264 resultados para tegu lizard
The evolution of elongated body shapes in vertebrates has intrigued biologists for decades and is particularly recurrent among squamates. Several aspects might explain how the environment influences the evolution of body elongation, but climate needs to be incorporated in this scenario to evaluate how it contributes to morphological evolution. Climatic parameters include temperature and precipitation, two variables that likely influence environmental characteristics, including soil texture and substrate coverage, which may define the selective pressures acting during the evolution of morphology. Due to development of geographic information system (GIS) techniques, these variables can now be included in evolutionary biology studies and were used in the present study to test for associations between variation in body shape and climate in the tropical lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. We first investigated how the morphological traits that define body shape are correlated in these lizards and then tested for associations between a descriptor of body elongation and climate. Our analyses revealed that the evolution of body elongation in Gymnophthalmidae involved concomitant changes in different morphological traits: trunk elongation was coupled with limb shortening and a reduction in body diameter, and the gradual variation along this axis was illustrated by less-elongated morphologies exhibiting shorter trunks and longer limbs. The variation identified in Gymnophthalmidae body shape was associated with climate, with the species from more arid environments usually being more elongated. Aridity is associated with high temperatures and low precipitation, which affect additional environmental features, including the habitat structure. This feature may influence the evolution of body shape because contrasting environments likely impose distinct demands for organismal performance in several activities, such as locomotion and thermoregulation. The present study establishes a connection between morphology and a broader natural component, climate, and introduces new questions about the spatial distribution of morphological variation among squamates.
The development of the cartilaginous and bony elements that form the skull and axial and appendicular skeleton is described in detail for the post-ovipositional embryonic development of the fossorial gymnophthalmid species Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus and Nothobachia ablephara. Both species have a snake-like morphology, showing an elongated body and reduced or absent limbs, as well as modifications in skull bones for burrowing, such as complex articulation surfaces and development of bony extensions that enclose and protect the brain. Similar morphological changes have originated independently in several squamate groups, including the one that led to the snake radiation. This study characterizes the patterns of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, with special emphasis on the features associated with the burrowing habit, and may be used for future comparative analyses of the developmental patterns involved in the origin of the convergent serpentiform morphologies. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The evolutionary history of the lizard family Gymnophthalmidae is characterized by several independent events of morphological modifications to a snake-like body plan, such as limb reduction, body elongation, loss of external ear openings, and modifications in skull bones, as adaptive responses to a burrowing and fossorial lifestyle. The origins of such morphological modifications from an ancestral lizard-like condition can be traced back to evolutionary changes in the developmental processes that coordinate the building of the organism. Thus, the characterization of the embryonic development of gymnophthalmid lizards is an essential step because it lays the foundation for future studies aiming to understand the exact nature of these changes and the developmental mechanisms that could have been responsible for the evolution of a serpentiform (snake-like) from a lacertiform (lizard-like) body form. Here we describe the post-ovipositional embryonic development of the fossorial species Nothobachia ablephara and Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus, presenting a detailed staging system for each one, with special focus on the development of the reduced limbs, and comparing their development to that of other lizard species. The data provided by the staging series are essential for future experimental studies addressing the genetic basis of the evolutionary and developmental variation of the Gymnophthalmidae. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Recent studies predict that several lineages of tropical animals are at particular risk given current estimates of global climate change. Yet, much uncertainty exists on the effects of climate shifts in ectothermic species from cool temperate regions such as Patagonia. In this study, we focus on the impact of environmental temperature on growth, age at sexual maturity, and life-span of the Patagonian gecko Homonota darwini. Skeletochronological methods were used to assess the bone growth rates Of individuals from three populations at different geographic and temporal scales: two populations from Chubut (warm site; 1941 and 2010) and one population from Rio Negro (cold site; 1997-1998). Populations displayed similar bone arrangement and the growth patterns fit a von Bertalanffy curve. Three populations attained reproductive size at a minimum age of 3 yr, but at the cold site two specimens were shown to mature in 4 yr. We found no differences in juvenile growth rates in body size or bone zone width between juveniles of 1 to 3 yr of age from the 1941 warm site and the 2010 warm site. However, these traits appeared to be higher at these two warm sites than at the cold site, which is consistent with the climatic differences among the three localities. Our results suggest that higher temperatures positively affect growth, denoting that global warming might benefit H. darwini, especially the southern populations.
Dietary data from a large sample of woodcreepers (16 spp., n?=?139), revealed that six species of dendrocolaptids occasionally feed upon lizards and frogs. These birds, which are mainly insectivorous, encounter and feed on lizards while perching on tree trunks, probably in association with army-ant swarm feeding behaviour. Frog intake may be related to declines in the abundance of invertebrate prey. The bones recovered were identified as one small species of gecko, Gonatodes humeralis, and at least one anuran. We estimate that in the entire sample, about eight lizards and two frogs were ingested. The partially digested gecko material allows determination of which bones are more resistant to digestion, although it is possible that these elements were differentially retained in the stomach. These elements correspond to the more frequently preserved bones in the fossil record of geckos, indicating that the same portions of the skeleton persist under the processes of both digestion and fossilization.
Tropiduridae (Squamata: Iguania) is a lizard taxon widely distributed in the neotropics. Among its representatives, some species are classified as generalists regarding habitat usage. Others exhibit a very restricted and probably relict distribution, and are strongly associated with predominantly sandy and dry habitats. Within this rather ecologically similar than phylogenetically closely related group we examined specimens of Eurolophosaurus amathites, E. divaricatus, Tropidurus hygomi, T. psammonastes for endoparasites. In all four species examined we recorded parasitic nematodes (Nemathelminthes: Nematoda). At least three nematode species were recovered: Parapharyngodon sp., Physaloptera lutzi and Strongyluris oscari, with Ph. lutzi being the most abundant parasite encountered in all lizard species examined. In spite of the hosts' habitat specialization, these parasites are also found frequently in non-psammophilous tropidurid species as well as in other squamates. Individual species richness per lizard was low, with usually just one species parasitizing at a time. These are the first parasites registered for these tropidurids and constitute a total of six new host records.
Reflecting their exceptional radiation, snakes occur in different habitats and microhabitats and are able to eat numerous types of prey. The availability of good and comprehensive phylogenies for different snake’s lineages together with natural history data provides an opportunity to explore how ecological traits diversified during their radiation. In the present study, we describe the diet and microhabitat variation (arboreal or non-arboreal) in the tribe Pseudoboini and explore how these traits evolved during the tribe’s diversification. We analyzed specimens deposited in scientific collections and gathered information on diet and microhabitat use available in the literature and provided by other researchers. We also mapped diet and microhabitat data onto a phylogeny of the tribe using the principle of parsimony. Pseudoboine snakes feed mainly on lizards and small mammals, and of the 22 species for which a minimum number of prey records was obtained, nine are diet generalists, six are lizard specialists, three are small mammal specialists, two are snake specialists, one is a lizard egg specialist, and one is a bird egg specialist. The highly diverse feeding habits of pseudoboines seem to have evolved mainly in the terminal taxa. Among those species that had enough microhabitat data (17 species), Drepanoides anomalus, Siphlophis cervinus, S. compressus, and S. pulcher frequently use the vegetation. Our results indicate that an increase in arboreality evolved several times during the diversification of the tribe, and that the Siphlophis clade seems to have maintained the high degree of arboreality from its ancestor. Species that frequently use vegetation are either lizard or lizard egg specialists, indicating that these habits might be associated in the evolution of pseudoboines.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die räumliche und zeitliche Dynamik einer strukturierten Population der Westlichen Smaragdeidechse (DAUDIN, 1802) im Mittelrheintal zwischen 1997 und 2000 untersucht. Dazu wurden die Teilaspekte der Hibernation, der Thermoregulation und der Raumnutzung der Art analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Hibernation deuten auf eine hohe Relevanz dieses Jahresabschnitts für die Art in Bezug auf die Verbreitung in Südexponierten Steilhanglagen am Nordrand ihrer Verbreitung hin. Die Hibernationsstandorte unterscheiden sich im Mikroklimaprofil von Trockenmauern und Sommerlöchern. Die Standorte der Hibernation liegen in Zonen höchster Insolation im Untersuchungsgebiet. Die Analyse der Thermoregulation zeigte geschlechtsspezifische und saisonale Unterschiede, die mit den unterschiedlichen Jahresaktivitätszyklen erklärt werden können. Die Weibchen zeigen eine engere Bindung an die klimatischen Entwicklungen von Mirkohabitatstrukturen als die Männchen, was mit endogenen Faktoren zusammenhängen könnte. Die Parallelen und Unterschiede zu anderen Arten werden diskutiert. In der Raumnutzung zeigen sich auch Unterschiede zwischen Männchen und Weibchen, die auch mit den unterschiedlichen Jahresaktivitätszyklen erklärt werden können. Im Frühjahr und im Herbst zeigt die Art eine Bindung an Standorte hoher Insolation im Untersuchungsgebiet, im Sommer dagegen keine. In der Gesamtbetrachtung werden die Ergebnisse in Bezug auf das Verbreitungsbild der Art, Schutzaspekte und Schlüsselfaktoren der Habitatqualität diskutiert.
Mineral compositions of the plagioclase-bearing ultramafic tectonites dredged and cored seaward of the continental slope of the Galicia margin (Leg 103, Site 637) were compared to mineral compositions from onshore low-pressure ultramafic bodies (southeastern Ronda, western Pyrenees, and Lizard Point), on the basis of standardized (30-s counting time) probe analyses. The comparison was extended to some plagioclase-free harzburgites related to ophiolites (Santa Elena in Costa Rica, north Oman, and the Humboldt body in New Caledonia) on the basis of new analytical data and data from the literature. The behavior of Cr, Na, Al, Mg, Fe, Ni, and Ti in olivine, pyroxenes, and spinel was examined in order to distinguish between the effects of partial melting and mineral facies change, from the spinel to plagioclase stability fields. The peridotite from the Galicia margin appears slightly depleted in major incompatible elements and experienced a minor partial melting. However, it experienced large scale but heterogeneous recrystallization in the plagioclase field. These features are very similar to those observed in Ronda, whereas in the western Pyrenees the minerals exemplify a very minor partial-melting event (or none at all) and have retained compositions corresponding to those of the relatively high-pressure Seiland sub facies. The minerals from the Lizard Point peridotite have characteristics (low Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio; high Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio in spinel) more related to cumulate from a differentiated tholeiitic melt than related to ophiolitic tectonite. Diffusion profiles of Al and Cr across pyroxenes and spinel show that recrystallization features occurred at different speeds or temperatures in the different bodies. The pyroxenes from Ronda would have experienced recrystallization about 14 times faster than the peridotite from the Galicia margin. The western Pyrenean lherzolites also experienced rapid recrystallization; nevertheless, because they are of a different mineral facies, the data are not directly comparable to that from Ronda and Galicia. The harzburgite at Santa Elena as well as a xenolith from alkali basalt exemplify rapid cooling characterized by very weak re-equilibration. Recrystallization speed is related to emplacement speed in the present geological environment. The slow-rising Galicia margin peridotite was emplaced by thinning of the lithospheric subcontinental mantle near an incipient mid-oceanic ridge. The fast-rising peridotites from Ronda and the western Pyrenees were hot diapirs emplaced from the asthenosphere along transcurrent faults, possibly related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
Predicted future CO2 levels can affect reproduction, growth, and behaviour of many marine organisms. However, the capacity of species to adapt to predicted changes in ocean chemistry is largely unknown. We used a unique field-based experiment to test for differential survival associated with variation in CO2 tolerance in a wild population of coral-reef fishes. Juvenile damselfish exhibited variation in their response to elevated (700 µatm) CO2 when tested in the laboratory and this influenced their behaviour and risk of mortality in the wild. Individuals that were sensitive to elevated CO2 were more active and move further from shelter in natural coral reef habitat and, as a result, mortality from predation was significantly higher compared with individuals from the same treatment that were tolerant of elevated CO2. If individual variation in CO2 tolerance is heritable, this selection of phenotypes tolerant to elevated CO2 could potentially help mitigate the effects of ocean acidification.
A densely sampled, diverse new fauna from the uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, indicates that the basic pattern of faunal composition for the Late Cretaceous of North America was already established by the Albian-Cenomanian boundary. Multiple, concordant 40Ar/39Ar determinations from a volcanic ash associated with the fauna have an average age of 98.39 ± 0.07 million years. The fauna of the Cedar Mountain Formation records the first global appearance of hadrosaurid dinosaurs, advanced lizard (e.g., Helodermatidae), and mammal (e.g., Marsupialia) groups, and the first North American appearance of other taxa such as tyrannosaurids, pachycephalosaurs, and snakes. Although the origin of many groups is unclear, combined biostratigraphic and phylogenetic evidence suggests an Old World, specifically Asian, origin for some of the taxa, an hypothesis that is consistent with existing evidence from tectonics and marine invertebrates. Large-bodied herbivores are mainly represented by low-level browsers, ornithopod dinosaurs, whose radiations have been hypothesized to be related to the initial diversification of angiosperm plants. Diversity at the largest body sizes (>106 g) is low, in contrast to both preceding and succeeding faunas; sauropods, which underwent demise in the Northern hemisphere coincident with the radiation of angiosperms, apparently went temporarily unreplaced by other megaherbivores. Morphologic and taxonomic diversity among small, omnivorous mammals, multituberculates, is also low. A later apparent increase in diversity occurred during the Campanian, coincident with the appearance of major fruit types among angiosperms, suggesting the possibility of adaptive response to new resources.
Intracellular calcium ions are involved in many forms of cellular function. To accommodate so many control functions, a complex spatiotemporal organization of calcium signaling has developed. In both excitable and nonexcitable cells, calcium signaling was found to fluctuate. Sudden localized increases in the intracellular calcium concentration—or calcium sparks—were found in heart, striated and smooth muscle, Xenopus Laevis oocytes, and HeLa and P12 cells. In the nervous system, intracellular calcium ions were found important in key processes such as transmitter release, repetitive firing, and gene expression. Hence, we examined whether calcium sparks also exist in neurons. Using confocal laser-scanning microscopy and fluorescent probes, we found that calcium sparks exist in two types of neuronal preparations: the presynaptic boutons of the lizard neuromuscular junction and rat hippocampal neurons in cell culture. Control experiments exclude the possibility that these calcium sparks originate from instrumental or biological artifacts. Calcium sparks seem to be just the tip of the iceberg of a more general phenomenon of intracellular calcium “noise.” We speculate that calcium sparks and calcium noise may be of key importance in calcium signaling in the nervous system.
The high sensitivity and sharp frequency discrimination of hearing depend on mechanical amplification in the cochlea. To explore the basis of this active process, we examined the pharmacological sensitivity of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) in a lizard, the Tokay gecko. In a quiet environment, each ear produced a complex but stable pattern of emissions. These SOAEs were reversibly modulated by drugs that affect mammalian otoacoustic emissions, the salicylates and the aminoglycoside antibiotics. The effect of a single i.p. injection of sodium salicylate depended on the initial power of the emissions: ears with strong control SOAEs displayed suppression at all frequencies, whereas those with weak control emissions showed enhancement. Repeated oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid reduced all emissions. Single i.p. doses of gentamicin or kanamycin suppressed SOAEs below 2.6 kHz, while modulating those above 2.6 kHz in either of two ways. For ears whose emission power at 2.6–5.2 kHz encompassed more than half of the total, individual emissions displayed facilitation as great as 35-fold. For the remaining ears, emissions dropped to as little as one-sixth of their initial values. The similarity of the responses of reptilian and mammalian cochleas to pharmacological intervention provides further evidence for a common mechanism of cochlear amplification.
We have shown previously by Southern blot analysis that Bov-B long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) are present in different Viperidae snake species. To address the question as to whether Bov-B LINEs really have been transmitted horizontally between vertebrate classes, the analysis has been extended to a larger number of vertebrate, invertebrate, and plant species. In this paper, the evolutionary origin of Bov-B LINEs is shown unequivocally to be in Squamata. The previously proposed horizontal transfer of Bov-B LINEs in vertebrates has been confirmed by their discontinuous phylogenetic distribution in Squamata (Serpentes and two lizard infra-orders) as well as in Ruminantia, by the high level of nucleotide identity, and by their phylogenetic relationships. The horizontal transfer of Bov-B LINEs from Squamata to the ancestor of Ruminantia is evident from the genetic distances and discontinuous phylogenetic distribution. The ancestor of Colubroidea snakes is a possible donor of Bov-B LINEs to Ruminantia. The timing of horizontal transfer has been estimated from the distribution of Bov-B LINEs in Ruminantia and the fossil data of Ruminantia to be 40–50 My ago. The phylogenetic relationships of Bov-B LINEs from the various Squamata species agrees with that of the species phylogeny, suggesting that Bov-B LINEs have been maintained stably by vertical transmission since the origin of Squamata in the Mesozoic era.
Vertebrate sensory hair cells achieve high sensitivity and frequency selectivity by adding self-generated mechanical energy to low-level signals. This allows them to detect signals that are smaller than thermal molecular motion and to achieve significant resonance amplitudes and frequency selectivity despite the viscosity of the surrounding fluid. In nonmammals, a great deal of in vitro evidence indicates that the active process responsible for this amplification is intimately associated with the hair cells' transduction channels in the stereovillar bundle. Here, we provide in vivo evidence of hair-cell bundle involvement in active processes. Electrical stimulation of the inner ear of a lizard at frequencies typical for this hearing organ induced low-level otoacoustic emissions that could be modulated by low-frequency sound. The unique modulation pattern permitted the tracing of the active process involved to the stereovillar bundles of the sensory hair cells. This supports the notion that, in nonmammals, the cochlear amplifier in the hair cells is driven by a bundle motor system.