950 resultados para recycled nutrients
In the present study, the daily relative growth rates (DRGR, in percent per day) of the red macroalga Gracilaria domingensis in synthetic seawater was investigated for the combined influence of five factors, i.e., light (L), temperature (T), nitrate (N), phosphate (P), and molybdate (M), using a statistical design method. The ranges of the experimental cultivation conditions were T, 18-26A degrees C; L, 74-162 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1); N, 40-80 mu mol L-1; P, 8-16 mu mol L-1; and M, 1-5 nmol L-1. The optimal conditions, which resulted in a maximum growth rate of a parts per thousand yen6.4% d(-1) from 7 to 10 days of cultivation, were determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) multivariate factorial analysis (with a 2(5) full factorial design) to be L, 74 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1); T, 26A degrees C; N, 80 mu mol L-1; P, 8 mu mol L-1; and M, 1 nmol L-1. In additional, these growth rate values are close to the growth rate values in natural medium (von Stosch medium), i.e., 6.5-7.0% d(-1). The results analyzed by the ANOVA indicate that the factors N and T are highly significant linear terms, X (L), (alpha = 0.05). On the other hand, the only significant quadratic term (X (Q)) was that for L. Statistically significant interactions between two different factors were found between T vs. L and N vs. T. Finally, a two-way (linear/quadratic interaction) model provided a quite reasonable correlation between the experimental and predicted DRGR values (R (adjusted) (2) = 0.9540).
Irrigation of citrus (Citrus aurantium L. x Citrus paradise Macf.) with urban reclaimed wastewater (RWW) can be economical and conserve fresh water. However, concerns remain regarding its deleterious effects on soil quality. We investigated the ionic speciation (ISP) of RWW and potential impacts of 11 yr of irrigation with RWW on soil quality, compared with well-water (WW) irrigation. Most of nutrients (similar to 53-99%) in RWW are free ionic species and readily available for plant uptake, such as: NH4+, NO3-, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, H3BO3, Cl-, Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+, whereas more than about 80% of Cu, Cr, Pb, and Al are complexed with CO3-, OH-, and/or organic matter. The RWW irrigation increased the availability and total concentrations of nutrients and nonessential elements, and soil salinity and sodicity by two to three times compared with WW-irrigated soils. Although RWW irrigation changed many soil parameters, no difference in citrus yield was observed. The risk of negative impacts from RWW irrigation on soil quality appears to be minimal because of: (i) adequate quality of RWW, according to USEPA limits; (ii) low concentrations of metals in soil after 11 yr of irrigation with RWW; and (iii) rapid leaching of salts in RWW-irrigated soil during the rainy season.
Xylose-to-xylitol bioconversion using 2.5 or 10% (v/v) rice bran extract was performed to verify the influence of this source of nutrients on Candida guilliermondii metabolism. Semisynthetic medium (SM) and sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate detoxified with ion-exchange resins (HIE) or with alteration in pH combined with adsorption onto activated charcoal (HAC) were fermented in 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks at 30 ºC and 200 rpm for 72 hours. Activated charcoal supplemented with 2.5% (v/v) rice bran extract was fermented by C. guilliermondii in a MULTIGEN stirred tank reactor using pH 5.0 and 22.9/hour oxygen transfer volumetric coefficient. Higher values of xylitol productivity (0.70, 0.71, and 0.62 g.Lh-1) and xylose-to-xylitol conversion yield (0.71, 0.69, and 0.63 g.g-1) were obtained with 2.5% (v/v) rice bran in semisynthetic medium, ion-exchange resins, and activated charcoal, respectively. Moreover, during batch fermentation, the xylitol volumetric productivity and fermentation efficiency values obtained were 0.53 g.Lh-1 and 61.1%, respectively.
The aim of this paper is to verify the influence of composition variability of recycled aggregates (RA) of construction and demolition wastes (CDW) on the performance of concretes. Performance was evaluated building mathematical models for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage. To obtain such models, an experimental program comprising 50 concrete mixtures was carried out. Specimens were casted, tested and results for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage were statistically analyzed. Models inputs are CDW composition observed at seven Brazilian cities. Results confirm that using RA from CDW for concrete building is quite feasible, independently of its composition, once compressive strength and modulus of elasticity still reached considerable values. We concluded the variability presented by recycled aggregates of CDW does not compromise their use for concrete building. However, this information must be used with caution, and experimental tests should always be performed to certify concrete properties.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutrients balance and milk fatty acids profile of dairy cows supplemented with monensin. Twelve Brazilian Holstein dairy cows were distributed into four balanced 3x3 Latin squares, and fed with the following diets: control (C), basal diet without addition of monensin, monensin 24 (M24), addition of 24mg/kg DM of monensin, and monensin 48 (M48), addition of 48mg/kg DM. The experimental diets influenced the efficiency of net energy of lactation utilization. A quadratic effect was observed for the energy balance. It was observed effect of diets on nitrogen balance. It was observed effect of monensin in the milk yield, composition and in the milk fatty acids profile. Monensin in diets of dairy cows in mid lactation, using corn silage, improved the nutrients balance and milk fatty acid profile with 24mg/kg DM.
[EN] In the frame of the restoration of natural populations of Cymodocea nodosa of the Canary Islands, seeds are being collected at natural populations where germination is rather scarce and seasonal after dormancy. We have developed techniques of propagation in vitro of collected seeds, consisting in forced seed germination and seedlings propagation to obtain mature 20-30 cm plantlet, which eventually are being used for restoration. In order to improve the developed methodology, several experiments were conducted to adjust conditions for seed storage under different regimes of temperature without loosing germinative potential, fertilize during propagation with controlled released NPK fertilizers, and increase growth by dipping seedlings in solutions of the most common plant hormones.
Programa de Doctorado, Acuicultura: Producción controlada de organismos acuáticos
Die Isotopenzusammensetzungen des Pitcairn Hotspot (Südpazifik), des Mauna Kea (Hawaii) und der Insel Rurutu (Französisch Polynesien) wurden bestimmt, um Heterogenitäten im Erdmantel zu charakterisieren. Die Bleiisotopenzusammensetzung wurde mit einer Dreiisotopenspiketechnik zur Korrektur der instrumentellen Massenfraktionierung gemessen. An Proben von Pitcairn wurde zusätzlich die Os, Hf, Nd, Sr Isotopenzusammensetzung, sowie die Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzung bestimmt. Die Isotopensignatur des Pitcairn Hotspots kann durch eine Sedimentkomponente in der Magmenquelle erklärt werden. Die Bleiisotopenschwankungen des Mauna Kea in der HSDP-2 Bohrung treten als Oszillationen auf, die sich zu linearen Anordnungen im Bleiisotopenraum zusammensetzen. Das begrenzte zeitliche Auftreten einer linearen Anordnung zeigt, daß die Heterogenitäten mehrere zehner Kilometer Länge im aufsteigenden Mantelmaterial unter dem Vulkan einnehmen. Auch die Bleiisotopenzusammensetzungen der Rurutu-laven zeigen lineare Anordnungen.Diese lineare Anordnungen im Bleiisotopenraum können durch eine vorwiegend binäre Mischung erklärt werden. Ein Bleiisotopenentwicklungsmodell unterstützt, daß die Differenzierung der Ausgangsmaterialien vor weniger als etwa zwei Milliarden Jahren geschah und für Mauna Kea relativ jung sein könnte. Keine der Hotspots weisen identische Mischungsendglieder auf, so daß die Heterogenitäten kleinräumige Merkmale im Erdmantel sind.
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) depositions are expected to increase in the tropicsrnas a consequence of increasing human activities in the next decades. Furthermore, a possiblernshortened El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle might come along with more frequent calcium (Ca)rndepositions on the eastern slope of the Ecuadorian Andes originating from Saharan dust. It isrncrucial to understand the response of the old-growth montane forest in Ecuador to increasedrnnutrient deposition to predict the further development of this megadiverse ecosystem.rnI studied experimental additions of N, P, N+P and Ca to the forest and an untreatedrncontrol, all in a fourfold replicated randomized block design. These experiments were conductedrnin the framework of a collaborative research effort, the NUtrient Manipulation EXperimentrn(NUMEX). I collected litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfallrnand fine litterfall samples and determined N, P and Ca concentrations and fluxes. This approachrnalso allowed me to assess whether N, P and/or Ca are limiting nutrients for forest growth.rnFurthermore, I evaluated the response of fine root biomass, leaf area index, leaf area and specificrnleaf area, tree diameter growth and basal area increment contributed from a cooperating group inrnthe Ca applied and control treatments.rnDuring the observation period of 16 months after the first fertilizer application, less thanrn10, 1 and 5% of the applied N, P and Ca, respectively, leached below the organic layer whichrncontained almost all roots but no significant leaching losses occurred to the deeper mineral soil.rnDeposited N, P and Ca from the atmosphere in dry and wet form were, on balance, retained in therncanopy in the control treatment. Retention of N, P and Ca in the canopy in their respectiverntreatments was reduced resulting in higher concentrations and fluxes of N, P and Ca inrnthroughfall and litterfall. Up to 2.5% of the applied N and 2% of the applied P and Ca werernrecycled to the soil with throughfall. Fluxes of N, P and Ca in throughfall+litterfall were higher inrnthe fertilized treatments than in the control; up to 20, 5 and 25% of the applied N, P and Ca,rnrespectively, were recycled to the soil with throughfall+litterfall.rnIn the Ca-applied plots, fine root biomass decreased significantly. Also the leaf area of thernfour most common tree species tended to decrease and the specific leaf area increasedrnsignificantly in Graffenrieda emarginata Triana, the most common tree species in the study area.rnThese changes are known plant responses to reduced nutrient stress. Reduced aluminium (Al)rntoxicity as an explanation of the Ca effect was unlikely, because of almost complete organocomplexationrnof Al and molar Ca:Al concentration ratios in solution above the toxicity threshold.rnThe results suggest that N, P and Ca co-limit the forest ecosystem functioning in thernnorthern Andean montane forests in line with recent assumptions in which different ecosystemrncompartments and even different phenological stages may show different nutrient limitationsrn(Kaspari et al. 2008). I conclude that (1) the expected elevated N and P deposition will bernretained in the ecosystem, at least in the short term and hence, quality of river water will not bernendangered and (2) increased Ca input will reduce nutrient stress of the forest.
The present thesis analyses the effects of the enrichment of the soil with fertilizer and sea level rise (SLR) on salt marsh vegetation. We simulated different conditions of the salt marshes under current and projected sea level rise. These habitats are colonised by various types of plants, we focused on species belonging to the genus Spartina. This plant seems to be particularly sensitive to eutrophication due to human activities, as experiments have documented a loss of habitat associated with altered nutrient conditions. We manipulated experimentally the types of sediment, the concentration of nutrients and sea level rise. We wanted to test whether eutrophication can affect the aboveground/belowground growth of the vegetation, and indirectly the erosion of the sediment, with potentially interacting effects with soil type and SLR in affecting the loss of the habitats and species. The study lasted from July to October. The data were analysed using Permanova. The results showed that the plants were placed in growth spiked sediment different from those raised in the untreated sediment. Furthermore, the sediment underwent a level of erosion differently depending on the growth of plants and the condition they were in the pots, current or future sea levers. These results suggest that the total salt marsh habitat is very sensitive to changes caused by human activities, and that excessive eutrophication, combined with SLR will likely facilitate further loss of salt marsh vegetation.
Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.
In 2009 and 2010 a study was conducted on the Hiawatha National Forest (HNF) to determine if whole-tree harvest (WTH) of jack pine would deplete the soil nutrients in the very coarse-textured Rubicon soil. WTH is restricted on Rubicon sand in order to preserve the soil fertility, but the increasing construction of biomass-fueled power plants is expected to increase the demand for forest biomass. The specific objectives of this study were to estimate biomass and nutrient content of above- and below-ground tree components in mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands growing on a coarse-textured, low-productivity soil, determine pools of total C and N and exchangeable soil cations in Rubicon sand, and to compare the possible impacts of conventional stem-only harvest (CH) and WTH on soil nutrient pools and the implications for productivity of subsequent rotations. Four even-aged jack pine stands on Rubicon soil were studied. Allometric equations were used to estimate above-ground biomass and nutrients, and soil samples from each stand were taken for physical and chemical analysis. Results indicate that WTH will result in cation deficits in all stands, with exceptionally large Ca deficits occurring in two stands. Where a deficit does not occur, the cation surplus is small and, chemical weathering and atmospheric deposition is not anticipated to replace the removed cations. CH will result in a surplus of cations, and will likely not result in productivity declines during the first rotation. However even under CH, the surplus is small, and chemical weathering and atmospheric deposition will not supply enough cations for the second rotation.
Continental evaporation is a significant and dynamic flux within the atmospheric water budget, but few methods provide robust observational constraints on the large-scale hydroclimatological and hydroecological impacts of this ‘recycled-water' flux. We demonstrate a geospatial analysis that provides such information, using stable isotope data to map the distribution of recycled water in shallow aquifers downwind from Lake Michigan. The δ2H and δ18O values of groundwater in the study region decrease from south to north, as expected based on meridional gradients in climate and precipitation isotope ratios. In contrast, deuterium excess (d = δ2H − 8 × δ18O) values exhibit a significant zonal gradient and finer-scale spatially patterned variation. Local d maxima occur in the northwest and southwest corners of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, where ‘lake-effect' precipitation events are abundant. We apply a published model that describes the effect of recycling from lakes on atmospheric vapor d values to estimate that up to 32% of recharge into individual aquifers may be derived from recycled Lake Michigan water. Applying the model to geostatistical surfaces representing mean d values, we estimate that between 10% and 18% of the vapor evaporated from Lake Michigan is re-precipitated within downwind areas of the Lake Michigan drainage basin. Our approach provides previously unavailable observational constraints on regional land-atmosphere water fluxes in the Great Lakes Basin and elucidates patterns in recycled-water fluxes that may influence the biogeography of the region. As new instruments and networks facilitate enhanced spatial monitoring of environmental water isotopes, similar analyses can be widely applied to calibrate and validate water cycle models and improve projections of regional hydroecological change involving the coupled lake-atmosphere-land system. Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/ES12-00062.1