608 resultados para prostaglandin F2a


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Maturation of the fetal pituitary and adrenal glands allows the secretion of cortisol, which in turn leads to an increase in prostaglandin and mesotocin production. The production of prostaglandin and mesotocin results in an increase in uterine contractions and initiates birth in marsupials. The major metabolite of PGF(2alpha), 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGFM), has been found in the plasma of the possum at the time of birth and administration of PGF(2alpha) to female possums induced the adoption of the birth position. Evidence that mesotocin is an integral hormone of birth in the tammar wallaby indicates that both PGF(2alpha) and mesotocin or oxytocin are required for marsupial birth. The presence of PGF(2alpha) receptors in the uterus and corpus luteum of the possum, and the in vitro uterine responsiveness to PGF(2alpha) or oxytocin, were examined. PGF(2alpha) receptors were not observed in possum uteri and the inability of PGF(2alpha) to cause contractions indicates that PGF(2alpha) is not involved directly in contraction of the uterus at parturition. The presence of oxytocin and mesotocin receptors in the uterus of possoms and the ability of oxytocin to induce uterine contraction in vitro supports the view that mesotocin is required for expulsion of the young from the uterus. Low numbers of PGF(2alpha) receptors were found in the possum corpus luteum at birth, indicating an involvement of PGF(2alpha) in regression of the corpus luteum.


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Aims: This study was designed to investigate the influence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and nitric oxide (NO) on autoregulation of renal perfusion. Methods: Autoregulation was investigated in isolated perfused kidneys (IPRK) from Sprague-Dawley rats during stepped increases in perfusion pressure. Results: Ang II (75-200 pM) produced dose-dependent enhancement of autoregulation whereas phenylephrine produced no enhancement and impaired autoregulation of GFR. Enhancement by Ang II was inhibited by the AT(1) antagonist, Losartan, and the superoxide scavenger, Tempol. Under control conditions nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition by 10 muM N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) facilitated autoregulation in the presence of non-specific cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition by 10 muM indomethacin. Both COX and combined NOS/COX inhibition reduced the autoregulatory threshold concentration of Ang II. Facilitation by 100 pM Ang II was inhibited by 100 muM frusemide. Methacholine (50 nM) antagonised Ang II-facilitated autoregulation in the presence and absence of NOS/COX inhibition. Infusion of the NO donor, 1 muM sodium nitroprusside, inhibited L-NAME enhancement of autoregulation under control conditions and during Ang II infusion. Conclusions: The results suggest than an excess of NO impairs autoregulation under control conditions in the IPRK and that endogenous and exogenous NO, vasodilatory prostaglandins and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) activity antagonise Ang II-facilitated autoregulation. Ang II also produced a counterregulatory vasodilatory response that included prostaglandin and NO release. We suggest that Ang II facilitates autoregulation by a tubuloglomerular feedback-dependent mechanism through AT(1) receptor-mediated depletion of nitric oxide, probably by stimulating generation of superoxide.


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As respostas pós-juncionais mediadas por adrenorreceptores β2 (ARβ2), responsáveis pelo relaxamento do músculo liso, na veia safena do cão, estão ausentes à nascença. Pelo contrário, no rato recém-nascido já se verifica a estimulação da adenilil ciclase pela activação dos ARβ2. Não existem ainda estudos no coelho recém-nascido. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é avaliar as respostas pós-juncionais mediadas pelos ARβ2 em coelhos recém-nascidos e jovens e relacionar essas respostas com a adrenalina produzida nas glândulas supra-renais. Traçaram-se curvas de dose-resposta à isoprenalina (agonista β) utilizando-se anéis de aorta montados em banho de órgãos isolados ligado a um transdutor de força isométrica. As catecolaminas das supra-renais foram quantificadas por RP-HPLC-ED. Em aortas pré-contraídas com fenilefrina (agonista α1), a isoprenalina causou relaxamento total apenas em coelhos recém-nascidos (n=10). O relaxamento máximo nos coelhos jovens foi de 21±4% (n=23). A potência da isoprenalina foi maior nos recém-nascidos (EC50=1.15×10-8±7.2×10-10 M, n=10) do que nos coelhos jovens (EC50=1.29×10-7 ±4.7×10-9 M, n=23). O relaxamento máximo com isoprenalina, em aortas pré-contraídas com prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α), no grupo de coelhos recém-nascidos foi de 95±3.6% (n=16). O relaxamento máximo nos coelhos jovens foi de 43.7±8.6% (n=9). Na pré-contracção com PGF2α a potência da isoprenalina registou-se maior nos recémnascidos (EC50=9.59×10-9±4.0×10-10 M, n=16) do que nos coelhos jovens (EC50=2.13×10- 8±3.8×10-9 M, n=9), estando concordante com os resultados da pré-contracção com fenilefrina. Nas supra-renais dos recém-nascidos, o conteúdo de noradrenalina foi de 586±128 nmol/mg e da adrenalina foi de 1915±356 nmol/mg (n=4) e nos coelhos jovens foi de 112±12 nmol/mg e de 3644±403 nmol/mg (n=6), respectivamente. As respostas mediadas por ARβ2 no coelho desenvolvem-se mais cedo do que no cão, pois já estão presentes no nascimento. Tal como no rato, no coelho a adrenalina é já a catecolamina em maior quantidade à nascença, enquanto no cão é vestigial. Há uma relação temporal entre a síntese da adrenalina, a única catecolamina biogénica com alta afinidade para os ARβ2 e a maturação das respostas pós-juncionais mediadas por esses receptores. Um protocolo para experiências futuras destinadas a testar esta hipótese, com base no knockdown da Feniletanolamina-N-metiltransferase por RNAi foi elaborado e incluído neste documento.


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The development of scaffolds that combine the delivery of drugs with the physical support provided by electrospun fibres holds great potential in the field of nerve regeneration. Here it is proposed the incorporation of ibuprofen, a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in electrospun fibres of the statistical copolymer poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-ε-caprolactone) [P(TMC-CL)] to serve as a drug delivery system to enhance axonal regeneration in the context of a spinal cord lesion, by limiting the inflammatory response. P(TMC-CL) fibres were electrospun from mixtures of dichloromethane (DCM) and dimethylformamide (DMF). The solvent mixture applied influenced fibre morphology, as well as mean fibre diameter, which decreased as the DMF content in solution increased. Ibuprofen-loaded fibres were prepared from P(TMC-CL) solutions containing 5% ibuprofen (w/w of polymer). Increasing drug content to 10% led to jet instability, resulting in the formation of a less homogeneous fibrous mesh. Under the optimized conditions, drug-loading efficiency was above 80%. Confocal Raman mapping showed no preferential distribution of ibuprofen in P(TMC-CL) fibres. Under physiological conditions ibuprofen was released in 24h. The release process being diffusion-dependent for fibres prepared from DCM solutions, in contrast to fibres prepared from DCM-DMF mixtures where burst release occurred. The biological activity of the drug released was demonstrated using human-derived macrophages. The release of prostaglandin E2 to the cell culture medium was reduced when cells were incubated with ibuprofen-loaded P(TMC-CL) fibres, confirming the biological significance of the drug delivery strategy presented. Overall, this study constitutes an important contribution to the design of a P(TMC-CL)-based nerve conduit with anti-inflammatory properties.


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OBJECTIVES: This study analyzes the results of the arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries in member institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association. METHODS: The records of 613 patients who underwent primary arterial switch operations in each of 19 participating institutions in the period from January 1998 through December 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: A ventricular septal defect was present in 186 (30%) patients. Coronary anatomy was type A in 69% of the patients, and aortic arch pathology was present in 20% of patients with ventricular septal defect. Rashkind septostomy was performed in 75% of the patients, and 69% received prostaglandin. There were 37 hospital deaths (operative mortality, 6%), 13 (3%) for patients with an intact ventricular septum and 24 (13%) for those with a ventricular septal defect (P < .001). In 36% delayed sternal closure was performed, 8% required peritoneal dialysis, and 2% required mechanical circulatory support. Median ventilation time was 58 hours, and intensive care and hospital stay were 6 and 14 days, respectively. Although of various preoperative risk factors the presence of a ventricular septal defect, arch pathology, and coronary anomalies were univariate predictors of operative mortality, only the presence of a ventricular septal defect approached statistical significance (P = .06) on multivariable analysis. Of various operative parameters, aortic crossclamp time and delayed sternal closure were also univariate predictors; however, only the latter was an independent statistically significant predictor of death. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the procedure in European centers are compatible with those in the literature. The presence of a ventricular septal defect is the clinically most important preoperative risk factor for operative death, approaching statistical significance on multivariable analysis.


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Using 49 prostatectomized patients as experimental subjects, we studied the effects of Inclometnacin and acetylsalicylic acid — accredited prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors — from a urodynamic and clinical standpoint. Relevant urodynamic data was gathered 1 hr 30 mi after the patients had taken the drugs and placebo. Clinical results were further scrutinized after 8 days of treatment, at which time a new urodynamic workup was again performed on some patients. Results were again studied shortly after the end of treatment. The effect of the drugs on bladder and urethral structures was borne out by clear-ct!t clinical and urodynamic changes. After statistically analyzing such changes, we concluded that prostaglandin synthesis inhibition resulting in the inhibition of prostaglandin action had, at least in part, led to the changes noted. In the present report we shall discuss the role played by the highly complex mechanisms at work.


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Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Biotecnology


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ABSTRACT: In the late seventies the term “Haematological Stress Syndrome” defined some haematological abnormalities appearing in the course of acute and chronic disorders, such as raised plasma levels of fibrinogen (FNG) and factor VIII, reduced fibrinolytic activity and hyperviscosity. In the early nineties the “Membrane stress syndrome hypothesis” proposed the unification of the concepts of haematological stress syndrome with those of oxidation, inflammation and immune activation to explain the pathogenesis of the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) Antiphospholipid antibodies, coagulation, fibrinolysis and thrombosis. This chapter investigated the occurrence of the “Haematological Stress Syndrome” and thrombosis in 144 participants positive for aPL detected by clotting and immune tests. Among the clotting assays for the detection of lupus anticoagulant, dilute Russell's viper venom time better correlated with a history of venous thrombosis than activated partial thromboplastin time (p<0.0002 vs p<0.009) and was the only test correlated with a history of arterial thrombosis (p<0.01). By regression analysis, serum levels of IgG anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) associated with the number of venous occlusions (p<0.001). With regards to FNG and von Willebrand factor (vWF), the former rose by 36% (95% CI; 21%, 53%) and the latter by 50% (95% CI; 29%, 75%) at the first venous occlusion and remained unchanged after subsequent occlusions. At variance FNG rose by 45% (95% CI; 31%, 60%) per arterial occlusion and vWF by 27% (95% CI; 10%, 47%) per arterial occlusion throughout. The coagulation/fibrinolytic balance was cross-sectionally evaluated on 18 thrombotic PAPS patients, 18 subjects with persistence of idiopathic aPL and in healthy controls. Markers of thrombin generation prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) and of fibrin turnover D-Dimer (D-D) were higher in thrombotic (p=0.006)and non-thrombotic subjects (p=0.0001) than in controls as were those of D-D (p<0.0001 and p=0.003 respectively). TAT levels did not differ. Gender analysed data revealed blunted tPA release (hence a negative venous occlusion test) in thrombotic females but neither in thrombotic males (p=0.01) nor in asymptomatic subjects of either sex. Also, in both patient groups females had higher mean PAI than males (p<0.0002) and control females (p<0.02). The activity of factor XIII (FXIIIa) was evaluated was evaluated in 29 patients with PAPS, 14 persistent carriers of aPL without thrombosis, 24 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia, 28 healthy controls and 32 patients with mitral and aortic valve prosthesis as controls for FXIII only. FXIIIa was highest in PAPS (p=0.001), particularly in patients with multiple (n=12) than single occlusion (p=0.02) and in correlation with PAI (p=0.003) and FNG (p=0.005). Moreover FXIIIa was strongly associated with IgG aCL and IgG anti-2GPI (p=0.005 for both) in the PAPS group and to a lesser degree in the aPL group (FXIIIa with IgG aCL, p=0.02, with IgG anti-2GPI, p=0.04). Altogether these results indicate: 1) a differential relationship of aPL, vWF and FNG with venous and arterial thrombosis; 2) heightened thrombin generation, accelerated fibrin turnover and fibrinolysis abnormalities also in asymptomatic carriers of aPLs; 3) enhanced FXIIIa that may contribute to atherothrombosis via increased fibrin/fibrinogen cross-linking. Lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and anti-lipoprotein antibodies in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Given the atherogenic lipid profile of SLE, the same possibility was explored in PAPS by comparing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (CHO), apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI), apolipoprotein B (ApoB), triglycerides (TG), anti-lipoprotein antibodies, beta-2-glycoprotein I complexed to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL-2GPI) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in 34 thrombotic PAPS patients compared to 36 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), to 18 subjects persistently positive for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) with no underlying autoimmune or non-autoimmune disorders and to 28 healthy controls. Average concentrations of HDL (p<0.0001), LDL (p<0.0001), CHO (p=0.0002), ApoAI (p=0.002) were lower in PAPS whereas average TRY was higher (p=0.01) than other groups. Moreover PAPS showed higher IgG anti-HDL (p=0.01) and IgG anti-ApoAI (p<0.0001) as well as greater average oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.001) and CRP (p=0.003). Within PAPS, IgG anti-HDL correlated negatively to HDL (p=0.004) and was an independent predictor of oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.009). HDL and ApoAI correlated negatively with CRP (p=0.001 and p=0.007, respectively). IgG anti-HDL may hamper the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of HDL favouring low-grade inflammation and enhanced oxidation in thrombotic PAPS. Indeed plasma 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (a very specific marker of lipid peroxidation) was significantly higher in 10 patients with PAPS than 10 age and sex matched healthy subjects (p=0.0002) and strongly related to the titre of plasma IgG aCL (r=0.89, p=0.0004). Hence oxidative stress, a major player in atherogenesis, also characterises PAPS. Nitric oxide and nitrative stress in thrombotic primary antiphosholipid syndrome. Oxidative stress goes hand in hand with nitrative stress and to address the latter plasma nitrotyrosine (NT, marker of nitrative stress), nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) were measured in 46 thrombotic PAPS patients, 21 asymptomatic but persistent carriers of antiphospholipid antibodies (PCaPL), 38 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), 33 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 29 healthy controls (CTR). Average crude NT was higher in PAPS and SLE (p=0.01) whereas average plasma NO2- was lower in PAPS and average NO3- highest in SLE (p<0.0001). In PAPS, IgG aCL titer and number of vascular occlusions negatively predicted NO2-, (p=0.03 and p=0.001, respectively) whereas arterial occlusions and smoking positively predicted NO3- (p=0.05 and p=0.005). Moreover CRP (an inflammatory marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade inflammation and both phenomena may have implications for thrombosis and atherosclerosis in PAPS Inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. To investigate inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic PAPS high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), oxLDL-2GPI, CRP bound to oxLDL-2GPI (CRP-oxLDL-2GPI) (as inflammatory markers) neopterin (NPT) and soluble CD14 (sCD14) (as immune activation markers) were measured by ELISA in 41 PAPS patients, in 44 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT) and 39 controls (CTR). Compared to other groups, PAPS presented with higher plasma concentrations of inflammatory, hs-CRP (p=0.0004), SAA (p<0.01), CRP-oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.0004) and immune activation markers, NPT (p<0.0001) and sCD14 (p=0.007). By regression analysis SAA independently predicted thrombosis number (p=0.003) and NPT independently predicted thrombosis type (arterial, p=0.03) and number (p=0.04). These data confirm that low-grade inflammation and immune activation occur and relate to vascular features of PAPS. Antiphosholipid antibodies, haemostatic variables and atherosclerosis in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome To evaluate whether IgG aCL titre, haemostatic variables and the lipid profile bore any relationship to the intima media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries high-resolution sonography was applied to the common carotid (CC), carotid bifurcation (CB) and internal carotid (IC) of 42 aPL subjects, 29 with primary thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome and 13 with persistence of aPL in the absence of any underlying disorder. The following were measured: plasma FNG, vWF, PAI, homocysteine (HC), CHO, TG, HDL, LDL, platelet numbers and aCL of IgG and IgM isotype. By multiple regression analysis, IgG aCL titre independently predicted IMT at all carotid segments examined (p always <0.005). Plasma FNG and HC independently predicted IMT at the CB (p=0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively) and IC (p=0.03 and p<0.0001, respectively). These data strongly support an atherogenic role for IgG aCL in patients with aPL in addition to traditional risk factors. The atherosclerosis hypothesis was investigated in an age and sex-matched case-double-control study including 49 thrombotic PAPS patients (18 M, 31 F, mean age 37 ± 11), 49 thrombotic patients for IT and 49 healthy subjects. Average IMT was always greater in PAPS than control patients (CC: p=0.004, CB: p=0.013, IC: p=0.001). By dividing participants into age tertiles the IMT was greater in the second (CC: p=0.003, CB: p=0.023, IC: p=0.003) and third tertiles (CC: p=0.03, CB: p=0.004, IC: p=0.007). Conclusion: Coagulation activation, fibrinolysis depression, hightened fibrin turnover, oxidative and nitrative stress in parallel with low grade inflammation and immune activation characterise thrombotic PAPS: all these are early atherogenic processes and contribute to the demonstrated premature atherosclerosis that should be considered a clinical feature of PAPS.


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Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise econômica do protocolo de sincronização do estro mais a ração flushing oferecida as cabras durante a estação de monta. Foram selecionadas 12 cabras da raça Saanen e um reprodutor, recebendo ração flushing. Utilizou-se esponjas análogas a progesterona, Prostaglandina e Gonadotrofina Coriônica Equina. O custo total foi de R$ 46, 17/animal. A utilização da sincronização torna-se uma medida viável economicamente quando comparada a monta natural. [Economic analisy on station of sum to Saanen goats using protocol of synchronization of estrous and flushing ration]. Abstract: The aim of the experimente was to realize na economic analysis of protocol synchronization of estrous and flushing ration offered to Saanen breed goats during station of sum. Twelve Saanen breed goats and onde billy-goat were used. Intravaginal sponges containing progesterone, Prostaglandin and Equine Corionic Gonadotroohin were used. The total costs were R$ 46,17/animal. The use of protocol of sychronization of estrous is more economically viable the sum natural.


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RESUMO:A artrite psoriática (AP) é uma doença inflamatória crónica caracterizada por várias manifestações nas articulações, nas enteses e na pele. A formação de novo osso após inflamação nas enteses é um dos aspetos mais intrigantes desta doença. Os mecanismos celulares e moleculares deste processo ainda não são completamente conhecidos. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender melhor os mecanismos subjacentes à formação e reabsorção óssea, bem como o efeito de anti-inflamatórios não esteroides (AINEs) nestes processos. Para atingir este objetivo foram quantificados biomarcadores do metabolismo ósseo e citocinas inflamatórias em doentes AP, antes e após terapêutica com AINEs. Os biomarcadores selecionados foram marcadores de remodelação óssea como CTX-I e P1NP, fatores de diferenciação e ativação de osteoclastos como o RANKL e a OPG, inibidores da via de sinalização Wnt, nomeadamente o DKK-1 e a SOST e ainda citocinas pro-inflamatórias como a IL-22 e a IL-23 e a prostaglandina PGE2. Neste contexto foram também estabelecidas culturas celulares de monócitos, isoladas de doentes AP e de controlos saudáveis. Os monócitos foram cultivados in vitro em condições não estimuladas e estimuladas e realizados dois ensaios funcionais: coloração com TRAP e ensaio de reabsorção. Foi observada uma diminuição nos níveis séricos de CTX-I e OPG em doentes AP em relação aos controlos. De igual forma os níveis séricos de SOST encontram-se significativamente mais baixos, em comparação com os controlos saudáveis. Estes valores de SOST são semelhantes aos dos doentes com espondilite anquilosante (EA), documentados anteriormente. Os ensaios com osteoclastos confirmaram a necessidade da presença de RANKL para estimulação da osteoclastogénese e que o celecoxib parece ter um papel inibitório neste processo. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a população de doentes com AP analisados têm baixos níveis de reabsorção óssea e alguma atividade na formação óssea. --------------------------- ABSTRACT: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by several manifestations involving the joints, enthesis and the skin. New bone formation after inflammation at enthesis site has been one of the most intriguing aspects of the disease. Cellular and molecular mechanisms in this process are still not completely understood. This study aims to understand better the mechanisms underlying bone formation and resorption and the effect of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in these processes. To access that, biomarkers of bone metabolism and inflammatory cytokines were measured in PsA patients’ serum before and after NSAID therapy. These selected biomarkers were bone turnover markers such as CTX-I and P1NP, osteoclast differentiation and activation factors RANKL and OPG, Wnt pathway inhibitors DKK-1 and SOST and pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-22, IL-23 and prostaglandin PGE2. In this context monocyte cell culture was also established after PBMC isolation from PsA patients and healthy controls. Monocytes were cultured in vitro under unstimulated and stimulated conditions and two functional assays were performed: TRAP staining and resorption pit assay. It was demonstrated that CTX-I and OPG serum levels in PsA patients were lower than controls. SOST levels were extremely decreased in comparison with controls, resembling the ankylosing spondylitis patients results already documented. Osteoclast assays confirmed the need of RANKL in stimulating osteoclastogenesis and that celecoxib seems to have an inhibitor role in this process. The results obtained suggest that PsA patient population analyzed in this study have low bone resorption levels and some bone formation activity.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether arginine vasopressin releases endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) from the epicardial coronary artery. METHODS: We studied segments of canine left circumflex coronary arteries suspended in organ chambers to measure isometric force. The coronary artery segments were contracted with prostaglandin F2alpha (2 x 10-6M) and exposed to a unique, strong arginine vasopressin concentration (10-6M) or titrated concentrations (10-9 a 10-5 M). RESULTS: The unique dose of arginine vasopressin concentration (10-6M) induced transient, but significant (p<0.05), relaxation in arterial segments with endothelium, and an increase, not significant, in tension in arteries without endothelium. Endothelium-dependent relaxation to arginine vasopressin was inhibited by Ng-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 10-5M) or N G-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG) (10-4M), 2 inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis from L-arginine. Exogenous L-arginine (10-4M), but not D-arginine (10-4M), reversed the inhibitory effect of L-NMMA on vasopressin-mediated vasorelaxation. Endothelium dependent relaxation to vasopressin was also reversibly inhibited by the vasopressin V1-receptor blocker d(CH2)5Try(Me) arginine vasopressin (10-6M) (n=6, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Vasopressin acts through V1 endothelial receptors to stimulate nitric oxide release from L-arginine.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanism by which poly-L-arginine mediates endothelium-dependent relaxation. METHODS: Vascular segments with and without endothelium were suspended in organ chambers filled with control solution maintained at 37ºC and bubbled with 95% O2 / 5% CO2. Used drugs: indomethacin, acetycholine, EGTA, glybenclamide, ouabain, poly-L-arginine, methylene blue, N G-nitro-L-arginine, and verapamil and N G-monomethyl-L-arginine. Prostaglandin F2á and potassium chloride were used to contract the vascular rings. RESULTS: Poly-L-arginine (10-11 to 10-7 M) induced concentration-dependent relaxation in coronary artery segments with endothelium. The relaxation to poly-L-arginine was attenuated by ouabain, but was unaffected by glybenclamide. L-NOARG and oxyhemoglobin caused attenuation, but did not abolish this relaxation. Also, the relaxations was unaffected by methylene blue, verapamil, or the presence of a calcium-free bathing medium. The endothelium-dependent to poly-L-arginine relaxation was abolished only in vessels contracted with potassium chloride (40 mM) in the presence of L-NOARG and indomethacin. CONCLUSION: These experiments indicate that poly-L-arginine induces relaxation independent of nitric oxide.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha and gamma are key regulators of lipid homeostasis and are activated by a structurally diverse group of compounds including fatty acids, eicosanoids, and hypolipidemic drugs such as fibrates and thiazolidinediones. While thiazolidinediones and 15-deoxy-Delta12, 14-prostaglandin J2 have been shown to bind to PPARgamma, it has remained unclear whether other activators mediate their effects through direct interactions with the PPARs or via indirect mechanisms. Here, we describe a novel fibrate, designated GW2331, that is a high-affinity ligand for both PPARalpha and PPARgamma. Using GW2331 as a radioligand in competition binding assays, we show that certain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids bind directly to PPARalpha and PPARgamma at physiological concentrations, and that the eicosanoids 8(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 can function as subtype-selective ligands for PPARalpha and PPARgamma, respectively. These data provide evidence that PPARs serve as physiological sensors of lipid levels and suggest a molecular mechanism whereby dietary fatty acids can modulate lipid homeostasis.


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Cyclooxyganase-2 (COX-2), a rate-limiting enzyme in the prostaglandin synthesis pathway, is overexpressed in many cancers and contributes to cancer progression through tumor cell-autonomous and paracrine effects. Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or selective COX-2 inhibitors (COXIBs) reduces the risk of cancer development and progression, in particular of the colon. The COXIB celecoxib is approved for adjunct therapy in patients with Familial adenomatous polyposis at high risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) formation. Long-term use of COXIBs, however, is associated with potentially severe cardiovascular complications, which hampers their broader use as preventive anticancer agents. In an effort to better understand the tumor-suppressive mechanisms of COXIBs, we identified MAGUK with Inverted domain structure-1 (MAGI1), a scaffolding protein implicated in the stabilization of adherens junctions, as a gene upregulated by COXIB in CRC cells and acting as tumor suppressor. Overexpression of MAGI1 in CRC cell lines SW480 and HCT116 induced an epithelial-like morphology; stabilized E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; enhanced actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; increased cell adhesion to matrix proteins and suppressed Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. Conversely, MAGI1 silencing decreased E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; disrupted actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; and enhanced Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. MAGI1 overexpression suppressed SW480 and HCT116 subcutaneous primary tumor growth, attenuated primary tumor growth and spontaneous lung metastasis in an orthotopic model of CRC, and decreased the number and size of metastatic nodules in an experimental model of lung metastasis. Collectively, these results identify MAG1 as a COXIB-induced inhibitor of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, with tumor-suppressive and anti-metastatic activity in experimental colon cancer.


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The class B scavenger receptor CD36 is a component of the pattern recognition receptors on monocytes that recognizes a variety of molecules. CD36 expression in monocytes depends on exposure to soluble mediators. We demonstrate here that CD36 expression is induced in human monocytes following exposure to IL-13, a Th2 cytokine, via the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma pathway. Induction of CD36 protein was paralleled by an increase in CD36 mRNA. The PPARgamma pathway was demonstrated using transfection of a PPARgamma expression plasmid into the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, expressing very low levels of PPARgamma, and in peritoneal macrophages from PPARgamma-conditional null mice. We also show that CD36 induction by IL-13 via PPARgamma is dependent on phospholipase A2 activation and that IL-13 induces the production of endogenous 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-prostaglandin J2, an endogenous PPARgamma ligand, and its nuclear localization in human monocytes. Finally, we demonstrate that CD36 and PPARgamma are involved in IL-13-mediated phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes. These results reveal a novel role for PPARgamma in the alternative activation of monocytes by IL-13, suggesting that endogenous PPARgamma ligands, produced by phospholipase A2 activation, could contribute to the biochemical and cellular functions of CD36.