997 resultados para partial-warp scores


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A classical question in combinatorics is the following: given a partial Latin square $P$, when can we complete $P$ to a Latin square $L$? In this paper, we investigate the class of textbf{$epsilon$-dense partial Latin squares}: partial Latin squares in which each symbol, row, and column contains no more than $epsilon n$-many nonblank cells. Based on a conjecture of Nash-Williams, Daykin and H"aggkvist conjectured that all $frac{1}{4}$-dense partial Latin squares are completable. In this paper, we will discuss the proof methods and results used in previous attempts to resolve this conjecture, introduce a novel technique derived from a paper by Jacobson and Matthews on generating random Latin squares, and use this novel technique to study $ epsilon$-dense partial Latin squares that contain no more than $delta n^2$ filled cells in total.

In Chapter 2, we construct completions for all $ epsilon$-dense partial Latin squares containing no more than $delta n^2$ filled cells in total, given that $epsilon < frac{1}{12}, delta < frac{ left(1-12epsilonright)^{2}}{10409}$. In particular, we show that all $9.8 cdot 10^{-5}$-dense partial Latin squares are completable. In Chapter 4, we augment these results by roughly a factor of two using some probabilistic techniques. These results improve prior work by Gustavsson, which required $epsilon = delta leq 10^{-7}$, as well as Chetwynd and H"aggkvist, which required $epsilon = delta = 10^{-5}$, $n$ even and greater than $10^7$.

If we omit the probabilistic techniques noted above, we further show that such completions can always be found in polynomial time. This contrasts a result of Colbourn, which states that completing arbitrary partial Latin squares is an NP-complete task. In Chapter 3, we strengthen Colbourn's result to the claim that completing an arbitrary $left(frac{1}{2} + epsilonright)$-dense partial Latin square is NP-complete, for any $epsilon > 0$.

Colbourn's result hinges heavily on a connection between triangulations of tripartite graphs and Latin squares. Motivated by this, we use our results on Latin squares to prove that any tripartite graph $G = (V_1, V_2, V_3)$ such that begin{itemize} item $|V_1| = |V_2| = |V_3| = n$, item For every vertex $v in V_i$, $deg_+(v) = deg_-(v) geq (1- epsilon)n,$ and item $|E(G)| > (1 - delta)cdot 3n^2$ end{itemize} admits a triangulation, if $epsilon < frac{1}{132}$, $delta < frac{(1 -132epsilon)^2 }{83272}$. In particular, this holds when $epsilon = delta=1.197 cdot 10^{-5}$.

This strengthens results of Gustavsson, which requires $epsilon = delta = 10^{-7}$.

In an unrelated vein, Chapter 6 explores the class of textbf{quasirandom graphs}, a notion first introduced by Chung, Graham and Wilson cite{chung1989quasi} in 1989. Roughly speaking, a sequence of graphs is called "quasirandom"' if it has a number of properties possessed by the random graph, all of which turn out to be equivalent. In this chapter, we study possible extensions of these results to random $k$-edge colorings, and create an analogue of Chung, Graham and Wilson's result for such colorings.


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Partial differential equations (PDEs) with multiscale coefficients are very difficult to solve due to the wide range of scales in the solutions. In the thesis, we propose some efficient numerical methods for both deterministic and stochastic PDEs based on the model reduction technique.

For the deterministic PDEs, the main purpose of our method is to derive an effective equation for the multiscale problem. An essential ingredient is to decompose the harmonic coordinate into a smooth part and a highly oscillatory part of which the magnitude is small. Such a decomposition plays a key role in our construction of the effective equation. We show that the solution to the effective equation is smooth, and could be resolved on a regular coarse mesh grid. Furthermore, we provide error analysis and show that the solution to the effective equation plus a correction term is close to the original multiscale solution.

For the stochastic PDEs, we propose the model reduction based data-driven stochastic method and multilevel Monte Carlo method. In the multiquery, setting and on the assumption that the ratio of the smallest scale and largest scale is not too small, we propose the multiscale data-driven stochastic method. We construct a data-driven stochastic basis and solve the coupled deterministic PDEs to obtain the solutions. For the tougher problems, we propose the multiscale multilevel Monte Carlo method. We apply the multilevel scheme to the effective equations and assemble the stiffness matrices efficiently on each coarse mesh grid. In both methods, the $\KL$ expansion plays an important role in extracting the main parts of some stochastic quantities.

For both the deterministic and stochastic PDEs, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the methods. We also show the computational time cost reduction in the numerical examples.


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Recently, the amino acid sequences have been reported for several proteins, including the envelope glycoproteins of Sindbis virus, which all probably span the plasma membrane with a common topology: a large N-terminal, extracellular portion, a short region buried in the bilayer, and a short C-terminal intracellular segment. The regions of these proteins buried in the bilayer correspond to portions of the protein sequences which contain a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids and which have other common characteristics, as discussed. Reasons are also described for uncertainty, in some proteins more than others, as to the precise location of some parts of the sequence relative to the membrane.

The signal hypothesis for the transmembrane translocation of proteins is briefly described and its general applicability is reviewed. There are many proteins whose translocation is accurately described by this hypothesis, but some proteins are translocated in a different manner.

The transmembraneous glycoproteins E1 and E2 of Sindbis virus, as well as the only other virion protein, the capsid protein, were purified in amounts sufficient for biochemical analysis using sensitive techniques. The amino acid composition of each protein was determined, and extensive N-terminal sequences were obtained for E1 and E2. By these techniques E1 and E2 are indistinguishable from most water soluble proteins, as they do not contain an obvious excess of hydrophobic amino acids in their N-terminal regions or in the intact molecule.

The capsid protein was found to be blocked, and so its N-terminus could not be sequenced by the usual methods. However, with the use of a special labeling technique, it was possible to incorporate tritiated acetate into the N-terminus of the protein with good specificity, which was useful in the purification of peptides from which the first amino acids in the N-terminal sequence could be identified.

Nanomole amounts of PE2, the intracellular precursor of E2, were purified by an immuno-affinity technique, and its N-terminus was analyzed. Together with other work, these results showed that PE2 is not synthesized with an N-terminal extension, and the signal sequence for translocation is probably the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein. This N-terminus was found to be 80-90% blocked, also by Nacetylation, and this acetylation did not affect its function as a signal sequence. The putative signal sequence was also found to contain a glycosylated asparagine residue, but the inhibition of this glycosylation did not lead to the cleavage of the sequence.


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The thermal reaction between nitrogen dioxide and acetaldehyde in the gas phase was investigated at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was 1.00 ± 0.03 order with respect to nitrogen dioxide and 1.00 ± 0.07 order with respect to acetaldehyde. An initial second order rate constant of (8.596 ± 0.189) x 10-3 1.mole-1 sec-1 was obtained at 22.0 ± 0.1 °C and a total pressure of one atmosphere. The activation energy of the reaction was 12,900 cal/mole in the temperature range between 22°C and 122°C.

The products of the reaction were nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, methyl nitrite, nitromethane and a trace amount of trans-dimeric nitrosomethane. The addition of nitric oxide increased the rate of formation of nitromethane and decreased the rate of formation of methyl nitrite. There were no measurable surface effects due to the addition of glass wool or glass beads to the reactor.

Reactants and products were analyzed by gas chromatography. A mechanism was proposed incorporating the principal features of the reaction.


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Optical properties of a two-dimensional square-lattice photonic crystal are systematically investigated within the partial bandgap through anisotropic characteristics analysis and numerical simulation of field pattern. Using the plane-wave expansion method and Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the relationships between the incident and refracted angles for both phase and group velocities are calculated to analyze light propagation from air to photonic crystals. Three kinds of flat slab focusing are summarized and demonstrated by numerical simulations using the multiple scattering method. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America


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Este trabalho de pesquisa descreve três estudos de utilização de métodos quimiométricos para a classificação e caracterização de óleos comestíveis vegetais e seus parâmetros de qualidade através das técnicas de espectrometria de absorção molecular no infravermelho médio com transformada de Fourier e de espectrometria no infravermelho próximo, e o monitoramento da qualidade e estabilidade oxidativa do iogurte usando espectrometria de fluorescência molecular. O primeiro e segundo estudos visam à classificação e caracterização de parâmetros de qualidade de óleos comestíveis vegetais utilizando espectrometria no infravermelho médio com transformada de Fourier (FT-MIR) e no infravermelho próximo (NIR). O algoritmo de Kennard-Stone foi usado para a seleção do conjunto de validação após análise de componentes principais (PCA). A discriminação entre os óleos de canola, girassol, milho e soja foi investigada usando SVM-DA, SIMCA e PLS-DA. A predição dos parâmetros de qualidade, índice de refração e densidade relativa dos óleos, foi investigada usando os métodos de calibração multivariada dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS), iPLS e SVM para os dados de FT-MIR e NIR. Vários tipos de pré-processamentos, primeira derivada, correção do sinal multiplicativo (MSC), dados centrados na média, correção do sinal ortogonal (OSC) e variação normal padrão (SNV) foram utilizados, usando a raiz quadrada do erro médio quadrático de validação cruzada (RMSECV) e de predição (RMSEP) como parâmetros de avaliação. A metodologia desenvolvida para determinação de índice de refração e densidade relativa e classificação dos óleos vegetais é rápida e direta. O terceiro estudo visa à avaliação da estabilidade oxidativa e qualidade do iogurte armazenado a 4C submetido à luz direta e mantido no escuro, usando a análise dos fatores paralelos (PARAFAC) na luminescência exibida por três fluoróforos presentes no iogurte, onde pelo menos um deles está fortemente relacionado com as condições de armazenamento. O sinal fluorescente foi identificado pelo espectro de emissão e excitação das substâncias fluorescentes puras, que foram sugeridas serem vitamina A, triptofano e riboflavina. Modelos de regressão baseados nos escores do PARAFAC para a riboflavina foram desenvolvidos usando os escores obtidos no primeiro dia como variável dependente e os escores obtidos durante o armazenamento como variável independente. Foi visível o decaimento da curva analítica com o decurso do tempo da experimentação. Portanto, o teor de riboflavina pode ser considerado um bom indicador para a estabilidade do iogurte. Assim, é possível concluir que a espectroscopia de fluorescência combinada com métodos quimiométricos é um método rápido para monitorar a estabilidade oxidativa e a qualidade do iogurte


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.