913 resultados para repetition tunable


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We report a novel tunable dispersion compensator (TDC) based on all-fiber distributed Gires-Tournois etaIons (DGTE), which is formed by overlapped chirped fiber gratings. Two DGTEs of opposite dispersion slope work together to generate a tunable periodical dispersion profile. The demonstrated TDCs have the advantages of multichannel operation, extremely low group-delay ripple, low loss, and low cost.


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We present an experimental and numerical study of transversely loaded uniform fibre-Bragg gratings. A novel loading configuration is described, producing pressure-induced spectral holes in an initially strong uniform grating. The birefringence properties of these gratings are analysed. It is shown that the frequency splitting of the two spectral holes, corresponding to two orthogonal polarisation states, can be adjusted precisely using this loading configuration. We finally demonstrate a new and simple scheme to induce multiple spectral holes in the stop-band. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Competing approaches exist, which allow control of phase noise and frequency tuning in mode-locked lasers, but no judgement of pros and cons based on a comparative analysis was presented yet. Here, we compare results of hybrid mode-locking, hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding, and sideband optical injection seeding performed on the same quantum dot laser under identical bias conditions. We achieved the lowest integrated jitter of 121 fs and a record large radio-frequency (RF) tuning range of 342 MHz with sideband injection seeding of the passively mode-locked laser. The combination of hybrid mode-locking together with optical injection-locking resulted in 240 fs integrated jitter and a RF tuning range of 167 MHz. Using conventional hybrid mode-locking, the integrated jitter and the RF tuning range were 620 fs and 10 MHz, respectively. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We demonstrated a high fundamental repetition-rate pulsed erbium-doped fiber laser with all-fiber-integrated configuration. A novel scheme using a 45°-tilted fiber grating as the in-fiber polarizing element was employed to shorten the total cavity length and, thus, increase the fundamental repetition rate of the laser. Dissipative soliton pulses mode-locked with a fundamental repetition rate of 251.3 MHz and pulse duration of 96.7 fs have been achieved from the compact and all-fiber ring cavity laser. Additionally, passively Q-switched pulses were observed from this high fundamental repetition-rate fiber laser, which is the first report on Q-switched fiber laser using a tilted fiber grating.


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We have theoretically and experimentally designed and demonstrated an all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF), which is formed by a polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber cavity structure utilizing two 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) inscribed by UV laser on the PM fiber. Such a filter could generate modulated transmission of linear polarization status. It has been revealed that the modulation depth of the transmission depends on the coupling angle between the 45°-TFGs and the PM fiber cavity. When the two 45°-TFGs in PM fiber are oriented at 45° to the principal axis of the PM fiber cavity, the maximum modulation depth is achievable. Due to the thermal effect on birefringence of the PM fiber, the AFPIF can be tuned over a broad wavelength range just by simple thermal tuning of the cavity. The experiment results show that the temperature tuning sensitivity is proportional to the length ratio of the PM fiber cavity under heating. For 18 and 40 cm long cavities with 6 cm part under heating, the thermal tuning sensitivities are 0.616 and 0.31 nm/° C, respectively, which are almost two orders of magnitude higher than normal fiber Bragg gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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As shown recently, a long telecommunication fibre may be treated as a natural one-dimensional random system, where lasing is possible due to a combination of random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering by natural refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. Here we present a new type of a random fibre laser with a narrow (∼1 nm) spectrum tunable over a broad wavelength range (1535-1570 nm) with a uniquely flat (∼0.1 dB) and high (>2 W) output power and prominent (>40 %) differential efficiency, which outperforms traditional fibre lasers of the same category, e.g. a conventional Raman laser with a linear cavity formed in the same fibre by adding point reflectors. Analytical model is proposed that explains quantitatively the higher efficiency and the flatter tuning curve of the random fiber laser compared to conventional one. The other important features of the random fibre laser like "modeless" spectrum of specific shape and corresponding intensity fluctuations as well as the techniques of controlling its output characteristics are discussed. Outstanding characteristics defined by new underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme implemented in standard telecom fibre make the demonstrated tunable random fibre laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications such as optical communication, sensing and secure transmission. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We describe the technique allowing for generation of low-noise wider frequency combs and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. We compare experimentally noise stabilization techniques in semiconductor modelocked lasers. We discuss the benefits of electrical modulation of the laser absorber voltage (hybrid mode-locking), combination of hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding from the narrow linewidth continues wave master source and optical injection seeding of two coherent sidebands separated by the laser repetition rate. © 2014 SPIE.


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This study focuses on the interactional functions of non-standard spelling, in particular letter repetition, used in text-based computer-mediated communication as a means of non-verbal signalling. The aim of this paper is to assess the current state of non-verbal cue research in computer-mediated discourse and demonstrate the need for a more comprehensive and methodologically rigorous exploration of written non-verbal signalling. The study proposes a contextual and usage-centered view of written paralanguage. Through illustrative, close linguistic analyses the study proves that previous approaches to non-standard spelling based on their relation to the spoken word might not account for the complexities of this CMC cue, and in order to further our understanding of their interactional functions it is more fruitful to describe the role they play during the contextualisation of the verbal messages. The interactional sociolinguistic approach taken in the analysis demonstrates the range of interactional functions letter repetition can achieve, including contribution to the inscription of socio-emotional information into writing, to the evoking of auditory cues or to a display of informality through using a relaxed writing style.


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A single-pulse actively mode-locked fibre laser with a cavity length exceeding 1 km has been developed and investigated for the first time. This all-fibre erbium-doped laser has a normal intracavity dispersion and generates dissipative 8-ns solitons with a fundamental repetition rate of 163.8 kHz; the energy per pulse reaches 34 nJ. The implemented mode locking, based on the use of intracavity intensity modulator, provides self-triggering and high stability of pulsed lasing. A possibility of continuous tuning of the centre lasing wavelength in the range of 1558 - 1560 nm without any tunable spectral selective elements in the cavity is demonstrated. The tuning occurs when controlling the modulation signal frequency due to the forced change in the pulse repetition time (group delay) under the conditions of intracavity chromatic dispersion. © 2013 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.


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Three-dimensional TiO2 with tunable morphology and crystalline phase was successfully prepared by the electrospinning technique and subsequent annealing. Porous-shaped anatase TiO2, cluster-shaped anatase TiO2, hierarchical-shaped rutile (minor) TiO2 and nano-necklace rutile (major) TiO2 were achieved at 500, 600, 700 and 800°C, respectively. The mechanism of the formation of these tailored morphologies and crystallinity was investigated. Lithium insertion properties were evaluated by galvanostatic and potentiostatic modes in half-cell configurations. By combining the large surface area, open mesoporosity and stable crystalline phase, the porous-shaped anatase TiO2 exhibited the highest capacity, best rate and cycling performance among the four samples. The present results demonstrated the usefulness of three-dimensional TiO 2 as an anode for lithium storage with improved electrode performance. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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In this letter, we describe a novel technique to provide demultimplexing of fiber Bragg grating sensors, interrogated using interferometric wavelength shift detection. Amplitude modulation of multiple radio frequency driving signals allows au acoustooptic tunable filter to provide wavelength demultiplexing. We demonstrated a noise limited strain resolution of 150 nanostrain/√Hz and a crosstalk better than -50 dB.


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We propose and demonstrate single- and multiple-passband fiber grating transmission filters that are remotely tunable by exploitation of the optical pump-induced thermal effects in Er Yb-codoped fiber sections. A repeatable, wavelength-independent induced phase shift of 0.1p mW is obtained without hysteresis and anisotropic effects. A transmission extinction ratio of .23 dB with a 3-mW change in pump power is achieved.


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We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.


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A tunable multiwavelength fiber laser with ultra-narrow wavelength spacing and large wavelength number using a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been demonstrated. Intensity-dependent transmission induced by nonlinear polarization rotation in the SOA accounts for stable multiwavelength operation with wavelength spacing less than the homogenous broadening linewidth of the SOA. Stable multiwavelength lasing with wavelength spacing as small as 0.08 nm and wavelength number up to 126 is achieved at room temperature. Moreover, wavelength tuning of 20.2 nm is implemented via polarization tuning.


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A compact Θ shaped microfiber resonator for multifunctional, tunable and wideband filter is proposed. The filtering performance of reflection and transmission spectra depending on coupling coefficients and cavity length is theoretically investigated and experimentally demonstrated. © 2015 OSA.