231 resultados para <4µm


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o estoque de raízes finas (<2mm) com uma variabilidade espacial e distribuídas horizontalmente em três cultivos de palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis), sendo dois em sistemas agroflorestais (SAF?s) e em um cultivo convencional. O estudo foi realizado no município de Tomé-Açu (PA), em área de agricultor familiar. As amostras foram coletadas entre 0 e 10 cm através de um trado com as dimensões de anel de 10 cm de profundidade e com um diâmetro de 5 cm, em diferentes locais e distâncias da planta. Os locais foram: entre saf?s, entre plantas e entre o carreador, e as distâncias foram: 0,6; 1,2; 2 e 4m. Em seguida, foram lavadas com água corrente sobre peneiras de 2 e 1 mm, nessa ordem, para retirada de partículas de solo e separadas nas classes de diâmetro: ≤2,0; 2,1-5,0 e 5,1-10,0. Depois foram secas em estufa (65 ºC, 48 h) e pesadas. Grande parte da biomassa de raízes, foi encontrada na primeira distância da planta, nas outras distâncias houve um decréscimo na biomassa de raízes, evidenciando uma distribuição horizontal decrescente.


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Reforestation will have important consequences for the global challenges of mitigating climate change, arresting habitat decline and ensuring food security. We examined field-scale trade-offs between carbon sequestration of tree plantings and biodiversity potential and loss of agricultural land. Extensive surveys of reforestation across temperate and tropical Australia (N=1491 plantings) were used to determine how planting width and species mix affect carbon sequestration during early development (< 15 year). Carbon accumulation per area increased significantly with decreasing planting width and with increasing proportion of eucalypts (the predominant over-storey genus). Highest biodiversity potential was achieved through block plantings (width>40m) with about 25% of planted individuals being eucalypts. Carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced in mixed-species plantings by establishing narrow belts (width<20m) with a high proportion (>75%) of eucalypts, and in monocultures of mallee eucalypt plantings by using the widest belts (ca. 6-20m). Impacts on agriculture were minimized by planting narrow belts (ca. 4m) of mallee eucalypt monocultures, which had the highest carbon sequestering efficiency. A plausible scenario where only 5% of highly-cleared areas (<30% native vegetation cover remaining) of temperate Australia are reforested showed substantial mitigation potential. Total carbon sequestration after 15 years was up to 25Mt CO2-e year-1 when carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced and 13Mt CO2-e year-1 if block plantings of highest biodiversity potential were established. Even when reforestation was restricted to marginal agricultural land (<$2000ha-1 land value, 28% of the land under agriculture in Australia), total mitigation potential after 15 years was 17-26Mt CO2-e year-1 using narrow belts of mallee plantings. This work provides guidance on land use to governments and planners. We show that the multiple benefits of young tree plantings can be balanced by manipulating planting width and species choice at establishment. In highly-cleared areas, such plantings can sequester substantial biomass carbon while improving biodiversity and causing negligible loss of agricultural land.


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.A novel electrochemical sensing platform was developed based on flower-like gold–zinc oxide core–shell nanoparticles and a graphene nanocomposite-modified glassy carbon electrode. The gold–zinc oxide core–shell nanoflowers were synthesized by seed growth and characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy. The modified electrode provided good electrocatalytic properties, rapid response, high stability, and favorable reproducibility for determination of ascorbic acid. The performance of the sensor included a linear dynamic range from 1.0 × 10−7 to 6.0 × 10−4 M, a limit of detection of 3.9 × 10−8 M, and a sensitivity of 24.12 µA/mM. The nanocomposite also provided excellent selectivity and lower potential for the oxidation of ascorbic acid. The sensor was used for the determination of ascorbic acid in tablets with satisfactory results. This device provides rapid, simple, and selective determination of ascorbic acid.


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Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments.


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A Amazônia se constitui enorme fonte de biodiversidade não utilizada pela humanidade. Um exemplo desta biodiversidade é o camucamuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) Mc Vaugh), que atualmente desperta grande interesse devido ao potencial de produção de frutos com alto teor de ácido ascórbico, quantidade esta que varia de 2 400 a 3 000 mg/100g de mesocarpo a ate 5 000 mg /100g de casca. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho vegetativo de 11 acessos coletados em populações naturais e cultivados em terra firme. Os acessos foram coletados no rio Solimões e plantados em Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Belém, Para, em Latossolo Amarelo textura média, delineamento em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas de cinco planta úteis e competitivas, plantadas em espaçamento de 4m x 4m, com bordadura simples nas extremidades. Foram avaliados dados de altura da planta, diâmetro do caule principal a 60 cm do solo, número de caules, comprimento e largura da folha e área foliar. Detectaram-se diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para diâmetro do caule e comprimento da folha, e altamente significativas (p<0,01) para número de caules, largura da folha e área foliar, indicando que estes são caracteres capazes de discriminar esses acessos. Os resultados demonstraram que é possível cultivar camucamuzeiro em terra firme e que o acesso Solimões 1012 apresentou melhor desempenho nas condições estudadas. Conclui-se que a população Solimões 1012 poderá ser utilizada quando da implantação de pomares de camucamuzeiro.


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El dia 20 de julio de 1988, en la tarde, se produjo una avalancha considerable en el rio Ciruelas, localizado en la ladera suroeste del volcán Barva, Heredia, Costa Rica, causando daños enormes en la población de San Bosco de Santa Bárbara.  El área afectada se dividió en tres grandes sectores, descritos a continuación: I.        SECTOR SUPERIOR (DESLIZAMIENTOS)Comprendido entre las cotas de 2.600m y 2.800 m, o sea cerca de la cima del Barva, caracterizado por desprendimientos de materiales poco consolidados (cenizas gruesas) con un ancho de aproximadamente 30m-40m y una profundidad de aproximadamente 4m-5m en casi todos los afluentes del rio Ciruelas. II.      SECTOR INTERMEDIO (TRANSITO)Comprendido entre las cotas de 2.600m y 1.600m, caracterizado por profundización erosiva del cauce en areas de materiales poco resistentes y por la ocurrencia de pequeños deslizamientos secundarios causados por la profundización del cauce. III.    SECTOR BAJO ( SEDIMENTACION)De 1.600m hasta 950m, caracterizado por la sedimentación en los primeros kilómetros de material grueso(bloques mayores de 2m). El pueblo de San Bosco esta situado sobre un abanico aluvial de materiales de eventos similares. En lo9s siguientes kilómetros se presenta la sedimentación de materiales mas finos.  La causa de esta desastre es únicamente la presencia de lluvias de alta intensidad provocadas por un frente de brisa, que en este dia ocurrieron en el sector I, provocando los deslizamientos y por ende las avalanchas de rocas y lodo que llegaron a los lugares mas bajos. Por estar el sector superior totalmente y el sector intermedio parcialmente en la selva virgen del Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo se puede excluir definitivamente algún impacto humano que haya causado la desestabilización de las laderas. Por los vestigios de eventos antiguos de este tipo( acumulaciones cerca de San Bosco) se puede derivar que estos fenómenos también ocurrieron en tiempos pasados , sin embargo, se estima la probabilidad de una repetición pronta como muy baja. SUMMARYA big avalanche  that occurred the 20 th of july in the afternoon in the (rio ciruelas) watershed situated on the sowthwestern slope of the Volcano Barva, Costa Rica, caused big losses in the village of San Bosco de Santa Barbarbara. Based on field observations we distinguished three sectors analysed below: I.                    SUPERIOR SECTOR (LAND SLIDES)Localed in altitude between 2.600m and 2.800m near the peak of the volcano, characterized by landslides of poorly consolidated ashes, with a  width of between 30m-40m and a depth of about 4m to 5m, found in nearly and all of the affluents of the (Rio Ciruelas). II.                  MEDIUM SECTOR (TRANSIT)Between 2.600m and 1.600m, characterized by deep erosion in area of materials of low resistivity and by secondary(small) landslides provoked by the destruction of the support. III.                LOWER SECTOR ( SEDIMENTATION)Between 1.600m and 950m, characterized by sedimentation, in the first kilometers of coarse material (sometimes<2m).The village of San Bosco was constructed exactly above the detrictic cone of anterior events. In the subsequent kilometers we found the sedimentation of fine materials. As the cause of this desastre we analysed high intensity rainfalls provoked by a local front in the zone of the firt sector, causing landslides and then avalanches in the lower part of the primary forest of the national park <<Braulio Carrillo>>.The sediments of older events(the San Bosco cone) prove that avalanches ocurr in this area with a certain frecuency, but with relatively long recurrence intervals.