833 resultados para reperfusion injury
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) are an attractive source of stem cells with regenerative properties that are similar to those of bone marrow stem cells. Here, we analyze the role of ASCs in reducing the progression of kidney fibrosis. Progressive renal fibrosis was achieved by unilateral clamping of the renal pedicle in mice for 1 h; after that, the kidney was reperfused immediately. Four hours after the surgery, 2 x 10(5) ASCs were intraperitoneally administered, and mice were followed for 24 h posttreatment and then at some other time interval for the next 6 weeks. Also, animals were treated with 2 x 10(5) ASCs at 6 weeks after reperfusion and sacrificed 4 weeks later to study their effect when interstitial fibrosis is already present. At 24 h after reperfusion, ASC-treated animals showed reduced renal dysfunction and enhanced regenerative tubular processes. Renal mRNA expression of IL-6 and TNF was decreased in ASC-treated animals, whereas IL-4. IL-10, and HO-1 expression increased despite a lack of ASCs in the kidneys as determined by SRY analysis. As expected, untreated kidneys shrank at 6 weeks, whereas the kidneys of ASC-treated animals remained normal in size, showed less collagen deposition, and decreased staining for FSP-1, type I collagen, and Hypoxyprobe. The renal protection seen in ASC-treated animals was followed by reduced serum levels of TNF-alpha, KC, RANTES, and IL-1 alpha. Surprisingly, treatment with ASCs at 6 weeks, when animals already showed installed fibrosis, demonstrated amelioration of functional parameters, with less tissue fibrosis observed and reduced mRNA expression of type I collagen and vimentin. ASC therapy can improve functional parameters and reduce progression of renal fibrosis at early and later times after injury, mostly due to early modulation of the inflammatory response and to less hypoxia, thereby reducing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
Cyclosporine (CsA) remains an important immunosuppressant for transplantation and for treatment of autoimmune diseases. The most troublesome side effect of CsA is renal injury. Acute CsA-induced nephrotoxicity is characterized by reduced renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) due to afferent arteriole vasoconstriction. Annexin A1 (ANXA1) is a potent anti-inflammatory protein with protective effect in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. Here we study the effects of ANXA1 treatment in an experimental model of acute CsA nephrotoxicity. Salt-depleted rats were randomized to treatment with VH (vehicles 1 mL/kg body weight/day), ANXA1 (Ac2-26 peptide 1 mg/kg body weight/day intraperitoneally), CsA (20 mg/kg body weight/day subcutaneously) and CsA + ANXA1 (combination) for seven days. We compared renal function and hemodynamics, renal histopathology, renal tissue macrophage infiltration and renal ANXA1 expression between the four groups. CsA significantly impaired GFR and RBF, caused tubular dilation and macrophage infiltration and increased ANXA1 renal tissue expression. Treatment with ANXA1 attenuated CSA-induced hemodynamic changes, tubular injury and macrophage infiltration. ANXA1 treatment attenuated renal hemodynamic injury and inflammation in an acute CsA nephrotoxicity model.
Objective: Cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury to multiple organs. We aimed to evaluate whether remote ischemic preconditioning performed the day before surgery for congenital heart disease with cardiopulmonary bypass attenuates the postoperative inflammatory response and myocardial dysfunction. Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, single-blind, controlled trial. Children allocated to remote ischemic preconditioning underwent 4 periods of 5 minutes of lower limb ischemia by a blood pressure cuff intercalated with 5 minutes of reperfusion. Blood samples were collected 4, 12, 24, and 48 hours after cardiopulmonary bypass to evaluate nuclear factor kappa B activation in leukocytes by quantification of mRNA of I kappa B alpha by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and for interleukin-8 and 10 plasma concentration measurements by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Myocardial dysfunction was assessed by N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and cardiac troponin I plasma concentrations, measured by chemiluminescence, and clinical parameters of low cardiac output syndrome. Results: Twelve children were allocated to remote ischemic preconditioning, and 10 children were allocated to the control group. Demographic data and Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery 1 classification were comparable in both groups. Remote ischemic preconditioning group had lower postoperative values of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, but cardiac troponin I levels were not significantly different between groups. Interleukin-8 and 10 concentrations and I kappa B alpha gene expression were similar in both groups. Postoperative morbidity was similar in both groups; there were no postoperative deaths in either group. Conclusions: Late remote ischemic preconditioning did not provide clinically relevant cardioprotection to children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144:178-83)
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species regulate a wide array of signaling pathways that governs cardiovascular physiology. However, oxidant stress resulting from disrupted redox signaling has an adverse impact on the pathogenesis and progression of cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we address how redox signaling and oxidant stress affect the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, hypertension and heart failure. We also summarize the benefits of exercise training in tackling the hyperactivation of cellular oxidases and mitochondrial dysfunction seen in cardiovascular diseases
Introdução: vários fatores estão associados à lesão de isquemia fria (IF) e referfusão quente (RQ) no transplante hepático (TxH), tais como infiltrado de neutrófilos e linfo-plasmocitário, liberação de citoquinas inflamatórias e apoptose. Porém, pouco se conhece sobre o papel da IF/RQ em enxertos esteatóticos. Objetivo: avaliar o papel da lesão de IF/RQ no TxH em humanos comparando enxertos esteatóticos e não esteatóticos. Métodos: entre maio/02 e março/07 foram realizadas 84 biópsias pós reperfusão (2hs após RQ) e 18 pré reperfusão, totalizando-se 84 TxH em 82 pacientes. As biópsias foram agrupadas em 5 grupos, de acordo com o grau de macro e microesteatose: GEL – leve (<30%), GEM – moderada (30-59%), GEG - grave (≥60%), GEA - sem esteatose, GPR-pré-reperfusão. Nas 102 biópsias foram analisadas: porcentagens de macro e microesteatose, graus de exudato de neutrófilos (0-3) e infiltrado linfo-plasmocitário portal (0-3), índices de apoptose (métodos de Túnel e Caspase- 3) e de ICAM-1. As esteatoses macro (n=49) e microvesicular (n=74) foram individualmente analisadas e classificadas em graus leve (G1), moderado (G2) e grave (G3) e ausente (G4). Resultados: o índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: GEL=0.262±0.111, GEM=0.278±0.113, GEG=0.244±0.117, GEA=0,275±0.094 e GPR=0.181±0.123, p-0.07. No grupo macroesteatose índice de apoptose (TUNEL) foi: G1=0.284± 0.106, G2+3=0.160±0.109, G4=0,275±0.094, p-0.05; e no grupo microesteatose, G1=0.222±0.123, G2+3=0.293±0.108, G4=0.275±0.094, p-0.049. O GEG expressou o ICAM-1 em 83% dos casos de forma difusa. Não existiu diferença estatística entre os grupos ao analisarmos os índices de apoptose (caspase-3) e ICAM-1. Conclusão: o GEG e o grupo macroesteatose (moderado e grave) apresentaram significante redução no índice de apoptose, enquanto o grupo microesteatose (moderado e grave), significante aumento. E o GEG apresentou expressão de ICAM-1 difusamente, podendo ser estes marcadores envolvidos na lesão de I/R hepática dos enxertos esteatóticos.
Synthese von Sialyl-Lewis X -Glycopeptiden und -Mimetika als Zelladhäsionsinhibitoren für E-Selektin
Die Selektine initiieren im Verlauf von Entzündungsprozessen einen ersten Zellkontakt zwischen Leukozyten und Endothelzellen und ermöglichen so die Auswanderung der Leukozyten aus den Blutgefäßen in das umliegende Gewebe, wo sie ihre immunologische Wirkung entfalten können. Viele Krankheiten gehen allerdings mit einer übermäßigen, durch Selektine vermittelten Zelladhäsion einher. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, Selektininhibitoren zu synthetisieren, die pathologische Zelladhäsionsprozesse, wie man sie z.B. bei rheumatoider Arthritis, bei Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder im Verlauf von Tumormetastasierungen findet, unterbinden können. Als Leitstruktur für solche Inhibitoren dient das auf den natürlichen Selektinliganden vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewis-X. Sialyl-Lewis-X stellt aber nur einen Teil der natürlichen Selektinliganden dar. Es bindet auch nur im millimolaren Bereich an die Selektine. Die komplexen natürlichen Selektinliganden wie z.B. ESL-1 (E-Selektin-Ligand-1), die an verschiedenen Glycosylierungs-stellen des Glycoproteins Sialyl-Lewis-X präsentieren, binden mit deutlich höherer Affinität an die Selektine. Für eine spezifische Rezeptorbindung sind daher außer dem Tetrasaccharid weitere Partialstrukturen verantwortlich, wobei gezeigt werden konnte, dass ein Anknüpfen von Sialyl-Lewis-X-Derivaten an die Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 eine Affinitätssteigerung hervorruft. Ein weiterer Nachteil des natürlichen Sialyl-Lewis-X-Tetrasaccharids im Hinblick auf seine pharmakologische Verwendung besteht darin, dass sowohl die fucosidische Bindung als auch die glycosidische Verknüpfung zur Neuraminsäure durch Enzyme leicht gespalten werden, wodurch Sialyl-Lewis-X als potenzielles Anti-Adäsionsmolekül an Wert verliert. Um die Kohlenydratliganden vor einem solchen enzymatischen Abbau zu bewahren, wurden in dieser Arbeit neben der im Sialyl-Lewis-X vorliegenden L-Fucose die im Menschen nicht vorkommenden Kohlenhydrate D-Arabinose und L-Galactose sowie neben der Neuraminsäure die (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure zur Herstellung der sechs Glycopeptid-Selektinliganden 1-6 mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 verknüpft. Die Tetrasaccharide und Tetrasaccharid-Mimetika können aus den geschützten Monosacchariden und der geschützten Cyclohexylmilch-säure in parallelen Synthesen im Gramm-Maßstab hergestellt werden. Die automatisierten Glycopeptid-Festphasensynthesen wurden an einem Peptidsynthesizer nach der Fmoc-Strategie unter Verwendung von mit Asparaginsäure vorbeladenen TentaGel®-Harzen durchgeführt. Die Strukturen aller sechs Glycopeptide 1-6 wurden sowohl durch hoch auflösende massenspektrometrische Analysen als auch durch ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Experimente belegt. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit liegen sechs Sialyl-Lewis-X-Glycopeptide und -Mimetika mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 vor. Diese werden in Kürze auf ihre Wirksamkeit als Zelladhäsions-inhibitoren für E-Selektin getestet. Daraus sollen sich Erkenntnisse über Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen gewinnen lassen, insbesondere was das kooperative Zusammenwirken von Saccharid- und Peptidteilstrukturen in der Erkennung der Liganden durch das E-Selektin anbetrifft.
Intracoronary administration of glycosaminoglycan analogs, including the complement inhibitor dextran sulfate, attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury (I/R injury). However, dextran sulfate has a distinct anticoagulatory effect, possibly limiting its use in specific situations in vivo. We therefore developed multimeric tyrosine sulfate (sTyr-PAA), a novel, minimally anticoagulatory, fully synthetic non-carbohydrate-containing polyacrylamide conjugate, for in vivo testing in an acute closed-chest porcine model of acute myocardial infarction.
Cardiovascular disease is a complex disorder involving multiple pathophysiological processes, several of which involve activation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the innate immune system. As sentinels of innate immunity TLRs are nonclonally germline-encoded molecular pattern recognition receptors that recognize exogenous as well as tissue-derived molecular dangers signals promoting inflammation. In addition to their expression in immune cells, TLRs are found in other tissues and cell types including cardiomyocytes, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. TLRs are differentially regulated in various cell types by several cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia and may represent a key mechanism linking chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease progression, and activation of the immune system. Modulation of TLR signaling by specific TLR agonists or antagonists, alone or in combination, may be a useful therapeutic approach to treat various cardiovascular inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, secondary microvascular complications of diabetes, autoimmune disease, and ischemia reperfusion injury. In this paper we discuss recent developments and current evidence for the role of TLR in cardiovascular disease as well as the therapeutic potential of various compounds on inhibition of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses.
The endothelium, as an organ at the interface between the intra- and extravascular space, actively participates in maintaining an anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant environment under physiological conditions. Severe humoral as well as cellular rejection responses, which accompany cross-species transplantation of vascularized organs as well as ischemia/reperfusion injury, primarily target the endothelium and disrupt this delicate balance. Activation of pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant pathways often lead to irreversible injury not only of the endothelial layer but also of the entire graft, with ensuing rejection. This review focuses on strategies targeted at protecting the endothelium from such damaging effects, ranging from genetic manipulation of the donor organ to soluble, as well as membrane-targeted, protective strategies.
BACKGROUND: Optimal allograft protection is essential in lung transplantation to reduce postoperative organ dysfunction. Although intravenous prostanoids are routinely used to ameliorate reperfusion injury, the latest evidence suggests a similar efficacy of inhaled prostacyclin. Therefore, we compared donor lung-pretreatment using inhaled lioprost (Ventavis) with the commonly used intravenous technique. METHODS: Five pig lungs were each preserved with Perfadex and stored for 27 hours without (group 1) or with (group-2, 100 prior aerosolized of iloprost were (group 3) or iloprost (IV). Following left lung transplantation, hemodynamics, Po(2)/F(i)o(2), compliance, and wet-to-dry ratio were monitored for 6 hours and compared to sham controls using ANOVA analysis with repeated measures. RESULTS: The mortality was 100% in group 3. All other animals survived (P < .001). Dynamic compliance and PVR were superior in the endobronchially pretreated iloprost group as compared with untreated organs (P < .05), whereas oxygenation was comparable overall W/D-ratio revealed significantly lower lung water in group 2 (P = .027) compared with group 3. CONCLUSION: Preischemic alveolar deposition of iloprost is superior to IV pretreatment as reflected by significantly improved allograft function. This strategy offers technique to optimize pulmonary preservation.
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), an endogenous intermediate of glycolysis, protects the brain against ischemia-reperfusion injury. The mechanisms of FBP protection after cerebral ischemia are not well understood. The current study was undertaken to determine whether FBP protects primary neurons against hypoxia and oxidative stress by preserving reduced glutathione (GSH). Cultures of pure cortical neurons were subjected to oxygen deprivation, a donor of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals (3-morpholinosydnonimine), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis (L-buthionine-sulfoximine) or glutathione reductase (1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea) in the presence or absence of FBP (3.5 mM). Neuronal viability was determined using an 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide assay. FBP protected neurons against hypoxia-reoxygenation and oxidative stress under conditions of compromised GSH metabolism. The efficacy of FBP depended on duration of hypoxia and was associated with higher intracellular GSH concentration, an effect partly mediated via increased glutathione reductase activity.
In the dual ex vivo perfusion of an isolated human placental cotyledon it takes on average 20-30 min to set up stable perfusion circuits for the maternal and fetal vascular compartments. In vivo placental tissue of all species maintains a highly active metabolism and it continues to puzzle investigators how this tissue can survive 30 min of ischemia with more or less complete anoxia following expulsion of the organ from the uterus and do so without severe damage. There seem to be parallels between "depressed metabolism" seen in the fetus and the immature neonate in the peripartum period and survival strategies described in mammals with increased tolerance of severe hypoxia like hibernators in the state of torpor or deep sea diving turtles. Increased tolerance of hypoxia in both is explained by "partial metabolic arrest" in the sense of a temporary suspension of Kleiber's rule. Furthermore the fetus can react to major changes in surrounding oxygen tension by decreasing or increasing the rate of specific basal metabolism, providing protection against severe hypoxia as well as oxidative stress. There is some evidence that adaptive mechanisms allowing increased tolerance of severe hypoxia in the fetus or immature neonate can also be found in placental tissue, of which at least the villous portion is of fetal origin. A better understanding of the molecular details of reprogramming of fetal and placental tissues in late pregnancy may be of clinical relevance for an improved risk assessment of the individual fetus during the critical transition from intrauterine life to the outside and for the development of potential prophylactic measures against severe ante- or intrapartum hypoxia. Responses of the tissue to reperfusion deserve intensive study, since they may provide a rational basis for preventive measures against reperfusion injury and related oxidative stress. Modification of the handling of placental tissue during postpartum ischemia, and adaptation of the artificial reperfusion, may lead to an improvement of the ex vivo perfusion technique.
Ischemia/reperfusion injury leads to activation of graft endothelial cells (EC), boosting antigraft immunity and impeding tolerance induction. We hypothesized that the complement inhibitor and EC-protectant dextran sulfate (DXS, MW 5000) facilitates long-term graft survival induced by non-depleting anti-CD4 mAb (RIB 5/2). Hearts from DA donor rats were heterotopically transplanted into Lewis recipients treated with RIB 5/2 (20 mg/kg, days-1,0,1,2,3; i.p.) with or without DXS (grafts perfused with 25 mg, recipients treated i.v. with 25 mg/kg on days 1,3 and 12.5 mg/kg on days 5,7,9,11,13,15). Cold graft ischemia time was 20 min or 12 h. Median survival time (MST) was comparable between RIB 5/2 and RIB 5/2+DXS-treated recipients in the 20-min group with >175-day graft survival. In the 12-h group RIB 5/2 only led to chronic rejection (MST = 49.5 days) with elevated alloantibody response, whereas RIB 5/2+DXS induced long-term survival (MST >100 days, p < 0.05) with upregulation of genes related to transplantation tolerance. Analysis of the 12-h group treated with RIB 5/2+DXS at 1-day posttransplantation revealed reduced EC activation, complement deposition and inflammatory cell infiltration. In summary, DXS attenuates I/R-induced acute graft injury and facilitates long-term survival in this clinically relevant transplant model.
OBJECTIVE: Euro-Collins solution (EC) is routinely used in lung transplantation. The high potassium of EC, however, may damage the vascular endothelium, thereby contributing to postischemic reperfusion injury. To assess the influence of the potassium concentration on lung preservation, we evaluated the effect of a "low potassium Euro-Collins solution" (LPEC), in which the sodium and potassium concentrations were reversed. METHODS: In an extracorporeal rat heart-lung model lungs were preserved with EC and LPEC. The heart-lung blocks (HLB) were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing washed bovine red blood cells and ventilated with room air. The lungs were perfused via the working right ventricle with deoxygenated perfusate. Oxygenation and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were monitored. After baseline measurements, hearts were arrested with St. Thomas' solution and the lungs were perfused with EC or LPEC, or were not perfused (controls). The HLBs were stored for 5 min or 2 h ischemic time at 4 degrees C. Reperfusion and ventilation was performed for 40 min. At the end of the trial the wet/dry ratio of the lungs was calculated and light microscopic assessment of the degree of edema was performed. RESULTS: After 5 min of ischemia oxygenation was significantly better in both preserved groups compared to the controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance was elevated in all three groups after 30 min reperfusion at both ischemic times. After 2 h of ischemia PVR of the group preserved with LPEC was significantly lower than those of the EC and controls (LPEC-5 min: 184 +/- 65 dynes * sec * cm-5, EC-5 min: 275 +/- 119 dynes * sec * cm * cm-5, LPEC-2 h: 324 +/- 47 dynes * sec * m-5, EC-2 h: 507 +/- 83 dynes * sec * cm-5). Oxygenation after 2 h of ischemia and 30 min reperfusion was significantly better in the LPEC group compared to EC and controls (LPEC: 70 +/- 17 mmHg, EC: 44 +/- 3 mmHg). The wet/dry ratio was significantly lower in the two preserved groups compared to controls (LPEC-5 min: 5.7 +/- 0.7, EC-5 min: 5.8 +/- 1.2, controls-5 min: 7.5 +/- 1.8, LPEC-2 h: 6.7 +/- 0.4, EC: 6.9 +/- 0.4, controls-2 h: 7.3 +/- 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: We thus conclude that LPEC results in better oxygenation and lower PVR in this lung preservation model. A low potassium concentration in lung preservation solutions may help in reducing the incidence of early graft dysfunction following lung transplantation.
BACKGROUND. The high rate of reperfusion injury in clinical lung transplantation mandates significant improvements in lung preservation. Innovations should be validated using standardized and low-cost experimental models. METHODS. The model introduced here is analyzed by comparing global lung function after varying ischemic times (2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours). A rat double-lung block is flush-perfused, and the main pulmonary artery and left atrium are connected to the left pulmonary artery and vein of a syngeneic recipient using a T-shaped stent. With pressure side ports and incorporated flow crystals, measurement of vascular resistance and graft oxygenation can be performed. The transplant is ventilated separately, and compliance and resistance are determined. RESULTS. The increase in the ischemic interval from 2 to 24 hours caused an increase in the alveolar arterial oxygen difference from 220 +/- 20 to 600 +/- 34 mm Hg, pulmonary vascular resistance from 198 +/- 76 to 638 +/- 212 mm Hg.mL-1.min-1, and resistance to airflow from 274 +/- 50 to 712 +/- 30 cm H2O/L H2O, and a decrease in pulmonary compliance from 0.4 +/- 0.05 to 0.12 +/- 0.06 mL/cm H2O. CONCLUSIONS. This in situ, syngeneic rat lung transplantation model offers an alternative to large animal models for verification of lung preservation solutions and for modification of donor or recipient treatment regimens.