920 resultados para simulación y certificación
La fluencia de las rocas tiene gran importancia en la evaluación del comportamiento a largo plazo de elementos construidos con estos materiales. En este trabajo, se ha caracterizado física y mecánicamente una calcarenita porosa bien conocida localmente como Piedra de San Julián. Se han realizado ensayos de compresión uniaxial de 96 h. a carga constante. Se ha utilizado un modelo de fluencia bien conocido, el Código-modelo CEB-FIP 2010, usado para modelizar otro material pétreo (hormigón). Además, se ha propuesto un modelo reológico. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es investigar la posibilidad de aprovechar la gran experiencia acumulada en el estudio del hormigón, con el fin de obtener un enfoque para el comportamiento de la roca, para tiempos de prueba muy largos difíciles de implementar en laboratorio. Se propone una función de fluencia adaptada a la roca estudiada dependiente sólo de sus características elásticas y mecánicas.
Las barandillas de seguridad con solicitación dinámica, tipos B y C según UNE-EN 13374, son el conjunto de componentes destinados a la protección colectiva de las personas contra las caídas a un nivel inferior y a retener materiales. Frecuentemente incorporan una red de seguridad. En este artículo se analizan aspectos fundamentales como su diseño, sus requisitos mecánicos y la solución a la problemática que suponen los soportes o puntos duros capaces de producir lesiones al accidentado. Para este fin, se ha estudiado el fenómeno de la caída de un lastre sobre tales redes con distintos modelos numéricos de elementos finitos en régimen dinámico y mediante consideraciones analíticas cinemáticas, obteniendo conclusiones útiles como la forma geométrica necesaria, la escuadría de los perfiles que constituyen el bastidor de la red, y los factores de impacto que sufren los accidentados. Ello permite sugerir mejoras al texto normativo.
Entre otros medios de protección colectiva, en los últimos años se vienen utilizando en España redes verticales de cierre de fachadas, a paño completo entre forjados en fase de estructura, y también para huecos menores como ventanas o puertas, en fases posteriores. Este tipo de protección no cuenta hasta el momento con ningún tipo de regulación oficial, si bien en el grupo de trabajo AEN/CTN81/SC2/GT7 se desarrolla actualmente el borrador de la norma Pr UNE 81651 a tal fin. Desde el Dtº. de Ing. de la Construcción de la Universidad de Alicante, varios miembros del grupo de trabajo han desarrollado, contando con la experiencia en otros sistemas de protección, algunos modelos numéricos con elementos finitos para valorar y cuantificar variables mecánicas asociadas al episodio de una eventual caída de una persona sobre este tipo de redes, caracterizado por una menor energía cinética que para otros tipos de ellas. En el artículo se exponen los resultados obtenidos para ambos tipos de paños, grandes y pequeños, donde se han valorado la separación de anclajes de la red, las aberturas generadas en su perímetro durante la retención, los esfuerzos en anclajes y elementos textiles, el factor de impacto que sufriría el accidentado y la repercusión de la disposición geométrica de la red, al cuadro o al rombo.
Analysis of vibrations and displacements is a hot topic in structural engineering. Although there is a wide variety of methods for vibration analysis, direct measurement of displacements in the mid and high frequency range is not well solved and accurate devices tend to be very expensive. Low-cost systems can be achieved by applying adequate image processing algorithms. In this paper, we propose the use of a commercial pocket digital camera, which is able to register more than 420 frames per second (fps) at low resolution, for accurate measuring of small vibrations and displacements. The method is based on tracking elliptical targets with sub-pixel accuracy. Our proposal is demonstrated at a 10 m distance with a spatial resolution of 0.15 mm. A practical application over a simple structure is given, and the main parameters of an attenuated movement of a steel column after an impulsive impact are determined with a spatial accuracy of 4 µm.
In the present paper, changes in mechanical properties of Portland cement-based mortars due to the addition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and corrosion of embedded steel rebars in CNT cement pastes are reported. Bending strength, compression strength, porosity and density of mortars were determined and related to the CNT dosages. CNT cement paste specimens were exposed to carbonation and chloride attacks, and results on steel corrosion rate tests were related to CNT dosages. The increase in CNT content implies no significant variations of mechanical properties but higher steel corrosion intensities were observed.
The San Julián’s stone is the main material used to build the most important historical buildings in Alicante city (Spain). This paper describes the analysis developed to obtain the relationship between the static and the dynamic modulus of this sedimentary rock heated at different temperatures. The rock specimens have been subjected to heating processes at different temperatures to produce different levels of weathering on 24 specimens. The static and dynamic modulus has been measured for every specimen by means of the ISRM standard and ultrasonic tests, respectively. Finally, two analytic formulas are proposed for the relationship between the static and the dynamic modulus for this stone. The results have been compared with some relationships proposed by different researchers for other types of rock. The expressions presented in this paper can be useful for the analysis, using non-destructive techniques, of the integrity level of historical constructions built with San Julián’s stone affected by fires.
The viability of carbon nanofiber (CNF) composites in cement matrices as a self-heating material is reported in this paper. This functional application would allow the use of CNF cement composites as a heating element in buildings, or for deicing pavements of civil engineering transport infrastructures, such as highways or airport runways. Cement pastes with the addition of different CNF dosages (from 0 to 5% by cement mass) have been prepared. Afterwards, tests were run at different fixed voltages (50, 100 and 150V), and the temperature of the specimens was registered. Also the possibility of using a casting method like shotcrete, instead of just pouring the fresh mix into the mild (with no system’s efficiency loss expected) was studied. Temperatures up to 138 °C were registered during shotcrete-5% CNF cement paste tests (showing initial 10 °C/min heating rates). However a minimum voltage was required in order to achieve a proper system functioning.
This work discusses the results from tests which were performed in order to study the effect of high temperatures in the physical and mechanical properties of a calcarenite (San Julian's stone). Samples, previously heated at different temperatures (from 105 °C to 600 °C), were tested. Non-destructive tests (porosity and ultrasonic wave propagation) and destructive tests (uniaxial compressive strength and slake durability test) were performed over available samples. Furthermore, the tests were carried out under different conditions (i.e. air-cooled and water-cooled) in order to study the effect of the fire off method. The results show that uniaxial compressive strength and elastic parameters (i.e. elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio), decrease as the temperature increases for the tested range of temperatures. A reduction of the uniaxial compressive strength up to 35% and 50% is observed in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively when the samples are heated to 600 °C. Regarding the Young's modulus, a fall over 75% and 78% in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively is observed. Poisson's ratio also declines up to 44% and 68% with the temperature in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively. Slake durability index also exhibits a reduction with temperature. Other physical properties, closely related with the mechanical properties of the stone, are porosity, attenuation and propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in the material. All exhibit considerable changes with temperature.
The electrical resistivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement composites (CFRCCs) has been widely studied, because of their utility as multifunctional materials. The percolation phenomenon has also been reported and modeled when the electrical behavior of those materials had to be characterized. Amongst the multiple applications of multifunctional cement composites the ability of a CFRCC to act as a strain sensor is attractive. This paper provides experimental data relating self-sensing function and percolation threshold, and studying the effect of fiber aspect ratio on both phenomena. Higher fiber slenderness permitted percolation at lower carbon fiber addition, affected mechanical properties and improved strain-sensing sensitivity of CFRCC, which was also improved if percolation had not been achieved.
This paper presents a structural analysis of a masonry chimney built in the 1940s, which is currently being cataloged as local interest heritage. This structure has not served any industrial purpose for the last thirty years. The chimney is located in the town of Agost (Alicante - Spain) and directly exposed to the prevailing winds from the sea, as it is approximately 12 km away from the waterfront and there are not any significant barriers, which could protect the structure against the wind. There are longitudinal cracks and fissures all along the shaft because of the chimney’s geometrical characteristics, the effect of the masonry creep and especially the lack of maintenance. Moreover, there is also a permanent bending deformation in the upper 1/3 of the height due to the wind pressure. A numerical analysis for the static behavior against gravity and wind loads was performed using the structure’s current conditions after a detailed report of its geometry, its construction system and the cracking pattern. Afterwards, the dynamic behavior was studied, i.e. a seismic analysis using both response spectra and accelerograms in order to examine the structural stability. This work shows the pre-monitoring analysis before any experimental testing. Using the current results the future test conditions will be determined (e.g. number of sensors and monitoring point location, excitation systems, etc) prior to a possible structural reinforcement by applying composite material (fiber reinforced polymers).
In this paper the model of an Innovative Monitoring Network involving properly connected nodes to develop an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution for preventive maintenance of historical centres from early warnings is proposed. It is well known that the protection of historical centres generally goes from a large-scale monitoring to a local one and it could be supported by a unique ICT solution. More in detail, the models of a virtually organized monitoring system could enable the implementation of automated analyses by presenting various alert levels. An adequate ICT solution tool would allow to define a monitoring network for a shared processing of data and results. Thus, a possible retrofit solution could be planned for pilot cases shared among the nodes of the network on the basis of a suitable procedure utilizing a retrofit catalogue. The final objective would consist in providing a model of an innovative tool to identify hazards, damages and possible retrofit solutions for historical centres, assuring an easy early warning support for stakeholders. The action could proactively target the needs and requirements of users, such as decision makers responsible for damage mitigation and safeguarding of cultural heritage assets.
El presente trabajo estudia la utilización de drones telecomandados de uso comercial (RPAS) para producir material audiovisual específico de diversas asignaturas de las titulaciones de Ingeniería Civil. Se trata de un equipamiento de alta tecnología y coste relativamente asequible, en torno a 1.300 euros, para producir material audiovisual que hasta ahora únicamente podría ser obtenido empleando medios mucho más limitados (fotografías aéreas y de satélite) o mucho más costosos, tales como vuelos fotográficos específicos. De este modo, se valorará la viabilidad de introducción de una nueva herramienta tecnológica de innovación educativa hasta ahora no empleada en la elaboración de material docente, analizando sus principales ventajas y limitaciones.
Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza permiten la visualización de fenómenos físicos y su relación con la base matemática utilizada en la modelización de los mismos. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa Mathematica para realizar una aplicación ilustrativa del oscilador con un grado de libertad en funcionamiento libre, amortiguado y forzado armónicamente. El oscilador de 1 GL forma parte del conocimiento de base en el análisis de estructuras bajo cargas dinámicas (sismos), y la comprensión de sus fundamentos teóricos, así como la influencia de los parámetros implicados, deben ser objetivo didáctico prioritario en las asignaturas relacionadas con el cálculo avanzado de estructuras. En la aplicación desarrollada se pueden variar las características intrínsecas del oscilador (rigidez, constante de amortiguación y masa) y la fuerza aplicada (amplitud y frecuencia). El resultado se visualiza en forma de gráfico animado del movimiento permanente resultante. Las ecuaciones resultantes y los parámetros característicos (frecuencia natural, coeficiente de amortiguamiento, razón de frecuencias, factor de amplificación dinámica, ángulo de desfase…) también están disponibles de una forma interactiva. Las constantes de integración que definen las condiciones iniciales, y la ventana de tiempos mostrada pueden variarse asimismo. La aplicación puede ejecutarse desde cualquier navegador.
Dentro de los cambios introducidos en el EEES, se incluyeron desde el curso 2011/2012 nuevas metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de Cálculo de Estructuras I y II en el Grado en Ingeniería Civil. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras I, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas de laboratorio con diferentes tipologías de perfiles y materiales, de tal forma que el alumno se familiarizara con la realidad de las estructuras estudiadas en las clases de teoría. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras II, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas con ordenador analizando diferentes software informáticos, de tal forma que el alumno fuera capaz de estudiar estructuras complejas. De esta manera, el objetivo principal de la RED en la que se enmarca el presente trabajo, es el seguimiento continuo y mejora de los materiales y prácticas docentes elaborados en dichas asignaturas. Por tanto, se han recogido los resultados tras los dos primeros años de docencia para analizar el efecto de los cambios metodológicos en la evaluación continua de los alumnos.
The paper presents the analysis of an important historical building: the Saint James Theater in the city of Corfù (Greece) actually used as the Municipality House. The building, located in the center of the city, is made of carves stones and is characterized by a stocky shape and by the presence of wooden floors. The study deals with the structural identification of such structure through the analysis of its ambient vibrations recorded by means of accelerometers with high accuracy. A full dynamic testing was developed using ambient vibrations to identify the main modal parameters and to make a non-destructive characterization of this building. The results of these dynamic tests are compared with the modal analysis of a complex finite element (FE) simulation of the structure. This analysis may present several problems and uncertainties for this stocky building. Due to the presence of wooden floors, the local modes can be highly excited and, as a consequence, the evaluation of the structural modal parameters presents some difficulties.