934 resultados para 3D quantitative findings


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Recent advances in non-destructive imaging techniques, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), make it possible to analyse pore space features from the direct visualisation from soil structures. A quantitative characterisation of the three-dimensional solid-pore architecture is important to understand soil mechanics, as they relate to the control of biological, chemical, and physical processes across scales. This analysis technique therefore offers an opportunity to better interpret soil strata, as new and relevant information can be obtained. In this work, we propose an approach to automatically identify the pore structure of a set of 200-2D images that represent slices of an original 3D CT image of a soil sample, which can be accomplished through non-linear enhancement of the pixel grey levels and an image segmentation based on a PFCM (Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means) algorithm. Once the solids and pore spaces have been identified, the set of 200-2D images is then used to reconstruct an approximation of the soil sample by projecting only the pore spaces. This reconstruction shows the structure of the soil and its pores, which become more bounded, less bounded, or unbounded with changes in depth. If the soil sample image quality is sufficiently favourable in terms of contrast, noise and sharpness, the pore identification is less complicated, and the PFCM clustering algorithm can be used without additional processing; otherwise, images require pre-processing before using this algorithm. Promising results were obtained with four soil samples, the first of which was used to show the algorithm validity and the additional three were used to demonstrate the robustness of our proposal. The methodology we present here can better detect the solid soil and pore spaces on CT images, enabling the generation of better 2D?3D representations of pore structures from segmented 2D images.


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Urban economic activities are an essential facet in defining city identity. Traditional approaches rely very often on the most theoretical and quantitative features of the studies, excluding de-facto a direct association between those findings and the tangible subject of the analysis. To fill the gap, the Big Data era and information visualization methodologies could help analysts, stakeholders and general audience to gain a new insight on the field. In this paper, we want to provide some food for thought about new opportunities arising in visual urban economies as well as present some visual results on possible scenarios.


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Este trabajo se ocupa de la construcción modular ligera de viviendas unifamiliares, más concretamente aborda el problema de la definición constructiva de las mismas, habida cuenta de lo poco conocido y publicado de este aspecto en particular. Dado que la construcción es fruto de la evolución, resulta de gran importancia el estudio de los antecedentes para comprender la situación actual, por ello para documentar como corresponde el estado de la técnica y de la investigación se estudiaron los antecedentes desde sus primeras manifestaciones a finales del siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Contrariamente a las profecías de Le Corbusier y otros, la industrialización no ha llegado a la construcción ni en la forma ni en la medida que era de esperar a principios del siglo XX. Sin embargo y a pesar del relativo “fracaso” de la industrialización en convertirse en la forma mayoritaria de producir edificios, lo cierto es que algunos sistemas altamente industrializados, como lo es la construcción modular ligera, han logrado un lugar en el mercado, que en algunos países resulta cuanto menos significativo. Delimitar el estado de la técnica y la situación actual es crucial en este trabajo, toda vez que la construcción industrializada la realizan empresas, y situarse al margen de las mismas y de su producción, nos guste o no, resulta contrario al sentido común. De este modo se han identificado y documentado ejemplos como el de EE.UU. y Japón, entre otros, que resultan muy ilustrativos tanto desde la evolución como del estado actual. Del estado de la técnica y la investigación también resulta la escasez de publicación de detalles constructivos específicos de la construcción modular ligera. Es obvio que los fabricantes intentan blindarse mediante el secreto industrial, logrando que las soluciones constructivas más interesantes queden fuertemente protegidas dentro del conocimiento reservado de la empresa. De este modo un sistema que alcanza grados de prefabricación del 95%, tan atractivo e interesante para el arquitecto queda reservado al conocimiento de unos pocos dentro de las empresas. La búsqueda de mayor información sobre estos sistemas encuentra un filón indiscutible en los proyectos de las casas del concurso Solar Decathlon. En efecto, debido a las condiciones particulares de este concurso, las casas que compiten deben ser instaladas en un plazo corto, por lo que en su mayoría recurren al método de construcción modular ligera, para lograr correctamente este objetivo. Adicionalmente todos los planos de proyecto incluidos los de detalle, así como memorias de especificaciones técnicas, quedan colgadas en la Web, a libre disposición del público. De este modo se ha considerado interesante, conveniente y útil, aprovechar como fuente documental de este trabajo, aparte de lo obtenido en el estado de la técnica y la investigación, los proyectos de las casas de los concursos 2005 y 2007, que fueron las dos últimas ediciones celebradas cuando se inició esta tesis. De modo similar a esta carencia de detalles publicados se observa igualmente una falta de investigación y de metodologías adecuadas a la misma sobre soluciones y detalles constructivos propios de la construcción modular ligera. Por eso y ante la dificultad de manejar adecuadamente una información disponible pero farragosa, este trabajo ha dedicado una parte importante de su esfuerzo a la creación de una metodología adecuada a este tipo de situación. Hay que destacar que cada proyecto puede constar fácilmente de 60 a casi 200 planos, sin contar las memorias técnicas y otros documentos, tales como galerías de imágenes, etc. Por otra parte resulta útil establecer esta metodología, no solo para esta tesis, sino para futuros trabajos de investigación sobre el tema, toda vez que con posterioridad a 2007 se han celebrado nuevas ediciones del concurso con su correspondiente volumen de información disponible. La metodología del análisis de los proyectos se basa en el diseño y creación de siete fichas tipo que resumen los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto desde el punto de vista constructivo, permitiendo de este modo su rápida visualización y comprensión sin pretender exhaustividad, ya que en caso de querer profundizar en el detalle de la información siempre está el proyecto original para ello. Tras estudiar la información obtenida de los proyectos de las casas de concurso, se contrastan y discuten los resultados para obtener conocimientos de interés para el objetivo propuesto en la tesis. Se comparan los resultados procedentes del estado de la técnica y de la investigación y se obtienen las conclusiones correspondientes. De este modo ha sido posible identificar una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas unifamiliares realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además se organizan en varios niveles, por lo que el resultado es un conjunto de criterios como germen de una futura guía o manual. Como conclusiones fundamentales de la tesis hay que destacar las metodológicas, que habilitan la extensión de este estudio a otros trabajos y la aportación original al conocimiento con la definición de una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además de mejorar esta parte del saber constructivo serán de gran ayuda a los arquitectos de cara a la reducción de errores, que a menudo derivan en mayores costes y plazos, cuando no directamente al abandono del sistema constructivo. El trabajo de la tesis se estructura en siete capítulos a saber: Capítulo 1: Introducción, donde se explica el tema de la tesis, el objetivo principal, las limitaciones y se aportan algunas definiciones. Capítulo 2: Estado de la técnica y la investigación, dentro del cual se presentan los antecedentes desde sus inicios pasando por la primera y segunda mitad del siglo XX y finalizando con el estado actual que recorre los sistemas de EE.UU, Japón, Europa, Escandinavia, centro Europa, Francia, España y algunos ejemplos de Latinoamérica. En el estado de la investigación se presentan las publicaciones tanto en revistas científicas indexadas en el JCR, como publicaciones no indexadas en las que se muestran artículos científicos, comunicaciones a congresos, documentación sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, libros específicos y libros genéricos sobre construcción modular ligera, tesis doctorales tanto generales como específicas sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, documentos de idoneidad técnica, páginas Web del concurso Solar Decathlon y finalmente páginas Web de empresas de construcción modular ligera y patentes. También se expresan las conclusiones parciales del capítulo así también como la justificación y los objetivos particulares. Capítulo 3: Metodología, se expone en primer lugar el planteamiento del problema, para luego desarrollar los métodos utilizados para el estudio y clasificación del transporte y de la organización modular, la relación entre la organización modular y distribución espacial, el diseño y contenido de las fichas resumen de los 38 proyectos presentados al SD2005 y SD2007, así también como la información consultada para su realización. Se explica asimismo como se realizaron las tablas comparativas partiendo de la información de las fichas. Finalmente se expresa la manera en que se trató el estudio particular de la junta entre módulos. Capítulo 4: Discusión de resultados, dónde en primer lugar se presenta la clasificación y las estrategias del transporte así también como una clasificación de la organización modular, en segundo lugar se estudian las relaciones que existen entre el sistema modular y la organización espacial. A partir de aquí se muestra el estudio de la estructura de todas las casas del SD2005 y SD2007, según el tipo y material de las zapatas, mostrando tanto tablas cuantitativas como tablas gráficas con fotos. De la misma manera se tratan los forjados, los pilares y las vigas y las cubiertas. Se estudia además el cerramiento opaco y acristalado, la cubierta y el forjado según las capas que lo componen. En el caso de las instalaciones se estudian las que son especiales, descartando las normales en este tipo de casas, como son los paneles fotovoltaicos, placas térmicas o tubos de vacío y los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, como las baterías, presentando tablas numéricas y gráficas con fotos. El transporte se analiza según corresponda al traslado de la vivienda o al transporte de apoyo, según el tipo y la cantidad utilizado. Con respecto al montaje se diferencia en si se usó grúa o no, y en el caso de no utilizarse se muestran los métodos alternativos. Con respecto a la exploración de la organización modular se presentan la cantidad de módulos que utilizó cada casa, así como también la cuantificación de los sistemas híbridos como son elementos lineales 1D, paneles 2D. Por último se muestra el estudio detallado de la junta entre módulos 3D. Finalmente se realiza la propuesta de un conjunto de criterios técnicos de proyecto organizado en cuatro niveles: 1º nivel de criterios generales, 2º nivel sobre sistemas constructivos, 3º nivel de detalles constructivos y el 4º nivel llamado logística obras previas, transporte y montaje. Capítulo 5: Conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación, se exponen las conclusiones generales, metodológicas, documentales y por último las de construcción modular. Finalmente se realiza una propuesta de líneas futuras de investigación. Capítulo 6: Bibliografía. Capítulo 7: Anexos, en el que se presentan todas las fichas resumen de las casas realizadas por el autor de esta tesis. Además se incluyen los casos concretos de Voisin en Francia y la TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) en EE.UU., así como referencias de manuales genéricos de construcción ligera, medidas de transporte en España e información sobre estadísticas de viviendas en la Unión Europea. ABSTRACT This paper deals with Light Modular Construction of houses, and specifically addresses the problem of the constructive definition of the same, given how little known and published this subject has been. Since building construction is the result of evolution, it is of great importance to study its background for understanding the current situation, therefore to document the state of the art and research, its history was studied from its origins dating to the end nineteenth century to our days. Contrary to the prophecies of Le Corbusier and others, industrialization has not reached the construction neither in the form nor to the extent that it was expected in the early twentieth century. However, despite the relative "failure" of industrialization to become the major form of production for buildings, the fact is that some highly industrialized systems, such as the so called Lightweight Modular Construction, have achieved a place in the market, which in some countries is at least significant. To outline the state of the art and the current situation is crucial in this work, since industrialized construction is carried out by companies, and to step away from them and their production, whether we like it or not, it is contrary to common sense. So that, several cases have been identified and documented, such as the US and Japan examples, among others, which are very illustrative both from evolution and the current status. The state of the art and research shows also a shortage of publication of specific construction details of light modular construction. Obviously, manufacturers try to shield themselves by trade secret, making the most interesting constructive solutions remain heavily protected within the reserved knowledge of the company, so a system that reaches levels of 95% prefabrication, so attractive and interesting for the architect It is reserved to the knowledge of a few people inside the companies. The search for more information on these systems finds an invaluable reef in the projects of the Solar Decathlon houses. Indeed, due to the particular conditions of this contest, houses competing must be installed in a short time, so mostly turn to modular construction methods for this purpose to achieve properly this goal. Additionally all levels of project, including detailed and technical specifications reports are published on the Web, freely available to the general public. Thus it was considered interesting, convenient and useful to take advantage as a documentary source of this work, apart from what it were obtained in the state of the art and research, the projects of the houses of the 2005 and 2007 contests, which were the last two editions already held before this thesis was started. Similar to this lack of published details it is also observed a lack of research and methodologies adapted to the solutions and construction details of lightweight modular construction. So that, and facing the difficulty of adequately manage the available but bulky information, this work has devoted a significant part of its effort to create an appropriate methodology for this type of situation. It is noteworthy that each project can easily consist of 60 to almost 200 blueprints, not including technical reports and other documents, such as photo galleries, etc. The methodology of the analysis of the projects is based on the design and creation of seven record sheets that summarize key aspects of the project from a construction point of view, thus allowing quick watching and understanding of the project, without claiming completeness, always keeping for further information the blueprints themselves. After studying the information obtained from the projects of the competition houses, the results are compared and discussed to obtain relevant knowledge according to the objective proposed in the thesis. The results from the state of the art and research are also compared and the conclusions so obtained make possible to identify a number of technical design criteria for single family homes made using lightweight modular construction, which also have been organized at various levels, so the result is a set of criteria as a seed for a future guide or manual. Among the main conclusions of the thesis must be noted the methodological ones, that enable the extension of this study to other works and are an original contribution to knowledge with the definition of a number of technical criteria for housing projects made by light modular construction, what in addition to improving this part of the constructive knowledge will be of great help for the architects to reduce errors that often result in higher costs and delays, if not in abandonment of the construction system itself. The work of the thesis is divided into seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction, where the topic of the thesis, the main objective, limitations and the provided definitions is explained. Chapter 2: State of the art and research, within which history is presented from the beginning through the first and second half of the twentieth century and ending with the current systems, that spans from the USA to Japan, Europe, Scandinavia, Central Europe, France, Spain and some Latin American examples. In the state of research publications are presented both on scientific journals indexed in the JCR, and non-indexed publications in which scientific articles, conference papers, information about the Solar Decathlon competition, generic and specific books on light modular construction, articles both general and specific on the Solar Decathlon competition, technical approval documents, dissertations, the Solar Decathlon Web pages and finally lightweight modular construction companies Web pages and patents. The partial conclusions of the chapter as well as the rationale and specific objectives are also expressed. Chapter 3: Methodology first of all exposes the problem statement and then develops the methods used for the study and classification of transportation and modular organization, the relationship between the modular organization and spatial distribution, design and content summary records of the 38 projects submitted to the SD2005 and SD2007, as well as information consulted for its realization. It explains equally how the comparative tables based on information from the chips were made. Finally, the way the particular study of the joint between modules is carried out is also treated. Chapter 4: Discussion, first sorting a classification of transport strategies as well as of modular organization, secondly the relationship between the modular system and the spatial organization studied is presented. From then on, the study of the structure of every house Moreover, to establish this methodology is useful not only for this thesis, but for future research on the subject, since after 2007 there have been held new editions of the contest with a corresponding volume of information available. shown in the SD2005 and SD2007 contests, depending on the type and material of the shoe, showing both quantitative tables as graphic boards with pictures is carried out. Similarly slabs, columns and beams and roofs are treated. Furthermore, the opaque and transparent façades, as well as roof and floor enclosure, according to the layers that compose them are studied. In the case of facilities there have been only addressed that which are of a special type, discarding that considered usual in this type of houses such as photovoltaic panels, thermal panels or vacuum tubes and energy storage systems such as batteries, presenting numerical and graphical tables with photos .The transportation is analyzed depending on it is used to move the house or for additional support, depending on the type and quantity of items used. Regarding assembly it has been made a difference if crane is or not used and if not, what the alternative methods are. With respect to the exploration of the modular organization, the amount of modules used in each house is presented, as well as the quantification of hybrid systems such as linear members as well as 1D, 2D panels. Finally, it has been carried out the detailed study of the joint between 3D modules. Finally it is proposed a set of technical criteria organized into four levels, 1st level of general criteria, 2nd level on building systems, 3rd level construction details and 4th level called previous works and logistics, transportation and assembly. Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research, where general, methodological, documentary and finally modular construction findings are presented. A proposal for further research is done. Chapter 6: Bibliography. Chapter 7: Annexes, in which all the record sheets of houses made by the author of this thesis are presented. Besides the specific cases of Voisin in France and TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) in the USA, as well as general reference manuals on lightweight construction, transportation dimensions in Spain, and information on housing statistics in the European Union are included.


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.


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A eficiência da amamentação exige uma complexa coordenação entre sucção, deglutição e respiração, sendo que a tecnologia tem possibilitado importantes avanços na compreensão desse processo. Porém, não foram encontrados vídeos disponíveis na internet que demonstrassem a anatomia e fisiologia da amamentação, de modo didático e fidedigno à ciência atual. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento de uma sequência em computação gráfica sobre a sucção e a deglutição, resultante da produção digital do Bebê Virtual, bem como validar tal produção quanto ao conteúdo e prover adequações necessárias ao material educacional. Para a produção das iconografias em 3D da sucção e deglutição no Bebê Virtual, inicialmente foi elaborado um mapa conceitual e uma matriz de conteúdos, objetivos e competências voltadas ao material educacional. Posteriormente foi elaborado um roteiro científico que abordou a anatomia do crânio, face, cavidade oral, faringe, laringe e esôfago do recém-nascido, bem como, a descrição dos mecanismos fisiológicos relacionados à sucção e às fases oral e faríngea da deglutição no bebê. Para isso foram utilizadas 14 publicações do período de 1998 a 2008, que continham informações relevantes para demonstrar a amamentação. Os conteúdos teóricos foram organizados em cenas principais, possibilitando a criação de previews das sequências dinâmicas, as quais foram avaliadas por profissionais de anatomia, fonoaudiologia e medicina, possibilitando os ajustes necessários e a construção das imagens em computação gráfica 3D. Para análise da validade de conteúdo dessas imagens foi verificada a representatividade dos itens que o compõe, por meio de consulta à literatura. Foram incluídos estudos que utilizaram auxílio tecnológico e abordaram o tema proposto em bebês a termo e saudáveis, sem alterações neurológicas ou anomalias craniofaciais. Foram excluídas as publicações realizadas com bebês pré-termo, sindrômicos, com anomalias, doenças neurológicas ou qualquer alteração que pudesse interferir na amamentação, revisões de literatura e relatos de caso. Os artigos selecionados foram analisados e classificados quanto ao nível de evidência científica, predominando o nível três de evidência. A análise de conteúdo demonstrou a necessidade de adequações nas iconografias 3D, para que o processo de sucção e deglutição demonstrado no bebê virtual pudesse corresponder ao conhecimento científico atual. Tais adequações foram propostas a partir dos achados de 9 estudos, publicados entre 2008 e 2014, que utilizaram ultrassonografia para demonstrar como ocorre o processo de amamentação. Desta forma, foram modificados os aspectos da pega, da movimentação de língua, mandíbula, palato mole e laringe, além da sincronização da sucção/deglutição/respiração e deslocamento do mamilo, num processo desenvolvido em cinco etapas. Assim, o presente estudo descreveu o processo de desenvolvimento das iconografias em 3D sobre a anatomia e fisiologia da sucção e deglutição no recém-nascido a termo, sendo que a validade de conteúdo permitiu atualizar vários aspectos da amamentação do Bebê Virtual, quebrando velhos paradigmas e possibilitando ilustrar didaticamente as evidências científicas relacionadas.


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The lifestyle migration conceptual framework is based on the motivation for moving reported by the migrants themselves. We discuss the operability of this approach, which is built on the subjective assessments of individuals. It diminishes the actual importance of economic factors and has an underlying ideological element associated with the categorisation of people according to their nationality. A comparative analysis of residential variations by nationalities between 2005 and 2010 in Alicante (Spain) shows that, when faced with the economic crisis, the so-called lifestyle migrants are changing their mobility patterns in a way similar to the rest of the migrants. This calls into question the adequacy of juxtaposing lifestyle and labour migration. Both theory and research show that this duality, instead of clarifying applied research, makes it more difficult. We argue that the lifestyle migration framework is inadequate to study changes in mobility patterns, particularly when using a quantitative approach.


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Many applications including object reconstruction, robot guidance, and. scene mapping require the registration of multiple views from a scene to generate a complete geometric and appearance model of it. In real situations, transformations between views are unknown and it is necessary to apply expert inference to estimate them. In the last few years, the emergence of low-cost depth-sensing cameras has strengthened the research on this topic, motivating a plethora of new applications. Although they have enough resolution and accuracy for many applications, some situations may not be solved with general state-of-the-art registration methods due to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the resolution of the data provided. The problem of working with low SNR data, in general terms, may appear in any 3D system, then it is necessary to propose novel solutions in this aspect. In this paper, we propose a method, μ-MAR, able to both coarse and fine register sets of 3D points provided by low-cost depth-sensing cameras, despite it is not restricted to these sensors, into a common coordinate system. The method is able to overcome the noisy data problem by means of using a model-based solution of multiplane registration. Specifically, it iteratively registers 3D markers composed by multiple planes extracted from points of multiple views of the scene. As the markers and the object of interest are static in the scenario, the transformations obtained for the markers are applied to the object in order to reconstruct it. Experiments have been performed using synthetic and real data. The synthetic data allows a qualitative and quantitative evaluation by means of visual inspection and Hausdorff distance respectively. The real data experiments show the performance of the proposal using data acquired by a Primesense Carmine RGB-D sensor. The method has been compared to several state-of-the-art methods. The results show the good performance of the μ-MAR to register objects with high accuracy in presence of noisy data outperforming the existing methods.


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This work presents a 3D geometric model of growth strata cropping out in a fault-propagation fold associated with the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector) from the Bajo Segura Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). The analysis of this 3D model enables us to unravel the along-strike and along-section variations of the growth strata, providing constraints to assess the fold development, and hence, the fault kinematic evolution in space and time. We postulate that the observed along-strike dip variations are related to lateral variation in fault displacement. Along-section variations of the progressive unconformity opening angles indicate greater fault slip in the upper Tortonian–Messinian time span; from the Messinian on, quantitative analysis of the unconformity indicate a constant or lower tectonic activity of the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector); the minor abundance of striated pebbles in the Pliocene-Quaternary units could be interpreted as a decrease in the stress magnitude and consequently in the tectonic activity of the fault. At a regional scale, comparison of the growth successions cropping out in the northern and southern limits of the Bajo Segura Basin points to a southward migration of deformation in the basin. This means that the Bajo Segura Fault became active after the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector), for which activity on the latter was probably decreasing according to our data. Consequently, we propose that the seismic hazard at the northern limit of the Bajo Segura Basin should be lower than at the southern limit.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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This paper explores the effects of non-standard monetary policies on international yield relationships. Based on a descriptive analysis of international long-term yields, we find evidence that long-term rates followed a global downward trend prior to as well as during the financial crisis. Comparing interest rate developments in the US and the eurozone, it is difficult to detect a distinct impact of the first round of the Fed’s quantitative easing programme (QE1) on US interest rates for which the global environment – the global downward trend in interest rates – does not account. Motivated by these findings, we analyse the impact of the Fed’s QE1 programme on the stability of the US-euro long-term interest rate relationship by using a CVAR (cointegrated vector autoregressive) model and, in particular, recursive estimation methods. Using data gathered between 2002 and 2014, we find limited evidence that QE1 caused the break-up or destabilised the transatlantic interest rate relationship. Taking global interest rate developments into account, we thus find no significant evidence that QE had any independent, distinct impact on US interest rates.


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The ability to view and interact with 3D models has been happening for a long time. However, vision-based 3D modeling has only seen limited success in applications, as it faces many technical challenges. Hand-held mobile devices have changed the way we interact with virtual reality environments. Their high mobility and technical features, such as inertial sensors, cameras and fast processors, are especially attractive for advancing the state of the art in virtual reality systems. Also, their ubiquity and fast Internet connection open a path to distributed and collaborative development. However, such path has not been fully explored in many domains. VR systems for real world engineering contexts are still difficult to use, especially when geographically dispersed engineering teams need to collaboratively visualize and review 3D CAD models. Another challenge is the ability to rendering these environments at the required interactive rates and with high fidelity. In this document it is presented a virtual reality system mobile for visualization, navigation and reviewing large scale 3D CAD models, held under the CEDAR (Collaborative Engineering Design and Review) project. It’s focused on interaction using different navigation modes. The system uses the mobile device's inertial sensors and camera to allow users to navigate through large scale models. IT professionals, architects, civil engineers and oil industry experts were involved in a qualitative assessment of the CEDAR system, in the form of direct user interaction with the prototypes and audio-recorded interviews about the prototypes. The lessons learned are valuable and are presented on this document. Subsequently it was prepared a quantitative study on the different navigation modes to analyze the best mode to use it in a given situation.


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Antigenic variation of the intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia is caused by an exchange of the parasite's variant surface protein (VSP) coat. Many investigations on antigenic variation were performed with G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 which produces surface antigen VSP H7. To generate novel information on giardial vsp gene transcription, vsp RNA levels were assessed by quantitative reverse transcription-(RT)-PCR in both axenic VSP H7-type trophozoites and subvariants obtained after negative selection of GS/M-83-H7 trophozoites by treatment with a cytotoxic, VSP H7-specific monoclonal antibody. Our investigation was not restricted to the assessment of the sense vsp transcript levels but also included an approach aimed at the detection of complementary antisense vsp transcripts within the two trophozoite populations. We found that sense vsp H7 RNA predominated in VSP H7-type trophozoites while sense RNA from only one (vsp IVg) of 8 subvariant vsp genes totally analysed predominated in subvariant-type trophozoites. Interestingly, the two trophozoite populations exhibited a similar relative distribution regarding the vsp H7 and vsp IVg antisense RNA molecules. An analogous sense versus antisense RNA pattern was also observed when the transcripts of gene cwp 1 (encoding cyst wall protein 1) were investigated. Here, both types of RNA molecules only appeared after cwp 1 had been induced through in vitro encystation of the parasite. These findings for the first time demonstrated that giardial antisense RNA production did not occur in a constitutive manner but was directly linked to complementary sense RNA production after activation of the respective gene systems.


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Thirty-two poly(ε)caprolactone (PCL) scaffolds have been produced by electrospinning directly into an auricle-shaped mould and seeded with articular chondrocytes harvested from bovine ankle joints. After seeding, the auricle shaped constructs were cultured in vitro and analysed at days 1, 7, 14 and 21 for regional differences in total DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen (COL) content as well as the expression of aggrecan (AGG), collagen type I and type II (COL1/2) and matrix metalloproteinase 3 and 13 (MMP3/13). Stress-relaxation indentation testing was performed to investigate regional mechanical properties of the electrospun constructs. Electrospinning into a conductive mould yielded stable 3D constructs both initially and for the whole in vitro culture period, with an equilibrium modulus in the MPa range. Rapid cell proliferation and COL accumulation was observed until week 3. Quantitative real time PCR analysis showed an initial increase in AGG, no change in COL2, a persistent increase in COL1, and only a slight decrease initially for MMP3. Electrospinning of fibrous scaffolds directly into an auricle-shape represents a promising option for auricular tissue engineering, as it can reduce the steps needed to achieve an implantable structure.


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Underwater video transects have become a common tool for quantitative analysis of the seafloor. However a major difficulty remains in the accurate determination of the area surveyed as underwater navigation can be unreliable and image scaling does not always compensate for distortions due to perspective and topography. Depending on the camera set-up and available instruments, different methods of surface measurement are applied, which make it difficult to compare data obtained by different vehicles. 3-D modelling of the seafloor based on 2-D video data and a reference scale can be used to compute subtransect dimensions. Focussing on the length of the subtransect, the data obtained from 3-D models created with the software PhotoModeler Scanner are compared with those determined from underwater acoustic positioning (ultra short baseline, USBL) and bottom tracking (Doppler velocity log, DVL). 3-D model building and scaling was successfully conducted on all three tested set-ups and the distortion of the reference scales due to substrate roughness was identified as the main source of imprecision. Acoustic positioning was generally inaccurate and bottom tracking unreliable on rough terrain. Subtransect lengths assessed with PhotoModeler were on average 20% longer than those derived from acoustic positioning due to the higher spatial resolution and the inclusion of slope. On a high relief wall bottom tracking and 3-D modelling yielded similar results. At present, 3-D modelling is the most powerful, albeit the most time-consuming, method for accurate determination of video subtransect dimensions.


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A detailed study has been carried out on the dependence of folate binding on the concentration of FBP (folate-binding protein) at pH 5.0, conditions selected to prevent complications arising from the pre-existing self-association of the acceptor. In contrast with the mandatory requirement that reversible interaction of ligand with a single acceptor site should exhibit a unique, rectangular hyperbolic binding curve, results obtained by ultrafiltration for the FBP-folate system required description in terms of (i) a sigmoidal relationship between concentrations of bound and free folate and (ii) an inverse dependence of affinity on FBP concentration. These findings have been attributed to the difficulties in determining the free ligand concentration in the FBP-folate mixtures for which reaction is essentially stoichiometric. This explanation also accounts for the similar published behaviour of the FBP-folate system at neutral pH, which had been attributed erroneously to acceptor self-association, a phenomenon incompatible with the experimental findings because of its prediction of a greater affinity for folate with increasing FBP concentration.