918 resultados para recycled carbon fibers PLA 3D printing additive manufacturing FFF


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A utilização de tecnologias de prototipagem em objetos e estruturas do dia-a-dia é cada vez maior. Porém, os componentes que é possível fabricar estão em geral associados a protótipos demonstrativos não funcionais. Para ultrapassar estas limitações têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos novos materiais, procurando a melhoria das suas características mecânicas. A presente dissertação insere-se no projeto Firend®, que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e outras instituições como o Instituto Superior Técnico e procura avaliar a viabilidade da utilização da técnica de deposição de resina fotopolimerizável por ultra-violeta no fabrico de projéteis para o transporte especial de agentes extintores, procurando caracterizar o desempenho deste material em condições operativas simulativas do disparo real. A pesquisa bibliográfica da presente dissertação baseou-se numa breve introdução aos materiais poliméricos. O trabalho teórico consistiu na modelação numérica através do método dos elementos finitos do ensaio de compressão utilizando o programa Deform® e na respetiva validação do modelo através de comparação dos resultados das simulações com dados experimentais existentes na literatura da especialidade. O trabalho experimental fundamentou-se no fabrico e preparação de provetes através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, na descrição das ferramentas utilizadas e do plano experimental. No final verificou-se a fratura de todos os provetes ensaiados e uma grande dispersão dos resultados, conseguindo-se apenas retirar uma tensão de segurança que não deve ser ultrapassada. De acordo com o estudo realizado o material ensaiado demonstrou-se não ser apropriado para a aplicação pretendida e recomenda-se a avaliação de outros materiais igualmente utilizados pelas técnicas de prototipagem rápida, tais como uma mistura de uma resina polimérica com um outro material com características mecânicas mais adequadas.


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La sostituzione totale di caviglia o artroplastica totale di caviglia (Total Ankle Replacement - TAR) è un'operazione eseguita per sostituire le superfici di contatto delle ossa di tibia e astragalo mediante componenti protesiche e sta diventando una comune procedura chirurgica per il trattamento dell’ultimo stadio di osteoartrite di caviglia. La morfologia articolare della caviglia e la relativa cinematica sono molto complesse. Gli attuali dispositivi per TAR soffrono ancora di alti tassi di insoddisfazione e fallimento, probabilmente a causa dei relativi disegni protesici non pienamente rispettosi della normale morfologia di caviglia e del normale trasferimento dei carichi articolari. Recentemente, è stato proposto un nuovo disegno basato su un originale postulato che approssima la superficie articolare talare in modo maggiormente fisiologico, come un tronco di cono a sella con apice diretto lateralmente. L'obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è di valutare sperimentalmente, mediante il supporto del navigatore chirurgico, il comportamento cinematico derivante dall’impianto del dispositivo TAR basato sul nuovo postulato e di confrontarlo con la cinematica derivante dalla caviglia intatta e derivante da modelli protesici basati sui disegni più comunemente utilizzati. Dieci arti inferiori da cadavere con caviglie intatte e normali, sono state scansionati via CT. Le immagini di caviglia sono state poi segmentate per la produzione dei modelli virtuali articolari. Questi sono stati prodotti sia basandosi sul nuovo postulato sia su quelli standard, e successivamente stampati in materiale plastico via 3D-printing. I risultati ottenuti a seguito di elaborazioni confermano che il nuovo dispositivo sembra riprodurre meglio rispetto agli altri, il fisiologico comportamento funzionale della caviglia, presentando valori prossimi a quelli della caviglia naturale.


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"3d printing April, 1946."


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This research has been undertaken to determine how successful multi-organisational enterprise strategy is reliant on the correct type of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems being used. However there appears to be a dearth of research as regards strategic alignment between ERP systems development and multi-organisational enterprise governance as guidelines and frameworks to assist practitioners in making decision for multi-organisational collaboration supported by different types of ERP systems are still missing from theoretical and empirical perspectives. This calls for this research which investigates ERP systems development and emerging practices in the management of multi-organisational enterprises (i.e. parts of companies working with parts of other companies to deliver complex product-service systems) and identify how different ERP systems fit into different multi-organisational enterprise structures, in order to achieve sustainable competitive success. An empirical inductive study was conducted using the Grounded Theory-based methodological approach based on successful manufacturing and service companies in the UK and China. This involved an initial pre-study literature review, data collection via 48 semi-structured interviews with 8 companies delivering complex products and services across organisational boundaries whilst adopting ERP systems to support their collaborative business strategies – 4 cases cover printing, semiconductor manufacturing, and parcel distribution industries in the UK and 4 cases cover crane manufacturing, concrete production, and banking industries in China in order to form a set of 29 tentative propositions that have been validated via a questionnaire receiving 116 responses from 16 companies. The research has resulted in the consolidation of the validated propositions into a novel concept referred to as the ‘Dynamic Enterprise Reference Grid for ERP’ (DERG-ERP) which draws from multiple theoretical perspectives. The core of the DERG-ERP concept is a contingency management framework which indicates that different multi-organisational enterprise paradigms and the supporting ERP information systems are not the result of different strategies, but are best considered part of a strategic continuum with the same overall business purpose of multi-organisational cooperation. At different times and circumstances in a partnership lifecycle firms may prefer particular multi-organisational enterprise structures and the use of different types of ERP systems to satisfy business requirements. Thus the DERG-ERP concept helps decision makers in selecting, managing and co-developing the most appropriate multi-organistional enterprise strategy and its corresponding ERP systems by drawing on core competence, expected competitiveness, and information systems strategic capabilities as the main contingency factors. Specifically, this research suggests that traditional ERP(I) systems are associated with Vertically Integrated Enterprise (VIE); whilst ERPIIsystems can be correlated to Extended Enterprise (EE) requirements and ERPIII systems can best support the operations of Virtual Enterprise (VE). The contribution of this thesis is threefold. Firstly, this work contributes to a gap in the extant literature about the best fit between ERP system types and multi-organisational enterprise structure types; and proposes a new contingency framework – the DERG-ERP, which can be used to explain how and why enterprise managers need to change and adapt their ERP information systems in response to changing business and operational requirements. Secondly, with respect to a priori theoretical models, the new DERG-ERP has furthered multi-organisational enterprise management thinking by incorporating information system strategy, rather than purely focusing on strategy, structural, and operational aspects of enterprise design and management. Simultaneously, the DERG-ERP makes theoretical contributions to the current IS Strategy Formulation Model which does not explicitly address multi-organisational enterprise governance. Thirdly, this research clarifies and emphasises the new concept and ideas of future ERP systems (referred to as ERPIII) that are inadequately covered in the extant literature. The novel DERG-ERP concept and its elements have also been applied to 8 empirical cases to serve as a practical guide for ERP vendors, information systems management, and operations managers hoping to grow and sustain their competitive advantage with respect to effective enterprise strategy, enterprise structures, and ERP systems use; referred to in this thesis as the “enterprisation of operations”.


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The aim of this work was to perform a detailed investigation of the use of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology to process eutectic silver-copper alloy Ag 28 wt. % Cu (also called AgCu28). The processing occurred with a Realizer SLM 50 desktop machine. The powder analysis (SEM-topography, EDX, particle distribution) was reported as well as the absorption rates for the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. Microscope imaging showed the surface topography of the manufactured parts. Furthermore, microsections were conducted for the analysis of porosity. The Design of Experiments approach used the response surface method in order to model the statistical relationship between laser power, spot distance and pulse time.


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Il Selective Laser Melting è un processo di additive manufacturing che consiste nella realizzazione di componenti metallici tridimensionali, sovrapponendo strati di polvere, che viene via via fusa mediante una sorgente controllata di energia (laser). È una tecnica produttiva che viene utilizzata da più di 20 anni ma solo ora sta assumendo un ruolo rilevante nell’industria. È un processo versatile ma complesso che ad oggi permette di processare solo un numero limitato di leghe. Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda in particolare lo studio, dal punto di vista microstrutturale, di componenti in acciaio inossidabile austenitico AISI-316L processato mediante Selective Laser Melting, attività svolta in collaborazione con il Gruppo di Tecnologia – Laser del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale. Alla base dell’attività sperimentale è stata svolta anche un’ampia ricerca bibliografica per chiarire lo stato dell’arte sul processo e sulla lega in questione, la microstruttura, i difetti, le proprietà meccaniche e l’effetto dei parametri di processo sul componente finito. Le attività sperimentali hanno previsto una prima fase di caratterizzazione delle polveri di 316L, successivamente la caratterizzazione dei campioni prodotti tramite selective laser melting, in termini di microstruttura e difetti correlati al processo. Le analisi hanno rivelato la presenza di una microstruttura “gerarchica” costituita da melt pool, grani e celle submicrometriche. I difetti rinvenuti sono pori, delaminazione degli strati, particelle di polvere non fuse. Infine è stata eseguita la caratterizzazione frattografica dei campioni sottoposti a prove di trazione e di fatica a flessione rotante (attività condotte dal gruppo Laser) per identificare la morfologia di frattura e i siti di innesco della cricca di fatica.


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This presentation was both an illustrated lecture and a published paper presented at the IMPACT 9 Conference Printmaking in the Post-Print Age, Hangzhou China 2015. It was an extension of the exhibition catalogue essay for the Bluecoat Gallery Exhibition of the same name. In 2014 I curated an exhibition The Negligent Eye at the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool as the result of longstanding interest in scanning and 3D printing and the role of these in changing the field of Print within Fine Art Practice. In the aftermath of curatingshow I have continued to reflect on this material with reference to the writings of Vilém Flusser and Hito Steyerl. The work in the exhibition came from a wide range of artists of all generations most of whom are not explicitly located within Printmaking. Whilst some work did not use any scanning technology at all, a shared fascination with the particular translating device of the systematizing ‘eye’ of a scanning digital video camera, flatbed or medical scanner was expressed by all the work in the show. Through writing this paper I aim to extend my own understanding of questions, which arose from the juxtapositions of work and the production of the accompanying catalogue. The show developed in dialogue with curators Bryan Biggs and Sarah-Jane Parsons of the Bluecoat Gallery who sent a series of questions about scanning to participating artists. In reflecting upon their answers I will extend the discussions begun in the process of this research. A kind of created attention deficit disorder seems to operate on us all today to make and distribute images and information at speed. What value do ways of making which require slow looking or intensive material explorations have in this accelerated system? What model of the world is being constructed by the drive to simulated realities toward ever-greater resolution, so called high definition? How are our perceptions of reality being altered by the world-view presented in the smooth colourful ever morphing simulations that surround us? The limitations of digital technology are often a starting point for artists to reflect on our relationship to real-world fragility. I will be looking at practices where tactility or dimensionality in a form of hard copy engages with these questions using examples from the exhibition. Artists included in the show were: Cory Arcangel, Christiane Baumgartner, Thomas Bewick, Jyll Bradley, Maurice Carlin, Helen Chadwick, Susan Collins, Conroy/Sanderson, Nicky Coutts, Elizabeth Gossling, Beatrice Haines, Juneau Projects, Laura Maloney, Bob Matthews, London Fieldworks (with the participation of Gustav Metzger), Marilène Oliver, Flora Parrott, South Atlantic Souvenirs, Imogen Stidworthy, Jo Stockham, Wolfgang Tillmans, Alessa Tinne, Michael Wegerer, Rachel Whiteread, Jane and Louise Wilson. Scanning, Art, Technology, Copy, Materiality.


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Flapping Wing Aerial Vehicles (FWAVs) have the capability to combine the benefits of both fixed wing vehicles and rotary vehicles. However, flight time is limited due to limited on-board energy storage capacity. For most Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operators, frequent recharging of the batteries is not ideal due to lack of nearby electrical outlets. This imposes serious limitations on FWAV flights. The approach taken to extend the flight time of UAVs was to integrate photovoltaic solar cells onto different structures of the vehicle to harvest and use energy from the sun. Integration of the solar cells can greatly improve the energy capacity of an UAV; however, this integration does effect the performance of the UAV and especially FWAVs. The integration of solar cells affects the ability of the vehicle to produce the aerodynamic forces necessary to maintain flight. This PhD dissertation characterizes the effects of solar cell integration on the performance of a FWAV. Robo Raven, a recently developed FWAV, is used as the platform for this work. An additive manufacturing technique was developed to integrate photovoltaic solar cells into the wing and tail structures of the vehicle. An approach to characterizing the effects of solar cell integration to the wings, tail, and body of the UAV is also described. This approach includes measurement of aerodynamic forces generated by the vehicle and measurements of the wing shape during the flapping cycle using Digital Image Correlation. Various changes to wing, body, and tail design are investigated and changes in performance for each design are measured. The electrical performance from the solar cells is also characterized. A new multifunctional performance model was formulated that describes how integration of solar cells influences the flight performance. Aerodynamic models were developed to describe effects of solar cell integration force production and performance of the FWAV. Thus, performance changes can be predicted depending on changes in design. Sensing capabilities of the solar cells were also discovered and correlated to the deformation of the wing. This demonstrated that the solar cells were capable of: (1) Lightweight and flexible structure to generate aerodynamic forces, (2) Energy harvesting to extend operational time and autonomy, (3) Sensing of an aerodynamic force associated with wing deformation. Finally, different flexible photovoltaic materials with higher efficiencies are investigated, which enable the multifunctional wings to provide enough solar power to keep the FWAV aloft without batteries as long as there is enough sunlight to power the vehicle.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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Aromatic thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) has promise in high-temperature applications. It can be employed as a bulk polymer, as a coating and as a matrix for carbon fiber composites (ATSP/C composites). This work focuses on the applications of high performance ATSP/C composites. The morphology of the ATSP matrix in the presence of carbon fiber was studied. The effect of liquid crystalline character of starting oligomers used to prepare ATSP on the final crystal structure of the ATSP/C composite was evaluated. Matrices obtained by crosslinking of both liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP2) and non-liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP1) tend to crystallize in presence of carbon fibers. The crystallite size of ATSP2 is 4 times that of ATSP1. Composites made from ATSP2 yield tougher matrices compared to those made from ATSP1. Thus toughened matrices could be achieved without incorporating any additives by just changing the morphology of the final polymer. The flammability characteristics of ATSP were also studied. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) of bulk ATSP was found to be 40% whereas that of ATSP/C composites is estimated to be 85%. Thus, ATSP shows potential to be used as a flame resistant material, and also as an aerospace reentry shield. Mechanical properties of the ATSP/C composite were characterized. ATSP was observed to bond strongly with reinforcing carbon fibers. The tensile strength, modulus and shear modulus were comparable to those of conventionally used high temperature epoxy resins. ATSP shows a unique capability for healing of interlaminar cracks on application of heat and pressure, via the Interchain Transesterification Reaction (ITR). ITR can also be used for reduction in void volume and healing of microcracks. Thus, ATSP resin systems provide a unique intrinsic repair mechanism compared to any other thermosetting systems in use today. Preliminary studies on measurement of residual stresses for ATSP/C composites indicate that the stresses induced are much lower than that in epoxy/C composites. Thermal fatigue testing suggests that ATSP shows better resistance to microcracking compared to epoxy resins.