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Autuus on katsojan silmässä: lukijakeskeinen tutkimus autuaaksijulistuksista Matt. 5 : 1-12 on reseptioanalyyttisellä metodilla tehty tutkimus siitä, miten akateeminen tutkimuskirjallisuus ja kymmenen valikoitua Jeesus-elokuvaa ovat ymmärtäneet autuaaksijulistusten merkityksen. Kartoitettuaan autuaaksijulistusten tulkintahistoriaa ja Jeesus-elokuvien kulttuurihistoriaa tutkielma kääntyy reseptiohistorialliseksi analyysiksi. Akateemisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden ja Jeesus-elokuvien esittämät tulkinnat Matteuksen evankeliumin autuaaksijulistuksista rinnas-tetaan suhteessa autuaaksijulistusten tyyliin, sisältöön, rakenteeseen ja merkitykseen. Autuaaksijulistusten tyylin tulkinnan analysointi tapahtuu vertailemalla millainen narratiivinen sijainti autuaaksijulistuksille on tarinassa annettu, millaiseksi elokuvat ja tutkimuskirjallisuus tulkitsevat julistusten esitykselliset puitteet sekä mitä näkemyksiä niillä on julistusten kohdeyleisöstä ja Jeesuksen esiintymistavasta. Autuaaksijulistusten sisällön analysointi tarkoittaa yksittäisten autuaaksijulistusten merkityksen selvittelyä. Tämä tapahtuu edelleen Jeesus-elokuvien ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden tekemiä tulkintoja vertailemalla. Näiden lisäksi tekijä esittää oman käännöksensä autuaaksijulistuksista eksegeettisen analyysin keinoin. Käännöksen tavoitteena ei kuitenkaan ole sanatarkkuus, vaan dynaamisuus lukijan tulkinnan säilyttämiseksi. Autuaaksijulistusten rakenteen analysointi esittelee muutamia erilaisia malleja, joiden mukaan tutkimuskirjallisuudessa Matteuksen evankeliumin autuaaksijulistuksia on ryhmitelty. Tässä alaluvussa elokuva-aineiston ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden erot ovat selkeimmin näkyvillä, sillä elokuvat pyrkivät ryhmittelyn sijasta luomaan autuaaksijulistuksille kokonaan uuden rakenteen, joka sopii elokuvakerrontaan julistuslistaa paremmin. Autuaaksijulistusten merkitystä analysoitaessa tutkielmassa asetetaan rinnan kolme Jeesus-elokuvaa, jotka edustavat tulkintahistoriasta tuttuja tulkinnallisia pääsuuntia: autuaaksijulistukset tulkitaan joko eettisiksi kehotuksiksi tai lupauksiksi armosta. Kolmas Jeesus-elokuva edustaa kontroversiaalista näkemystä, joka kiistää molemmat edellä mainitut tulkintatavat. Johtopäätöksissä osoitetaan reseptiohistorialliseen analyysiin viitaten, että tulkintojen muotoutuminen ei ole yksinkertaista. Tulkintaan vaikuttavat paitsi tulkitsijan ennakkokäsitykset, myös tulkittava teksti ja tulkintatilanne. Johtopäätöksissä puolustetaan myös populaarikulttuurin teologisten elementtien tutkimusta osana eksegetiikkaa.
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are ubiquitous environmental contaminants with adverse impacts on aquatic biota, wildlife and human health even at low concentrations. However, conventional methods for their determination in river sediments are resource intensive. This paper presents an approach that is rapid and also reliable for the detection of OCPs. Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) with in-cell silica gel clean-up followed by Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry (GCMS/MS) was used to recover OCPs from sediment samples. Variables such as temperature, solvent ratio, adsorbent mass and extraction cycle were evaluated and optimised for the extraction. With the exception of Aldrin, which was unaffected by any of the variables evaluated, the recovery of OCPs from sediment samples was largely influenced by solvent ratio and adsorbent mass and, to some extent, the number of cycles and temperature. The optimised conditions for OCPs extraction in sediment with good recoveries were determined to be 4 cycles, 4.5 g of silica gel, 105 ᴼC, and 4:3 v/v DCM: hexane mixture. With the exception of two compounds (α-BHC and Aldrin) whose recoveries were low (59.73 and 47.66 % respectively), the recovery of the other pesticides were in the range 85.35 – 117.97% with precision < 10 % RSD. The method developed significantly reduces sample preparation time, the amount of solvent used, matrix interference, and is highly sensitive and selective.
The effect of selenious acid as an addition agent in the electrodeposition of manganese was studied by analysing the current-potential curves for manganese deposition. The mechanism of action of this addition agent was found to be essentially similar to that proposed for sulphur dioxide, namely to affect the manganese deposition indirectly by influencing the hydrogen evolution reaction which is a parallel reaction at the electrode surface.
The viscosities of ternary mixtures of R-12, R-22, and R-114 vapors were determined at ambient temperature and pressure within +-1% by using an oscillating disk viscometer. The empirical viscosity obtained by Wllke's equation compares very well with the experimental results obtained with this vlscometer. In the case of this ternary vapor mixture, as long as the molar fraction ratio of R-12 to R-114 Is maintained at approximately 2"' (=Inverse ratio of thelr molecular weights) the viscosity of the ternary mixture at ambient temperature and pressure remalns constant irrespective of the percentage of R-22 present in the mixture.
Organic-inorganic composite membranes comprising Nation with inorganic materials such as silica, mesoporous zirconium phosphate (MZP) and mesoporous titanium phosphate (MTP) are fabricated and evaluated as proton-exchange-membrane electrolytes for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). For Nation-silica composite membrane, silica is impregnated into Nation matrix as a sol by a novel water hydrolysis process precluding the external use of an acid. Instead, the acidic nature of Nation facilitates in situ polymerization reaction with Nation leading to a uniform composite membrane. The rapid hydrolysis and polymerization reaction while preparing zirconia and titania sols leads to uncontrolled thickness and volume reduction in the composite membranes, and hence is not conducive for casting membranes. Nafion-MZP and Nafion-MTP composite membranes are prepared by mixing pre-formed porous MZP and MTP with Nation matrix. MZP and MTP are synthesised by co-assembly of a tri-block co-polymer, namely pluronic-F127, as a structure-directing agent, and a mixture of zirconium butoxide/titanium isopropoxide and phosphorous trichloride as inorganic precursors. Methanol release kinetics is studied by volume-localized NMR spectroscopy (employing ``point resolved spectroscopy'', PRESS), the results clearly demonstrating that the incorporation of inorganic fillers in Nation retards the methanol release kinetics under osmotic drag. Appreciable proton conductivity with reduced methanol permeability across the composite membranes leads to improved performance of DMFCs in relation to commercially available Nafion-117 membrane.
This commentary was stimulated by Yeping Li's first editorial (2014) citing one of the journal's goals as adding multidisciplinary perspectives to current studies of single disciplines comprising the focus of other journals. In this commentary I argue for a greater focus on STEM integration, with a more equitable representation of the four disciplines in studies purporting to advance STEM learning. The STEM acronym is often used in reference to just one of the disciplines, commonly science. Although the integration of STEM disciplines is increasingly advocated in the literature, studies that address multiple disciplines appear scant with mixed findings and inadequate directions for STEM advancement. Perspectives on how discipline integration can be achieved are varied, with reference to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches adding to the debates. Such approaches include core concepts and skills being taught separately in each discipline but housed within a common theme; the introduction of closely linked concepts and skills from two or more disciplines with the aim of deepening understanding and skills; and the adoption of a transdisciplinary approach, where knowledge and skills from two or more disciplines are applied to real-world problems and projects with the aim of shaping the total learning experience. Research that targets STEM integration is an embryonic field with respect to advancing curriculum development and various student outcomes. For example, we still need more studies on how student learning outcomes arise not only from different forms of STEM integration but also from the particular disciplines that are being integrated. As noted in this commentary, it seems that mathematics learning benefits less than the other disciplines in programs claiming to focus on STEM integration. Factors contributing to this finding warrant more scrutiny. Likewise, learning outcomes for engineering within K-12 integrated STEM programs appear under-researched. This commentary advocates a greater focus on these two disciplines within integrated STEM education research. Drawing on recommendations from the literature, suggestions are offered for addressing the challenges of integrating multiple disciplines faced by the STEM community.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the non-Hodgkin lymphomas. As DLBCL is characterized by heterogeneous clinical and biological features, its prognosis varies. To date, the International Prognostic Index has been the strongest predictor of outcome for DLBCL patients. However, no biological characters of the disease are taken into account. Gene expression profiling studies have identified two major cell-of-origin phenotypes in DLBCL with different prognoses, the favourable germinal centre B-cell-like (GCB) and the unfavourable activated B-cell-like (ABC) phenotypes. However, results of the prognostic impact of the immunohistochemically defined GCB and non-GCB distinction are controversial. Furthermore, since the addition of the CD20 antibody rituximab to chemotherapy has been established as the standard treatment of DLBCL, all molecular markers need to be evaluated in the post-rituximab era. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL patients. The GCB and non-GCB phenotypes were defined according to the Hans algorithm (CD10, BCL6 and MUM1/IRF4) among 90 immunochemotherapy- and 104 chemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. In the chemotherapy group, we observed a significant difference in survival between GCB and non-GCB patients, with a good and a poor prognosis, respectively. However, in the rituximab group, no prognostic value of the GCB phenotype was observed. Likewise, among 29 high-risk de novo DLBCL patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, the survival of non-GCB patients was improved, but no difference in outcome was seen between GCB and non-GCB subgroups. Since the results suggested that the Hans algorithm was not applicable in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients, we aimed to further focus on algorithms based on ABC markers. We examined the modified activated B-cell-like algorithm based (MUM1/IRF4 and FOXP1), as well as a previously reported Muris algorithm (BCL2, CD10 and MUM1/IRF4) among 88 DLBCL patients uniformly treated with immunochemotherapy. Both algorithms distinguished the unfavourable ABC-like subgroup with a significantly inferior failure-free survival relative to the GCB-like DLBCL patients. Similarly, the results of the individual predictive molecular markers transcription factor FOXP1 and anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 have been inconsistent and should be assessed in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. The markers were evaluated in a cohort of 117 patients treated with rituximab and chemotherapy. FOXP1 expression could not distinguish between patients, with favourable and those with poor outcomes. In contrast, BCL2-negative DLBCL patients had significantly superior survival relative to BCL2-positive patients. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL has a prognostic impact in the immunochemotherapy era, when the identifying algorithms are based on ABC-associated markers. We also propose that BCL2 negativity is predictive of a favourable outcome. Further investigational efforts are, however, warranted to identify the molecular features of DLBCL that could enable individualized cancer therapy in routine patient care.
The mass spectrometry technique of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was used to quantify and compare the expression level of lactoferrin in tear films among control, prostate cancer (CaP), and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) groups. Tear samples from 14 men with CaP, 15 men with BPH, and 14 controls were analyzed in the study. Collected tears (2 μl) of each sample were digested with trypsin overnight at 37 °C without any pretreatment, and tear lactoferrin was quantified using a lactoferrin-specific peptide, VPSHAVVAR, both using natural/light and isotopic-labeled/heavy peptides with MRM. The average tear lactoferrin concentration was 1.01 ± 0.07 μg/μl in control samples, 0.96 ± 0.07 μg/μl in the BPH group, and 0.98 ± 0.07 μg/μl in the CaP group. Our study is the first to quantify tear proteins using a total of 43 individual (non-pooled) tear samples and showed that direct digestion of tear samples is suitable for MRM studies. The calculated average lactoferrin concentration in the control group matched that in the published range of human tear lactoferrin concentration measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Moreover, the lactoferrin was stably expressed across all of the samples, with no significant differences being observed among the control, BPH, and CaP groups.
Hybrid peptide segments containing contiguous alpha and gamma amino acid residues can form C-12 hydrogen bonded turns which may be considered as backbone expanded analogues of C-10 beta-turns) found in alpha alpha segments. Exploration of the regular hydrogen bonded conformations accessible for hybrid alpha gamma sequences is facilitated by the use of a stereochemically constrained gamma amino acid residue gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexaneacetic acid, Gpn), in which the two torsion angles about C-gamma-C-beta (theta(1)) and C-beta-C-alpha (theta(2)) are predominantly restricted to gauche conformations. The crystal structures of the octapeptides Boc-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-Gpn-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (2) reveal two distinct conformations for the Aib-Gpn segment. Peptide 1 forms a continuous helix over the Aib(2)-Aib(6) segment, while the peptide 2 forms beta-hairpin structure stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds with the Aib-Gpn segment forming a nonhelical C-12 turn. The robustness of the helix in peptide 1 in solution is demonstrated by NMR methods. Peptide 2 is conformationally fragile in solution with evidence of beta-hairpin conformations being obtained in methanol. Theoretical calculations permit delineation of the various C-12 hydrogen bonded structures which are energetically feasible in alpha gamma and gamma alpha sequences.
Copper(I) complexes with {Cu(μ2-S)N}4 and {Cu(μ3-S)N}12 core portions of butterfly-shaped or double wheel architectures have been isolated in the reaction of Cu(I) with the Schiff base ligand C6H4(CHNC6H4S)2, aiso-abtâ, under different conditions. View the MathML source containing the tetranuclear electroneutral complex View the MathML source is formed by the reaction of CuI in acetonitrilic solution and recrystallization from DMF, whereas View the MathML source containing dodecanuclear View the MathML source wheels is accessible starting from CuBF4. Complexes 2 and 4 represent the first examples of cyclic complexes with the same overall stoichiometry but different ring sizes. The ligand induces two different coordination environments around copper(I) by switching between μ2- and μ3-sulfur bridging modes.
The thermally driven Structural phase transition in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 has been investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This system consists of positively charged alkyl-amine chains anchored to a rigid negatively charged PbI4 sheet with the chains organized as bilayers with a herringbone arrangement. Atomistic simulations were performed using ail isothermal-isobaric ensemble over a wide temperature range from 65 to 665 K for different alkyl chain lengths, n = 12, 14, 16, and 18. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential Features of the experimental observations of this system, including the existence of a transition, the linear variation of the transition temperature with alkyl chain length, and the expansion of the bilayer thickness at the transition. By use of the distance fluctuation Criteria, it is Shown that the transition is associated With a Melting of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer. Ail analysis of the conformation of the alkyl chains shows increased disorder in the form of gauche defects above due melting transition. Simulations also show that the melting transition is characterized by the complete disappearance of all-trans alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer, in agreement with experimental observations. A conformationally disordered chain has a larger effective cross-sectional area, and above due transition a uniformly tilted arrangement of the anchored chains call no longer be Sustained. At the melt the angular distribution of the orientation of the chains are 110 longer uniform; the chains are splayed allowing for increased space for individual chains of the anchored bilayer. This is reflected in a sharp rise in the ratio of the mean head-to-head to tail-to-tail distance of the chains of the bilayer at the transition resulting in in expansion of the bilayer thickness. The present MD simulations provide a simple explanation as to how changes in conformation of individual alkyl-chains gives rise to the observed increase in the interlayer lattice spacing of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 at the melting transition.
Introduction: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) has high prevalence among adolescents and young adults. Evidence of any effective treatments is limited. Exercise as an effective treatment for adults has some support but studies in younger populations are lacking. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of brief motivational interviewing (MI) plus 12-weeks exercise training as a treatment for MDD in youth...