890 resultados para particle gel immunoassay
Particulate fouling tests were carried out using kaolin-water suspensions flowing through an annular heat exchanger with a copper inner tube. The flow rate was changed from test to test, but the fluid temperature and pH, as well as the particle concentration, were maintained constant. In the lower range of fluid velocities (<0.5 m/s), the deposition process seemed to be controlled by mass transfer. The corresponding experimental transport fluxes were compared to the predictions obtained with several models, showing that diffusion governed particle transport. The absolute values of the mass transfer fluxes and their dependences on the Reynolds number were satisfactorily predicted by some of the models.
Combustion, Coal, Droplet Combustion, Boudouard Reaction
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
We are interested in coupled microscopic/macroscopic models describing the evolution of particles dispersed in a fluid. The system consists in a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation to describe the microscopic motion of the particles coupled to the Euler equations for a compressible fluid. We investigate dissipative quantities, equilibria and their stability properties and the role of external forces. We also study some asymptotic problems, their equilibria and stability and the derivation of macroscopic two-phase models.
O emprego de gel-eletroforese no diagnóstico da varíola, demonstrou ser ao menos trinta vezes (30X) mais sensível que o teste de agar-gel, nas condições descritas (tabela I). Doze (12) espécimes, cujos testes convencionais de inoculação em ovos embrionados e de agar-gel resultaram positivos, foram testados em suas diluições originais congeladas por mais de um ano, sendo seis deles revelados por gel-eletroforese enquanto nenhum o foi por agar-gel (tabela II). Trinta e três (33) amostras isoladas no laboratório, foram testadas com material colhido de membrana cório-alantóica da primeira inoculação para o diagnóstico, conservado em glicerina 50%, resultando 15 positivas em gel-eletroforese e apenas 3 em agar-gel (tabela II). Os últimos 60 espécimes recebidos para diagnóstico, através a Campanha de Erradicação da Varíola, também resultaram negativos em gel-eletroforese, que não mostrou falsos-positivos nas condições descritas.
Quantitative method of viral pollution determination for large volume of water using ferric hydroxide gel impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter. The use of ferric hydroxide gel, impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter enable us to recover 62.5% of virus (Poliomylitis type I, Lsc strain) exsogeneously added to 400 liters of tap-water. The virus concentrator system consists of four cartridge filters, in which the three first one are clarifiers, where the contaminants are removed physically, without significant virus loss at this stage. The last cartridge filter is impregnated with ferric hydroxide gel, where the virus is adsorbed. After the required volume of water has been processed, the last filter is removed from the system and the viruses are recovered from the gel, using 1 liter of glycine/NaOH buffer, at pH 11. Immediately the eluate is clarified through series of cellulose acetate membranes mounted in a 142mm Millipore filter. For the second step of virus concentration, HC1 1N is added slowly to the eluate to achieve pH 3.5-4. MgC1, is added to give a final concentration of 0.05M and the viruses are readsorbed on a 0.45 , porosity (HA) cellulose acetate membrane, mounted in a 90 mm Millipore filter. The viruses are recovered using the same eluent plus 10% of fetal calf serum, to a final volume of 3 ml. In this way, it was possible to concentrate virus from 400 liters of tap-water, into 1 liter in the first stage of virus concentration and just to 3 ml of final volume in a second step. The efficiency, simplicity and low operational cost, provded by the method, make it feasible to study viral pollution of recreational and tap-water sources.
Particles morphologically identical to rotaviruses were found in the faeces of a nine week-old child with gastroenteritis. Analysis of the viral RNA genome by polyacrylamine gel electrophoresis revealed 10 bands (probably 11 segments) some of wich differed in migration rate from those of the great majority of rotaviruses infecting man and other animal hosts. The virus was not detected by a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and therefore probably lacked the crossreactive antigen(s) shared by the majority rotaviruses. This was the only strain with such behaviour among 230 rotaviruses of human origin examined in this laboratory since 1979. The implications of the existence of non-crossreactive rotaviruses are discussed.
Two techniques for rapid diagnosis, immunofluorescence (IFAT) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA), have been compared with virus isolaion in tissue culture for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in specimens of nasopharyngeal secretions. The specimens were obtained from children under five years of age suffering from acute respiratory iliness, during a period of six months from January to June 1982. Of 471 specimens examined 54 (11.5%) were positive by virus isolation and 180 (38.2%) were positive by immunofluorescence. The bacterial contamination of inoculated tissue cultures unfortunately prevented the isolation of virus from many samples. Specimens from 216 children were tested to compare enzyme immunoassay and immunofluorescence. Of these 60 (27%) were positive by EIA and 121 (56%) were positive by IFAT. Our results suggest that the EIA technique although highly specific is rather insensitive. This may be because by the time these tests were done the originl nasopharyngeal secretions were considerably diluted and contained more mucus fragments than the call suspension used for IFAT. Of the three techniques, IFAT gives the best results although EIA may be useful where IFAT is not possible.
BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.
Perineural and intraneural fibrosis is thought to be the main cause of failure of the many surgical treatments of neuropathic pain. We have used Adcon-T/N carbohydrate polymer gel for prevention of perineural fibrosis in several parts of the body. In this retrospective study, 54 patients who presented with postoperative neuropathic pain had microsurgical epineural neurolysis and relocation of a terminal neuroma. In 19 of them, the carbohydrate gel was applied at the same time. The mean follow-up was four years and the nerve distribution varied. Postoperative improvement in pain scores (visual analogue scale (VAS) and neuropathic pain scale inventory (NPSI)), sensitivity, overall improvement and satisfaction were equivalent in the two groups, with pain relief in about 80% of the patients. There was no significant beneficial effect in the carbohydrate gel group. Patients treated with this device had a higher infection rate (21 compared with 0, p = 0.01) and delayed wound healing (31.6 compared with 11.8, p = 0.2). We conclude that good long-term pain relief is obtained postoperatively independently of the addition of carbohydrate gel. There was a slight but not significant trend towards profound pain relief with the gel.
Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería (CIMEC), Argentina, entre febrero y abril del 2007. La simulación numérica de problemas de mezclas mediante el Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) es el marco de estudio de una futura tesis doctoral. Éste es un método desarrollado conjuntamente por el CIMEC y el Centre Internacional de Mètodos Numèrics en l'Enginyeria (CIMNE-UPC), basado en la resolución de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes en formulación Lagrangiana. El mallador ha sido implementado y desarrollado por Dr. Nestor Calvo, investigador del CIMEC. El desarrollo del módulo de cálculo corresponde al trabajo de tesis de la beneficiaria. La correcta interacción entre ambas partes es fundamental para obtener resultados válidos. En esta memoria se explican los principales aspectos del mallador que fueron modificados (criterios de refinamiento geométrico) y los cambios introducidos en el módulo de cálculo (librería PETSc, algoritmo predictor-corrector) durante la estancia en el CIMEC. Por último, se muestran los resultados obtenidos en un problema de dos fluidos inmiscibles con transferencia de calor.