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The Matuyama Diatom Maximum (MDM) is a time of peak opal accumulation from 2.6 to ~2.0 Ma within the Benguela Current upwelling system that was initiated by increased influence of Southern Ocean water on the eastern South Atlantic. We measured opal, total organic carbon (TOC), and CaCO3 fluxes and C and N stable isotopes in sediments deposited from 2.4 to 1.95 Ma at Sites 1082 and 1084 to explore the biogeochemical dynamics within the Benguela region. The infusion of Southern Ocean water delivered dissolved nutrients and Southern Ocean flora and fauna, resulting in local opal accumulation increasing up to 8 g/cm**2/ky and the production of diatom mats. Some d15N measurements of diatom-bound organic matter indicate that the mats grew within the Benguela region. The bulk sediment d15N records are taken to reflect changes in the d15N of nitrate in the incoming water, where lower values at 2.4 Ma reflect less nitrate utilization in the Antarctic. A long-term increase in relative nitrate uptake in the Southern Ocean is evidenced by the gradual increase in d15N toward 1.9 Ma.


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The initiation of the Benguela upwelling has been dated to the late Miocene, but estimates of its sea surface temperature evolution are not available. This study presents data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1085 recovered from the southern Cape Basin. Samples of the middle Miocene to Pliocene were analyzed for alkenone-based (UK'37, SSTUK) and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) based (TEX86, TempTEX) water temperature proxies. In concordance with global cooling during the Miocene, SSTUK and TempTEX exhibit a decline of about 8°C and 16°C, respectively. The temperature trends suggest an inflow of cold Antarctic waters triggered by Antarctic ice sheet expansion and intensification of Southern Hemisphere southeasterly winds. A temperature offset between both proxies developed with the onset of upwelling, which can be explained by differences in habitat: alkenone-producing phytoplankton live in the euphotic zone and record sea surface temperatures, while GDGT-producing Thaumarchaeota are displaced to colder subsurface waters in upwelling-influenced areas and record subsurface water temperatures. We suggest that variations in subsurface water temperatures were driven by advection of cold Antarctic waters and thermocline adjustments that were due to changes in North Atlantic deep water formation. A decline in surface temperatures, an increased offset between temperature proxies, and an increase in primary productivity suggest the establishment of the Benguela upwelling at 10 Ma. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis, between 7 and 5 Ma, surface and subsurface temperature estimates became similar, likely because of a strong reduction in Atlantic overturning circulation, while high total organic carbon contents suggest a "biogenic bloom." In the Pliocene the offset between the temperature estimates and the cooling trend was reestablished.


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The intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG) is one of the critical climate thresholds in the Cenozoic. This study focuses on marine sediments recovered from Marine Isotope Stages 101/100 at the Ocean Drilling Program Site 1083 to assesses the impact of the iNHG on continental southern African vegetation through n-alkane (straight-chain hydrocarbon) abundance and delta13C values. The n-alkane abundance data yield a convoluted signal due to the number of controlling factors such as the source area, transportation routes and vegetation type. The C31 n-alkane delta13C values, however, exhibit a cyclic pattern with a periodicity of c. 20 ka, and are not correlated to the abundance data. It is inferred that the signal does not represent a change in the geographical source of n-alkanes. Instead, we suggest that the variations are caused by water-stress-induced changes in either carbon isotope fractionation during C3 photosynthesis or subtle changes in the proportion of C3 and C4 plants. These changes, unlike variations in oceanographic proxies, closely track precessional forcing factors and are independent of the prevailing obliquity-forced glacial/interglacial cycles. We conclude that the varying monsoon strength, rather than pCO2 or temperature change, forced changes in southern African vegetation during this period.