886 resultados para the process of becoming an entrepreneur


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Following an abortion in a beef herd in the summer of 2009, three outbreaks of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) were diagnosed in the cantons of Jura and Neuchatel. An epidemiological outbreak investigation was conducted with the aims to identify the source of introduction of the bovine herpes virus 1 (BoHV-1) into the affected herds and to prevent further spread of the disease. The attack rates in the three outbreak farms were 0.89, 0.28 and 0, respectively. BoHV-1 could be isolated from nasal swabs of two animals originating from one of the affected farms. Comparative restriction enzyme analysis revealed slight differences between the isolates of the two animals, but a high similarity to previous BoHV-1 isolates from the canton of Jura, as well as to a French BoHV-1 isolate. This IBR outbreak has shown the importance of reporting and analyzing abortions. The current disease outbreaks recall the main risk factors for the spread of IBR in Switzerland: purchase and movement of bovines and semen of often unknown IBR status.


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Using an epistemological and feminist lens, this thesis analyzes the political and social forces that actively construct both knowledge and ignorance around female sexual pleasure. It draws from interviews and a focus group, all conducted at Bucknell Unviersity to explore the journeys that women take to gain knowledge about sexual pleasure, and how the sources and cultural mores that women in the twenty-first century rely on or go up against in order to gain such knowledge are often limited, unauthorized or phallocentric. This aids in the construction and perpetuation of ignorance. This thesis looks at how women feel shame or enact self-censorship, regardless of their assertion of knowledge concerning their sexual appetites, which results in consequential ambivalence. For this reason, it concludes that more informed and educational conversations between peers, parents and partners need to take place. These conversations will help to ignite change and to raise awareness about the knowledge and ignorance surrounding female sexual pleasure, which would allow for more pleasurable experiences to take place generally and with a brief over view on Bucknell's campus specifically.


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Membership of the European Union U is usually seen as a strategic goal of the associated states of central and eastern Europe. At the beginning of the 1990s central European countries, where the economic and political transformation was relatively advanced, received preferential treatment from the European Community, which was starting to evolve a policy of differentiation. Podraza studied the strategies of four central European countries towards changes under way in the European Union, analysing several aspects for each case: (1) the process of political transformation (2) decision-making structures in the field of foreign policy and European integration (3) integration strategies: (a) main foreign policy priorities (b) application for membership of the European Union (c) the Commission option on each country (d) accession partnership, including a National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA) (e) regular Commission reports (f) accession negotiations


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In many deposits of silver ores the grade of the ore de­creases considerably a few hundred feet below the surface. It is believed that in many cases the better ores owe their richness in part to the process of sulphide enrichment. It is recognized, however, that many rich silver ores are hypogene deposits that have been affected very little, if any, by processes of enrichment.


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A general theory of violence may only be possible in the sense of a meta-theoretical framework, As such it should comprise a parsimonious set of general mechanisms that operate across various manifestations of violence. In order to identify such mechanisms, a general theory of violence needs to equally consider all manifestations of violence, in all societies, and at all times. Departing from this assumption this paper argues that three theoretical approaches may be combined in a non-contradictory way to understand violence as goal-directed instrumental behaviour: a theory of the judgment and decision-making processes operating in the situations that give rise to violence; a theory of the evolutionary processes that have resulted in universal cognitive and emotional mechanisms associated with violence; and a theory of the way in which social institutions structure violence by selectively enhancing its effectiveness for some purposes (i.e legitimate use of force) and controlling other types of violence (i.e crime). To illustrate the potential use of such a perspective the paper then examines some general mechanisms that may explain many different types of violence. In particular, it examines how the mechanisms of moralistic aggression (Trivers) and moral disengagement (Bandura) may account for many different types of violence.


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Vibrations, Posture, and the Stabilization of Gaze: An Experimental Study on Impedance Control R. KREDEL, A. GRIMM & E.-J. HOSSNER University of Bern, Switzerland Introduction Franklin and Wolpert (2011) identify impedance control, i.e., the competence to resist changes in position, velocity or acceleration caused by environmental disturbances, as one of five computational mechanisms which allow for skilled and fluent sen-sorimotor behavior. Accordingly, impedance control is of particular interest in situa-tions in which the motor task exhibits unpredictable components as it is the case in downhill biking or downhill skiing. In an experimental study, the question is asked whether impedance control, beyond its benefits for motor control, also helps to stabi-lize gaze what, in turn, may be essential for maintaining other control mechanisms (e.g., the internal modeling of future states) in an optimal range. Method In a 3x2x4 within-subject ANOVA design, 72 participants conducted three tests on visual acuity and contrast (Landolt / Grating and Vernier) in two different postures (standing vs. squat) on a platform vibrating at four different frequencies (ZEPTOR; 0 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 12 Hz; no random noise; constant amplitude) in a counterbalanced or-der with 1-minute breaks in-between. In addition, perceived exertion (Borg) was rated by participants after each condition. Results For Landolt and Grating, significant main effects for posture and frequency are re-vealed, representing lower acuity/contrast thresholds for standing and for higher fre-quencies in general, as well as a significant interaction (p < .05), standing for in-creasing posture differences with increasing frequencies. Overall, performance could be maintained at the 0 Hz/standing level up to a frequency of 8 Hz, if bending of the knees was allowed. The fact that this result is not only due to exertion is proved by the Borg ratings showing significant main effects only, i.e., higher exertion scores for standing and for higher frequencies, but no significant interaction (p > .40). The same pattern, although not significant, is revealed for the Vernier test. Discussion Apparently, postures improving impedance control not only turn out to help to resist disturbances but also assist in stabilizing gaze in spite of these perturbations. Con-sequently, studying the interaction of these control mechanisms in complex unpre-dictable environments seems to be a fruitful field of research for the future. References Franklin, D. W., & Wolpert, D. M. (2011). Computational mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Neuron, 72, 425-442.


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It is well established that the therapeutic relationship contributes about as much to therapy outcome as 'technical' intervention. Furthermore, it follows clear prescriptive concepts in the same manner as technical interventions do. 'Motive Oriented Therapeutic Relationship' is such a concept for establishing a solid basis for whatever therapeutic work the patients' problems require (Grawe, 1980, 1992; Caspar, 1996). Yet, the therapeutic relationship doesn't explain everything because other factors play a significant role too. Previous studies showed that outcome is clearly better when therapists achieved a generally high quality of a therapeutic relationship when they did not shy away from possibly threatening interventions such as confrontations. This ratio of a fruitful alliance and marginally present confrontations in the same session also showed significant correlations with patient's assessment of alliance and progress in therapy (Figlioli et al., 2009).Aim: The current state of research in the field does not give any answers to questions like how good and bad confrontations can be characterized or what role does the intensity, respectively frequency of confrontations play in the process of psychotherapy. Methods: A sample of 80 therapies of 3 sessions each representing either good or bad outcome was judged moment by moment by independent raters if and how therapists used confrontative interventions. Results: Preliminary analyses show that successful confrontations are explicitly uttered, short but intense, related to important patients goals in therapy and embedded in prior complementarity. Discussion: The results will be discussed in terms of their implications for the clinical daily work.


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It is well established that the therapeutic relationship contributes about as much to therapy outcome as ‘technical’ intervention. Furthermore, it follows clear prescriptive concepts in the same manner as technical interventions do. ‘Motive Oriented Therapeutic Relationship’ is such a concept for establishing a solid basis for whatever therapeutic work the patients’ problems require (Grawe, 1980, 1992; Caspar, 1996). Yet, the therapeutic relationship doesn’t explain everything because other factors play a significant role too. Previous studies showed that outcome is clearly better when therapists achieved a generally high quality of a therapeutic relationship when they did not shy away from possibly threatening interventions such as confrontations. This ratio of a fruitful alliance and marginally present confrontations in the same session also showed significant correlations with patient’s assessment of alliance and progress in therapy (Figlioli et al., 2009). These findings are also very much in line with Sachse’s metaphor of accumulating, but then also using ‘relationship credits’ and Farrelly’s ‘Provocative Therapy’ (1986), as well as the ‘Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy’ by Davanloo (1980).Aim: The current state of research in the field does not give any answers to questions like how good and bad confrontations can be characterized or what role does the intensity, respectively frequency of confrontations play in the process of psychotherapy.Methods: A sample of 80 therapies of 3 sessions each representing either good or bad outcome was judged moment by moment by independent raters if and how therapists used confrontative interventions. Results / Discussion: The results will be discussed in terms of their implications for the clinical daily work. Preliminary analyses show that successful confrontations are explicitly uttered, short but intense, related to important patients goals in therapy and embedded in prior complementarity.


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by Isidor Blum. With special contrib. by William Rosenau ...


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A Review of the 15th KUCES Lecture on Korean Culture entitled "Life as a Travel, Life as a Traum: Koreans' Way of Living in This Troubled World" presented by Professor Han Kyung-koo on November 20 [1999]