895 resultados para system performance evaluation
The impact of design of sharp non-uniform fiber Bragg gratings on system performance was presented. The evolution of the Q-value of the worst channel against the propagation distance was shown. The results suggested that to apply approximated flat-dispersion gratings as inline filters in a periodic system, some post-compensation was included to account for the extra dispersion introduced by the gratings.
A transmission performance investigation using ultra-long Raman fibre laser based amplification with different co-pump power is presented. We attribute Q2 factor degradation to RIN of co-pump and induced fibre laser as well as increased SBS.
The main aim of this research is to demonstrate strategic supplier performance evaluation of a UK-based manufacturing organisation using an integrated analytical framework. Developing long term relationship with strategic suppliers is common in today's industry. However, monitoring suppliers' performance all through the contractual period is important in order to ensure overall supply chain performance. Therefore, client organisations need to measure suppliers' performance dynamically and inform them on improvement measures. Although there are many studies introducing innovative supplier performance evaluation frameworks and empirical researches on identifying criteria for supplier evaluation, little has been reported on detailed application of strategic supplier performance evaluation and its implication on overall performance of organisation. Additionally, majority of the prior studies emphasise on lagging factors (quality, delivery schedule and value/cost) for supplier selection and evaluation. This research proposes both leading (organisational practices, risk management, environmental and social practices) and lagging factors for supplier evaluation and demonstrates a systematic method for identifying those factors with the involvement of relevant stakeholders and process mapping. The contribution of this article is a real-life case-based action research utilising an integrated analytical model that combines quality function deployment and the analytic hierarchy process method for suppliers' performance evaluation. The effectiveness of the method has been demonstrated through number of validations (e.g. focus group, business results, and statistical analysis). Additionally, the study reveals that enhanced supplier performance results positive impact on operational and business performance of client organisation.
One of the major drawbacks for mobile nodes in wireless networks is power management. Our goal is to evaluate the performance power control scheme to be used to reduce network congestion, improve quality of service and collision avoidance in vehicular network and road safety application. Some of the importance of power control (PC) are improving spatial reuse, and increasing network capacity in mobile wireless communications. In this simulation we have evaluated the performance of existing rate algorithms compared with context Aware Rate selection algorithm (ACARS) and also seen the performance of ACARS and how it can be applied to road safety, improve network control and power management. Result shows that ACARS is able to minimize the total transmit power in the presence of propagation processes and mobility of vehicles, by adapting to the fast varying channels conditions with the Path loss exponent values that was used for that environment which is shown in the network simulation parameter. Our results have shown that ACARS is a very robust algorithm which performs very well with the effect of propagation processes that is prone to every transmitted signal in mobile networks. © 2013 IEEE.
Integration of renewable energy with desalination technologies has emerged as an attractive solution to augment fresh water supply sustainably. Fouling and scaling are still considered as limiting factors in membrane desalination processes. For brackish water treatment, pre-treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) feed water is a key step in designing RO plants avoiding membrane fouling. This study aims to compare at pilot scale the rejection efficiency of RO membranes with multiple pre-treatment options at different water recoveries (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) and TDS concentrations (3500, 4000, and 4500mg/L). Synthetic brackish water was prepared and performance evaluation were carried out using brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) membranes (Filmtec LC-LE-4040 and Hydranautics CPA5-LD-4040) preceded by 5 and 1μm cartridge filters, 0.02μm ultra-filtration (UF) membrane, and forward osmosis (FO) membrane using 0.25M NaCl and MgCl2 as draw solutions (DS). It was revealed that FO membrane with 0.25M MgCl2 used as a draw solution (DS) and Ultra-filtration (UF) membrane followed by Filmtec membrane gave overall 98% rejection but UF facing high fouling potential due to high applied pressure. Use of 5 and 1μm cartridge filter prior to Filmtec membrane also showed effective results with 95% salt rejection.
A környezeti teljesítmény mérésére számtalan módszer létezik. A cikk a környezeti teljesítményértékelési eszközök útvesztőjében kínál némi eligazítást azáltal, hogy hat, a gyakorlatban is többé-kevésbé használt módszert mutat be és értékel. A szerző kísérletet tesz a bemutatott módszerek összehasonlítására is aszerint, hogy kitérnek-e a környezeti és a vállalati teljesítmény kapcsolatának vizsgálatára, illetve a környezeti teljesítményt kellően átfogóan vizsgálják-e. Nagyító alá kerül az a kérdés is, hogy vajon a teljesítményértékelési módszerek alapján jól teljesítő vállalatok valóban tekinthetők-e fenntarthatónak. ________ There are numerous methods existing for evaluating corporate environmental performance. The article offers some guidance in this labyrinth by introducing and evaluating six, in practice also used methods. The author makes an attempt to compare the different methods, whether they cover the relationship between environmental and company performance, and whether they analyse different components of environmental performance comprehensively enough. The question is also covered, whether companies with excellent performance based on the methods analysed can really be regarded as sustainable companies.
A sportszervezetek, sportvállalkozások esetében is kulcsfontosságú a teljesítménymérés. Annak ellenére, hogy a teljesítménymérés sok esetben elsősorban a sportteljesítményre koncentrál, egyre többen foglalkoznak az üzleti teljesítménymérés relevanciájával is. A nyugati társadalmakban a szűkös erőforrások és a növekvő társadalmi kontroll igénye erősíti ezt a folyamatot. A szakirodalom ezen a téren még viszonylag szűk körű. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy egy olyan szakirodalmi áttekintést adjon, ami elindíthatja a jelenlegi és potenciális jövőbeli vezetők gondolkodását az üzleti teljesítménymérés fontosságának irányába. A tanulmány először áttekinti a pénzügyi teljesítménymérés lehetőségeit, foglalkozik a költségfelosztás problémakörével, kiemelt szerepet szán a stratégiai gondolkodás és a több szempontú megközelítés érvényesítésének. Részletesen összehasonlítja a sportszervezeteknél javasolt kiegyensúlyozott stratégiai mutatószámrendszer (BSC) adaptációkat. A tanulmány kiinduló pontot jelenthet nemcsak a szakirodalom feldolgozásához, de a gyakorlati megvalósításhoz is. _____ Performance measurement is crucial in sports associations. Although sports performance is in the spotlight, more and more researchers and experts deal with the business perspective of performance evaluation. This trend is strengthened by the scarcity of resources and a rising demand for social control in Western societies. The literature in this field is relatively limited. The aim of this study is to provide a literature review, which can motivate experts and managers to shift towards business thinking, and realize the importance of business performance evaluation. The study presents the opportunities of financial performance measurement, deals with the issues of cost allocation, and focuses on the role of strategic thinking and multi-dimension approach. Finally it compares the proposed balanced scorecard adaptations for sports associations. The study can be a starting point for literature review as well as for practical implementation.
Signal processing techniques for mitigating intra-channel and inter-channel fiber nonlinearities are reviewed. More detailed descriptions of three specific examples highlight the diversity of the electronic and optical approaches that have been investigated.
Shape-based registration methods frequently encounters in the domains of computer vision, image processing and medical imaging. The registration problem is to find an optimal transformation/mapping between sets of rigid or nonrigid objects and to automatically solve for correspondences. In this paper we present a comparison of two different probabilistic methods, the entropy and the growing neural gas network (GNG), as general feature-based registration algorithms. Using entropy shape modelling is performed by connecting the point sets with the highest probability of curvature information, while with GNG the points sets are connected using nearest-neighbour relationships derived from competitive hebbian learning. In order to compare performances we use different levels of shape deformation starting with a simple shape 2D MRI brain ventricles and moving to more complicated shapes like hands. Results both quantitatively and qualitatively are given for both sets.
Approximately half of the houses in Northern Ireland were built before any form of minimum thermal specification or energy efficiency standard was enforced. Furthermore, 44% of households are categorised as being in fuel poverty; spending more than 10% of the household income to heat the house to bring it to an acceptable level of thermal comfort. To bring existing housing stock up to an acceptable standard, retrofitting for improving the energy efficiency is essential and it is also necessary to study the effectiveness of such improvements in future climate scenarios. This paper presents the results from a year-long performance monitoring of two houses that have undergone retrofits to improve energy efficiency. Using wireless sensor technology internal temperature, humidity, external weather, household gas and electricity usage were monitored for a year. Simulations using IES-VE dynamic building modelling software were calibrated using the monitoring data to ASHARE Guideline 14 standards. The energy performance and the internal environment of the houses were then assessed for current and future climate scenarios and the results show that there is a need for a holistic balanced strategy for retrofitting.
Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS-1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.
We investigate whether Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) managers actively manipulate performance measures in spite of the strict regulation under the REIT regime. We provide empirical evidence that is consistent with this hypothesis. Specifically, manipulation strategies may rely on the opportunistic use of leverage. However, manipulation does not appear to be uniform across REIT sectors and seems to become more common as the level of competition in the underlying property sector increases. We employ a set of commonly used traditional performance measures and a recently developed manipulation-proof measure (MPPM, Goetzmann, Ingersoll, Spiegel, and Welch (2007)) to evaluate the performance of 147 REITs from seven different property sectors over the period 1991-2009. Our findings suggest that the existing REIT regulation may fail to mitigate a substantial agency conflict and that investors can benefit from evaluating return information carefully in order to avoid potentially manipulative funds.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) contracted the Technology & Social Change group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington to conduct a performance evaluation of the Namibia Regional Study and Resource Centers (RSRC) Activity. This evaluation has been designed to serve the needs of two major stakeholders, MCC and the Namibia Library and Archives Service (NLAS). The evaluation comprises a set of quantitative and qualitative data collection efforts divided into two categories: Component 1 and Component 2. This report presents the findings for Component 1 only, focusing on evaluating the RSRC planning and implementation activities leading up to the end of the MCA-Namibia Compact in September 2014.
Com o aumento constante de procura de recursos naturais por parte dos vários setores da sociedade é urgente encontrar soluções para reduzir o seu consumo sem se travar a expansão demográfica que se tem vindo a sentir nos grandes centros urbanos. É através da implementação de medidas de sustentabilidade e pelo aumento da eficiência de utilização desses recursos que se tem vindo a combater esta tendência cada vez maior de consumismo global, sendo isto apenas possível com a implementação de ferramentas tecnológicas avançadas que permitem estabelecer limites ao considerado eficiente e premiando, em termos financeiros e de imagem de marketing, as entidades que o alcancem. O LEED é um sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade voluntário de edifícios residenciais e comerciais que estabelece métricas de comparação de parâmetros indicadores de consumos energéticos, hídricos e de materiais em todo o ciclo de vida do edifício e que tem vindo a ganhar destaque em crescendo a nível mundial. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo comparar a performance de consumo energético no âmbito do sistema LEED com a do sistema de certificação energética de edifícios nacional (SCE) de um grande edifício de serviços, estabelecendo um paralelismo de semelhanças e diferenças entre os dois e de avaliar os efeitos de potenciais medidas de eficiência energética e seus efeitos nas classificações de mérito obtidas em cada sistema. Os resultados obtidos na simulação que permitiu avaliar a performance foi muito satisfatório, tendo sido aproveitado pela empresa para efeitos de certificação LEED do edifício em estudo.
Malicious users try to compromise systems using new techniques. One of the recent techniques used by the attacker is to perform complex distributed attacks such as denial of service and to obtain sensitive data such as password information. These compromised machines are said to be infected with malicious software termed a “bot”. In this paper, we investigate the correlation of behavioural attributes such as keylogging and packet flooding behaviour to detect the existence of a single bot on a compromised machine by applying (1) Spearman’s rank correlation (SRC) algorithm and (2) the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA). We also compare the output results generated from these two methods to the detection of a single bot. The results show that the DCA has a better performance in detecting malicious activities.