972 resultados para swd: High Dynamic Range


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A linearly tunable low-voltage CMOS transconductor featuring a new adaptative-bias mechanism that considerably improves the stability of the processed-signal common,mode voltage over the tuning range, critical for very-low voltage applications, is introduced. It embeds a feedback loop that holds input devices on triode region while boosting the output resistance. Analysis of the integrator frequency response gives an insight into the location of secondary poles and zeros as function of design parameters. A third-order low-pass Cauer filter employing the proposed transconductor was designed and integrated on a 0.8-mum n-well CMOS standard process. For a 1.8-V supply, filter characterization revealed f(p) = 0.93 MHz, f(s) = 1.82 MHz, A(min) = 44.08, dB, and A(max) = 0.64 dB at nominal tuning. Mined by a de voltage V-TUNE, the filter bandwidth was linearly adjusted at a rate of 11.48 kHz/mV over nearly one frequency decade. A maximum 13-mV deviation on the common-mode voltage at the filter output was measured over the interval 25 mV less than or equal to V-TUNE less than or equal to 200 mV. For V-out = 300 mV(pp) and V-TUNE = 100 mV, THD was -55.4 dB. Noise spectral density was 0.84 muV/Hz(1/2) @1 kHz and S/N = 41 dB @ V-out = 300 mV(pp) and 1-MHz bandwidth. Idle power consumption was 1.73 mW @V-TUNE = 100 mV. A tradeoff between dynamic range, bandwidth, power consumption, and chip area has then been achieved.


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A CMOS audio-equalizer based on a parallel-array of 2nd-order bandpass-sections is presented and realized with triode transconductors. It has a programmable 12db-boost/cut on each of its three decade-bands, easily achieved through the linear dependence of gm on VDS. In accordance with a 0.8μm n-well double-metal fabrication process, a range of simulations supports theoretical analysis and circuit performance at different boost/cut scenarios. For VDD=3.3V, fullboosting stand-by prover consumption is 1.05mW. THD=-42.61dB@1Vpp and may be improved by balanced structures. Thermal- and I/f-noise spectral densities are 3.2μV/Hz12 and 18.2μV/Hz12@20Hz, respectively, for a dynamic range of 52.3dB@1Vpp. The equalizer effective area is 2.4mm2. The drawback of the existing transmission-zero due to the feedthrough-capacitance of a triode input-device is also addressed. The proposed topology can be extended to the design of more complex graphic-equalizers and hearing-aids.


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A new topology for a LVLP variable-gain CMOS amplifier is presented. Input- and load-stage are built around triode-transconductors so that voltage-gain is fully defined by a linear relationship involving only device-geometries and biases. Excellent gain-accuracy, temperature-insensitivity; and wide range of programmability, are thus achieved. Moreover, adaptative biasing improves the common-mode voltage stability upon gain-adjusting. As an example, a 0-40dB programmablegain audio-amplifier is designed. Its performance is supported by a range of simulations. For VDD=1.8V and 20dB-nominal gain, one has Av=19.97dB, f3db=770KHz and quiescent dissipation of 378μW. Over temperatures from -25°C to 125°C, the 0. ldB-bandwidth is 52KHz. Dynamic-range is optimized to 57.2dB and 42.6dB for gains of 20dB and 40dB, respectively. THD figures correspond to -60.6dB@Vout= 1Vpp and -79.7dB@Vout= 0.5 Vpp. A nearly constant bandwidth for different gains is also attained.


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A CMOS low-voltage, wide-band continuous-time current amplifier is presented. Based on an open-loop topology, the circuit is composed by transresistance and transconductance stages built around triode-operating transistors. In addition to an extended dynamic range, the amplifier gain can be programmed within good accuracy by the rapport between the aspect-ratio of such transistors and tuning biases Vxand Vy. A balanced current-amplifier according to a single I. IV-supply and a 0.35μm fabrication process is designed. Simulated results from PSPiCE and Bsm3v3 models indicate a programmable gain within the range 20-34dB and a minimum break-frequency of IMHz @CL=IpF. For a 200 μApp-level, THD is 0.8% and 0.9% at IKHz and 100KHz, respectively. Input noise is 405pA√Hz @20dB-gain, which gives a SNR of 66dB @1MHz-bandwidth. Maximum quiescent power consumption is 56μ W. © 2002 IEEE.


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A low-voltage low-power 2nd-order CMOS pseudo-differential bump-equalizer is presented. Its topology comprises a bandpass section with adjustable center frequency and quality factor, together with a programmable current amplifier. The basic building blocks are triode-operating transconductors, tunable by means of either a DC voltage or a digitally controlled current divider. The bump-equalizer as part of a battery-operated hearing aid device is designed for a 1.4V-supply and a 0.35μm CMOS fabrication process. The circuit performance is supported by a set of simulation results, which indicates a center frequency from 600Hz to 2.4kHz, 1≤Q≤5, and an adjustable gain within ±6dB at center frequency. The filter dynamic range lies around 40dB. Quiescent consumption is kept below 12μW for any configuration of the filter.


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This paper is based on the analysis and implementation of a new drive system applied to refrigeration systems, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC standards (Harmonic/Flicker/EMI-Electromagnetic Interference restrictions), in order to obtain high efficiency, high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current and reduced electromagnetic interference, with excellent performance in temperature control of a refrigeration prototype system (automatic control, precision and high dynamic response). The proposal is replace the single-phase motor by a three-phase motor, in the conventional refrigeration system. In this way, a proper control technique can be applied, using a closed-loop (feedback control), that will allow an accurate adjustment of the desirable temperature. The proposed refrigeration prototype uses a 0.5Hp three-phase motor and an open (Belt-Drive) Bitzer IY type compressor. The input rectifier stage's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output three-phase inverter stage has been developed using a conventional voltage-frequency control (scalar V/f control), and a simplified stator oriented Vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls for continuous temperature control applied at the refrigerator prototype. ©2008 IEEE.


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Background: The literature indicated that the majority of professional ballet dancers present static and active dynamic range of motion difference between left and right lower limbs, however, no previous study focused this difference in non-professional ballet dancers. In this study we aimed to evaluate active movements of the hip in non-professional classical dancers.Methods: We evaluated 10 non professional ballet dancers (16-23 years old). We measured the active range of motion and flexibility through Well Banks. We compared active range of motion between left and right sides (hip flexion and abduction) and performed correlation between active movements and flexibility.Results: There was a small difference between the right and left sides of the hip in relation to the movements of flexion and abduction, which suggest the dominant side of the subjects, however, there was no statistical significance. Bank of Wells test revealed statistical difference only between the 1st and the 3rd measurement. There was no correlation between the movements of the hip (abduction and flexion, right and left sides) with the three test measurements of the bank of Wells.Conclusion: There is no imbalance between the sides of the hip with respect to active abduction and flexion movements in non-professional ballet dancers. © 2011 Valenti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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After concluding the main phase of commercial exploration of latex (about 30 years ago), rubber wood plantations can be utilized as an alternative source of wood for sawmills and other wood based products with more aggregate value; tendency already confirmed in countries of southeastern Asia. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of dynamic modulus of elasticity veneers on the mechanical performance in the bending of plywood made from Hevea brasiliensis. For this study, rubber tree veneers were sorted in three classes of dynamic modulus of elasticity: low (from 4887-7323 MPa), medium (from 8200-8948 MPa) and high (from 10979-13010 MPa). Panels were produced according to five treatments with different veneer classes and arrangements. Results showed significant effect of the treatments in the mechanical performance in the bending of panels. Panels with better mechanical performance were produced exclusively with medium and high dynamic modulus of elasticity. Panels made with low modulus of elasticity veneers presented lower mechanical performance even when combined with high modulus of elasticity veneers.


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In this work La1-xCaxCoO3 (x = 0-0.4) pigments were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method with heat treatments at 700, 800 and 900 C for 4 h. The powders were characterized by colorimetry, UV-vis spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction patterns showed the presence of a single phase perovskite, changing its structure from rhombohedral to cubic, when calcium was added to the lattice. All of the pigments had a black colour with a strong absorption over the whole of the visible spectrum as a consequence of the different oxidation states of cobalt and the high short-range disorder. The substitution of Ca2+ for La3+ did not influence the pigment colour but decreased its final cost. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho estuda a técnica de acionamento vetorial aplicado ao motor de indução trifásico (MIT), utilizando como estratégia de controle a combinação de controle fuzzy com controladores chaveados do tipo modo deslizante, em uma configuração aqui denominada de Controlador Fuzzy Modo Deslizante (FSMC – Do inglês: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control). Um modelo dinâmico do MIT é desenvolvido em variáveis ‘d-q’ o que conduziu a um modelo eletromecânico em espaço de estados que exibe fortes não linearidades. A este modelo são aplicadas as condições de controle vetorial que permitem desacoplar o torque e o fluxo no MIT, de maneira que o seu comportamento dinâmico se assemelha àquele verificado em uma máquina de corrente contínua. Nesta condição, são implementados controladores do tipo proporcional e integral (PI) às malhas de controle de corrente e velocidade do motor, e são realizadas simulações computacionais para o rastreamento de velocidade e perturbação de carga, o que levam a resultados satisfatórios do ponto de vista dinâmico. Visando investigar o desempenho das estratégias não lineares nesta abordagem é apresentado o estudo da técnica de controle a estrutura chaveada do tipo modo deslizante. Um controlador modo deslizante convencional é implementado, onde se verifica que, a despeito do excelente desempenho dinâmico a ocorrência do fenômeno do “chettering” inviabiliza a aplicação desta estratégia em testes reais. Assim, é proposta a estratégia de controle FSMC, buscando associar o bom resultado dinâmico obtido com o controlador modo deslizante e a supressão do fenômeno do chettering, o que se atinge pela definição de uma camada de chaveamento do tipo Fuzzy. O controlador FSMC proposto é submetido aos mesmos testes computacionais que o controlador PI, conduzindo a resultados superiores a este último no transitório da resposta dinâmica, porém com a presença de erro em regime permanente. Para atacar este problema é implementada uma combinação Fuzzy das estratégias FSMC com a ação de controle PI, onde o primeiro busca atuar em regiões afastadas da superfície de chaveamento e o segundo busca introduzir o efeito da ação integral próximo à superfície. Os resultados obtidos mostram a viabilidade da estratégia em acionamento de velocidade variável que exigem elevado desempenho dinâmico.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar aspectos relacionados ao uso de Multiplexação por Subportadora (SCM) em um sistema de transmissão de Rádio Digital sobre Fibra (DRoF) aplicado à Arquitetura de Acesso a Rádio Centralizado (C-RAN). Para isso, foram criados dois cenários que fazem uso da tecnologia DRoF, onde no primeiro, três subportadoras são transmitidas em um comprimento de onda e, para o segundo cenário, três comprimentos de onda são transmitidos, onde cada um possui uma única subportadora. Para ambas configurações é visado alimentar unidades de rádio remoto (RRH) localizadas na torre de transmissão. São analisados aspectos de desempenho da recepção, alcance das redes e complexidade do sistema para cada um dos cenários propostos. Além disso, são mostrados passo a passo como os sistemas foram construídos utilizando o software de simulação VPITransmissionMaker. Foram considerados para cada subportadora uma taxa de 250 Mbps, modulação 16-QAM, centrados na frequência de 5GHz. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, para SCM-DRoF, uma Taxa de Erro de Bit (BER) de 10-6 é mantida constante para enlaces de até 20 km. No segundo modelo, sem uso de SCM, um desempenho similar foi verificado, contudo com alcance de até 40 km. Dado o contexto da aplicação, os fatores desempenho e distância levam a crer que ambos cenários de transmissão podem ser utilizadas para C-RAN. Contudo, levando em consideração o custo e a complexidade no domínio óptico, o sistema utilizando SCM, comparativamente, possui mais vantagens. Conclui-se então que o uso de SCM apresenta-se como uma forte opção para aplicações no contexto das novas tecnologias de redes de acesso móvel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)