1000 resultados para traitement paralinguistique
We here summarize five articles bringing new advances in our knowledge on neuropathic pain and put them into perspective with our current understanding. The first uses a mechanism-based approach with a capsaicin test to stratify patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy before starting a topical clonidine treatment. The second reviews disinhibition as a critical mechanism and a promising target for chronic pain. The third evokes neuroglial interactions and its implication regarding the interplay between injuries in childhood and hypersensitivity in adulthood. The last articles remind us that interventional therapies, not always very invasive, have a future potential in the therapy of frequent conditions such as head pain disorders.
The crucial role of the sympathetic nervous system activity in the initiation and maintenance of hypertension was already in mind in the 1920s when surgical options were proposed to severely hypertensive patients. Despite constant evolution of pharmacological treatments, one estimates that 15-30% of hypertensive patients are still not well controlled and present resistant hypertension. The development of a new endovascular catheter used for selective sympathetic renal denervation by radiofrequency offers new perspectives of treatment. Encouraged by the recent results of the first clinical trials in a targeted population, this procedure could be used in some more indications in the future. However, long term morbidity and mortality of this technique are still not known.
Ano-rectal incontinence is known to affect about 2% of the population. Main risk factors are traumatic delivery and previous anal surgery. All patients should have a trial of conservative treatment. Patients with major external anal sphincter defect have a 70 to 80% improvement of their symptoms after an overlap sphincter repair Unfortunately, these results deteriorate over time. Sacral nerve modulation improves continence and quality of life in 75 to 100% of patients with various aetiologies. In case of idiopathic internal sphincter degeneration, sphincter augmentation with bulking agents seems to be the least expensive option.
INTRODUCTION: Disulfiram has been used since the late 1940s to treat chronic alcoholism. This drug interferes with alcohol metabolism resulting in an acetaldehyde increase. This causes painful symptoms, encouraging abstinence. Side effects include rare cases of bilateral optic neuropathies. Visual recovery occurs frequently upon cessation of therapy. METHOD AND OBSERVATION: We retrospectively studied patients referred for visual loss while treated with disulfiram between 1987 and 2005. Fourteen patients (three females, 11 males; aged 35-62 years) complained of visual loss, but a toxic, disulfiram-related, optic neuropathy was diagnosed in only five patients. Following cessation of disulfiram therapy, visual acuity and field improved in all five patients. DISCUSSION: and conclusion: When disulfiram toxicity is suspected with optic neuropathy, cessation of treatment is mandatory. Visual prognosis is good in the majority of cases, as illustrated by our series. Disulfiram toxicity can be diagnosed only after excluding all other possible causes of visual loss.
L'énurésie nocturne est une affection commune qui touche jusqu'à 20% des enfants de 5 ans. Cette prévalence diminue ensuite rapidement pour atteindre 7% à l'âge de 7 ans et pas plus de 2% à l'âge adulte. Quoique bénigne, elle est souvent source de stigmatisation sociale et peut affecter à la fois l'estime de soi et les relations avec les pairs. Les interventions de type comportemental (ICS) sont fréquentes et constituent souvent le premier choix des parents et de l'enfant. Une controverse persiste toutefois quant à leur efficacité. Le but de la mise à jour de cette revue est d'évaluer l'efficacité d'interventions comportementales simples (ICS : restriction hydrique, lever, réveil, récompenses, exercices de rétention), entre elles et par rapport à d'autres traitements.
Les surdités cochléaires brusques et les déficits vestibulaire brusque idiopathiques constituent l'un des sujets les plus débattus en otologie. Ces deux pathologies naisse d'altération du labyrinthe de l'oreille interne, dont l'étiologie exacte reste aujourd'hui méconnue. Plusieurs hypothèses ont cependant été formulées. Parmi les plus discutées, on retient celle d'une atteinte virale, celle d'une altération de la vascularisation cochléaire ou encore celle d'une affection autoimmune.¦La méconnaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques et l'importance clinique d'un traitement efficace contribuent à multiplier les études, malheureusement celles-ci manquent souvent de rigueur pour être exploitées. Ainsi plus de 1700 publication sur le sujet sont disponibles dans la littérature médicale. Malgré cette abondance , la pertinence du traitement médicamenteux reste controversée.¦Il s'est donc agit ici de faire une revue de la littérature, afin de tenter d'établir l'efficacité éventuelle des traitements selon les critères de l'Evidence-Based-Medecine (EBM). Etant donné le nombre de publications, nous nous sommes limités aux méta-analyses et aux revues systématisées.¦Nous avons sélectionné trois méta-analyses et quatre revues de littérature pour notre recherche. Elles évaluaient l'efficacité des traitements médicamenteux suivants ; corticostéroïdes, antithrombotique, vasodilatateurs, agents hémodiluants, antiviraux, anesthésiques locaux. Aucun de ceux-ci n'a démontré de preuves suffisantes, aussi bien pour les surdités brusques que pour les déficits vestibulaires brusques. Aussi, une abstention médicamenteuse se justifie à ce jour. Par contre, parmi les thérapies non médicamenteuses, la réhabilitation vestibulaire est conseillée après déficit vestibulaire brusque et se détache des autres prises en charge par son efficacité et sa sûreté.¦Notons que ces résultats se base sur un niveau de preuve faible. De nouvelles études cliniques sont indispensables. Nous avons tenté d'élaborer quelques pistes pour celles à venir, afin qu'elles soient utilisables dans un second temps par des méta-analyses. Cela permettrait une amélioration du niveau de preuve actuel.
Inhaled therapies are preferred to systemic ones during pregnancy and breast feeding. A real paradox exists however between the necessity to ensure an optimal treatment for pregnant women with asthma, in order to prevent fetal hypoxia, and the precaution linked to any drug prescription during pregnancy. Thus, the use of topical corticosteroids remains the first choice for asthma as well as rhinitis. Inhaled beta2-agonists are also recommended. Systemic corticosteroids may however be prescribed without hesitation when their use is required for asthma treatment. It is also interesting to note that oral second-generation antihistamines are currently allowed during pregnancy and breast feeding. This type of antihistamines is indeed to be preferred to first-generation ones that generate more side-effects and generally are thus not to be prescribed during breast feeding.
Intraarterial procedures such as chemoembolization and radioembolization aim for the palliative treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (stage BCLC B and C with tumoral portal thrombosis). The combination of hepatic intraarterial chemotherapy and systemic chemotherapy can increase the probability of curing colorectal cancer with hepatic metastases not immediately accessible to surgical treatment or percutaneous ablation.
Captopril, or SQ 14,225 an orally active inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, produced a significant blood pressure reduction in 26 hypertensives. This new drug, alone or combined with a diuretic, has normalized the blood pressure of the 22 patients on long-term treatment.