990 resultados para physical and chemical leaf traits


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Lippia alba, family Verbenaceae, is widely spread in Central and South American. It's a shurb with a quadrangular branch reaching 1,7m tall. The leaves are membranaceous, petiolate, pubescent with a strong flavor. It's limbs have variable forms with pointed apex, cuneiform or decumbent base, and serrated or crenated hordes. It was determined the best harvest season to biomass production, essential oil content and chemical composition, on different plant parts (apical, medium, basal). It has been observed that, both apical and medium parts represented around 80 % of the fresh leaf mass. The foliar biomass yields are about 5 ton/ha in four harvests during an year. The average yield of essential oil considering the three plant parts were 0.15%, 0.47%, 0.46%, 0.55% and 0.61% for summer/98, autumn/98, winter/98, spring/98 and summer/99, respectively. Essential oils showed similar chemical composition either in relation to seasonality, neral, geranial and t-cariofilene were the majority compounds.


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The objective was to evaluate the effects of genetic group and age on growth, carcass, and meat traits of rabbits. A total of 144 straightbred Botucatu and White German Giant x Botucatu crossbred rabbits were involved. Rabbits were weaned at 35 d and sequentially, slaughtered, four per genetic group x sex combination, at: 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84 and 91 d. A 2x2 factorial arrangement was employed in a completely randomized design with repeated measures for growth traits, and a split-plot for carcass and meat traits. Crossbred rabbits were heavier (2032 vs. 1962 g; P < 0.01), consumed more feed (143.5 vs. 131.0 g/d; P < 0.01), and presented higher slaughter weight (2169 vs. 2093 g, P=0.02) and dressing percentage (59.0 vs. 58.2%; P=0.07) than straightbreds throughout the experiment. No difference between genetic groups was detected for feed conversion and empty gastrointestinal weight corrected for slaughter weight (SW). Crossbreds showed higher skin weight (308.2 vs. 299.7 g, P = 0.06) and distal parts of leg weight (75.7 vs. 71.4 g; P < 0.01), both corrected for SW. No genetic group effect was detected on dissectible fat and hind part weights. Chilled commercial carcass (1284 vs. 1229 g: P=0.02), chilled reference carcass (1036 vs. 1000 g, P=0.06), fore part (297.9 vs. 283.3 g; P=0.01) and loin (308.7 vs. 295.5 g; P=0.05) were heavier in crossbreds than in straightbreds, but these differences were attributed to differences in SW. Uncorrected weights of head, kidneys, liver and thoracic viscera were higher in the crossbred group, but only head (116.6 vs. 113.6 g; P=0.06) and thoracic viscera (30.4 vs. 28.6 g; P=0.01) were, in fact, proportionately heavier in crossbreds than in straightbreds. No effect of genetic group was detected on meat to bone ratio, muscle ultimate pH and chemical composition of the Longissimus dorsi muscle. All traits, except for ash and fat contents of the Longissimus muscle, showed age effects (P < 0.01). Crossbreeding may be recommended for the production of whole commercial carcasses, but it is not clearly advantageous for the production of retail cuts. Slaughter should take place between 63 and 70 d of age for both genetic groups.


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Anthracnose causes severe damage to the mango skin. Therefore, there is need to do the post-harvest phytosanitary treatment of the fruits through soaking in fungicide solution, which associated with the hydrothermal treatment has resulted into improved benefits. The present work has aimed at studying anthracnose control and post-harvest quality of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), cv. Van Dyke after hydrothermal treatment associated with chemical through the physical, physicochemical, chemical and phytopathologic analyses. The mangoes coming from the commercial orchard of the town of Jana ba-MG, of the 2000 crop, were harvested at the commercial maturation stage. After selection according to color uniformity, size and absence of mechanic and physiologic injuries, they were shipped in plastic boxes to the EPAMIG - CTNM - Nova Porteirinha - MG, fruit post-harvest laboratory, where the samples were submitted to the hydrothermal treatment in cold bath in solution containing the fungicides Thiabendazole (Tecto 400 mL/100L), Proclaraz (Sportak 10L/100L) and Imazalil (Magnate 200mL/100L). After air-drying, the fruits were packed in plastic trays and stored at room temperature (25 +/- 2 degrees C and RH 70%) for a 12-day period and evaluated as to the intrinsic quality characteristics every 4 days. The experiment was conducted a completely randomized with 8 treatments, 4 replicates and experimental unit consisting of 4 fruits. The variations of pH, total soluble solids, total titrable acidity and total soluble sugars have not endangered the organoleptic characteristics of mangoes cv. Van Dyke stored under room temperature (25 +/- 2 degrees C and RH 70%) till 8 days' storage. The association of the hydrothermal treatment with the chemical was efficient in fruit anthracnose control for till 12 days' storage. The fungicide Prochloraz (Sportak 110 mL/100L), associated with the hydrothermal treatment, completely inhibited the appearance of anthracnose symptoms.


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Extracellular xylanase and β-xylosidase production by a Penicillium janczewskii strain were investigated in liquid cultures with xylan from oat spelts under different physical and chemical conditions. The selected conditions for optimized production of xylanase and β-xylosidase were 7 days, pH 6.5, at 30 °C and 8 days, pH 5.0, at 25 °C, respectively. The xylanase exhibited optimal activity in pH 5.0 at 50 °C and the β- xylosidase in pH 4.0 at 75 °C. The xylanase was more stable at pH 6.0 to 9.5, while the β-xylosidase remained stable at pH ranging from 1.6 to 5.5. The xylanase half-life (T50) at 40, 50, and 60 °C was 183, 15, and 3 min, respectively. β-xylosidase half-life was 144, 8, and 4 min at 50, 65, and 75 °C, respectively. When applied to the biobleaching of Eucalyptus kraft pulp, xylanase dosages of 2 and 4 U/g dried pulp reduced, respectively, kappa number by 3.0 and 3.3 units after 1 h treatment, demonstrating that the use of P. janczewskii xylanases in this process is quite promising. The pulp viscosity was not altered, confirming the absence of cellulolytic enzymes in the fungal extract.


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The construction of synthetic cells is one of the major goals of bioengineering. The most successful approach consists in the encapsulation of biochemical materials (DNA, RNA, enzymes, etc.) inside lipid vesicles (liposomes), mimicking a cell structure. In this contribution, that also aims at introducing the reader to 'chemical synthetic biology,' we describe the current state of the art of 'semi-synthetic minimal cells' (SSMCs), namely, cell-like structures containing the minimal number of biological compounds that are required to reconstruct a function of interest. We will first describe how the concept of the minimal cell was originated and its relation with the theory of autopoiesis, then we review the most advanced results focused on genetic/metabolic networks inside liposomes. Next, we emphasize that relevance of physical aspects (too often neglected) that impact on the solute entrapment process, and finally we discuss new technological trends in SSMC research that will probably allow their future use in biotechnology. © 2013 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Casearia sylvestris Swartz (Salicaceae) é uma planta utilizada na medicina tradicional, cujos extratos de folhas demonstraram importantes ações farmacológicas. A espécie apresenta variação morfológica, genética e química. Duas variedades são consideradas devido a diferenças morfológicas: C. sylvestris var. sylvestris e var. lingua. Há dificuldades na definição destas variedades. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar diferenças morfo-anatômicas e químicas entre as variedades de C. sylvestris que permitam sua diferenciação com aplicação farmacêutica ou botânica. Seções transversais e paradérmicas de folhas foram preparadas para análises morfo-anatômicas, histoquímicas e microscopia quantitativa (indices de estômatos e paliçada). Análises cromatográficas (CLAE-DAD e CCD) foram realizadas para obter o perfil de diterpenos clerodânicos. Os resultados das análises morfo-anatômicas demonstraram diferenças significativas entre as variedades somente em cortes paradérmicos: var. sylvestris - paredes celulares epidérmicas poligonais e hipoestomática, var. lingua - paredes celulares epidérmicas arredondadas e anfiestomática. Os índices de estômatos não revelaram diferenças; os valores dos índices de paliçada foram de 2,8 para var. lingua e 3,9 para var. sylvestris. As análises cromatográficas confirmaram resultados prévios, demonstrando predomínio de diterpenos na var. sylvestris. Este trabalho sugere que análises cromatográficas e morfo-anatômicas podem ser ferramentas aplicáveis na distinção das variedades da espécie.


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Avaliou-se a composição centesimal e análise físico-química do Lentinus strigosus, um cogumelo comestível de ocorrência na Amazônia brasileira, produzidos em substratos alternativos à base de resíduos madeireiros e agroindustriais. Com este objetivo, determinou-se C, N, pH, sólidos solúveis, atividade de água, proteína, lipídios, fibra total, cinzas, carboidratos e energia. Os substratos foram formulados a partir de serragem de Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupá), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau-de-balsa) e Anacardium giganteum (cajuí); e do estipe de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira) e de Saccharum officinarum (cana-de-açúcar). Os resultados demonstraram que: a composição nutricional do L. strigosus variou com o substrato de cultivo; os valores de proteína encontrados nos cogumelos cultivados nos diferentes substratos (18 - 21,5%) variaram de acordo com o substrato, sendo considerados elevados; os sólidos solúveis presentes nos cogumelos podem ter relação com vitaminas hidrossolúveis do complexo B; o L. strigosus pode ser considerado um importante alimento devido suas características nutricionais: alto teor de proteína, carboidratos metabolizáveis e fibras; baixos teores de lipídios e de calorias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recycled polymer matrix composites reinforced with wood flour can be a viable alternative for the replacement of wood and virgin polymers in materials used in floors, door frames, windows and external cladding. The objective of this research was to determine some physical and mechanical parameters of composite made with Pinus taeda and elliottii wood flour (WF) and recycled polypropylene (PP), without the use of compatibilizers or additives. The composites were separated into four traits, namely 100% PP, 90% PP with 10%, WF 80% PP with 20% WF and 70 % PP with 30% WF. The characterization of the composite followed the standards ASTM D-638-10, ASTM D256-00, ASTM D570 -98, ASTM D1238 -10 and ASTM G 155-05, it was also employed the surface analysis by scanning electron microscopy. The dimensional stability tests showed satisfactory results. Even the composite with a higher percentage of wood flour (30%) had a flow index of 10 MFI, considered compatible with that observed for PP (polypropylene) virgin by standard ASTM D 1238-10. The inclusion of wood flour (FM) afforded composites with good mechanical characteristics which can be applied in manufacture of different materials, specifically employed outdoors.


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Our aim was to evaluate agronomic and chemical characteristics of corn hybrids to ensiling. It were evaluated nine corn hybrids (MX 300, RB 9308, 2B655, XB 6012, GNZ 2500, PL6890, PRE 32D10, PRE 22T10 e AG 1051), with three replicates. The higher fresh matter yield were observed in the hybrids PL6890 and PRE 32D10, while the dry matter yield was observed in the hybrid PRE 32D10 (13.43 t ha(-1)). The hybrids PRE 32D10 and PRE 22T10 stood out to present higher percent of leaf in relation to whole plant, while the lower percent of stems was found in the hybrids MX 300, 2B655 and XB 6012, however the higher leaves: stems relation was found in XB 6012 (0.49). There was higher CP content in the hybrid PRE 32D10 (9.10% of DM), while the lower NDF (57.78% of DM) and cellulose content (24.27% of DM) were observed in the hybrid GNZ 2500. The hybrid PL6890 presented higher ADF and lignin contents, the others hybrids had values lower. The lower NDIN content was observed in the hybrid RB 9308, while the lower AIDN content occurred on the hybrid 2B655. The lower buffer capacity was observed in the hybrid 2B655 (0.29). There are some differences on chemical composition among the corn hybrids used in this study, however, it is recommended to use the hybrids MX 300, PL6890 and PRE 32D10 for showing higher dry matter yield, which may reflect in the amortization of silage production costs.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Laurencia dendroidea shows high inter- and intrapopulation variability in the amount of the sesquiterpene elatol, caused by genetic variation as well as environmental factors. To test the independent effect of physical and nutritional conditions, the growth and the levels of elatol in L. dendroidea clones were evaluated under different conditions of temperature, salinity, irradiance, and culture medium in the laboratory. Growth of L. dendroidea was clearly affected by all these factors, but elatol levels were influenced only by temperature and salinity. Better conditions for growth did not produce a similar effect on elatol production in L. dendroidea, contradicting the carbon/nutrient balance and growth/differentiation balance models. On the contrary, severe conditions of temperature and salinity promoted a decrease in elatol levels, as predicted by the environmental stress model. Our results using clones indicated that abiotic factors clearly take part in fostering chemical variations observed in natural populations, in addition to genetic factors, and can promote differential susceptibility of plant specimens to natural enemies.


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Although the occurrence of glandular trichomes is frequently reported for aerial vegetative organs, many questions still remain opened about the presence of such trichomes in underground systems. Here, we present, for the first time, a comparative study concerning the structure, ultrastructure and chemical aspects of both, the aerial and underground glandular trichomes of two different Chrysolaena species, C obovata and C platensis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) were examined using LM, SEM, and TEM and also analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC coupled to UV/DAD and HR-ESI-MS (HPLC-UV-MS). In both aerial (leaf and bud) and underground (rhizophore) organs, the GTs are multicellular, biseriate and formed by five pairs of cells: a pair of support cells, a pair of basal cells, and three pairs of secreting cells. These secreting cells have, at the beginning of secretory process, abundance of smooth ER. The same classes of secondary metabolites are biosynthesized and stored in both aerial and underground GTs of C platensis and C obovata. These GTs from aerial and underground organs have similar cellular and sub-cellular anatomy, however the belowground trichomes show a higher diversity of compounds when compared to those from the leaves. We also demonstrate by means of HPLC-UV-DAD that the sesquiterpene lactones are located inside the trichomes and that hirsutinolides are not artifacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance and macronutrient content of rubber extracted from four Hevea brasiliensis clones, under different tapping systems and plant phenological stages. The experiment was carried out in the 2010 and 2011 crop seasons, in a split-plot randomized complete block design, with four replicates. The main treatments - GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873, and RRIM 600 clones - were allocated in the plots, and the secondary treatments, which were the tapping systems 1/2S d/2, 1/2S d/4 ET 2.5%, and 1/2S d/7 ET 2.5%, were allocated in the subplots. The analyzed variables were natural rubber yield and macronutrient contents. Samples of natural rubber were obtained in the leaf development, mature leaf, and leaf senescence phenological stages. Rubber yield and its macronutrient contents are more influenced by tapping practice than by genetic material in the restrictive phenological stages of foliage.