dynamics is applied to the system of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate). The simulation shows that for the block copolymer system, a layered structure, which reflects microphase separation, is obtained and this structure is stable. In order to elucidate that the formation of the layered structure is reasonable, some static properties such as the radial distribution function and the dipole moment are analyzed in some detail.
The effect of Li content in a series of multicomponent oxides LixLa0.5Ti0.5 For methane oxidative coupling has been studied. The catalytic activities of LiLa0.5Ti0.5 catalyst before and after washing with boiling water have been compared. The surface and
采用低温技术,用 X 射线单晶衍射法测定了标题化合物的结构.晶体属 P4/mnc 空间群,a=12.515(3),c=17.636(7),Z=2.用788个独立可观测反射精修所有结构参数得 R=0.061.钼钒磷杂多酸阴离子中,PO_4四面体是无序的,P—O 键长1.54.M(Mo,V)是6配位,M—O 键长1.62—2.48.K 是7配位,K—O 键长2.84—3.10.
In our screening of marine actinomycetes for bioactive principles, three novel antibiotics designated as chandrananimycin A (3c), B (3d) and C (4) were isolated from the culture broth of a marine Actinomadura sp. isolate M045. The structures of the new antibiotics were determined by detailed interpretation of mass, 1 D and 2 D NMR spectra.
海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)不连续分布于美国大西洋沿岸和墨西哥湾沿岸,自1982年以来北部亚种(A. i. irradians)和南部亚种(A. i. concentricus)被先后引进到中国,由于其生长速度快、繁殖周期短和适宜温度范围广的特点,迅速成为我国海水养殖的重要品种。近年来飞速发展的分子标记技术为优良品种的选育注入了新的活力,相对于传统的表型选择来说,标记辅助选择不易受环境的影响,尤其是对于低遗传力性状和后期表达的性状,能增强选择效率,提高选择的准确度,缩短育种周期。本文通过构建海湾扇贝微卫星富集文库获得大量的微卫星DNA序列,筛选多态的微卫星标记构建了海湾扇贝的遗传连锁图谱,并应用复合区间作图法对生长相关性状进行了QTL定位。 本研究利用富集文库-菌落原位杂交法筛选海湾扇贝微卫星DNA,吸附(AC)15和(AG)15探针的尼龙膜捕捉并富集含有微卫星序列的片段,菌落原位杂交结果显示阳性克隆率达到40%,测序比对后获得521个独立的阳性克隆,其中微卫星506个,小卫星15个。微卫星中,完美型248个,占49.0%,非完美型216个,占42.7%;复合型42个,占8.3%;AG/TC重复占大多数(356个,70.4%),AC/TG重复有150个(29.6%)。设计合成了382对引物,利用38个海湾扇贝个体对其中15个微卫星位点进行了遗传多样性评价,不同位点扩增得到的等位基因数从3到7个不等,期望杂合度和观测杂合度的范围分别为0.198~0.813和0.083~0.833,实验结果表明富集文库-菌落原位杂交法适合大规模筛选微卫星标记。 利用8个微卫星标记对海湾扇贝1个野生种群和3个养殖群体的遗传多样性与分化进行了比较和分析。8个位点共扩增得到35个等位基因,平均每个位点4.38个等位基因,平均有效等位基因数为2.30,平均观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.41和0.46。相比于野生群体(美国),养殖群体(北卡罗来那、浙江和胶南)的等位基因数和杂合度都有所降低,在封闭环境下养殖19代的浙江群体等位基因数丢失最严重,共有9个等位基因丢失(25.7%)。经过多代人工养殖后,海湾扇贝养殖与野生群体之间和养殖群体之间出现了明显的遗传分化,胶南群体与野生群体的遗传距离最大,而胶南群体与浙江群体的遗传距离已经超过了胶南群体(北部亚种)和北卡罗来那(南部亚种)群体的遗传距离,这种分化将有利于海湾扇贝的杂交选育。 利用167个微卫星标记和1个壳色标记,以海湾扇贝2个全同胞F1代为作图群体,构建了海湾扇贝的性别遗传连锁图谱。整合的雌性连锁图谱含有118个标记,覆盖了16个连锁群,每个连锁群含有的标记数目从4到16个不等,平均每个连锁群上有7.4个标记,图谱总长度为761.0 cM,标记间的平均间隔为8.55 cM,图谱的覆盖率为73.5%;整合雄性连锁图谱含有126个标记,覆盖了17个连锁群,每个连锁群含有的标记数目从2到11个不等,平均每个连锁群上有7.4个标记,图谱总长度为729.1 cM,标记间的平均间隔为6.75 cM,图谱的覆盖率为74.7%。雌性亲本的重组率高于雄性,雌雄亲本共享标记间的重组率比值为1.18:1。偏分离标记在性别间呈现不对称分布,雄性亲本的偏分离高于雌性亲本,可能与雄性亲本来源于亚种间杂交的遗传背景相关。 利用海湾扇贝微卫星遗传连锁图谱在两个作图家系中对5个生长性状的QTL进行了定位,5个生长性状的表型相关均达到极显著水平(P < 0.01),Pearson相关系数均超过0.781,总重、壳长、壳宽、壳高和壳重的QTL(LOD > 2.0)的数目分别为8、6、6、7和6个。这些QTL成簇分布于CC5家系的LG1、LG3、LG4、LG8和CC10家系的LG1、LG3、LG6、LG8、LG9连锁群,单个QTL可解释的表型方差为5.5%到29.2%,QTL成簇分布现象说明这些生长相关的性状可能具有共同的遗传基础,家系特异性QTL暗示在不同的遗传背景和环境下存在不同的主效QTL。本研究定位的QTL,尤其在两个家系中共享的QTL为下一步分子标记辅助选择提供了参考区间。
本研究以双壳纲、翼形亚纲、珍珠贝目、扇贝超科的栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri )、海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)和牡蛎超科巨蛎属(Crassostrea)的长牡蛎(C. gigas)、葡萄牙牡蛎(C. angulata)、熊本牡蛎(C. sikamea)、香港巨牡蛎(C. hongkongensis)和近江牡蛎(C. ariakensis)5种牡蛎及异齿亚纲、帘蛤目、帘蛤科的紫斑文蛤(Meretrix pethechialis)为研究对象,系统的研究了以上物种的线粒体基因组全序列的特点。并以线粒体12个蛋白质编码基因的序列,在氨基酸和核苷酸水平上构建了软体动物的分子系统发生树。本研究旨在为利用线粒体基因组全序列全面构建软体动物分子系统发生树,为软体动物的系统发生和进化研究提供一种新的思路和前期基础工作,本研究主要内容分为以下三个部分: 一、栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝线粒体基因组序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR技术扩增了栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝线粒体全基因组,利用步移法结合文库构建的测序策略获得了线粒体基因组的序列。海湾扇贝线粒体全基因组长度为16,211 bp,栉孔扇贝接近全序列长度为20,789 bp。两个基因组都编码35个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和21个tRNA。与典型的动物线粒体基因组相比,两个基因组都缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8和2个trnS, 在海湾扇贝基因组中有1个trnF的重复,而在栉孔扇贝基因组中有1个trnM的重复。基因排列比较显示,尽管海湾扇贝、栉孔扇贝和巨扇贝分类学上属于同一扇贝科,但是它们的线粒体基因排列非常不同。在四种扇贝中,虾夷扇贝与栉孔扇贝的基因排列顺序非常相似;即使排除tRNA的比较,栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝基因组仅仅共享三个小的基因块;而海湾扇贝与巨扇贝仅有一个相同的基因块。在所有的系统发生分析中,四种扇贝稳定的系统发生关系得到强有力的支持,海湾扇贝较其他三种扇贝较早的分化出来;栉孔扇贝比其他两种扇贝与虾夷扇贝亲缘关系更近。贝叶斯法和最大似然法分析都支持扇贝超科的单系发生。 二、巨蛎属牡蛎线粒体基因组全序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR扩增技术和步移法结合文库构建的技术策略获得了巨蛎属C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis 5种牡蛎线粒体全基因组序列,并于GenBank已公布的美洲牡蛎C.virginica序列进行比较研究。C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis线粒体全基因组长度分别为18,225 bp、18,225 bp、18,243 bp、18,622 bp和18,414 bp,都长于C. virginica基因组17,244 bp的长度。本研究的5种牡蛎线粒体基因组都编码39个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和25个tRNA。与典型的线粒体基因组相比,都缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8,有trnM、trnK和trnQ 3个tRNA基因的重复,更特别的是基因组中的rrnL分为两段,这在其它线粒体基因组中未见报道,有一个重复的rrnS;而C. virginica基因组编码37个基因,与其他牡蛎相比,没有trnK和trnQ重复,只有一个rrnS。基因排列比较显示,巨蛎属的5种牡蛎C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis基因排列完全一致,而与C. virginica的基因排列相比仍然有较大的差别,有多个tRNA发生易位。系统发生分析显示,C. gigas和C. angulata首先聚在一起,然后与C. sikamea聚为一支。C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis聚成一支。C. virginica为单独的一支。系统树清楚的显示出C. gigas和C. angulata以及C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis非常近的亲缘关系,这也是长期以来,牡蛎分类学上的经典问题,有学者认为C. gigas和C. angulata为同一物种,线粒体基因组的数据显示C. gigas和C. angulata可能达到不同物种的差异。传统分类上的“近江牡蛎”的“白蚝”和“赤蚝”,线粒体序列差别明显,完全支持两种牡蛎新种名的制定。 三、紫斑文蛤线粒体基因组全序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR扩增技术和步移法结合文库构建的技术策略获得了紫斑文蛤线粒体基因组全序列。该基因组全长19,567 bp,编码36个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和22个tRNA。与典型的线粒体基因组相比,缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8和1个trnS, 有1个trnQ基因的重复。基因排列比较显示,双壳类的基因排列在低的分类阶元时相对保守。在帘蛤科中,紫斑文蛤M. petechialis和菲律宾蛤仔V. philippinarum共享四个完全一致的基因块,两个大的基因块是cox1-L1-nad1-nad2-nad4L-I 和 cox2-P-cob-rrnL-nad4-H-E-S2-atp6-nad3-nad5,另两个小基因块只包括tRNA基因。在以氨基酸序列构建的分子系统树中,帘蛤科紫斑文蛤与菲律宾蛤仔首先聚在一起,然后,它们与A. tuberculata形成一个进化枝。这一枝与H. arctica结合起来,支持异齿亚纲单系发生。
Duplications and rearrangements of coding genes are major themes in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes, bearing important consequences in the function of mitochondria and the fitness of organisms. Yu et al. (BMC Genomics 2008, 9: 477) reported the complete mt genome sequence of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis (16,475 bp) and found that a DNA segment containing four tRNA genes (trnK(1), trnC, trnQ(1) and trnN), a duplicated (rrnS) and a split rRNA gene (rrnL5') was absent compared with that of two other Crassostrea species. It was suggested that the absence was a novel case of "tandem duplication-random loss" with evolutionary significance. We independently sequenced the complete mt genome of three C. hongkongensis individuals, all of which were 18,622 bp and contained the segment that was missing in Yu et al.'s sequence. Further, we designed primers, verified sequences and demonstrated that the sequence loss in Yu et al.'s study was an artifact caused by placing primers in a duplicated region. The duplication and split of ribosomal RNA genes are unique for Crassostrea oysters and not lost in C. hongkongensis. Our study highlights the need for caution when amplifying and sequencing through duplicated regions of the genome.
低氧诱导因子-1(HIF-1)是一种由低氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)和芳香烃核受体转录因子(ARNT)组成的二聚体转录因子,在生物体氧平衡调节中起关键作用。高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)是生活在青藏高原海拔3000 m以上区域,有着极强的低氧、低温耐受能力的特有自然种群。它通过高的基础代谢率和高的氧利用率来适应高原低温、缺氧环境。将高原鼠兔带到北京,常氧室温条件下适应7 d。 RT-PCR扩增高原鼠兔HIF-1αcDNA片断,~(32)p标记作为特异性探针,Northern杂交检测了常氧条件下高原鼠兔HIF-1α的组织特异性表达。结果显示,HIF-1α mRNA在高原鼠兔多种组织中均有表达,并且表现出明显的组织差异性。其中脑的表达量最大,肾其次,心、脾和肝的表达相对较少。
Benefits and costs of dispersal and philopatry of the social plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied on the Tibetan plateau for 3 years. Although short-lived, plateau pikas live in cohesive family groups that occupy burrow systems in sedge meadow habitat Most (57.8%) plateau pikas were philopatric, and dispersal movements were extremely restricted. No juvenile females or adult pikas moved more than two family ranges between years; the greatest observed dispersal distances were by two juvenile males that moved five family ranges from the family of their birth. Traversing unfamiliar habitat was not a cost of pika dispersal because most dispersers settled in families that they could easily visit before dispersal. Dispersal movements appeared to result in equalization of density among pika families, an expected result if competition for environmental resources influenced dispersal. Males did not disperse to gain advantages in competition for mates, as evidenced by their moving to families with significantly fewer females. Females, however, moved to families with significantly more males. Males provide abundant paternal care, and significantly more offspring per female survived to become adults from families with more adult males per adult female. Evidence concerning the influence of inbreeding avoidance on natal dispersal was indirect. Some males exhibited natal philopatry; thus some families had opportunity for close inbreeding. Males and females that dispersed had no opposite-sex relatives in their new families. Philopatric pikas may have benefited by remaining in families that exhibited low local densities, and philopatric females might have benefited from social cooperation with relatives.
信息技术与机器人遥操作技术相融合,产生了基于网络的机器人遥操作技术,它是遥科学发展的最新成果,是遥操作技术发展的新方向,对闭环网络控制系统的研究也有借鉴意义。基于网络的机器人遥操作是一项综合性网络应用,在底层控制上属于闭环网络控制系统研究的范畴,在体系结构上体现了分布式控制的特点,在遥操作的策略上需要对网络性能和控制器设计进行综合考虑。本文围绕在网络环境下进行机器人遥操作时所面临的网络时延特性分析、控制系统性能与网络状态的关系、稳定性控制等问题开展研究,并探索所涉及的具有普遍意义的理论与技术问题,主要进行了以下五项有价值和有创造性的工作:(1) 基于网络的机器人遥操作系统体系结构研究。针对网络遥操作对系统开放性、扩展性、独立性等方面的要求,提出以客户/服务器模式构造网络机器人遥操作系统的思想,研究了系统单元体系结构和功能模块。(2) 网络数据传输特性的测试、分析和时延预测研究。通过一系列网络传输时延的测试,分析了当前我国Internet时延特性,并与国内外相关研究进行了对比分析。提出了两种网络时延预测方法并进行了验证和分析。(3) 研究了网络服务质量QoS在网络遥操作中的应用。提出了以QoS把控制器的设计、调节和网络实时状态联系在一起的自适应遥操作策略,研究了网络遥操作中的QoS描述、QoS映射、QoS保障和QoS应用问题。(4) 基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统的设计和实现。建立了一套以力反馈游戏杆实时控制远端全方位移动机器人的实验系统。(5) 实验研究。使用上述系统进行了Internet条件下机器人遥操作实验,实验内容包括遥操作中的信息交互、位置反馈控制等。这五项工作之间的关联在于:客户/服务器体系结构是建立网络遥操作系统的指导思想;通过网络时延测试和预测认识了网络数据传输规律;以QoS将遥操作系统的稳定性分析、网络实时状态动态联系在一起;仿真实验和移动机器人遥操作实验表明本文提出的系统体系结构和方法以及所设计实现的控制器软件系统是有效而且可用的。
The dissertation focuses on the petrology, geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in east Tibet and southeast Yunnan. It lucubrates the Magmatic process, forming mechanism and the possible tectonic settings of the volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks of Nangqen basin in east Tibet, Qinghai province are mainly Cenozoic intermediate-acid shoshonites. The rocks are LREE enriched and the LREE/HREE = 3~34; (La/Yb)_N = 18.17-53.59, and ΣREE 222~1260μg/g. There are no Eu anomaly, and Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti are markedly depleted. The isotopic composition is ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70497~0.70614, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.622~18.974, ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 38.431~38.996, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.511~15.613, respectively. K-Ar age of the whole rocks and the single mineral are between 32.0-36.5Ma. Based on the trace elements and isotopic elements, we get the conclusion that the partial melting is one of the dominated forming mechanisms for the volcanic rocks in Naneqen basin. The magma did not experience the crustal contamination en route to the surface; however, the complex mixture took place in the upper mantle before the melt was formed. There are at least two kinds of mixed sources that can be identified. The basalt in southeast Yunnan province is studied. They are distributed in Maguan, Tongguan, and Pingbian County, which is located on the both sides of the Red River belt, and the ultrabasic xenolith are cursory introduced. The volcanic rocks belongs to the alkali series, which can be subdivided into trachybasalt and basanite(Ol normal molecule >5). The volcanic rocks are characteristics by high Ti and low Mg#. According to the magma calculation model, the original rocks of the basalt in southeast Yunnan province are Spinel Lherzolite in Tongguan, Garnet Lherzolite in Pingbian and Maguan, while Togguan undergoes 2-5 percent and percent of partial melting, whereas volcanism in Maguan and Pingbian was so complex to calculate. The fractional crystallization took place during the magma evoltion in southeast Yunnan. The basalt is enriched in LREE with LREE/HREE=9.23-20.19. All of the trace elements display weak Nb, Ta peak, and the depletion of Zr, Hf and Ti in Maguan and pingbian represent the presence of Garnet in the source. The composition of the isotope ratio are ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70333-0.70427, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd = 0.512769-0.512940, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.104-18.424, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.483 -15.527; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 37.938-38.560, respectively, which shows the characteristics of the HIMU type OIB. The volcanic rocks of the southwest Yunnan are derived from the enriched, OIB type mantle sources by synthesizing all the data from trace and isotope elements. It is similar to that of the volcanic rocks in Hawaii, a typical kind of the mixtures of the recycled oceanic crust plume and depleted asthenosphere. To sum up, the volcanic rocks in southeast Yunnan are formed by the intraplate hotpot volcanism.
The low-temperature heat capacities of trifluoroacetamide were precisely determined with a small sample precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 78 to 404 K. A solid-to-solid phase transition, a fusion and a phase transition from a liquid crystalline phase to fully liquid phase have been observed at the temperatures of 336.911+/-0.102, 347.622+/-0.094 and 388.896+/-0.160 K, respectively. The molar enthalpies of these phase transitions as well as the chemical purity of the substance were determined to be 5.576+/-0.004, 11.496+/-0.007, 1.340+/-0.005 kJ mol(-1) and 99.30 mol%, respectively, on the basis of the heat capacity measurements. The molar entropies of the three phase transitions were calculated to be 16.550+/-0.012, 33.071+/-0.029 and 3.447+/-0.027 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. Further researches of the thermochemical properties for this compound have been carried out by means of TG and DSC techniques. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.