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Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act was passed in 1988, making it illegal to refuse to rent or sell property to families because they have children. In 1992, the Iowa Civil Rights Act was amended to also prohibit discrimination against families with children.
Like most motorists, you want your trips to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. Things like having to wait at a railroad crossing while the train crosses, or having to slow for a rough railroad crossing may seem like an inconvenience. But, when you look at the overall picture, you will find there are many things that affect your trips: heavy traffic, including large trucks, on the interstates; congestion on urban freeways; a lot of pedestrian traffic at crosswalks; a bus stopped on the street while passengers are boarding or exiting; slow-moving farm equipment or bicyclists on a rural road; or any number of other disruptions. The reality is that Iowa’s transportation system is extremely complex. Iowa has many diverse transportation users and all types of vehicles traveling at differing speeds.
The most popular use of pumpkins may be for jack-o-lanterns and fall decorations but they have many more uses. When selecting a pumpkin for cooking, the best selection is a “pie pumpkin” or “sweet pumpkin.” These are smaller than the large jack-o-lantern pumpkins and the flesh is sweeter and less watery. You can substitute the jack-o-lantern variety with fairly good results. Pumpkin seeds can be used in tossed salads, casseroles, soups, and other baked goods, either ground or whole. Although roasted pumpkin seeds tend to be better-tasting, you'll receive higher nutritional value from the raw seeds. So decorate your place with a pumpkin and make something. This brochure produced by The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
People in all walks of life have dreams. Is your dream to fly? Some of the most frequently asked questions about learning to fly are listed below. While they will not answer all your questions, they will send you in the right direction - up.
Iowa agriculture depends on anhydrous ammonia as a low-cost form of nitrogen fertilizer on 61 percent of Iowa’s 12.4 million acres of corn. Now we find a threat to that source of nutrient—the theft of anhydrous ammonia for use in making a powerful, illegal narcotic called methamphetamine. Naturally, the fertilizer industry is outraged by the illegal and illicit use of our products. We want to play a role in preventing abuse in the future. By raising awareness, knowing how to respond and using the Meth Inhibitor, fertilizer dealers can assist law enforcement in combating this illicit use of a product important to Iowa farmers.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Credit Card Offers: What You Need to Know
Monthly news about the Iowans Fit for Life initiative for promoting physical activity and nutrition.
Monthly news about the Iowans Fit for Life initiative for promoting physical activity and nutrition.