438 resultados para starvation
Les Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC) représentent un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays développés. Les EHEC sont régulièrement responsables de toxi-infections alimentaires graves chez l’humain et causent des colites hémorragiques et le symptôme hémolytique et urémique, mortel chez les enfants en bas âge. Les EHEC les plus virulents appartiennent au sérotype O157:H7 et le bovin constitue leur réservoir naturel. À ce jour il n’existe aucun traitement pour éviter l’apparition des symptômes liés à une infection à EHEC. Par conséquent, il est important d’augmenter nos connaissances sur les mécanismes employés par le pathogène pour réguler sa virulence et coloniser efficacement la niche intestinale. Dans un premier temps, l’adaptation de la souche EHEC O157:H7 EDL933 à l’activité métabolique du microbiote intestinal a été étudiée au niveau transcriptionnel. Pour se faire, EDL933 a été cultivée dans les contenus caecaux de rats axéniques (milieu GFC) et dans ceux provenant de rats colonisés par le microbiote intestinal humain (milieu HMC). Le HMC est un milieu cécal conditionné in vivo par le microbiote. Dans le HMC par rapport au GFC, EDL933 change drastiquement de profile métabolique en réponse à l’activité du microbiote et cela se traduit par une diminution de l’expression des voies de la glycolyse et une activation des voies de l’anaplérose (voies métaboliques dont le rôle est d’approvisionner le cycle TCA en intermédiaires métaboliques). Ces résultats, couplés avec une analyse métabolomique ciblée sur plusieurs composés, ont révélé la carence en nutriments rencontrée par le pathogène dans le HMC et les stratégies métaboliques utilisées pour s’adapter au microbiote intestinal. De plus, l’expression des gènes de virulence incluant les gènes du locus d’effacement des entérocytes (LEE) codant pour le système de sécrétion de type III sont réprimés dans le HMC par rapport au GFC indiquant la capacité du microbiote intestinal à réprimer la virulence des EHEC. L’influence de plusieurs composés intestinaux présents dans les contenus caecaux de rats sur l’expression des gènes de virulence d’EDL933 a ensuite été étudiée. Ces résultats ont démontré que deux composés, l’acide N-acétylneuraminique (Neu5Ac) et le N-acétylglucosamine (GlcNAc) répriment l’expression des gènes du LEE. La répression induite par ces composés s’effectue via NagC, le senseur du GlcNAc-6-P intracellulaire et le régulateur du catabolisme du GlcNAc et du galactose chez E. coli. NagC est un régulateur transcriptionnel inactivé en présence de GlcNAc-6-P qui dérive du catabolisme du Neu5Ac et du transport GlcNAc. Ce travail nous a permis d’identifier NagC comme un activateur des gènes du LEE et de mettre à jour un nouveau mécanisme qui permet la synchronisation de la virulence avec le métabolisme chez les EHEC O157:H7. La concentration du Neu5Ac et du GlcNAc est augmentée in vivo chez le rat par le symbiote humain Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, indiquant la capacité de certaines espèces du microbiote intestinal à relâcher les composés répresseurs de la virulence des pathogènes. Ce travail a permis l’identification des adaptations métaboliques des EHEC O157:H7 en réponse au microbiote intestinal ainsi que la découverte d’un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de la virulence en réponse au métabolisme. Ces données peuvent contribuer à l’élaboration de nouvelles approches visant à limiter les infections à EHEC.
Il a été suggéré que l’autophagie pouvait participer au processus fibrotique en favorisant la différenciation du fibroblaste en myofibroblaste. La sénescence cellulaire a aussi été montrée comme impliquée dans la réparation tissulaire et la fibrose. Des liens ont été établis entre autophagie et sénescence. Cette étude a pour but d’investiguer les liens possibles entre autophagie, sénescence et différenciation myofibroblastique afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires régulant la réparation tissulaire et la fibrose. Les fibroblastes carencés en sérum pendant quatre jours montrent des ratios LC3B-II/-I élevés et des niveaux de SQSTM1/p62 diminués. L’augmentation de l’autophagie est accompagnée d’une augmentation de l’expression des marqueurs de différenciation myofibroblastique ACTA2/αSMA et collagènes de type 1 et 3 et de la formation de fibres de stress. Les fibroblastes autophagiques expriment les marqueurs de sénescence CDKN1A (p21) et p16INK4a (p16) et montrent une augmentation de l’activité beta-galactosidase associée à la sénescence. L’inhibition de l’autophagie à l’aide de différents inhibiteurs de phosphoinositide 3-kinase de classe I et de phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase de classe III (PtdIns3K) ou par inhibition génique à l’aide d’ARN interférant ATG7 bloquent l’expression des marqueurs de différenciation et de sénescence. L’expression et la sécrétion de CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) sont augmentées chez les fibroblastes autophagiques. L’inhibition de l’expression du CTGF par interférence génique prévient la différenciation myofibroblastique, démontrant l’importance de ce facteur pro-fibrotique pour la différenciation induite par l’autophagie. La phosphorylation de la kinase RPS6KB1/p70S6K, cible du complexe MTORC1, est abolie dans les fibroblastes autophagiques. La phosphorylation d’AKT à la Ser473, une cible du complexe MTORC2, diminue lors de la carence en sérum des fibroblastes mais est suivie d’une rephosphorylation après 2 jours. Ce résultat suggère la réactivation de MTORC2 lors d’une autophagie prolongée. Ceci a été vérifié par inhibition de l’autophagie dans les fibroblastes carencés en sérum. Les inhibiteurs de PtdIns3K et le siRNA ATG7 bloquent la rephosphorylation d’AKT. L’inhibition de la réactivation de MTORC2, et donc de la rephosphorylation d’AKT, est aussi obtenue par exposition des fibroblastes à la rapamycine, le Torin 1 ou par inhibition génique de RICTOR. Ces traitements inhibent l’augmentation de l’expression du CTGF ainsi que des marqueurs de différenciation et de sénescence, démontrant le rôle central joué par MTORC2 dans ces processus. Le stress oxydant peut induire la sénescence et la carence en sérum est connue pour augmenter la quantité de ROS (reactive oxygen species) dans les cellules. Afin d’investiguer le rôle des ROS dans la différenciation et la sénescence induites par l’autophagie, nous avons incubés les fibroblastes carencés en sérum en présence de N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). Le NAC diminue la production de ROS, diminue les marqueurs d’autophagie, de sénescence et de différenciation myofibroblastique. Le NAC inhibe aussi la phosphorylation d’AKT Ser473. L’ensemble de ces résultats identifient les ROS en association avec une autophagie prolongée comme des nouveaux activateurs du complexe MTORC2. MTORC2 est central pour l’activation subséquente de la sénescence et de la différenciation myofibroblastique.
Les modifications post-traductionnelles telles que la phosphorylation, l’OGlcNAcylation et l’ubiquitination jouent des rôles critiques dans la coordination des fonctions protéiques et par conséquent influencent grandement de nombreux processus cellulaires. Il est à noter que ces modifications sont hautement dynamiques et finement regulées. Par exemple, l’ubiquitination peut être réversible via l’action des déubiquitinases comme le suppresseur de tumeurs BAP1. Parmis les gènes codant pour les déubiquitinases, BAP1 est la plus souvent mutée dans le cancer. Des études récentes ont démontré l’importance des dynamiques de modifications post-traductionnelles dans la régulation du complexe BAP1. En plus, BAP1 forme un complexe multi-protéiques contenant plusieurs régulateurs transcriptionnels comme la protéine polycomb OGT et les facteurs de transcription FOXK1 et FOXK2. OGT est une enzyme unique qui catalyze l’ajout d’un groupement O-GlcNAc sur ses substrats afin d’en moduler l’activité enzymatique, les interactions protéines-protéines et leur localisation cellulaire. Cette modification est aussi liée au métabolisme puisque son substrat donneur, l’UDP-GlcNAc, est dérivé de la voie biosynthétique des hexosamines. Parallèlement, FOXK1/2 ont aussi été démontrés comme étant critiques à des processus métaboliques telles que la myogenèse et l’autophagie. Lors de nos études, nous avons identifié FOXK1 comme un nouveau substrat d’OGT. De plus, les niveaux d’O-GlcNAcylation de FOXK1 fluctuent lors de l’entrée/sortie du cycle cellulaire. En outre, nous avons identifié l’importance de FOXK1 dans l’adipogenèse et observé que l’interaction FOXK1/BAP1 est affectée par le métabolisme cellulaire. En résumé, nos études ont révélé l’importance d’OGT dans la régulation de certaines composantes du complexe BAP1, ce qui aidera à la compréhension de l’effet suppresseur de tumeur de BAP1 ainsi que son mécanisme d'action dans différents processus tel que le remodelage de la chromatine.
The present study is an attempt to understand the physiological responses of a freshwater gastropod, in terms of haematological parameters, in normal conditions as well as in various natural and man made altered conditions of the environment.Pila virens, a freshwater prosobranch,commonly found in paddy fields, ponds, and streams of Kerala is selected as the test animal for the present investigation. Various haemolymph constituents such as total carbohydrate, glycogen, total protein, total lipid, urea,ammonia,sodium,potasium, calcium, and chloride which are directly involved in the control and maintenance of different physiological systems, were analysed in the present study. Selected haematological parameters like total haemocyte number, and packed cell volume were also determined. Besides , the activity pattern of selected haemolymph enzymes such as acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP),Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), all having diagnostic value in terms of internal defence system and metabolism of the organism, were also studied.
The present study is on the nature, problems and prospects of the handloom industry in Kerala. The problems of the industry are mostly in the nature of low earnings of the workers, underutilisation of the existing capacity and low profit in its various sectors. The majority of the handloom co-operative societies are either dormant or facing liquidation. The income and employment of weavers are so pitiably low that they are living in utter poverty and starvation. Frequent price fluctuations of yarns, dyes and chemicals increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability. Consequently handloom fabrics are not able to compete with mill cloths and powerloom products. Accumulating the unsold stocks in the godowns of co-operative societies and with master weavers has become the practice of the day. Spinning mills in Kerala are producing only lower counts of yarns. S, handloom industry has to depend on textile mills in Tamil Nadu for higher counts of yarn. They create artificial scarcity and increase the prices exflorbitantly. Wage rates prevailing in Kerala are higher than those in Tamil Hadu. So rich master weavers are migrating to Tamil.Nadu and exporting the fabrics. under the label 'Kera1a Handlooms'. Governmental efforts to tackle the crisis by way of rebates and subsidies are found to be futile.
The efficiency of a diet not only depends on its nutrient composition and nutrient balance but also on the effective utilization by the animal. In the utilization of dietary nutrients, the digestive enzymes play the crucial role of catalysing the hydrolytic reactions, splitting the macromolecules into simple absorbable molecules. The activity of these biocatalysts is regulated by alterations in pH, temperature, substrate type and concentrations, and also by the presence of activators and inhibitors. Thus any shift from the optimum conditions necessary for these enzymes may affect their activity, thereby correspondingly modify the digestibility of the nutrients supplied to the animals. Thus, investigations on the important digestive enzymes and their preferential conditions of activity are essential, so that the results obtained could be used in rationally adjusting the quality and quantity of feed supplied to the different stages of prawns In India, directed research on nutritional physiology and biochemical approaches to digestion in commercially important prawns is taken up_ only recently, and the field is still in an infant stage. In view of its emerging importance it is identified as an area of priority and the present investigation has been carried out on the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus
This article aims to analyse the progress taken by Brazil towards the accomplishment of a sustainable development, mainly highlighting the success of the Zero Hunger social programme in achieving the elimination of starvation. As one of the essential pillars to the sustainable development, the State’s social performance demands actions directed to the elimination of extreme poverty and hunger, establishing a basis for equitable growth. It is necessary to clarify the juridical and constitutional framework of Brazil, aiming to emphasise the Zero Hunger importance in achieving the Brazilian Republic’s goals and reaching an international pattern on sustainable development. Also, it will be stressed that the international order influences Brazilian domestic law and is one of the main aspects for the Zero Hunger program development.
Although shorebirds spending the winter in temperate areas frequently use estuarine and supratidal (upland) feeding habitats, the relative contribution of each habitat to individual diets has not been directly quantified. We quantified the proportional use that Calidris alpina pacifica (Dunlin) made of estuarine vs. terrestrial farmland resources on the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, using stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) of blood from 268 Dunlin over four winters, 1997 through 2000. We tested for individual, age, sex, morphological, seasonal, and weather-related differences in dietary sources. Based on single- (δ13C) and dual-isotope mixing models, the agricultural habitat contributed approximately 38% of Dunlin diet averaged over four winters, with the balance from intertidal flats. However, there was a wide variation among individuals in the extent of agricultural feeding, ranging from about 1% to 95% of diet. Younger birds had a significantly higher terrestrial contribution to diet (43%) than did adults (35%). We estimated that 6% of adults and 13% of juveniles were obtaining at least 75% of their diet from terrestrial sources. The isotope data provided no evidence for sex or overall body size effects on the proportion of diet that is terrestrial in origin. The use of agricultural habitat by Dunlin peaked in early January. Adult Dunlin obtained a greater proportion of their diet terrestrially during periods of lower temperatures and high precipitation, whereas no such relationship existed for juveniles. Seasonal variation in the use of agricultural habitat suggests that it is used more during energetically stressful periods. The terrestrial farmland zone appears to be consistently important as a habitat for juveniles, but for adults it may provide an alternative feeding site used as a buffer against starvation during periods of extreme weather. Loss or reduction of agricultural habitat adjacent to estuaries may negatively impact shorebird fitness, with juveniles disproportionately affected.
This review summarizes the recent discovery of the cupin superfamily (from the Latin term "cupa," a small barrel) of functionally diverse proteins that initially were limited to several higher plant proteins such as seed storage proteins, germin (an oxalate oxidase), germin-like proteins, and auxin-binding protein. Knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of two vicilins, seed proteins with a characteristic beta-barrel core, led to the identification of a small number of conserved residues and thence to the discovery of several microbial proteins which share these key amino acids. In particular, there is a highly conserved pattern of two histidine-containing motifs with a varied intermotif spacing. This cupin signature is found as a central component of many microbial proteins including certain types of phosphomannose isomerase, polyketide synthase, epimerase, and dioxygenase. In addition, the signature has been identified within the N-terminal effector domain in a subgroup of bacterial AraC transcription factors. As well as these single-domain cupins, this survey has identified other classes of two-domain bicupins including bacterial gentisate 1, 2-dioxygenases and 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate dioxygenases, fungal oxalate decarboxylases, and legume sucrose-binding proteins. Cupin evolution is discussed from the perspective of the structure-function relationships, using data from the genomes of several prokaryotes, especially Bacillus subtilis. Many of these functions involve aspects of sugar metabolism and cell wall synthesis and are concerned with responses to abiotic stress such as heat, desiccation, or starvation. Particular emphasis is also given to the oxalate-degrading enzymes from microbes, their biological significance, and their value in a range of medical and other applications.
Endothelial cells (EC) express constitutively two major isofonns (Nox2 and Nox4) of the catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase, which is a major source of endothelial reactive oxygen species. However, the individual roles of these Noxes in endothelial function remain unclear. We have investigated the role of Nox2 in nutrient deprivation-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. In proliferating human dermal microvascular EC, Nox2 mRNA expression was low relative to Nox4 (Nox2:Nox4 similar to 1:13), but was upregulated 24 It after starvation and increased to 8 +/- 3.5-fold at 36 h of starvation. Accompanying the upregulation of Nox2, there was a 2.28 +/- 0.18-fold increase in O-2(-); production, a dramatic induction of p21(cip1) and p53, cell cycle arrest, and the onset of apoptosis (all p < 0.05). All these changes were inhibited significantly by in vitro deletion of Nox2 expression and in coronary microvascular EC isolated from Nox2 knockout mice. In Nox2 knockout cells, although there was a 3.8 +/- 0.5fold increase in Nox4 mRNA expression after 36 h of starvation (p < 0.01), neither production nor the p21(cip1) or p53 expression was increased significantly and only 0.46% of cells were apoptotic. In conclusion, Nox2-derived O-2(-), through the modulation of p21(cip1) and p53 expression, participates in endothelial cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Despite the fact that mites were used at the dawn of forensic entomology to elucidate the postmortem interval, their use in current cases remains quite low for procedural reasons such as inadequate taxonomic knowledge. A special interest is focused on the phoretic stages of some mite species, because the phoront-host specificity allows us to deduce in many occasions the presence of the carrier (usually Diptera or Coleoptera) although it has not been seen in the sampling performed in situ or in the autopsy room. In this article, we describe two cases where Poecilochirus austroasiaticus Vitzthum (Acari: Parasitidae) was sampled in the autopsy room. In the first case, we could sample the host, Thanatophilus ruficornis (Küster) (Coleoptera: Silphidae), which was still carrying phoretic stages of the mite on the body. That attachment allowed, by observing starvation/feeding periods as a function of the digestive tract filling, the establishment of chronological cycles of phoretic behavior, showing maximum peaks of phoronts during arrival and departure from the corpse and the lowest values in the phase of host feeding. From the sarcosaprophagous fauna, we were able to determine in this case a minimum postmortem interval of 10 days. In the second case, we found no Silphidae at the place where the corpse was found or at the autopsy, but a postmortem interval of 13 days could be established by the high specificity of this interspecific relationship and the departure from the corpse of this family of Coleoptera.
We present a model that describes features common to many famines: (i) a famine may occur without a substantial decline in aggregate food availability; (ii) famines often have a very uneven impact on different groups of population; and (iii) expectations about future food markets affect current market behaviour and result in starvation for certain groups of population. We consider an exchange economy with two types of agents, food producers and non-food producers. An agent starves if his consumption of food falls below the minimum subsistence level. We show that non-food producers are more vulnerable to starvation than food producers, and may fail to survive even when the aggregate amount of food in the economy is enough to guarantee survival of all agents. In an economy with government procurement and public distribution, we show that the government policy may become unsustainable if the food producers condition their expectations about future public sales on current public stock level.
Background: Phosphorus (P) is a major limiting nutrient for plant growth in many soils. Studies in model species have identified genes involved in plant adaptations to low soil P availability. However, little information is available on the genetic bases of these adaptations in vegetable crops. In this respect, sequence data for melon now makes it possible to identify melon orthologues of candidate P responsive genes, and the expression of these genes can be used to explain the diversity in the root system adaptation to low P availability, recently observed in this species. Methodology and Findings: Transcriptional responses to P starvation were studied in nine diverse melon accessions by comparing the expression of eight candidate genes (Cm-PAP10.1, Cm-PAP10.2, Cm-RNS1, Cm-PPCK1, Cm-transferase, Cm-SQD1, Cm-DGD1 and Cm-SPX2) under P replete and P starved conditions. Differences among melon accessions were observed in response to P starvation, including differences in plant morphology, P uptake, P use efficiency (PUE) and gene expression. All studied genes were up regulated under P starvation conditions. Differences in the expression of genes involved in P mobilization and remobilization (Cm-PAP10.1, Cm-PAP10.2 and Cm-RNS1) under P starvation conditions explained part of the differences in P uptake and PUE among melon accessions. The levels of expression of the other studied genes were diverse among melon accessions, but contributed less to the phenotypical response of the accessions. Conclusions: This is the first time that these genes have been described in the context of P starvation responses in melon. There exists significant diversity in gene expression levels and P use efficiency among melon accessions as well as significant correlations between gene expression levels and phenotypical measurements.
Over the last decade, major advances have been made in our understanding of how plants sense, signal, and respond to soil phosphorus (P) availability (Amtmann et al., 2006; White and Hammond, 2008; Nilsson et al., 2010; Yang and Finnegan, 2010; Vance, 2010; George et al., 2011). Previously, we have reviewed the potential for shoot-derived carbohydrate signals to initiate acclimatory responses in roots to low P availability. In this context, these carbohydrates act as systemic plant growth regulators (Hammond and White, 2008). Photosynthate is transported primarily to sink tissues as Suc via the phloem. Under P starvation, plants accumulate sugars and starch in their leaves. Increased loading of Suc to the phloem under P starvation primarily functions to relocate carbon resources to the roots, which increases their size relative to the shoot (Hermans et al., 2006). The translocation of sugars via the phloem also has the potential to initiate sugar signaling cascades that alter the expression of genes involved plant responses to low P availability. These include optimizing root biochemistry to acquire soil P, through increased expression and activity of inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporters, the secretion of acid phosphatases and organic acids to release P from the soil, and the optimization of internal P use (Hammond and White, 2008). Here, we provide an Update to the field of plant signaling responses to low P availability and the interactions with sugar signaling components. Advances in the P signaling pathways and the roles of hormones in signaling plant responses to low P availability are also reviewed, and where possible their interactions with potential sugar signaling pathways.
Cesium (Cs) is chemically similar to potassium (K). However, although K is an essential element, Cs is toxic to plants. Two contrasting hypotheses to explain Cs toxicity have been proposed: (1) extracellular Cs+ prevents K+ uptake and, thereby, induces K starvation; and (2) intracellular Cs+ interacts with vital K+-binding sites in proteins, either competitively or noncompetitively, impairing their activities. We tested these hypotheses with Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Increasing the Cs concentration in the agar (Cs(agar)) on which Arabidopsis were grown reduced shoot growth. Increasing the K concentration in the agar (K(agad)) increased the Cs(agar) at which Cs toxicity was observed. However, although increasing Cs(agar) reduced shoot K concentration (K(shoot)), the decrease in shoot growth appeared unrelated to K(shoot) per se. Furthermore, the changes in gene expression in Cs-intoxicated plants differed from those of K-starved plants, suggesting that Cs intoxication was not perceived genetically solely as K starvation. In addition to reducing K(shoot) increasing Cs(agar) also increased shoot Cs concentration (Cs(shoot)), but shoot growth appeared unrelated to Cs(shoot) per se. The relationship between shoot growth and Cs(shoot)/Kt(shoot) suggested that, at a nontoxic Cs(shoot) growth was determined by K(shoot) but that the growth of Cs-intoxicated plants was related to the Cs(shoot)/K(shoot) quotient. This is consistent with Cs intoxication resulting from competition between K+ and Cs+ for K+-binding sites on essential proteins.