985 resultados para smectic liquid crystals


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In this communication we report a new method for deflecting a laser beam with liquid crystals cells. In order to improve previous response times of these cells, we use a wedge structure with twisted orientation.


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In this paper we report the experimental results obtained when an He-Ne laser beam crosses an MBBA homeotropic sandwich structure and is modulated by the influence of another laser beam, in our case an Ar+ laser, crossing through the same region. We extend some results previously reported by us1 2 concerning the influence of the ratio of the diameters of the laser beams on the modulation characteristics. A theoretical model, based on the one reported in Ref6 , shows good agreement with the experimental results. If the Ar+ laser is intensity chopped, the resulting He-Ne diffracted image is also intensity modulated. The highest frequency observed has been 500 p. p. s.


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In this paper we report a new metod for optical switching based on the magneto-optical properties of liquid crystal materials. In order to improve previous response times, we used a wedge structure.


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In this paper we report a new method of laser pulse shaping by the use of liquid crystals as non linear materials. The basis of this method is similar to the one reported by us for an hybrid optical bistable device, but with a different electronic circuitry and feedback.


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Antiferroelectric liquid crystals are attractive for microdisplay applications, because of their fast switching and wide viewing angle; however the pretransitional effect reduces the contrast of the display. As a promising alternative orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystals (OAFLC) with a cone angle of 90º provide a good dark state between crossed polarized independently of the cell rotation. These materials are properly surface stabilized in 1.5μm thick cell required for π retardation, which limits their use in display applications. In this work, new OAFLC mixtures have been surface stabilized in thick cells. This achievement may open a new area of OAFLC applications in photonic devices.


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In this work we propose a novel cholesteric liquid crystal beam steering device based on the Kerr effect. The first version of the device consists of two ITO coated glass plates, with intentionally prepared electrodes, assembled together with a thickness gradient between both sides of the device. One side of the cell has two substrates at direct contact; the other side has separated substrates to form the wedge. The cell was filled with a cholesteric liquid crystal. The liquid crystal material is an innovative mixture called 1892E with extremely low viscosity doped with a ZLI chiral nematogen. The proposed beam steering device based on cholesteric liquid crystals has great potential for many photonic applications. Results describing the performance of the device and the properties of the selected liquid crystals are presented.


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The design, fabrication and measured results are presented for a reconfigurable reflectarray antenna based on liquid crystals (LC) which operates above 100 GHz. The antenna has been designed to provide beam scanning capabilities over a wide angular range, a large bandwidth and reduced Side-Lobe Level. Measured radiation patterns are in good agreement with simulations, and show that the antenna generates an electronically steerable beam in one plane over an angular range of 55º in the frequency band from 96 to 104 GHz. The Side Lobes Level is lower than -13 dB for all the scan angles and -18 dB is obtained over 16% of the scan range. The measured performance is significantly better than previously published results for this class of electronically tunable antenna, and moreover verifies the accuracy of the proposed procedure for LC modeling and antenna design.


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A variety of methods have been reviewed for obtaining parallel or perpendicular alignment in liquid-crystal cells. Some of these methods have been selected and developed and were used in polarised spectroscopy, dielectric and electro-optic studies. Also, novel dielectric and electro-optic cells were constructed for use over a range of temperature. Dielectric response of thin layers of E7 and E8 (eutectic mixture liquid-crystals) have been measured in the frequency range (12 Hz-100 kHz) and over a range of temperature (183-337K). Dielectric spectra were also obtained for supercooled E7 and E8 in the Hz and kHz range. When the measuring electric field was parallel to the nematic director, one loss peak (low-frequency relaxation process) was observed for E7 and for E8, that exhibits a Debye-type behaviour in the supercooled systems. When the measuring electric field was perpendicular to the nematic director, two resolved dielectric processes have been observed. The phase transitions, effective molecular polarisabilities, anisotropy of polarisabilities and order parameters of three liquid crystal homologs (5CB, 6CB, and 7CB), 60CB and three eutectic nematic mixtures E7, E8, and E607 were calculated using optical and density data measured at several temperatures. The order parameters calculated using the different methods of Vuks, Neugebauer, Saupe-Maier, and Palffy-Muhoray are nearly the same for the liquid crystals considered in the present study. Also, the interrelationship between density and refractive index and the molecular structure of these liquid crystals were established. Accurate dielectric and dipole results of a range of liquid-crystal forming molecules at several temperatures have reported. The role of the cyano-end group, biphenyl core, and flexible tail in molecular association, were investigated using the dielectric method for some molecules which have a structural relationship to the nematogens. Analysis of the dielectric data for solution of the liquid-crystals indicated a high molecular association, comparable to that observed in the nematic or isotropic phases. Electro-optic Kerr effect were investigated for some alkyl cyanobiphenyls, their nematic mixtures and the eutectic mixture liquid-crystals E7 and E8 in the isotropic phase and solution. The Kerr constant of these liquid crystals found to be very high at the nematic-isotropic transition temperatures as the molecules are expected to be highly ordered close to phase transition temperatures. Dynamic Kerr effect behaviour and transient molecular reorientation were also observed in thin layers of some alkyl cyanobiphenyls. Dichroic ratio R and order parameters of solutions containing some azo and anthraquinone dyes in the nematic solvent (E7 and E8), were investigated by the measurement of the intensity of the absorption bands in the visible region of parallel aligned samples. The effective factors on the dichroic ratio of the dyes dissolved in the nematic solvents were determined and discussed.


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Based on dynamic renormalization group techniques, this letter analyzes the effects of external stochastic perturbations on the dynamical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, studied in presence of a random magnetic field. Our analysis quantifies the nature of the temperature dependence of the dynamics; the results also highlight a hitherto unexplored regime in cholesteric liquid crystal dynamics. We show that stochastic fluctuations drive the system to a second-ordered Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition point, eventually leading to a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. The results go beyond quasi-first order mean-field theories, and provides the first theoretical understanding of a KPZ phase in distorted nematic liquid crystal dynamics.


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‘De Vries-like’ smectic liquid crystals exhibit low layer contraction of approximately 1% on transitions from the SmA to the SmC phase. These materials have received considerable attention as potential solutions for problems affecting liquid crystal displays using surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals (SSFLC). In SSFLCs, layer contraction of 710% is normally observed during the SmA to SmC phase transition. A study by the Lemieux group has shown that liquid crystals with nanosegregating carbosilane segments exhibit enhanced ‘de Vries-like’ properties through the formation of smectic layers and by lengthening the nanosegregating carbosilane end-groups from monocarbosilane to tricarbosilane. This observed enhancement is assumed to be due to an increase in the cross-section of the free volume in the hydrocarbon sub-layer. To test this hypothesis, it is assumed that dimers with a tricarbosilane linking group have smaller cross-sections on time average. In his thesis, this hypothesis is tested through the characterization of new liquid crystalline monomers (QL39-n) and dimers (QL40-n) with 2-phenylpyrimidine cores and tricarbosilane end-groups and spacers, respectively. The thesis describes the synthesis of two homologous series of liquid crystals and their characterization using a variety of techniques, including polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the monomers QL39-n form a tilted SmC phase only, whereas the dimers QL40-n form an orthogonal SmA phase. These results are discussed in the context of our hypothesis.


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The recent discovery of liquid crystalline (LC) behavior of graphene oxide (GO) dispersions in various organic, and aqueous media brings added control to the assembly of larger structures using the chemical process approach.[1-3] The LC state can be used to direct the ordered assembly of nanocomponents in macroscopic structures via simple methods like wet-spinning. [3] Here, we developed a scaleable fabrication route to produce graphene fibers via a facile continuoes wetspinning methode. We develop solid understanding in the required criteria to correlate processability with LC behavior, aspect ratio and the dispersion concentration to provide a viable platform for spinning of LC GO. We demonstrate a striking result that highlits the importance of GO sheet size and polydispersity in generating wetspinnable LC GO dispersions from very low spinning dope concentrations (as low as 0.075 wt. %). The new knowledge gained through rheological investigations provides a sound explanation as to why continuous spinning of binder-free GO fibers is enabled by the LC behavior at this very low concentration.


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This thesis was focused on the development of nanostructured polymers for CO2 capture and energy storage applications, using polymerizable lyotropic liquid crystal. A combination of polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and Small-angle x-ray scattering has been used to characterize and understand the structure retention of these systems during photo-polymerization.


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We study relative concentration fluctuations in two component lamellar smectic liquid crystals consisting of surfactant layers of width w separated by a background fluid and show that these fluctuations are dominated by crumpling fluctuations of the surfactant layers when (w/l)2


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Submonolayer thin films of a three-ring bent-core (that is, banana-shaped) compound, m-bis(4-n-octyloxystyryl)benzene (m-OSB), were prepared by the vacuum-deposition method, and their morphologies, structures, and phase behavior were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The films have island shapes ranging from compact elliptic or circular patterns at low temperatures (below 40 degreesC) to branched patterns at high temperatures (above 60 degreesC). This shape evolution is contrary to the prediction based on the traditional diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) theory. AFM observations revealed that two different mechanisms governed the film growth, in which the compact islands were formed via a dewetting-like behavior, while the branched islands diffusion-mediated. It is suggested m-OSB forms a two-dimensional, liquid crystal at the low-temperature substrate that is responsible for the unusual formation of compact islands. All of the monolayer islands are unstable and apt to transform to slender bilayer crystals at room temperature. This phase transition results from the peculiar molecular shape and packing of the bent-core molecules and is interpreted as escaping from macroscopic net polarization by the formation of an antiferroelectric alignment.