348 resultados para upgrade
The Italian radio telescopes currently undergo a major upgrade period in response to the growing demand for deep radio observations, such as surveys on large sky areas or observations of vast samples of compact radio sources. The optimised employment of the Italian antennas, at first constructed mainly for VLBI activities and provided with a control system (FS – Field System) not tailored to single-dish observations, required important modifications in particular of the guiding software and data acquisition system. The production of a completely new control system called ESCS (Enhanced Single-dish Control System) for the Medicina dish started in 2007, in synergy with the software development for the forthcoming Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). The aim is to produce a system optimised for single-dish observations in continuum, spectrometry and polarimetry. ESCS is also planned to be installed at the Noto site. A substantial part of this thesis work consisted in designing and developing subsystems within ESCS, in order to provide this software with tools to carry out large maps, spanning from the implementation of On-The-Fly fast scans (following both conventional and innovative observing strategies) to the production of single-dish standard output files and the realisation of tools for the quick-look of the acquired data. The test period coincided with the commissioning phase for two devices temporarily installed – while waiting for the SRT to be completed – on the Medicina antenna: a 18-26 GHz 7-feed receiver and the 14-channel analogue backend developed for its use. It is worth stressing that it is the only K-band multi-feed receiver at present available worldwide. The commissioning of the overall hardware/software system constituted a considerable section of the thesis work. Tests were led in order to verify the system stability and its capabilities, down to sensitivity levels which had never been reached in Medicina using the previous observing techniques and hardware devices. The aim was also to assess the scientific potential of the multi-feed receiver for the production of wide maps, exploiting its temporary availability on a mid-sized antenna. Dishes like the 32-m antennas at Medicina and Noto, in fact, offer the best conditions for large-area surveys, especially at high frequencies, as they provide a suited compromise between sufficiently large beam sizes to cover quickly large areas of the sky (typical of small-sized telescopes) and sensitivity (typical of large-sized telescopes). The KNoWS (K-band Northern Wide Survey) project is aimed at the realisation of a full-northern-sky survey at 21 GHz; its pilot observations, performed using the new ESCS tools and a peculiar observing strategy, constituted an ideal test-bed for ESCS itself and for the multi-feed/backend system. The KNoWS group, which I am part of, supported the commissioning activities also providing map-making and source-extraction tools, in order to complete the necessary data reduction pipeline and assess the general system scientific capabilities. The K-band observations, which were carried out in several sessions along the December 2008-March 2010 period, were accompanied by the realisation of a 5 GHz test survey during the summertime, which is not suitable for high-frequency observations. This activity was conceived in order to check the new analogue backend separately from the multi-feed receiver, and to simultaneously produce original scientific data (the 6-cm Medicina Survey, 6MS, a polar cap survey to complete PMN-GB6 and provide an all-sky coverage at 5 GHz).
The upgrade of the CERN accelerator complex has been planned in order to further increase the LHC performances in exploring new physics frontiers. One of the main limitations to the upgrade is represented by the collective instabilities. These are intensity dependent phenomena triggered by electromagnetic fields excited by the interaction of the beam with its surrounding. These fields are represented via wake fields in time domain or impedances in frequency domain. Impedances are usually studied assuming ultrarelativistic bunches while we mainly explored low and medium energy regimes in the LHC injector chain. In a non-ultrarelativistic framework we carried out a complete study of the impedance structure of the PSB which accelerates proton bunches up to 1.4 GeV. We measured the imaginary part of the impedance which creates betatron tune shift. We introduced a parabolic bunch model which together with dedicated measurements allowed us to point to the resistive wall impedance as the source of one of the main PSB instability. These results are particularly useful for the design of efficient transverse instability dampers. We developed a macroparticle code to study the effect of the space charge on intensity dependent instabilities. Carrying out the analysis of the bunch modes we proved that the damping effects caused by the space charge, which has been modelled with semi-analytical method and using symplectic high order schemes, can increase the bunch intensity threshold. Numerical libraries have been also developed in order to study, via numerical simulations of the bunches, the impedance of the whole CERN accelerator complex. On a different note, the experiment CNGS at CERN, requires high-intensity beams. We calculated the interpolating Hamiltonian of the beam for highly non-linear lattices. These calculations provide the ground for theoretical and numerical studies aiming to improve the CNGS beam extraction from the PS to the SPS.
Negli ultimi anni si sente sempre più spesso parlare di cloud computing. L'idea di fondo di questo concetto è quella di pagare per il solo effettivo utilizzo di un servizio, disponibile sulla rete, avendo a disposizione la possibilità di poter variare le proprie risorse utilizzabili a seconda delle necessità, che potrebbero essere, per esempio, applicazioni standard oppure spazi di storage per i dati. Quando cominciò a diffondersi l'utilizzo del Web, la rete Internet veniva raffigurata come una nuvola (cloud) in modo tale che si rendesse l'idea di un'entità esterna rispetto alla nostra casa o al nostro posto di lavoro, un qualcosa cioè al di fuori dei luoghi abituali in cui vengono utilizzati i PC. Tale rappresentazione diventa ora utile per poter spiegare il concetto di cloud computing. Infatti, grazie a questa nuova tecnologia, dati e programmi normalmente presenti nei nostri computer potranno ora trovarsi sul cloud. Molti reparti IT sono costretti a dedicare una parte significativa del loro tempo a progetti di implementazione, manutenzione e upgrade che spesso non danno un vero valore per l'azienda. I team di sviluppo hanno cominciato quindi a rivolgersi a questa nuova tecnologia emergente per poter minimizzare il tempo dedicato ad attività a basso valore aggiunto per potersi concentrare su quelle attività strategiche che possono fare la differenza per un'azienda. Infatti un'infrastruttura come quella cloud computing promette risparmi nei costi amministrativi che raggiungono addirittura il 50% rispetto ad un software standard di tipo client/server. Questa nuova tecnologia sta dando inizio ad un cambiamento epocale nel mondo dello sviluppo delle applicazioni. Il passaggio che si sta effettuando verso le nuove soluzioni cloud computing consente infatti di creare applicazioni solide in tempi decisamente più brevi e con costi assai inferiori, evitando inoltre tutte le seccature associate a server, soluzioni software singole, aggiornamenti, senza contare il personale necessario a gestire tutto questo. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di mostrare una panoramica della progettazione e dello sviluppo di applicazioni Web nel cloud computing, analizzandone pregi e difetti in relazione alle soluzioni software attuali. Nel primo capitolo viene mostrato un quadro generale in riferimento al cloud, mettendo in luce le sue caratteristiche fondamentali, esaminando la sua architettura e valutando vantaggi e svantaggi di tale piattaforma. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la nuova metodologia di progettazione nel cloud, operando prima di tutto un confronto con lo sviluppo dei software standard e analizzando poi l'impatto che il cloud computing opera sulla progettazione. Nel terzo capitolo si entra nel merito della progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS, specificandone le caratteristiche comuni ed elencando le piattaforme di rilievo allo stato dell'arte. Si entrerà inoltre nel merito della piattaforma Windows Azure. Nel quarto capitolo viene analizzato nel particolare lo sviluppo di applicazioni SaaS Multi-Tenant, specificando livelli e caratteristiche, fino a spiegare le architetture metadata-driven. Nel quinto capitolo viene operato un confronto tra due possibili approcci di sviluppo di un software cloud, analizzando nello specifico le loro differenze a livello di requisiti non funzionali. Nel sesto capitolo, infine, viene effettuata una panoramica dei costi di progettazione di un'applicazione cloud.
Proper hazard identification has become progressively more difficult to achieve, as witnessed by several major accidents that took place in Europe, such as the Ammonium Nitrate explosion at Toulouse (2001) and the vapour cloud explosion at Buncefield (2005), whose accident scenarios were not considered by their site safety case. Furthermore, the rapid renewal in the industrial technology has brought about the need to upgrade hazard identification methodologies. Accident scenarios of emerging technologies, which are not still properly identified, may remain unidentified until they take place for the first time. The consideration of atypical scenarios deviating from normal expectations of unwanted events or worst case reference scenarios is thus extremely challenging. A specific method named Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) was developed as a complementary tool to bow-tie identification techniques. The main aim of the methodology is to provide an easier but comprehensive hazard identification of the industrial process analysed, by systematizing information from early signals of risk related to past events, near misses and inherent studies. DyPASI was validated on the two examples of new and emerging technologies: Liquefied Natural Gas regasification and Carbon Capture and Storage. The study broadened the knowledge on the related emerging risks and, at the same time, demonstrated that DyPASI is a valuable tool to obtain a complete and updated overview of potential hazards. Moreover, in order to tackle underlying accident causes of atypical events, three methods for the development of early warning indicators were assessed: the Resilience-based Early Warning Indicator (REWI) method, the Dual Assurance method and the Emerging Risk Key Performance Indicator method. REWI was found to be the most complementary and effective of the three, demonstrating that its synergy with DyPASI would be an adequate strategy to improve hazard identification methodologies towards the capture of atypical accident scenarios.
Upgrade of biomass to valuable chemicals is a central topic in modern research due to the high availability and low price of this feedstock. For the difficulties in biomass treatment, different pathways are still under investigation. A promising way is in the photodegradation, because it can lead to greener transformation processes with the use of solar light as a renewable resource. The aim of my work was the research of a photocatalyst for the hydrolysis of cellobiose under visible irradiation. Cellobiose was selected because it is a model molecule for biomass depolymerisation studies. Different titania crystalline structures were studied to find the most active phase. Furthermore, to enhance the absorption of this semiconductor in the visible range, noble metal nanoparticles were immobilized on titania. Gold and silver were chosen because they present a Surface Plasmon Resonance band and they are active metals in several photocatalytic reactions. The immobilized catalysts were synthesized following different methods to optimize the synthetic steps and to achieve better performances. For the same purpose the alloying effect between gold and silver nanoparticles was examined.
Il lavoro di questa tesi riguarda principalmente la progettazione, simulazione e test di laboratorio di tre versioni successive di schede VME, chiamate Read Out Driver (ROD), che sono state fabbricate per l'upgrade del 2014 dell'esperimento ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) al CERN. IBL è un nuovo layer che diverrà parte del Pixel Detector di ATLAS. Questa tesi si compone di una panoramica descrittiva dell'esperimento ATLAS in generale per poi concentrarsi sulla descrizione del layer specifico IBL. Inoltre tratta in dettaglio aspetti fisici e tecnici: specifiche di progetto, percorso realizzativo delle schede e test conseguenti. Le schede sono state dapprima prodotte in due prototipi per testare le prestazioni del sistema. Queste sono state fabbricate al fine di valutare le caratteristiche e prestazioni complessive del sistema di readout. Un secondo lotto di produzione, composto di cinque schede, è stato orientato alla correzione fine delle criticità emerse dai test del primo lotto. Un'indagine fine e approfondita del sistema ha messo a punto le schede per la fabbricazione di un terzo lotto di altre cinque schede. Attualmente la produzione è finita e complessivamente sono state realizzate 20 schede definitive che sono in fase di test. La produzione sarà validata prossimamente e le 20 schede verranno consegnate al CERN per essere inserite nel sistema di acquisizione dati del rivelatore. Al momento, il Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia dell'Università di Bologna è coinvolto in un esperimento a pixel solamente attravers IBL descritto in questa tesi. In conclusione, il lavoro di tesi è stato prevalentemente focalizzato sui test delle schede e sul progetto del firmware necessario per la calibrazione e per la presa dati del rivelatore.
The seismic behaviour of one-storey asymmetric structures has been studied since 1970s by a number of researches studies which identified the coupled nature of the translational-to-torsional response of those class of systems leading to severe displacement magnifications at the perimeter frames and therefore to significant increase of local peak seismic demand to the structural elements with respect to those of equivalent not-eccentric systems (Kan and Chopra 1987). These studies identified the fundamental parameters (such as the fundamental period TL normalized eccentricity e and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio Ωϑ) governing the torsional behavior of in-plan asymmetric structures and trends of behavior. It has been clearly recognized that asymmetric structures characterized by Ωϑ >1, referred to as torsionally-stiff systems, behave quite different form structures with Ωϑ <1, referred to as torsionally-flexible systems. Previous research works by some of the authors proposed a simple closed-form estimation of the maximum torsional response of one-storey elastic systems (Trombetti et al. 2005 and Palermo et al. 2010) leading to the so called “Alpha-method” for the evaluation of the displacement magnification factors at the corner sides. The present paper provides an upgrade of the “Alpha Method” removing the assumption of linear elastic response of the system. The main objective is to evaluate how the excursion of the structural elements in the inelastic field (due to the reaching of yield strength) affects the displacement demand of one-storey in-plan asymmetric structures. The system proposed by Chopra and Goel in 2007, which is claimed to be able to capture the main features of the non-linear response of in-plan asymmetric system, is used to perform a large parametric analysis varying all the fundamental parameters of the system, including the inelastic demand by varying the force reduction factor from 2 to 5. Magnification factors for different force reduction factor are proposed and comparisons with the results obtained from linear analysis are provided.
The aim of this thesis, included within the THESEUS project, is the development of a mathematical model 2DV two-phase, based on the existing code IH-2VOF developed by the University of Cantabria, able to represent together the overtopping phenomenon and the sediment transport. Several numerical simulations were carried out in order to analyze the flow characteristics on a dike crest. The results show that the seaward/landward slope does not affect the evolution of the flow depth and velocity over the dike crest whereas the most important parameter is the relative submergence. Wave heights decrease and flow velocities increase while waves travel over the crest. In particular, by increasing the submergence, the wave height decay and the increase of the velocity are less marked. Besides, an appropriate curve able to fit the variation of the wave height/velocity over the dike crest were found. Both for the wave height and for the wave velocity different fitting coefficients were determined on the basis of the submergence and of the significant wave height. An equation describing the trend of the dimensionless coefficient c_h for the wave height was derived. These conclusions could be taken into consideration for the design criteria and the upgrade of the structures. In the second part of the thesis, new equations for the representation of the sediment transport in the IH-2VOF model were introduced in order to represent beach erosion while waves run-up and overtop the sea banks during storms. The new model allows to calculate sediment fluxes in the water column together with the sediment concentration. Moreover it is possible to model the bed profile evolution. Different tests were performed under low-intensity regular waves with an homogeneous layer of sand on the bottom of a channel in order to analyze the erosion-deposition patterns and verify the model results.
L'elaborato affronta in primo luogo la progettazione e il design CAD del sistema di misura impedenziometrico ad alta risoluzione. La seconda parte tratta un'upgrade del software per implementare una funzione di risparmio energetico.
In the context of increasing beam energy and luminosity of the LHC accelerator at CERN, it will be important to accurately measure the Machine Induced Background. A new monitoring system will be installed in the CMS cavern for measuring the beam background at high radius. This detector, called the Beam Halo Monitor, will provide an online, bunch-by-bunch measurement of background induced by beam halo interactions, separately for each beam. The detector is composed of synthetic quartz Cherenkov radiators, coupled to fast UV sensitive photomultiplier tubes. The directional and fast response of the system allows the discrimination of the background particles from the dominant flux in the cavern induced by pp collision debris, produced within the 25 ns bunch spacing. The readout electronics of this detector will make use of many components developed for the upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter electronics, with a dedicated firmware and readout adapted to the beam monitoring requirements. The PMT signal will be digitized by a charge integrating ASIC, providing both the signal rise time and the charge integrated over one bunch crossing. The backend electronics will record bunch-by-bunch histograms, which will be published to CMS and the LHC using the newly designed CMS beam instrumentation specific DAQ. A calibration and monitoring system has been designed to generate triggered pulses of UV light to monitor the efficiency of the system. The experimental results validating the design of the detector, the calibration system and the electronics will be presented.
The upgrade of the Mainz Mikrotron (MAMI) electron accelerator facility in 2007 which raised the beam energy up to 1.5,GeV, gives the opportunity to study strangeness production channels through electromagnetic process. The Kaon Spectrometer (KAOS) managed by the A1 Collaboration, enables the efficient detection of the kaons associated with strangeness electroproduction. Used as a single arm spectrometer, it can be combined with the existing high-resolution spectrometers for exclusive measurements in the kinematic domain accessible to them.rnrnFor studying hypernuclear production in the ^A Z(e,e'K^+) _Lambda ^A(Z-1) reaction, the detection of electrons at very forward angles is needed. Therefore, the use of KAOS as a double-arm spectrometer for detection of kaons and the electrons at the same time is mandatory. Thus, the electron arm should be provided with a new detector package, with high counting rate capability and high granularity for a good spatial resolution. To this end, a new state-of-the-art scintillating fiber hodoscope has been developed as an electron detector.rnrnThe hodoscope is made of two planes with a total of 18432 scintillating double-clad fibers of 0.83 mm diameter. Each plane is formed by 72 modules. Each module is formed from a 60deg slanted multi-layer bundle, where 4 fibers of a tilted column are connected to a common read out. The read-out is made with 32 channels of linear array multianode photomultipliers. Signal processing makes use of newly developed double-threshold discriminators. The discriminated signal is sent in parallel to dead-time free time-to-digital modules and to logic modules for triggering purposes.rnrnTwo fiber modules were tested with a carbon beam at GSI, showing a time resolution of 220 ps (FWHM) and a position residual of 270 microm m (FWHM) with a detection efficiency epsilon>99%.rnrnThe characterization of the spectrometer arm has been achieved through simulations calculating the transfer matrix of track parameters from the fiber detector focal plane to the primary vertex. This transfer matrix has been calculated to first order using beam transport optics and has been checked by quasielastic scattering off a carbon target, where the full kinematics is determined by measuring the recoil proton momentum. The reconstruction accuracy for the emission parameters at the quasielastic vertex was found to be on the order of 0.3 % in first test realized.rnrnThe design, construction process, commissioning, testing and characterization of the fiber hodoscope are presented in this work which has been developed at the Institut für Kernphysik of the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Erweiterung und Optimierung eines Diodenlasersystems zur hochauflösenden Resonanzionisationsmassenspektrometrie beschrieben. Ein doppelinterferometrisches Frequenzkontrollsystem, welches Absolutstabilisierung auf ca. 1 MHz sowie sekundenschnelle Frequenzverstimmungen um mehrere GHz für bis zu drei Laser parallel ermöglicht, wurde optimiert. Dieses Lasersystem dient zwei wesentlichen Anwendungen. Ein Aspekt waren umfangreiche spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Uranisotopen mit dem Ziel der präzisen und eindeutigen Bestimmung von Energielagen, Gesamtdrehimpulsen, Hyperfeinkonstanten und Isotopieverschiebungen sowie die Entwicklung eines effizienten, mit kommerziellen Diodenlasern betreibbaren Anregungsschemas. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit des Lasermassenspektrometers für die Ultraspurenanalyse des Isotops 236U, welches als Neutronendosimeter und Tracer für radioaktive anthropogene Kontaminationen in der Umwelt verwendet wird, optimiert und charakterisiert. Anhand von synthetischen Proben wurde eine Isotopenselektivität von 236U/238U=4,5(1,5)∙10-9 demonstriert.
The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Centre for Particle Physics, CERN, rely on efficient and reliable trigger systems for singling out interesting events. This thesis documents two online timing monitoring tools for the central trigger of the ATLAS experiment as well as the adaption of the central trigger simulation as part of the upgrade for the second LHC run. Moreover, a search for candidates for so-called Dark Matter, for which there is ample cosmological evidence, is presented. This search for generic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) is based on the roughly 20/fb of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass-energy of sqrt{s}=8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector in 2012. The considered signature are events with a highly energetic jet and large missing transverse energy. No significant deviation from the theory prediction is observed. Exclusion limits are derived on parameters of different signal models and compared to the results of other experiments. Finally, the results of a simulation study on the potential of the analysis at sqrt{s}=14 TeV are presented.
Con questo lavoro di tesi si affrontano i primi accorgimenti sperimentali necessari alla realizzazione di un esperimento di ottica quantistica. L'attività svolta consiste nell'ottimizzazione dei parametri di un PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) che mantiene due laser agganciati in frequenza, e nella misura del rumore di fase presente nell'aggancio. Questa stabilizzazione costituisce il primo passo per la generazione di luce squeezed, associata a particolari stati del campo elettromagnetico. Grazie a quest'ultima, è possibile migliorare la sensibilità raggiungibile in esperimenti di interferometria di precisione, quali ad esempio quelli per la ricerca di onde gravitazionali. L'iniezione di luce squeezed costituirà infatti parte del prossimo upgrade dell'interferometro di Virgo.
Nei prossimi anni sia il Large Hadron Collider al CERN che i relativi esperimenti saranno oggetto di programmi di upgrade. Per i rivelatori una delle motivazioni dell’upgrade è l’invecchiamento che inevitabilmente ne peggiorerebbe le prestazioni in mancanza di interventi. Si sono studiati gli effetti dell’invecchiamentO del rivelatore di muoni a grande angolo di CMS sulla ricostruzione di eventi H→ 4μ: un canale centrale nel programma futuro di fisica delle alte energie e la cui identificazione è affidata essenzialmente al rivelatore di muoni. Benchè la ridondanza, insita nel progetto del rivelatore, riduca l’impatto dell’inefficienza locale sui risultati finali, si è osservato dalla simulazione che, mentre il 30% di hit persi si traduce nella perdita dell’8% di eventi H→4μ, il 30% di camere non funzionanti causa un perdita di eventi che può arrivare al 27%. Poichè la disattivazione di un’intera camera può essere l’effetto del danneggiamento dell’elettronica di lettura, la quale è attualmente situata nella caverna sperimentale ed esposta quindi alle radiazioni, questi risultati potrebbero indicare la necessità di prevedere nel programma di upgrade la sostituzione dell’elettronica con nuovi dispositivi da collocarsi fuori della caverna, al riparo dalle radiazioni.