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Toimituskyky on yrityksen suorituskykyä kuvaava tekijä, jolla on merkittävä vaikutus asiakastyytyväisyyteen, erityisesti valmistusteollisuudessa. Toimituskyky muodostuu materiaalin saatavuudesta ja logistisen järjestelmän toimitusvarmuudesta, joten hyvä toimituskyky edellyttää materiaalipuutteiden hallintaa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on esittää, miten toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää tilaus-toimitusprosessin materiaalipuutteita hallitsemalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella case-tutkimuksena havainnoimalla toimintaa case-yrityksessä sekä analysoimalla case-yrityksen kirjallista materiaalia ja arkistoja. Yrityksessä havaittuja materiaalipuutteisiin liittyviä ongelmia tarkasteltiin tilaus-toimitusprosessin näkökulmasta prosessijohtamisen ja systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun teorioiden avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena laadittiin kolme käytännönläheistä ratkaisuehdotusta havaittuihin ongelmiin; (1) materiaalipuutteiden syy-seuraussuhteita kuvaavat ongelma-syy-seurausketjut, (2) materiaalipuutteiden ongelmanratkaisumalli systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun tueksi sekä (3) visuaalinen tilaus-toimitusprosessimalli, joka painottaa osaprosessien yhteyttä koko prosessin toimituskykyyn ja toimitusvarmuuteen. Tulosten mukaan materiaalipuutteet tulisi käsittää prosessin laatuvirheinä, jotka antavat arvokasta tietoa siitä, että prosessissa on laatuongelmia. Tulosten perusteella yrityksen toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää havainnoimalla tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheitä, selvittämällä laatuvirheiden syy-seuraussuhteet systemaattisesti ongelmanratkaisumallia hyödyntäen sekä toimimalla prosessiajattelun mukaisesti tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskyvyn jatkuvaa parantamista tavoitellen. Tutkimusongelman tarkastelutapaa ja työn tuloksia voidaan soveltaa samankaltaisiin tapauksiin, joissa tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheet, esimerkiksi materiaalipuutteet, paljastavat kehittämistä vaativia epäkohtia prosessin toimintatavoissa. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää vain, jos panostetaan ajan hallintaan ja kykyyn toimia asiakaslupausten ja sopimusten mukaisesti.


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Veden riittämätön puhdistus aiheuttaa riskin veden käyttäjille. Miljoonia kuolemia vuosittain aiheuttavien vesiteitse leviävien sairauksien ehkäisemiseksi vaaditaan tehokkaita juomaveden desinfiointimenetelmiä. Kuivuuden ja väestönkasvun myötä veden tarve on lisääntynyt ja vedenkulutus tulee yhä kasvamaan. Tästä syystä mahdollisuus kierrättää vettä hyödyntäen sitä esimerkiksi kasteluun on saanut yhä enemmän huomiota. Kierrätettävä vesi on kuitenkin käsiteltävä huolellisesti sen sisältämän mikrobiologisen kontaminaatioriskin vuoksi. Ultraviolettisäteily luokitellaan fysikaaliseksi desinfiointimenetelmäksi. Sen tehokkuus perustuu mikro-organismien absorboimaan UV-säteilyyn, jonka aiheuttamien DNA:ssa tai RNA:ssa tapahtuvien muutoksien seurauksena mikro-organismi inaktivoituu ja estyy lisääntymästä. UV-desinfioinnissa on tyypillisesti käytetty elohopeahöyrylamppuja. Vaihtoehtoinen UV-säteilyn lähde ovat LEDit eli valoa emittoivat diodit. Matalapaine-elohopeahöyrylamppujen emittoima säteily on aallonpituudella 254 nm ja keskipaine-elohopeahöyrylamppujen emittoima säteily on laajakaistaista säteilyä. Energiatehokkuuden lisäksi LEDien etuna on, että niillä voidaan tuottaa kapeakaista säteilyä aallonpituudella, joka parhaiten absorboituu DNA:han. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia, onko UVC-alueen aallonpituuksien yhdistelmillä synergistisiä etuja LEDien desinfiointitehokkuuteen, kun desinfioidaan virtaavaa vettä useilla säteilyannoksilla ja indikaattorimikrobina käytetään kolibakteeria. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia tällä hetkellä saatavissa olevien LEDien desinfiointitehokkuutta energiatehokkuuden näkökulmasta. Yksittäisistä aallonpituuksista desinfiointitehokkuudeltaan parhaimmaksi osoittautui 260 nm, aallonpituuksien yhdistelmistä tehokkain oli 265 nm:n ja 260 nm:n yhdistelmä. Muilla aallonpituuksien yhdistelmillä ei saavutettu odotettua parempaa desinfiointitehokkuutta. Optiselta teholtaan parhaimmat LEDit, 265 nm, 270 nm ja 275 nm olivat kokeiden perusteella myös energiatehokkuuden kannalta tarkasteltuina parhaimmat sekä yksittäin että yhdistelminä. UVC-aallonpituuksia emittoivien LEDien optisen tehokkuuden paraneminen on edellytys LEDien hyödyntämiselle desinfioinnissa.


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Sekä projektimainen että virtuaalinen työskentely ovat arkipäivää IT-alalla. Arkipäivää ovat myös uutiset epäonnistuneista tietojärjestelmäprojekteis-ta. Tehokas tiedon jakaminen on projektien menestystekijä. Tutkielmassa etsittiin vastausta kysymykseen: mitkä ovat tiedon jakamisen esteitä ja edistäjiä virtuaalisissa tietojärjestelmäprojekteissa. Tutkimusstrategia oli vertaileva tapaustutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin teema-haastatteluilla. Haastatteluun osallistui kymmenen henkilöä neljästä eri projektista. Henkilöt olivat eri organisaatioista ja edustivat niin asiakkaan, toimittajan kuin alihankkijoidenkin näkemyksiä. Eniten projekteissa jaet-tiin projektinhallintaan liittyvää tietoa, mutta ihmisten johtamiseen liittyvää tietoa ja liiketoimintahyötyihin liittyvää tietoa jaettiin vähän. Haastattelujen perusteella merkittävimmät tiedon jakamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat yh-teisen käsitteistön ja yhteisen ymmärryksen puute, luottamus, tietotekni-set välineet sekä projektipäällikön toiminta. Yhteenvetona todetaan, että virtuaalisuus ei projekteissa aiheuttanut ongelmia, mutta se korosti muista syistä syntyneitä ongelmia. Virtuaalipro-jekteissa on erityistä huomiota kiinnitettävä projektin alkuvaiheessa ta-pahtuvaan tutustumiseen.


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Leiothrix is endemic of South America and includes 37 species, 25 of which occur in the state of Minas Gerais. Nineteen of those occur in the "Serra do Cipó", a mountain chain, located in the southern portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. This study examines vegetative propagation strategies of four species of Leiothrix, endemic to the Minas Gerais portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. For each species we established permanent plots, where we marked 30 to 51 rosettes or clones, and then took morphological and phenological measurements. Leiothrix crassifolia (Bong.) Ruhland and L. curvifolia var. lanuginosa (Bong.) Ruhland are rhizomatous, forming compact clones. Leiothrix vivipara (Bong.) Ruhland does not produce rhizomes, but is pseudoviviparous, i.e., produces numerous ramets originating from inflorescences. These ramets are formed precociously, and the flower heads do not touch the ground. In Leiothrix spiralis (Bong.) Ruhland both of these strategies are seen: it is both rhizomatous and pseudoviviparous. In this species, the ramets are formed late, only after the flower head has touched the ground. One of the typical conditions of the rupestrian grasslands is soil water shortage in some periods of the year and nutrient scarcity all year round. These conditions might have created an ideal ecological scenario for the evolution of both pseudovivipary and rhizomatous clonal growth in Leiothrix.


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Rapid changes in working life and competence requirements of different professions have increased interest in workplace learning. It is considered an effective way to learn and update professional skills by performing daily tasks in an authentic environment. Especially, ensuring a supply of skilled future workers is a crucial issue for firms facing tight competition and a shortage of competent employees due to the retirement of current professionals. In order to develop and make the most of workplace learning, it is important to focus on workplace learning environments and the individual characteristics of those participating in workplace learning. The literature has suggested various factors that influence adults' and professionals’ workplace learning of profession-related skills, but lacks empirical studies on contextual and individual-related factors that positively affect students' workplace learning. Workers with vocational education form a large group in modern firms. Therefore, elements of vocational students’ successful workplace learning during their studies, before starting their career paths, need to be examined. To fill this gap in the literature, this dissertation examines contributors to vocational students’ workplace learning in Finland, where students’ workplace learning is included in the vocational education and training system. The study is divided into two parts: the introduction, comprised of the overview of the relevant literature and the conclusion of the entire study, and five separate articles. Three of the articles utilize quantitative methods and two use qualitative methods to examine factors that contribute to vocational students’ workplace learning. The results show that, from the students’ perspective, attitudinal, motivational, and organizationrelated factors enhance the student’s development of professionalism during the on-the-job learning period. Specifically, the organization-related factors such as innovative climate, guidance, and interactions with seniors have a strong positive impact on the students’ perceived development of professional skills because, for example, the seniors’ guidance and provision of new viewpoints for the tasks helps the vocational students to gain autonomy at work performance. A multilevel analysis shows that of those factors enhancing workplace learning from the student perspective, innovative climate, knowledge transfer accuracy, and the students’ performance orientation were significantly related to the workplace instructors’ assessment regarding the students’ professional performance. Furthermore, support from senior colleagues and the students’ self-efficacy were both significantly associated with the formal grades measuring how well the students managed to learn necessary professional skills. In addition, the results suggest that the students’ on-the-job learning can be divided into three main phases, of which two require efforts from both the student and the on-the-job learning organization. The first phase includes the student’s application of basic professional skills, demonstration of potential in performing daily tasks, and orientation provided by the organization at the beginning of the on-the-job learning period. In the second phase, the student actively develops profession-related skills by performing daily tasks, thus learning a fluent working style while observing the seniors’ performance. The organization offers relevant tasks and follows the student’s development. The third level indicates a student who has reached the professional level described as a full occupation. The results suggest that constructing the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning period requires feedback from seniors, opportunities to learn to manage entire work processes, self-efficacy on the part of the students, proactive behavior, and initiative in learning. The study contributes to research on workplace learning in three ways: firstly, it identifies the key individual- and organization-based factors that influence the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning from their perspective and examines mutual relationships between these factors. Second, the study provides knowledge of how the factors related to the students’ view of successful workplace learning are associated with the workplace instructors’ perspective and the formal grades. Third, the present study finds elements needed to construct a successful on-the-job learning for the students.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan, miten verkkokaupan kävijävirran käyttäytymistä analysoimalla voidaan tehdä perusteltuja, tarkoituksenmukaisiin nimikkeisiin ja niiden parametreihin kohdistuvia päätöksiä tilanteessa, jossa laajamittaisemmat historiatiedot toteutuneesta myynnistä puuttuvat. Teoriakatsauksen perusteella muodostettiin ratkaisumalli, joka perustuu potentiaalisten kysyntäajurien muodostamiseen ja testaamiseen. Testisarjan perusteella valittavaa ajuria käytetään estimoimaan nimikkeiden kysyntää, jolloin sitä voidaan käyttää toteutuneen myynnin sijasta esimerkiksi Pareto-analyysissä. Näin huomio on mahdollista keskittää rajattuun määrään merkitykseltään suuria nimikkeitä ja niiden yksityiskohtaisiin parametreihin, joilla on merkitystä asiakkaan ostopäätöstilanteissa. Lisäksi voidaan tunnistaa nimikkeitä, joiden ongelmana on joko huono verkkonäkyvyys tai yhteensopimattomuus asiakastarpeiden kanssa. Ajurien testaamisperiaatteena käytetään kertymäfunktioiden yhdenmukaisuustarkastelua, joka rakentuu kolmesta peräkkäisestä vaiheesta; visuaalisesta tarkastelusta, kahden otoksen 2-suuntaisesta Kolmogorov-Smirnov-yhteensopivuustestistä ja Pearsonin korrelaatiotestistä. Mallia ja sen avulla tuotettua kysynnän ajuria testattiin veneilyalan kuluttaja-asiakkaille suunnatussa verkkokaupassa, jossa sillä tunnistettiin Pareto-jakauman alkupäästä runsaasti nimikkeitä, joiden parametreissa oli myynnin kannalta epäedullisia tekijöitä. Jakauman toisessa päässä tunnistettiin satoja nimikkeitä, joiden ongelmana on ilmeisesti joko huono verkkonäkyvyys tai nimikkeiden yhteensopimattomuus asiakastarpeiden kanssa.


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When compared to other model organisms whose genome is sequenced, the number of mutations identified in the mouse appears extremely reduced and this situation seriously hampers our understanding of mammalian gene function(s). Another important consequence of this shortage is that a majority of human genetic diseases still await an animal model. To improve the situation, two strategies are currently used: the first makes use of embryonic stem cells, in which one can induce knockout mutations almost at will; the second consists of a genome-wide random chemical mutagenesis, followed by screening for mutant phenotypes and subsequent identification of the genetic alteration(s). Several projects are now in progress making use of one or the other of these strategies. Here, we report an original effort where we mutagenized BALB/c males, with the mutagen ethylnitrosourea. Offspring of these males were screened for dominant mutations and a three-generation breeding protocol was set to recover recessive mutations. Eleven mutations were identified (one dominant and ten recessives). Three of these mutations are new alleles (Otop1mlh, Foxn1sepe and probably rodador) at loci where mutations have already been reported, while 4 are new and original alleles (carc, eqlb, frqz, and Sacc). This result indicates that the mouse genome, as expected, is far from being saturated with mutations. More mutations would certainly be discovered using more sophisticated phenotyping protocols. Seven of the 11 new mutant alleles induced in our experiment have been localized on the genetic map as a first step towards positional cloning.


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Increasing demand and shortage of energy resources and clean water due to the rapid development of industry, population growth and long term droughts have become an issue worldwide. As a result, global warming, long term droughts and pollution-related diseases are becoming more and more serious. The traditional technologies, such as precipitation, neutralization, sedimentation, filtration and waste immobilization, cannot prevent the pollution but restrict the waste chemicals only after the pollution emission. Meanwhile, most of these treatments cannot thoroughly degrade the contaminants and may generate toxic secondary pollutants into ecosystem. Heterogeneous photocatalysis as the innovative wastewater technology attracts many attention, because it is able to generate highly reactive transitory species for total degradation of organic compounds, water pathogens and disinfection by-products. Semiconductor as photocatalysts have demonstrated their efficiency in degrading a wide range of organics into readily biodegradable compounds, and eventually mineralized them to innocuous carbon dioxide and water. But, the efficiency of photocatalysis is limited, and hence, it is crucial issue to modify photocatalyst to enhance photocatalytic activity. In this thesis, first of all, two literature views are conducted. A survey of materials for photocatalysis has been carried out in order to summarize the properties and the applications of photocatalysts that have been developed in this field. Meanwhile, the strategy for the improvement of photocatalytic activity have been explicit discussed. Furthermore, all the raw material and chemicals used in this work have been listed as well as a specific experimental process and characterization method has been described. The synthesize methods of different photocatalysts have been depicted step by step. Among these cases, different modification strategies have been used to enhance the efficiency of photocatalyst on degradation of organic compounds (Methylene Blue or Phenol). For each case, photocatalytic experiments have been done to exhibit their photocatalytic activity.The photocatalytic experiments have been designed and its process have been explained and illustrated in detailed. Moreover, the experimental results have been shown and discussion. All the findings have been demonstrated in detail and discussed case by case. Eventually, the mechanisms on the improvement of photocatalytic activities have been clarified by characterization of samples and analysis of results. As a conclusion, the photocatalytic activities of selected semiconductors have been successfully enhanced via choosing appropriate strategy for the modification of photocatalysts.


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Electric energy demand has been growing constantly as the global population increases. To avoid electric energy shortage, renewable energy sources and energy conservation are emphasized all over the world. The role of power electronics in energy saving and development of renewable energy systems is significant. Power electronics is applied in wind, solar, fuel cell, and micro turbine energy systems for the energy conversion and control. The use of power electronics introduces an energy saving potential in such applications as motors, lighting, home appliances, and consumer electronics. Despite the advantages of power converters, their penetration into the market requires that they have a set of characteristics such as high reliability and power density, cost effectiveness, and low weight, which are dictated by the emerging applications. In association with the increasing requirements, the design of the power converter is becoming more complicated, and thus, a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling of the converter is required. In this doctoral dissertation, methods and models are developed for the design of a multilevel power converter and the analysis of the related electromagnetic, thermal, and reliability issues. The focus is on the design of the main circuit. The electromagnetic model of the laminated busbar system and the IGBT modules is established with the aim of minimizing the stray inductance of the commutation loops that degrade the converter power capability. The circular busbar system is proposed to achieve equal current sharing among parallel-connected devices and implemented in the non-destructive test set-up. In addition to the electromagnetic model, a thermal model of the laminated busbar system is developed based on a lumped parameter thermal model. The temperature and temperature-dependent power losses of the busbars are estimated by the proposed algorithm. The Joule losses produced by non-sinusoidal currents flowing through the busbars in the converter are estimated taking into account the skin and proximity effects, which have a strong influence on the AC resistance of the busbars. The lifetime estimation algorithm was implemented to investigate the influence of the cooling solution on the reliability of the IGBT modules. As efficient cooling solutions have a low thermal inertia, they cause excessive temperature cycling of the IGBTs. Thus, a reliability analysis is required when selecting the cooling solutions for a particular application. The control of the cooling solution based on the use of a heat flux sensor is proposed to reduce the amplitude of the temperature cycles. The developed methods and models are verified experimentally by a laboratory prototype.


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Hintakilpailu ja muuttuneet maataloussäädökset aiheuttavat kuivikemarkkinoil-le painetta kehittyä. Yleisimpien kuivikkeiden, kuten turpeen ja puukuivikkei-den, saatavuusongelmat ja hinnannousu antavat mahdollisuuden myös muiden kuivikkeiden menestymiselle. Vuosina 2009-2014 Ekovilla Oy oli mukana karjatalouden kuivikekilpailussa paperisilpusta valmistetulla kuivikkeellaan. Yhteistyö markkinointiyrityksen kanssa pakotti hinnan liian korkeaksi, joka vaikutti negatiivisesti tuotteen ky-syntään. Myös pölyävyysongelma oli olemassa. Markkinoilla uskotaan yhä olevan kysyntää kierrätysmateriaalista valmistetulle kuivikkeelle, mikäli hinta saadaan sopivaksi. Ekovillalla kuivikkeen tuotanto-kalusto, markkinointikanavat sekä logistinen verkosto ovat valmiina. Tämän diplomityön avulla selvitetään, miten markkinoille kannattaisi palata ja mitä tulee huomioida. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään niin internetiä kuin aiempien asiakkaiden kokemuksia. Asiakashaastatteluissa mielenkiintoa eko-parsikuivikkeeseen on havaittavissa. Erityisesti, jos tuotteen hintaa saadaan laskettua. Aiemmin asiakkaat olivat pää-tyneet tilamaan Ekovillan kuiviketta pääasiassa tilanteessa, jossa muita kuivikkeita ei saanut. Osalle vastanneista pölyävyys oli niin suuri ongelma, että tuotetta ei voitu käyttää. Mutta myös positiivisia kommentteja käytettävyydestä ja erityisesti imukyvystä mainittiin. Mahdollisuudet markkinoille palaamiseen ovat olemassa, mutta markkinointi tulee olemaan haastavaa. Eräs kehityskohde Ekovillalla on kuivikkeen tarjoaminen lemmikkieläin-markkinoille. Tämä vaatisi panostusta tuotteen lisäkehitykseen sekä laite-investointeja. Markkinat eroavat maatiloista huomattavasti muun muassa pakkauskokojen, jakelukanavien ja hinnoittelun osalta.


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The investments have always been considered as an essential backbone and so-called ‘locomotive’ for the competitive economies. However, in various countries, the state has been put under tight budget constraints for the investments in capital intensive projects. In response to this situation, the cooperation between public and private sector has grown based on public-private mechanism. The promotion of favorable arrangement for collaboration between public and private sectors for the provision of policies, services, and infrastructure in Russia can help to address the problems of dry ports development that neither municipalities nor the private sector can solve alone. Especially, the stimulation of public-private collaboration is significant under the exposure to externalities that affect the magnitude of the risks during all phases of project realization. In these circumstances, the risk in the projects also is becoming increasingly a part of joint research and risk management practice, which is viewed as a key approach, aiming to take active actions on existing global and specific factors of uncertainties. Meanwhile, a relatively little progress has been made on the inclusion of the resilience aspects into the planning process of a dry ports construction that would instruct the capacity planner, on how to mitigate the occurrence of disruptions that may lead to million dollars of losses due to the deviation of the future cash flows from the expected financial flows on the project. The current experience shows that the existing methodological base is developed fragmentary within separate steps of supply chain risk management (SCRM) processes: risk identification, risk evaluation, risk mitigation, risk monitoring and control phases. The lack of the systematic approach hinders the solution of the problem of risk management processes of dry port implementation. Therefore, management of various risks during the investments phases of dry port projects still presents a considerable challenge from the practical and theoretical points of view. In this regard, the given research became a logical continuation of fundamental research, existing in the financial models and theories (e.g., capital asset pricing model and real option theory), as well as provided a complementation for the portfolio theory. The goal of the current study is in the design of methods and models for the facilitation of dry port implementation through the mechanism of public-private partnership on the national market that implies the necessity to mitigate, first and foremost, the shortage of the investments and consequences of risks. The problem of the research was formulated on the ground of the identified contradictions. They rose as a continuation of the trade-off between the opportunities that the investors can gain from the development of terminal business in Russia (i.e. dry port implementation) and risks. As a rule, the higher the investment risk, the greater should be their expected return. However, investors have a different tolerance for the risks. That is why it would be advisable to find an optimum investment. In the given study, the optimum relates to the search for the efficient portfolio, which can provide satisfaction to the investor, depending on its degree of risk aversion. There are many theories and methods in finance, concerning investment choices. Nevertheless, the appropriateness and effectiveness of particular methods should be considered with the allowance of the specifics of the investment projects. For example, the investments in dry ports imply not only the lump sum of financial inflows, but also the long-term payback periods. As a result, capital intensity and longevity of their construction determine the necessity from investors to ensure the return on investment (profitability), along with the rapid return on investment (liquidity), without precluding the fact that the stochastic nature of the project environment is hardly described by the formula-based approach. The current theoretical base for the economic appraisals of the dry port projects more often perceives net present value (NPV) as a technique superior to other decision-making criteria. For example, the portfolio theory, which considers different risk preference of an investor and structures of utility, defines net present value as a better criterion of project appraisal than discounted payback period (DPP). Meanwhile, in business practice, the DPP is more popular. Knowing that the NPV is based on the assumptions of certainty of project life, it cannot be an accurate appraisal approach alone to determine whether or not the project should be accepted for the approval in the environment that is not without of uncertainties. In order to reflect the period or the project’s useful life that is exposed to risks due to changes in political, operational, and financial factors, the second capital budgeting criterion – discounted payback period is profoundly important, particularly for the Russian environment. Those statements represent contradictions that exist in the theory and practice of the applied science. Therefore, it would be desirable to relax the assumptions of portfolio theory and regard DPP as not fewer relevant appraisal approach for the assessment of the investment and risk measure. At the same time, the rationality of the use of both project performance criteria depends on the methods and models, with the help of which these appraisal approaches are calculated in feasibility studies. The deterministic methods cannot ensure the required precision of the results, while the stochastic models guarantee the sufficient level of the accuracy and reliability of the obtained results, providing that the risks are properly identified, evaluated, and mitigated. Otherwise, the project performance indicators may not be confirmed during the phase of project realization. For instance, the economic and political instability can result in the undoing of hard-earned gains, leading to the need for the attraction of the additional finances for the project. The sources of the alternative investments, as well as supportive mitigation strategies, can be studied during the initial phases of project development. During this period, the effectiveness of the investments undertakings can also be improved by the inclusion of the various investors, e.g. Russian Railways’ enterprises and other private companies in the dry port projects. However, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the participation of different investors in the project lack the methods and models that would permit doing the particular feasibility study, foreseeing the quantitative characteristics of risks and their mitigation strategies, which can meet the tolerance of the investors to the risks. For this reason, the research proposes a combination of Monte Carlo method, discounted cash flow technique, the theory of real options, and portfolio theory via a system dynamics simulation approach. The use of this methodology allows for comprehensive risk management process of dry port development to cover all aspects of risk identification, risk evaluation, risk mitigation, risk monitoring, and control phases. A designed system dynamics model can be recommended for the decision-makers on the dry port projects that are financed via a public-private partnership. It permits investors to make a decision appraisal based on random variables of net present value and discounted payback period, depending on different risks factors, e.g. revenue risks, land acquisition risks, traffic volume risks, construction hazards, and political risks. In this case, the statistical mean is used for the explication of the expected value of the DPP and NPV; the standard deviation is proposed as a characteristic of risks, while the elasticity coefficient is applied for rating of risks. Additionally, the risk of failure of project investments and guaranteed recoupment of capital investment can be considered with the help of the model. On the whole, the application of these modern methods of simulation creates preconditions for the controlling of the process of dry port development, i.e. making managerial changes and identifying the most stable parameters that contribute to the optimal alternative scenarios of the project realization in the uncertain environment. System dynamics model allows analyzing the interactions in the most complex mechanism of risk management process of the dry ports development and making proposals for the improvement of the effectiveness of the investments via an estimation of different risk management strategies. For the comparison and ranking of these alternatives in their order of preference to the investor, the proposed indicators of the efficiency of the investments, concerning the NPV, DPP, and coefficient of variation, can be used. Thus, rational investors, who averse to taking increased risks unless they are compensated by the commensurate increase in the expected utility of a risky prospect of dry port development, can be guided by the deduced marginal utility of investments. It is computed on the ground of the results from the system dynamics model. In conclusion, the outlined theoretical and practical implications for the management of risks, which are the key characteristics of public-private partnerships, can help analysts and planning managers in budget decision-making, substantially alleviating the effect from various risks and avoiding unnecessary cost overruns in dry port projects.


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There continues to be a shortage of health professionals interested in providing care for the older adult. Part of the problem seems to stem from the negative perceptions of geriatrics as a clinical speciality. This study examines the knowledge, attitudes and career decisions of physical therapy students in Ontario before and after an educational intervention. Surveys were conducted with 144 physical therapy students from five universities before and after their geriatrics course in order to measure their knowledge, attitudes and interest in working with older adults. The incoming class of physical therapy students (n = 1 86) acted as control subjects for the study. The Revised Palmore Facts On Aging Quiz measured the students' knowledge of aging (Miller & Dodder, 1980). The Revised Tuckman-Lorge (Axelrod & Eisdorfer, 1961) and the Kogan Old People Scales (Kogan, 1961) were used to examine attitude. An environmental scale was developed based on the work of Snape (1986) to measure the impact of the working conditions on the students' career choices. A 10-point Likert-type scale based on the work of Michlelutte & Diseker (1985) was modified and used to measure career interest in working with the elderly. On independent sample t-tests, positive attitudes were related to the demographic characteristic of gender; ethnicity was negatively related; and marital status was found to be unrelated to attitude (fi<.05). Having a relationship with an older adult and taking courses in gerontology were also found to be positively related to attitude (fi<.05). Results on a betweensubjects design which compared students before and after the course found that knowledge scores improved from pretest to posttest (fi<.05). In general, attitude scores improved from T1 to T2 on both measurement tools (b<.05). The environmental and vocational interest scales yielded statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups during the intervention period (p<.05). The results of this research indicated that knowledge and attitudes improve after an educational intervention; however, there was little impact on the students' overall career decisions. Further research is indicated to examine the complex relationship between attitude and behaviour and its impact on students' career choices. In addition, the impact of geriatric clinical environment on students' attitudes and career decisions needs to be further explored.


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In response to a looming leadership shortage, leadership development for teachers has become an increasingly important area of interest around the world. A review of the literature identified the key components of educational leadership development programs as effective curriculum, leadership practice, relationship building, and reflection. A gap in the research was found regarding the use of voluntary committee work as a vehicle for leadership practice. The purpose of this study was to explore teachers' perceptions of their experiences within board-level committees to determine the key factors that contributed, positively or negatively, to their leadership,pevelopment. A qualitative research design was employed using semistructured interviews with 8 participants. The key findings included a list of factors perceived by teachers as either supporting or hindering their leadership development. The supporting factors were: (a) leadership practice, (b) mentors and role models, (c) relationships and networks, and (d) positive outcomes for students. The hindering factors were: (a) lack of follow through and support, (b) committee members with a careerist approach to the experience, (c) personal and political agendas, and (d) overcommitment leading to burnout. Recommendations for practice focused on strategies to enhanc~_ the committee experience as a tool for leadership development. Recommendations for theory and research suggested more research be done on each of the 8 key factors, perceptions associated with teachers choosing to follow a leadership path, and how school boards can structure the committee process as an effective leadership development tool. This study provides a starting point for educators to begin to intentionally design, develop, and deliver voluntary committee experiences as a tool for leadership development.


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Sexuality after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex issue that is influenced by a number of social, psychological and physiological factors, one of which is urinary incontinence (UI). Using a phenomenological approach, seven mixed methods interviews combining both the interview guide and standardized open-ended approaches were conducted to examine the experience of sexuality for women who are concerned about UI following SCI. Sexual function was one of the top priorities for the women after SCI, and UI was one of the main concerns the women had regarding sexuality. The findings of this study demonstrate that various dimensions of intimacy and the sexual experience as a whole were affected by UI, and the women discussed both physical and psychological concerns. The main issues regarding sexuality included concerns related to relationships, frustrations with limited sexual activities and the difficulty of being sexually satisfied, the number of unanswered questions and concerns, and a fear of being hurt or injured while participating in sexual activities. The main concerns regarding UI were embarrassment, the work and inconvenience involved with the clean-up of UI, bladder infections, the lack of accessible washrooms, and the negative effects of UI medications. When examining sexuality and UI together, the major issues were the constant comparison to the way things were before SCI, as well as the new concerns that the women did not have to worry about previously, worrying about how their partner would react if UI were to occur during sexual activity, and the impact of their own feelings toward UI on sexuality, a connection between pleasurable sexual sensations and UI as well as difficulty differentiating between the sensation of UI with the sensation of UI, dealing with infected urine during sexual activity, having to discuss UI with a new potential sexual partner, and a fear of rejection. Other identified issues included those related to body image, a lack of resources, Doctors who were inadequately educated regarding SCI, and issues related to both having and raising children. There is a significant shortage of information available for women with SCI to use as a resource regarding sexual function in general, and sexual function as it relates to UI. It is necessary that future work focus on creating resources to assist in this area, and that the dissemination of those resources becomes both appropriate and effective. Addressing sexual function and UI which are among the top concerns for this population has the opportunity to greatly improve quality of life (QOL) for these individuals.


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The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.