926 resultados para private sector organizations


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Objective: To examine the differences in the interval between diagnosis and initiation of treatment among women with breast cancer in Northern Ireland.

Design: A cross-sectional observational study.
Setting: All breast cancer care patients in the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry in 2006.
Participants: All women diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in Northern Ireland in 2006.
Main outcome measure: The number of days between diagnosis and initiation of treatment for breast cancer.

Results: The mean (median) interval between diagnosis and initiation of treatment among public patients was 19 (15) compared with 14 (12) among those whose care involved private providers. The differences between individual public providers were as marked as those between the public and private sector - the mean (median) ranging between 14 (12) and 25 (22) days. Multivariate models revealed that the differences were evident when a range of patient characteristics were controlled for including cancer stage.

Conclusions: A relatively small number of women received care privately in Northern Ireland but experienced shorter intervals between diagnosis and initiation of treatment than those who received care wholly in the public system. The variation among public providers was as great as that between the public and private providers. The impact of such differences on survival and in light of waiting time targets introduced in Northern Ireland warrants investigation.


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The global financial crisis has forced governments across the globe to seek new ways of achieving efficiencies and savings in running their state administrations. Prominent amongst the variety of approaches adopted is the concept of shared services, which purports to offer a means of consolidating common tasks, reducing duplication, and achieving greater value for money. Based on successful experiences in the private sector, the phenomenon of shared service centres (SSCs) as a new co-ordination practice is of particular interest. In this chapter, the use of shared services and SSCs in Ireland is considered.


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This book provides an international perspective on Public Private Partnerships. Through 21 case studies, it investigates the existing and fast developing body of principles and practices from a wide range of countries and is the first book to bring together leading international academics and practitioners under a common framework that enables convenient cross-country comparisons. The authors focus on the impact of the financial crisis has had on how governments have reviewed and overhauled their PPP policies as they have examined or tested new ways of partnering more effectively, efficiently and sustainably with the private sector.
Readers will be able to gauge the level of maturity of PPP development in the book’s case studies, understand similarities and differences in their practices, and gain useful insights into the regulatory framework and institutional infrastructure in place to support implementation of PPP. Finally, the book offers insights into the future challenges and opportunities that PPP offers stakeholders.


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A conjuntura atual económica, financeira e social tem pressionado o uso racional dos recursos existentes, seja pelo setor privado ou pelo setor público. Contudo, nem sempre as empresas e organizações conseguem fazê-lo da melhor forma possível, seja por falta de experiência, por falta de conhecimento ou simplesmente pela aversão à mudança. É no contexto de redução de custos/ gastos que a gestão Lean tem vindo a afirmar-se como um método/filosofia eficaz e o suficientemente flexível e robusta para se adaptar a diferentes realidades organizacionais. Nesse seguimento, este relatório testemunha a introdução da gestão Lean numa organização do Terceiro Setor – Centro Social e Paroquial da Vera Cruz, e questiona o seu valor acrescentado mesmo se implementada numa lógica parcelar e numa organização ainda globalmente longe de estar organizada segundo uma lógica Lean. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito do projeto em questão parecem apontar para uma operação bem sucedida e com boas perspetivas futuras, caso a referida organização dê continuidade à sua implementação.


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Aim There is growing interest in the contribution of public-private partnerships (PPPs) bridging the shortage of financial resources and management expertise in developing public healthcare infrastructure. However, few studies have evidenced PPPs’ ability in increasing efficiency in public procurement of primary healthcare infrastructure. The aim of this study was to assess to what extent PPPs would increase efficiency in public procurement of primary healthcare facilities. Subject and Methods A qualitative analysis, adopting a realistic research evaluation method, used data collected from a purposive sample of public (n=23) and private sector staff (n=2) directly involved in the UK National Health Service Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT). Results We find a positive association of LIFT helping to bridge public sector capital shortages for developing primary care surgeries. LIFT is negatively associated with inefficient procurement because it borrows finance from private banks, leaving public agencies paying high interest rates. The study shows that some contextual factors and mechanisms in LIFT play a major part in obstructing public staff from increasing procurement efficiency. Conclusion PPP’s ability to increase efficiency may be determined by contextual factors and mechanisms that restrict discretion over critical decisions by frontline public sector staff. Developing their capacity in monitoring PPP activities may make partnerships more efficient.


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Every can of tuna purchased by the consumer has taken a long journey before reaching the supermarket shelves. For each can bought there is a lengthy process from sea to shelf. A large proportion of the tuna cans purchased in the European Union come all the way from West Africa; a developing region with a high dependency on fisheries. Amidst an ever-increasing demand for tuna products the global tuna fisheries are set to continue expanding, apparently one of the last natural resource based industries fit to do so in West Africa. Tuna is the biggest fisheries export and dominates the fisheries sector in Ghana, a country situated in West Africa. This thesis aims to understand how this globally important industrial fisheries functions in terms of procedures, practices, Governance and finance. Socioeconomic influences, in the setting of a developing country, were also examined. For these purposes a Value Chain Analysis was employed. A Value Chain Analysis is a tool commonly used to understand how different companies and organizations participate in a domestic policy environment, which directs conclusion in the global economy. This analysis has the potential to allow researchers to fully understand a commodity chain and hence identify realistic opportunities for consequential improvements. Interviews and questionnaires were employed in-field Ghana along with secondary data collection techniques. It was found that the fisheries functions at the production level under influences from large multinational companies and tends to operate with a certain degree of lawlessness. Governance over the value chain is well defined, however implementation is poor or non-existent. The processors, whom are also dominated by multinationals, exert some control over the producers and their sales, however the high value links which are highlighted occur at the retail stage. Socioeconomic dynamics acting in the chain included the lack of communication between the public and private sector, power imbalances amongst players at production, the role of local businesswomen as actors in the chain and the general characteristics of the workers in the industry. Value addition and upgrading are needed the most in Governance over the chain, especially within Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. The results of the study provide a wealth of material about the components of a cost-heavy fishing industry in a developing country; an industry on which many eyes have recently turned due to illegal fishing activities. It highlights clearly where funding and future focus are needed. This value chain can be used as a guide for those that need to comprehend the financial complexities and real life dynamics of the Ghanaian tuna fishing industry today.


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The main goal of this thesis is to analyse tourism as a contributor to sustainable development, from a supply and demand perspective, in Timor-Leste, a destination not only “young” but also framed in an early stage of touristic development. From the supply side, studies 1 and 2 present a literature review on the concept of sustainable development, in small islands destinations, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and whose attractiveness lies in an integrated set of natural resources (attractive beaches, biodiversity, the coral triangle, a rich fauna and flora), its geographic location, tropical climate, socio cultural tradition and a Luso-Timorense cultural mix, that can meet the needs of important segments of the tourist demand. In these studies, the focus is on the residents’ attitudes in relation to sustainable development and, in particular, on the perceptions of local leaders about the importance of the operationalization of the concept. As Timor-Leste is a “young” destination, it is travel industry is still faced with several problems in order to be able to satisfy the demand and to meet the tourists’ motivations, preferences and requirements. In this perspective, the study 3 examines diaspora tourism, while a niche market, allowing for not only the entry of Timor-Leste in the international tourism market, but also an articulation between the people of Timor-Leste in the diasporas and the development of sustainable tourism . In general, the results show that the development of sustainable tourism cannot be successfully implemented without the involvement of all stakeholders such as residents, public sector (local government, policy makers, planners), private sector (tourism operators), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that include civil society, religious institutions, the academic community (the supply side), and Timorese diasporas tourists as consumers (the demand side).


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Rui Filipe Pereira Bertuzi da Silva Coorientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva Coorientador: Doutor António José Balloni – GESITI/CTI


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Professora Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira e Professora Doutora Deolinda Meira


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Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais


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A number of studies show that New Public Management reforms have altered the current identity benchmarks of public officials, particularly by hybridizing values or management practices. However, existing studies have largely glossed over the sense of belonging of officials when their organization straddles the concerns of public service and private enterprise, so that the boundary between public and private sector is blurred. The purpose of this article is precisely to explore this sense of belonging in the context of organizational hybridization. It does so by drawing on the results of research conducted among the employees of a public unemployment insurance fund in Switzerland. On the one hand, the analysis shows how much their markers of belonging are hybrid, multiple and constructed in negative terms (with regard to the State), while indicating that the working practices of the employees point to an identity that is nevertheless closely bound with the public sector. On the other hand, the analysis shows that the organization plays strategically with its State status, by exploiting either its private or public identity in line with the needs related to its external image. The article concludes with a discussion of the results highlighting the strategic functionality of the hybrid identity of the actors.


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L’objectif de la présente étude vise à déterminer les caractéristiques des entreprises et de leur main-d’œuvre qui adoptent un PAE. Cette pratique serait en effet distribuée inégalement entre les différentes entreprises du secteur privé au Canada. Les facteurs identifiés dans la littérature en lien avec la présence du PAE sont regroupés sous les caractéristiques de la main-d’œuvre, les caractéristiques organisationnelles ou les caractéristiques du marché du travail, de manière à faire ressortir leur valeur respective pour voir celle qui a le plus d’influence sur la présence du PAE. Pour chacun des facteurs, une hypothèse ou une proposition de recherche est formulée. Pour vérifier les hypothèses et les propositions de recherche, nous avons utilisé des données secondaires issues de l’Enquête sur le milieu de travail et les employés (EMTE), réalisée en 2005 par Statistique Canada. Nous avons principalement eu recours à la base de données des employeurs, mais à défaut d’y avoir toutes les variables importantes, celle des employés a aussi été utilisée en agrégeant les données à la moyenne échantillonnale par entreprise, et en les imputant à la composante des employeurs. Notre échantillon final se compose de 5630 établissements du secteur privé au Canada. Les résultats nous ont appris que les caractéristiques organisationnelles sont de meilleurs déterminants de la présence du PAE que les caractéristiques de la main-d’œuvre. Les PAE sont répartis de façon inégale entre les différentes entreprises au Canada. En effet, les entreprises qui adoptent un PAE ont souvent moins d’immigrants. Elles ont aussi plus de probabilité d’avoir une grande proportion d’employés ayant complété des études secondaires, et qui travaillent à temps plein. Les PAE sont de plus beaucoup plus présents dans les grandes entreprises qui sont syndiquées, et dont l’organisation du travail est plus flexible. Enfin, ce sont les entreprises du secteur primaire qui adoptent le plus de PAE. Les PAE ne couvrent alors qu’un secteur limité et privilégié de la main-d’œuvre puisque certains groupes, tels que les immigrants, y ont moins accès. Ainsi, les PAE bénéficient aux employés les plus avantagés financièrement, indiquant que ce sont surtout les plus « riches » qui accèdent aux meilleurs services de santé mentale et sociale. Mots clés : Programmes d’aide aux employés Caractéristiques de la main-d’œuvre Caractéristiques organisationnelles