678 resultados para pellet combustione stufa emissioni
In Nigeria, the culture of fish is gaining importance, but local fish farmers face a set back because of the stoppage on importation of fish feed. Locally available raw materials such as yam, plantain, banana, cowpeas, macuna, maize, cassava, millet, sorghum, groundnut, sunnhemp seed and brewery wastes are considered as potential materials for fish feed. These have been examined on their minimum protein contributions since this is the most expensive part of the fish feed. Alternative sources to animal proteins are also examined. Plant protein from groundnut, melon, mucuna and others compare favourably with bloodmeal mixture and thus can be used to replace the more expensive animal proteins. Pellet feed can be produced on a small scale or commercial basis from the locally available raw materials and the fish farmer is advised to seek assistance from qualified fisheries personnel
[ES]Comparativa de las alternativas disponibles para la construcción de un edificio, con el objetivo de optimizar el diseño disminuyendo las pérdidas de energía. De los distintos tipos de construcciones posibles, la investigación se centra en una vivienda unifamiliar. El trabajo aborda, por una parte, el diseño de la envolvente de la vivienda con las técnicas eficientes y los materiales mejor ajustados a la zona de edificación; y por otra, la selección del sistema de calefacción y de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Se opta por bloques de tierra comprimida, aislante de celulosa y enlucido de arcilla para las paredes, así como por una caldera de pellets para el sistema de calefacción y una instalación de energía solar térmica para el ACS.
The energy spectra of 235U atoms sputtered from a 93% enriched 235U metal foil and a hot pressed 235U02 pellet by an 80 keV 40Ar+ beam have been measured in the range 1 eV to 1 keV. The measurements were made using a mechanical time-of-flight spectrometer in conjunction with the fission track technique for detecting 235U. The design and construction of this spectrometer are discussed in detail, and its operation is mathematically analyzed.
The results of the experiment are discussed in the context of the random collision cascade model of sputtering. The spectrum obtained by the sputtering of the 235U metal target was found to be well described by the functional form E(E+Eb)-2.77, where Eb = 5.4 eV. The 235U02 target produced a spectrum that peaked at a lower energy (~ 2 eV) and decreased somewhat more rapidly for E ≳ 100 eV.
After artificial activation or fertilization of non-nucleate fragments or eggs of the sea urchin, the mitochondria actively synthesize RNA. The RNA made in non-nucleate fragments is shown to be mostly single stranded and to be associated primarily with the low speed pellet of centrifuged cellular homogenates.
Protein synthesis is observed in non-nucleate fragments in the presence or absence of the mitochondrial RNA synthesis: it is found to be qualitatively similar but quantitatively less in the absence of the RNA synthesis. The continued syntheses of proteins in the non-nucleate fragments in the absence of mitochondrial RNA synthesis provides additional evidence for the presence of a stable messenger RNA component in the unfertilized sea urchin egg.
Since the uptake or actinomycin D was found to be inhibited by the presence of a fertilization membrane, ethidium bromide, at 10 μgs/ml, is used as an effective inhibitor of RNA synthesis in non-nucleate fragments and in early cleavage stage embryos. However, this same concentration of ethidium bromide is found to be only partially effective in blocking RNA synthesis at the mesenchyme blastula stage of development.
Low concentrations of ethidium bromide (2 and 5 μgs/ml) are found not to be lethal but to be capable of producing moderate developmental defects. In the presence of concentrations of ethidium bromide adequate to inhibit all the mitochondrial RNA synthesis (10 μgs/ml of ethidium bromide), from fertilization on, the embryos do not cleave beyond the 4-8 cell stages. When similar concentrations of ethidium bromide are added at an early mesenchyme blastula stage, the embryos do not gastrulate but continue to swim for more than 24 additional hours (adequate for control embryos to develop to a late prism stage). These results lead to the conclusion that mitochondrial RNA synthesis may be very essential for normal development to occur.
DNA is synthesized in the non-nucleate fragments of sea urchin eggs. None of the newly synthesized DNA is found in the closed circular form. When phenol extracted directly from the fragments, the DNA is found to sediment at approximately 38 and 27s in sucrose gradients but neither of these size classes could be found associated with the isolated mitochondria. The template for the synthesis of DNA in non-nucleate fragments remains unknown.
Fingerling catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (P=4.0 g, FL=65.3 mm) and Oreochromis niloticus (P=11.2 g, TL=84.8 mm) were stocked in 0.06 ha earthen ponds at Pass (Annex of the Aquaculture Research Station at Layo, Côte d'Ivoire). The ponds were stocked at densities of 6700 catfish per ha, and 6700 catfish with 3350 tilapias per ha. The study lasted from February to August 1985 and the fish were fed daily at 6% of the estimated catfish biomass with 32% protein pellet. There were no differences in mean weekly water temperature (p > 0.05). The dissolved oxygen concentration was higher in ponds where tilapias were added (p < 0.05) The presence of tilapias seems to have improved water quality and did not affect growth and production of catfish (p > 0.05). Their presence also significantly increased total fish yield (p < 0.05) by 23.5%. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in catfish survival between the two production systems.
O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar a capacidade de dois materiais restauradores em prevenir a descoloração coronária causada pela minociclina como medicação intracanal e propor uma técnica de fácil implementação para encorajar o uso da pasta tri-antibiótica para desinfecção do sistema de canais radiculares durante procedimentos de regeneração pulpar sem perda estética. Cem dentes foram selecionados, seus canais radiculares foram instrumentados e divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o tratamento dentinário utilizado: Grupo OB- Agente adesivo OptiBond All-In-One (KERR); Grupo U200- Cimento resinoso auto-condicionante e auto adesivo RelyX U200 (3M ESPE); Grupo MIN- Sem revestimento; Grupo CN- Sem revestimento (controle negativo). Em todos os grupos, com exceção do CN, foi utilizada pasta de minociclina como medicação intracanal coberta por uma bolinha de algodão e vedados com restauração provisória. As medições de cor foram realizadas com um espectrofotômetro no início do estudo (T0), e 7(T7), 14 (T14), 21 (T21) e 28 dias (T28) pós-minociclina. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. As diferenças de cor (E*) foram crescentes nos grupos CN, OB, U200 e MIN, respectivamente. A diferença de luminosidade (L*) foi também crescente nos grupos CN, OB, U200 e MIN, respectivamente. Houve diferença significante entre os grupos MIN e CN, e entre os grupos MIN e U200 (p<0,05). O eixo amarelo-azul (b*) não apresentou alteração de cor significante (p>0,05). Uma alteração de cor significante no eixo vermelho-verde (a*) foi observada no grupo MIN em relação ao grupo CN (p<0,05). Portanto, conclui-se que a técnica foi fácil de ser implementada, ambos materiais reduziram a descoloração da coroa causada pela pasta de minociclina mas foram ineficazes em impedi-la completamente.
The presence of even very minute quantities of pollutants may become harmful either due to their direct effect on zooplankton or indirectly due to the transfer of the pollutants to other trophic levels through zooplankton. The recent trend in marine pollution studies is therefore to find out the effects of very minute quantities of these pollutants on marine zooplankton and the methods of their accumulation and transfer to the organisms of higher trophic level including man. A review of laboratory and field studies concerning the effects of pollutants such as hydrocarbons, crude oil, heavy metals, pesticides and heated waste water on the survival, breeding, movement, faecal pellet production, growth and development on marine zooplankton is presented.
The distribution of porosity in Y1Ba2Cu3Oy (Y-123) pseudo-crystals prepared by hot seeded melt growth of precursor pellet samples pre-sintered at elevated temperatures in air or vacuum has been investigated. The results demonstrate that the porosity within the Y-123 pseudo-crystal matrix could be reduced dramatically by pre-sintering in vacuum, compared with that for precursor pellets processed in air.
Future applications of high temperature superconductors require bulk materials of a complex shape. The multi-seeded-melt-growth process (MSMG) represents a promising technique for obtaining qualitatively well oriented bulk materials with different kinds of shape. In the MSMG process, several seeds are placed on a precursor pellet, from which the growth of the bulk starts. A certain problem of the MSMG process is that grain boundaries become inevitable when the growth fronts of two neighboring seeds collide. These grain boundaries are responsible for a reduction of the critical currents and pose a problem for high current applications. By polishing the sample step by step, the influence of the grain boundaries was investigated by scanning Hall probe measurements and by the magnetoscan technique. Additionally, optical microscopy and electron microscopy were employed to investigate the details of the microstructure. © 2005 IEEE.
An experiment was conducted with juvenile prawns Macrobrachium malcolmso11ii, (0:76± 0.01 ro 0.94-::tO.Ol g) w evaluate various protein source diets. Six diets containing 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%,and 45% of crude protein were formulated, and fed to prawns in the form of pellet to evaluate their suitability. The experiment was designed for 60 days and sampling was made at every 15 days interval. At the end of the study period growth, feed conversion ration (FCR) specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency and survival were determined for prawns in each dietary treatment. Among the above five feeds poor FCR and higher weight gain observed in 35% protein diet (B-4). Similarly specific growth rate and feed efficiency are also highest with diet containing 35% protein. The dietary protein levels above 35% exerts a decrease in growth of prawn was observed in the present study. The feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio decreased with the increased dietary protein levels. It is concluded that 35% protein diet could be suitable with optimum protein supply for Macrobrachium malcolmsonii Therefore, above and below this 35% protein level in the formulated feed leads to metabolic stress which lowers the conversion efficiency and wastage of nutrients.
The culture of Penaeus monodon has explicitly defined the need for diet formulations or supplementary feeds that would promote optimum growth and survival of the animal. A total of 28 feed combinations were developed for P. monodon. Fish meal, shrimp head meal, squid head meal, Ascetes spp. rice bran, and soybean cake were used as primary ingredients in these feeds. The commercial vitamin mix No. 22 was added to the dry ingredients. Gelatinized corn starch and wheat flour were used as binders. The pellets were extruded using a portable kitchen grinder with a diameter of 4 mm. The products were either sun-dried for 8 hours or oven-dried overnight at 50 degree C to stabilize moisture at 8-10%. The pellets were then kept in covered glass bottles and stored in the laboratory at room temperature. The cost of the feeds excluding labour were also computed. The pellets were analyzed for protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, ash, and moisture contents using standard procedures. They were also analyzed for water stability. To test the stability of pellets in water, 2-g samples were placed in plankton nets (mesh #40) and suspended in water for two, and six hours. The undissolved samples were then vacuum-dried and the moisture determined. Cost of the feeds ranged from P1.10 to P2.60 per kg depending on the feed ingredient. Squid and Ascetes spp. were rather expensive for use as basic ingredients. Proximate analysis of dry weight showed percentage protein content ranged from 20-63 g; fat, 8-20 g; carbohydrate (by difference), 11-36 g; ash, 8-28 g; moisture, 6-11 g; and crude fiber, 5 . 13 g. Stability tests showed that after two hours, 35-88% of solids remained intact and after 6 hours, 20-55% of the pellets remained undissolved. When a pellet disintegrates easily, pollution of the water occurs. Chances for the shrimp to feed on the pellet is minimized when the pellet is unstable. Thus, the search for a more compact feed pellet has to be continued.
Rice bran is widely used by fish farmers as supplementary feed while soybean cake is used both as feed and as fertilizer in fishponds. Both fish meal and shrimp head have been found acceptable as feed ingredients. However, not much is known of the acceptability and efficiency of a mixture of these ingredients as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae. Ninety 127-day old P. monodon were measured for length and weight and were randomly divided into nine aquaria each containing 20 liters of water. These were fed 'lampirong' for two months previous to the study. There were three replications for each treatment. Length, weight, and survival rates were used to compare the efficiency of the diets. Weighed amounts of pellets equivalent to 100% of the body weight were fed during the first three days and reduced to 50% thereafter. A stopwatch was used to determine the length of time that elapsed before the shrimps would approach the pellet. Ten shrimps approximately 4 months in age were placed in 10 liters of water in a 25-liter aquarium. Two grams of each pellet type were placed simultaneously on opposite sides of the aquarium. The time that elapsed from the moment the pellets sunk to the bottom up to the time that any one shrimp approached the pellets was recorded. The group fed the imported pellets gained the most. Those fed FP-2s-77 elongated faster than those fed FP-1s-77. Survival rate of those fed FP-2s-77 was 37% while those fed imported pellets was 73%. Both 1s and 2s pellets disintegrated in water easily but the imported pellets were stable even after six hours in water. The attractability test for the pellets showed that the prawns were more readily attracted to the pellets 1s and 2s than to the imported pellets.
The objectives of the study were to find out the proportion of water to fish fins, skin and bones that would give a good gel and to determine the effect of a combination of fish water and commercial crude agar on the water stability of the prawn diet. Under the conditions of the experiments it was concluded: (1) Fish water and commercial agar or agar bar gave the most stable pellet, 65% water stability; (2) a strong gel is obtained when one part shark fin is boiled in 1.5 parts water; (3) more fish water can be obtained from guitar fish than from shark fish.
Results of experiments conducted on ablated Penaeus monodon, fed with 4 different feeds (pellet-pellet, mussel-mussel, mussel-pellet and squid-pellet), on survival, spawning, fecundity and hatching rate are given and discussed.
An experiment of 120 days of culture was conducted in brackishwater earthen ponds having an area of 0.2ha each. The hatchery produced shrimp (Penaeus monodon) post larvae were stocked in the 40m² fine meshed nylon net nursery enclosures were fed with commercial pellet feed. After two weeks of nursing, juveniles were allowed to spread in cultural pond by opening the fence. Fingerlings of three different strain of tilapia were stocked as shrimp and Strain-1 all male (monosex) (T1), shrimp and Strain-2 all male (T2), shrimp and Strain-3 mixed sex population (T3) @ 20.000/ha and 10.000/ha, respectively and shrimp only (monoculture) (T4) @ 20.000/ha. The shrimp and fish were fed with farm made feed consisting of a mixture of fishmeal 29%, MOC 15%, rice bran 30%, soybean meal 16%, wheat flour 9% and vitamin premix 0.1%. The average final weight of shrimp was 24.9±1.13g, 23.41±3.26g and 26.67±1.89g that stocked with tilapia in treatments T1, T2, and T3 respectively. The final average weight of shrimp in monoculture (T4) was 27.41±0.76g, apparently higher but insignificant in treatments. The survival of shrimp was 42.17%, 32.38%, 39.45% and 61.98% in treatments T1 T2, T3 and T4 respectively. The production of shrimp in concurrent culture was 193.67, 154.26 and 210.41kg/ha in T1, T2 and T3, respectively, while in monoculture (T4) was 339.77 kg/ha. The growth and survival of tilapia among the treatments was insignificant. The growth of monosex tilapia ranged 225.29 and 291.31g and survival 62.77 and 72.20% in T1 and T2, respectively, in mixed sex was 193.0g and 83.20% (T3). The production of tilapia monosex strains was 1676.69kg/ha (Strain-2 all male) and 1668.98 kg/ha (Strain-1 all male) while that of Strain-3 mixed sex population was 1622.92 kg/ha.