938 resultados para post mortem interval


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Con el objeto de evaluar la presencia de cisticercosis en su estado quístico larvario en músculos de reses faenadas en el Matadero Industrial Nuevo Carnic S.A; ubicado en el km 10 carretera norte, un km al norte. Realizamos el presente estudio, cuyos datos recopilados se obtuvieron de los registros de matanza de marzo a agosto 2014, los cuales provenían de los registros de inspección post mortem realizados por los inspectores veterinarios. La metodología se basó en la elaboración de un perfil de cada una de las canales de reses identificadas con la presencia de cisticercos y se determinó según la cantidad encontrada de quistes, si serían retenidas o decomisadas. Se determinó la prevalencia de animales afectados, los que se relacionaron con el número de animales faenados por lotes y total, logrando de esta manera identificar la procedencia de los lotes a los que se le diagnosticó la presencia de cisticercosis. Se valoró las pérdidas económicas que esta patología ocasiona a los productores. El estudio tuvo un alcance de 31.37% de los municipios del país, se faenaron 67,423 animales, 258 se trataron por cisticercosis bovina para una prevalencia de 0.38% y se obtuvieron 13 condenas representando una prevalencia de 0.02%. Lo que nos indicó que después de seis años, en comparación con el estudio que llevaron a cabo Pérez y Serrano en el mismo Matadero en el año 2008, la presencia de cisticercosis se ha reducido hasta un 0.45%. La categoría con mayor prevalencia de C. bovis fue la categoría macho representando un 58.67% con respecto a la hembra que se obtuvo un 36.53%, esto se debe que la categoría macho son los animales que se entregan con mayor frecuencia para el sacrificio, y destinados para el engorde. El municipio que presentó mayor frecuencia de animales afectados fue Managua, seguido de Matiguas, Waslala, Bocay, Santo Domingo, Paiwas, San Ramón, Nagarote, Rancho Grande y Estelí; Managua no es un municipio con vocación ganadera, sobre todo de ganado de carne, por lo que se puede considerar como un lugar de acopio de ganado. Los meses que presentaron con mayor prevalencia de cisticercosis bovina fueron Marzo y Agosto, aunque se presentó en todos los meses del estudio, concluyendo que la enfermedad se encuentra durante todo el año y no depende de factores estacionales. Las pérdidas económicas para los productores fueron de $30,162.79 entre animales retenidos y condenados


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A modified split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) is introduced to eliminate the effect of the loading reverberation of the standard SHTB on the study of evolution of shear localization. The effect, the cause and the method by which to eliminate loading wave reverberation are carefully analysed and discussed. By means of the modified apparatus, the post-mortem observation of tested specimens can provide data on actual evolution of micro-structure and micro-damage during shear localization. Some test results of shear banding conducted with this apparatus support the use of the modified design. Moreover, the modification makes possible the correlation of evolving micro-structures to the transient shear stress-strain recording.


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The loading reverberation is a multiple wave effect on the specimen in the split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB). Its existence intensively destroys the microstructure pattern in the tested material and therefore, interferes with the study correlating the deformed microstructure to the macroscopic stress-strain response. This paper discusses the problem of the loading reverberation and its effects on the post-mortem observations in the SHTB experiment. The cause of the loading reverberation is illustrated by a stress wave analysis. The modification of the standard SHTB is introduced, which involves attaching two unloading bars at the two ends of the original main bar system and adopting a new loading head and a couple of specially designed clutches. The clutches are placed between the main bar system and the unloading bars in order to lead the secondary loading wave out of the main bar system and to cut off the connection in a timely manner. The loading head of the standard torsional bar was redesigned by using a tube-type loading device associated with a ratchet system to ensure the exclusion of the reflected wave. Thus, the secondary loading waves were wholly trapped in the two unloading bars. The wave recording results and the contrasting experiments for examining the post-mortem microstructure during shear banding both before and after the modification highly support the effectiveness of the modified version. The modified SHTB realizes a single wave pulse loading process and will become a useful tool for investigating the relation between the deformed microstructure and the macroscopic stress-strain response. It will play an important role especially in the study of the evolution of the microstructure during the shear banding process. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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A new interrupting method was proposed and the split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) was modified in order to eliminate the effect of loading reverberation on post-mortem observations. This makes the comparative study of macro- and microscopic observations on tested materials and relevant transient measurement of tau - gamma curve possible. The experimental results of the evolution of shear localization in in Ti-6Al-4V alloy studied with the modified SHTB are reported in the paper. The collapse of shear stress seems to be closely related to the appearance of a certain critical coalescence of microcracks. The voids may form within the localized shear zone at a quite early stage. Finally, void coalescence results in elongated cavities and their extension leads to fracture along the shear band.


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Adiabatic shear localization is a mode of failure that occurs in dynamic loading. It is characterized by thermal softening occurring over a very narrow region of a material and is usually a precursor to ductile fracture and catastrophic failure. This reference source is the first detailed study of the mechanics and modes of adiabatic shear localization in solids, and provides a systematic description of a number of aspects of adiabatic shear banding. The inclusion of the appendices which provide a quick reference section and a comprehensive collection of thermomechanical data allows rapid access and understanding of the subject and its phenomena. The concepts and techniques described in this work can usefully be applied to solve a multitude of problems encountered by those investigating fracture and damage in materials, impact dynamics, metal working and other areas. This reference book has come about in response to the pressing demand of mechanical and metallurgical engineers for a high quality summary of the knowledge gained over the last twenty years. While fulfilling this requirement, the book is also of great interest to academics and researchers into materials performance.

Table of Contents

1.1What is an Adiabatic Shear Band?1
1.2The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bands6
1.3Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occur10
1.4Historical Aspects of Shear Bands11
1.5Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Maps14
1.6Scope of the Book20
2Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bands24
2.1General Features24
2.2Deformed Bands27
2.3Transformed Bands28
2.4Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Banding35
2.5Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metals44
3Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bands54
3.1Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracture54
3.2Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bands57
3.3Metallurgical Implications69
3.4Effects of Stress State73
4Testing Methods76
4.1General Requirements and Remarks76
4.2Dynamic Torsion Tests80
4.3Dynamic Compression Tests91
4.4Contained Cylinder Tests95
4.5Transient Measurements98
5Constitutive Equations104
5.1Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviour104
5.2Strain-Rate History Effects110
5.3Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviour114
5.4Constitutive Equations for Non-Metals124
6Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bands125
6.1Empirical Criteria125
6.2One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysis134
6.3Localization Analysis140
6.4Experimental Verification146
7Formation and Evolution of Shear Bands155
7.1Post-Instability Phenomena156
7.2Scaling and Approximations162
7.3Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipation167
7.4The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands171
7.5Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphology179
7.6Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress States187
8Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bands194
8.1Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulations194
8.2One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Banding199
8.3Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methods213
8.4Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress State218
9Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics229
9.1Planar Impact230
9.5Ignition of Explosives261
9.6Explosive Welding268
10Selected Topics in Metalworking273
10.1Classification of Processes273
AQuick Reference298
BSpecific Heat and Thermal Conductivity301
CThermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence312
DMaterials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands335
ESpecification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands341
FConversion Factors357
 Author Index369
 Subject Index375


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Effects of chilled and frozen storage on specific enthalpy (ΔH) and transition temperature (Td) of protein denaturation as well as on selected functional properties of muscle tissue of rainbow trout and herring were investigated. The Td of myosin shifted from 39 to 33 °C during chilling of trout post mortem, but was also influenced by pH. Toughening during frozen storage of trout fillet was characterized by an increased storage modulus of a gel made from the raw fillet. Differences between long term and short term frozen stored, cooked trout fillet were identified by a compression test and a consumer panel. These changes did not affect the Td and ΔH of heat denaturation during one year of frozen storage at –20 °C. In contrast the Td of two myosin peaks of herring shifted during frozen storage at –20 °C to a significant lower value and overlaid finally. Myosin was aggregated by hydrophobic protein-protein interactions. Both thermal properties of myosin and chemical composition were sample specific for wild herring, but were relative constant for farmed trout samples over one year. Determination of Td was very precise (standard deviation <2 %) at a low scanning rate (≤ 0.25 K·min-1) and is useful for monitoring the quality of chilled and frozen stored trout and herring.


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An examination is made of fish health policy formulation in Nigeria. Such policies are necessary to protect fish a living aquatic resources and also fish food at harvest because of the immense nutritional, social and economic benefits derivable by man from fish. Fish health policies must recognize the implications of aquatic environment pollution, the dangers of bad fishing methods and application of harmful fishing gears and appliances and post-mortem handling practices


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In the past many different methodologies have been devised to support software development and different sets of methodologies have been developed to support the analysis of software artefacts. We have identified this mismatch as one of the causes of the poor reliability of embedded systems software. The issue with software development styles is that they are ``analysis-agnostic.'' They do not try to structure the code in a way that lends itself to analysis. The analysis is usually applied post-mortem after the software was developed and it requires a large amount of effort. The issue with software analysis methodologies is that they do not exploit available information about the system being analyzed.

In this thesis we address the above issues by developing a new methodology, called "analysis-aware" design, that links software development styles with the capabilities of analysis tools. This methodology forms the basis of a framework for interactive software development. The framework consists of an executable specification language and a set of analysis tools based on static analysis, testing, and model checking. The language enforces an analysis-friendly code structure and offers primitives that allow users to implement their own testers and model checkers directly in the language. We introduce a new approach to static analysis that takes advantage of the capabilities of a rule-based engine. We have applied the analysis-aware methodology to the development of a smart home application.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a força e os limites do nacionalismo na trajetória de Marc Bloch. A partir da problematização de sua memória post-mortem, construída por seus amigos e familiares, procura-se entender como a imagem de Bloch se consagrou na França como a de alguém que sacrificou sua vida em nome desta comunidade imaginada. A partir daí, busca-se compreender que elementos de sua trajetória foram responsáveis por dar espaço a essa construção. É aí que se apresentam as múltiplas identidades de Marc Bloch soldado, judeu, resistente, historiador, cidadão. Por fim, buscar-se-á, a partir da análise de seu livro Létrange défaite, analisar como o próprio historiador construiu a imagem de si mesmo e da França de sua época.


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This thesis aims at a simple one-parameter macroscopic model of distributed damage and fracture of polymers that is amenable to a straightforward and efficient numerical implementation. The failure model is motivated by post-mortem fractographic observations of void nucleation, growth and coalescence in polyurea stretched to failure, and accounts for the specific fracture energy per unit area attendant to rupture of the material.

Furthermore, it is shown that the macroscopic model can be rigorously derived, in the sense of optimal scaling, from a micromechanical model of chain elasticity and failure regularized by means of fractional strain-gradient elasticity. Optimal scaling laws that supply a link between the single parameter of the macroscopic model, namely the critical energy-release rate of the material, and micromechanical parameters pertaining to the elasticity and strength of the polymer chains, and to the strain-gradient elasticity regularization, are derived. Based on optimal scaling laws, it is shown how the critical energy-release rate of specific materials can be determined from test data. In addition, the scope and fidelity of the model is demonstrated by means of an example of application, namely Taylor-impact experiments of polyurea rods. Hereby, optimal transportation meshfree approximation schemes using maximum-entropy interpolation functions are employed.

Finally, a different crazing model using full derivatives of the deformation gradient and a core cut-off is presented, along with a numerical non-local regularization model. The numerical model takes into account higher-order deformation gradients in a finite element framework. It is shown how the introduction of non-locality into the model stabilizes the effect of strain localization to small volumes in materials undergoing softening. From an investigation of craze formation in the limit of large deformations, convergence studies verifying scaling properties of both local- and non-local energy contributions are presented.


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Based on numerous pharmacological studies that have revealed an interaction between cannabinoid and opioid systems at the molecular, neurochemical, and behavioral levels, a new series of hybrid molecules has been prepared by coupling the molecular features of two well-known drugs, ie, rimonabant and fentanyl. The new compounds have been tested for their affinity and functionality regarding CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid and mu opioid receptors. In [S-35]-GTP.S (guanosine 5'-O-[gamma-thio] triphosphate) binding assays from the post-mortem human frontal cortex, they proved to be CB1 cannabinoid antagonists and mu opioid antagonists. Interestingly, in vivo, the new compounds exhibited a significant dual antagonist action on the endocannabinoid and opioid systems.


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The development of high performance ceramics and ceramic composites often relies on assumptions about their behaviour during loading and at failure. A crucial influence on the mechanical properties of these materials is the degree of sub-critical cracking, which post mortem investigations cannot adequately reveal. Hence a clear picture of the dynamic micromechanisms of cracking is required if applications of fracture and damage mechanics to theoretical models is to be meaningful.


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Phosphorylase content in the muscle of some fish and shell fish were estimated. Jew fish (Johnius dussumeri) and 'sea naran'(Penaeus indicus) recorded the highest enzyme content among the fish and shell fish studied. As phosphorylase is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis, which is the energy source of fish for muscular activity, the possible role of phosphorylase content as an index of muscular capacity and post-mortem autolysis is discussed.


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Results of a preliminary investigation on the overall chemical nature of fish skin mucin in lung fish, Clarias batrachus, with special reference to water soluble low molecular weight compounds, are presented. Changes observed during room temperature spoilage have been studied with a view to present a new approach towards the assessment of freshness in fish inspection. pH of the mucin was distinctly alkaline (8.2) and remained unchanged during spoilage. Much of the nitrogen was found to be present in the glycoprotein fraction. Free amino acids and purine bases were present in appreciable quantities in the aqueous extracts which registered a significant increase after 10 hrs. Post-mortem increase in total solids was accompanied by a slight rise in protein nitrogen which may indicate tissue breakdown. Increase in TVN was also observed to occur earlier in the outside mucin as compared to the inside muscle. Presence of free sugars or sialic acid could not be confirmed nor was there any indication of cholesterol and lipoid material as stated in earlier literature.


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The Article 457 c.c. expressly excludes the contract by the sources of the succession. Moreover, the article 458 c.c., apart from the initial brief aside dedicated to the institute of the family pact, agrees nullity of the agreements with whom someone decides its own succession as well as those with which the future successor could decide about his rights or renounce to them about a succession not yet open. However, for a long time, the Italian doctrine wonders about the role of the contract within the succession law. It feels, in fact, the need to expand the private autonomy within the inheritance that is excessively sacrificed by the prohibition of succession agreements and by the norms for the protection of legitimate heirs. The reasons which led the legal science to these conclusions are based on different events, both social and economic, that push the interpreter to a modernization of dogmatic categories with which he can represent the succession mortis causa. In addiction, it is necessary to underline the crisis of the agreements mortis causa due to this economical and social events: as a matter of fact, the will, as the only way to give the assets post mortem, revealed itself incomplete and extremely severe compared to the new social needs. In fact, increasingly the way to give the assets happens out of the inheritance and despite to the institutions designed by the law. For these reasons, in order to adapt the system of succession to modern economic and social needs, the doctrine has identified, within the system, institutions of a contractual nature in order to better achieve the interests of private, obviating the limits assigned to the shop last will. And recently, in this context, our legislator has introduced the institution of the family pact (art. 768 bis et seq. c.c.), that is the agreement through “the entrepreneur transfers, in whole or in part , the company, and the holder of equity investments transfers, in whole or in part, its shares, to one or more descendants". While, however, part of the doctrine encourages the provision of tools that enable a person to have in advance of his succession, on the other hand there are those who promote the centrality of the will within our legal system and calls for the revitalization in respect of its vast potential is not always adequately exploited. This research aims to verify whether the contract can find importance within the phenomenon of succession for the inter vivos transfer of family assets and if the same has the characteristics to be considered a working alternative to the will. In the present work will be analyzed, in addition, some of the institutions that the doctrine has considered alternatives to the will and particularly the institution of the family pact. The survey will also be directed to the limits that the private autonomy and the legislator met in the use of the contractual instrument, limits that are mostly originated by the rules and principles of the law of succession.