281 resultados para pacu


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O produto mais importante do conhecimento é a ignorância. A situação sugere a imagem de alguém que vive numa ilha de conhecimento cercado por um mar de ignorância. Quando a área dessa ilha aumenta pelo progresso da ciência, também aumenta o litoral, - a fronteira com o desconhecido. Esta expansão é o fruto mais valioso do conhecimento (David Gross, Nobel em Física, 2004). O uso dos isótopos estáveis dos bioelementos (CHON'S) presentes na Atmosfera, Hidrosfera, Litosfera e Biosfera enquadra-se neste contexto, surgindo como ferramenta de alto potencial em pesquisas nas diversas áreas das Ciências da Vida. Com organismos aquáticos, a aplicação dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (δ 13C) e do nitrogênio (δ 15N) tem ocorrido em diversas áreas. em larvas de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus, a técnica evidenciou a escolha voluntária entre organismos vivos e dieta seca pelos animais, desde as primeiras alimentações até o final da larvicultura. Na carcinicultura, o crescimento do Penaeus vannamei resultou do aproveitamento dos alimentos oferecidos e da produtividade primária do lago (biota). Por meio do balanço de massa e isotópico foi possível determinar a contribuição da biota, da ordem de 44 a 86% do carbono assimilado pelos animais durante o crescimento. Outro exemplo é com o caranguejo de mangue Sesarma rectum, em que sua preferência alimentar por Spartina alterniflora (C4) versus Rhizophora mangle (C3) ou Hibiscus tiliaceus (C3) foi evidenciada pelo modelo isotópico de duas fontes alimentares e os isótopos estáveis do carbono (δ13C). A técnica dos isótopos estáveis associada ao conhecimento dos conceitos básicos da variabilidade isotópica natural e ao uso criterioso das razões 13C/12C; ²H/¹H; 18O/16O; 15N/14N e 36S/34S revela-se como um avanço na fronteira dos conhecimentos, nas diversas reentrâncias do litoral da aqüicultura.


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In this study, the influence of the addition of antioxidants in vivo on the fatty acid composition of the flesh of a freshwater fish known as pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is verified. Four groups (one being the control group) of juvenile pacu were cultured on isocaloric and isoproteic diets. The lipid source was soybean oil and diets were added with either 100 ppm of alpha-tocopheryl acetate, or 100 ppm of BHT or 1.4 g of rosemary extract (Herbalox(R))/kg diet. The fatty acid composition of the lipids of the different groups was determined before and after irradiation at 2 and 3 kGy, respectively, for the evaluation of the protective effects of the different antioxidants. Similarly, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined from irradiated and nonirradiated samples. The results showed that the use of antioxidants altered the fatty acid composition of the fillets. TEARS and irradiation confirmed their important role in protecting against lipid oxidation. Among all the antioxidants used, tocopherol was the most efficient, as shown by the highest percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), by the lowest values of TEARS and by the analyses of the individual fatty acid levels at different irradiation doses. Significant statistical differences were observed only in 17% of the fatty acids in the fillets of the groups. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present work evaluated the efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) treatment against infections with the monogenean helminths Anacanthorus penilabiatus, gill parasites of young cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. A short-term bath treatment using 100, 200 and 500 mg MBZ/l of water for 10 and 30 min and a long-term-bath using 1, 10 and 100 mg MBZ/l of water for 24 h were utilized. Seven days after, fish were sacrificed and parasites counted. Concentrations of 500 and 200 mg MBZ/l for 10 and 30 min showed reduced efficacy (0.0 and 0.7%) and (14.2 and 11.0%), respectively. Nevertheless, 100 mg MBZ/l (10 min) and 10 nag MBZ/l (24 h) showed better efficacy (79.6 and 8 1.4%, respectively). Treatments for 24 h provoked increases in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and leukocyte number when compared to those untreated fish. Mebendazole treatments also provoked alterations in the defense blood cells especially in lymphocyte and thrombocyte numbers, when the fishes were submitted to 10 and 30 min baths.


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Lactate dehydrogenase was partially purified from the epaxial muscle of Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu) and its hybrid Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomus (tambacu). This preparation was used for kinetic studies carried out at pH 6.0 and 7.5. It was also used for the study of the inhibition properties of adenosine nucleotides = ATP, ADP, AMP =, divalent ions Ni2+, Cu2+, Co2+ and the anions oxamate and oxalate.


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Background and Objectives - The decision to perform anesthetic and surgical procedures in children with upper airway infeccious disease, due to the possibility of intraoperative respiratory morbidity, has been a dilemma for anesthesiologists. This study aimed at evaluating the incidence of respiratory complications in children submitted to general anesthesia and correlate them to preoperative signs and symptoms related to the respiratory tract, thus determining anesthetic-surgical morbidity. Methods - Participated in this study 284 children, physical status ASA I or II, submitted to general anesthesia. During preoperative evaluation, respiratory signs and symptoms were recorded, as well as types of diseases and corresponding diagnoses. Respiratory complications during anesthesia and in the recovery room were also recorded and analyzed taking into account age, elective or urgent procedure, airway management and presence or absence of signs, symptoms or history of respiratory tract diseases. Results - We found 38% of patients with preoperative respiratory disease history. The most common respiratory disease was upper airway infection. Intraoperative respiratory complications were present in 26.4% of patients. Children under 12 months of age and those with preoperative respiratory disease history had more intraoperative and PACU complications. Conclusions - We concluded that children, specially younger, with respiratory system involvement, like upper airway infections, are at a higher risk of intra and postoperative respiratory complications, thus with an increased incidence of anesthetic-surgical morbidity.


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Background and Objectives - It is essential to reduce health care costs without impairing the quality of care. Propofol is associated to faster recovery and it is known that post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) costs are high. The aim of this study was to evaluate the advantages of two anesthesia regimens - propofol continuous infusion or isoflurane - taking into account the cost of both techniques on PACU stay. Methods - Forty seven patients, physical status ASA I, II and III, undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were divided into 2 groups according to the anesthetic agent: G1, conventional propofol continuous infusion (100-150 μg.kg-1.min-1) and G2, isoflurane. All patients were induced with sufentanil (1 μg.kg-1) and propofol (2 mg.kg-1) and were kept in a re-inhalation circuit (2 L.min-1 of fresh gas flow) with 50% N2O in O2, sufentanil (0.01 μg.kg-1.min-1) and atracurium (0.5 mg.kg-1), or pancuronium (0.1 mg.kg-1) for asthma patients. All patients received atropine and neostigmine at the end of the surgery. Prophylactic ondansetron, dipyrone and tenoxican were administered and, when necessary, tramadol and N-butylscopolamine. Costs of anesthetic drugs (COST), total PACU stay (t-PACU), and PACU stay after extubation (t-EXT) were computed for both groups. Results - Costs were significantly lower in the isoflurane group but t-PACU was 26 minutes longer and t-EXT G1PACU x t-EXT and t-EXT x COST were significant for G1 only. Therefore, in G1, t-PACU was a function of propofol doses. Conclusions - We concluded that the use of isoflurane as anesthesia maintenance agent for laparoscopic cholecystectomy showed lower drug costs as compared to propofol. However, isoflurane group patients stayed longer in PACU as compared to propofol continuous infusion group.


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Growth, reproduction and biochemical composition were analyzed for the copepod Argyrodiaptomus furcatus fed on the alga Ankistrodesmus gracilis grown in different media. The ingestion of this copepod by larvae of two species of tropical fishes was also evaluated. The mean peak density of the copepod population was 1369 individuals 1-1 for all four diets used, and the highest was 1387 individuals 1-1 on diet ARV (algae + ration + vitamins). A small copepod, A. furcatus tends to have a short life span. The smallest females did not attain maturity in the shortest time on all diets used. Food quality may play a major role in the dynamics of the biochemical composition of this copepod. Argyrodiaptomus furcatus was a more important food item for larvae of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) than of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). However, it made up a large part of the gut contents of larvae of both species.


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The present work evaluated the efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) treatment against infections with the monogenean helminths Anacanthorus penilabiatus, gill parasites of young cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. A short-term bath treatment using 100, 200 and 500 mg MBZ/1 of water for 10 and 30 min and a long-term bath using 1, 10 and 100 mg MBZ/1 of water for 24 h were utilized. Seven days after, fish were sacrificed and parasites counted. Concentrations of 500 and 200 mg MBZ/1 for 10 and 30 min showed reduced efficacy (0.0 and 0.7%) and (14.2 and 11.0%), respectively. Nevertheless, 100 mg MBZ/1 (10 min) and 10 mg MBZ/1 (24 h) showed better efficacy (79.6 and 81.4%, respectively). Treatments for 24 h provoked increases in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and leukocyte number when compared to those untreated fish. Mebendazole treatments also provoked alterations in the defense blood cells especially in lymphocyte and thrombocyte numbers, when the fishes were submitted to 10 and 30 min baths.


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In this study, the costs and gross income related to the production of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus juveniles were evaluated. This evaluation took into consideration a semi-intensive rearing, with direct stocking of the larvae into fertilized ponds (IL 0), or an initial intensive larviculture system, in which the larvae were fed in the laboratory for 3 (IL 3), 6 (IL 6), or 9 days (IL 9) before being transferred to the ponds. After 45 days of rearing, a gradual increase in production costs was observed as intensive larviculture time increased. Gross income also increased due to better survival rates (11.0, 25.3, 45.4, and 54.0% for IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). Therefore, increased profits were obtained under intensive larviculture (US$ 0.27, US$ 6.07, US$ 11.99, and US$ 13.16 per one thousand larvae in treatments IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). In a larger scale production simulation, the results obtained with initial intensive larviculture also showed evident economic advantages, confirming the feasibility of this system in comparison with the direct stocking of larvae in ponds for the production of pacu juveniles. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of dietary supplementation with 0, 100 and 450 mg of vitamin E (DL-α tocopheryl acetate)/kg of a dry diet on the kinetics of macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation in the pacu, maintained at different stocking densities (5 kg/m3 and 20 kg/m3), was investigated by insertion of round glass coverslips into the subcutaneous connective tissue. After a feeding period of 18 weeks, the coverslips were implanted and later removed for examination at 2, 7 and 15 days post-implantation. Fish fed diets supplemented with 450 mg of vitamin E showed an increase (P<0.05) in the accumulation of macrophages, foreign body giant cells and Langhans type cells. The kinetics of macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation on the glass coverslips appeared to be strongly influenced by vitamin E supplementation, since fish fed a basal diet and held at high stocking densities showed low numbers of adhering cells on the coverslips, and high concentrations of plasma corticosteroids. On the other hand, fish given a diet supplemented with 450 mg of vitamin E did not show a similar difference in plasma cortisol concentrations related to stocking density. The effect of cortisol concentrations on carbohydrate metabolism, analysed by assessment of plasma glycaemia, was not clear. Blood glucose concentrations did not vary substantially with the different treatments examined. These results suggest that vitamin E may contribute to the efficiency of the fish's inflammatory response by increasing macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation in the foreign body granulomatous reaction. Vitamin E appeared to act on the stress response of pacus by preventing a stress-related immunosuppression. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study describes the occurrence and the seasonality of parasites of cultivated fish from a fee fishing farm located in Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15'22'' S, 48°18'58'' W and 595 m of altitude), from August, 2001 to July, 2002. The presence of parasites was researched in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae), common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of tambaqui-Colossoma macropomum) and piraputanga Brycon hillari (Characidae). Results demonstrate that out of 100 fish examined, 15% were sponged for at least one of the following parasites: Trichodina sp.; monogenean helminths; copepodits of Lemaea cyprinacea; adults of L. cyprinacea; or Dolops carvalhoi. In decreasing order, the susceptibility degree of the hosts was C. carpio, P. mesopotamicus, B. hillari, tambacu hybrid and O. niloticus. In decreasing order the reported parasites were monogenean helminths, Dolops carvalhoi, Trichodina sp., adults of Lernaea cyprinacea and their young shapes.


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This study aimed to collect data about organic production of freshwater fish. Today the production of organic food of plant origin is predominant in the market, however, the animal rearing with organic certificate has great potential, and is an important tool for adding value to grains and organic products. Regarding the regulation of organic aquaculture, producers are based on international standards. In Brazil, the norms for breeding are very recent and their regulation was consolidated through Interministerial Instruction No28, published on June 8, 2001 by Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) together with Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura (MPA). In the literature there are few studies with organic fish farm, but according to available data, the rearing of species such as tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) and jundia (Ramdhia sp) fed with organic diet, in different rearing systems, show results quite optimistic about the production system, which is the focus of this work.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of fish oil acidity on the growth of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) juveniles. Two hundred juveniles with 10.53±0.65 g of weight and 8.74±0.13 cm of total length, were distributed in a totally randomized design in 20, 0.15 m3 meshmade tanks placed in a 25 m3 holding tank. Extruded commercial diets sprayed with soybean oil (control) with acidity index of 0.24 and fish oil with acidity index of 1.48, 6.40 and 9.85 were used. The fish were fed four times a day until apparent satiety. Productive performance, centesimal composition and blood biochemistry were analysed. At the end of the feeding period none of the analyzed parameters was affected by the use of acidified fish oil. Therefore, fish oil may be supplied to the pacu juveniles regardless of their pH.


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The effects of swim bladder injection with thioglycolate, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and heat-inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila were assessed on hematological responses in pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae). A quantitative assessment was done on erythrocytes, thrombocytes e leucocytes at 6, 24, and 48 h pos-injection of the inflammatory agents and compared with fish injected with saline solution (control). Fish injected with inactivated A. hydrophila showed a reduction of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, whereas the hematocrit increased 6 h pos-injection. The results show that thioglycolate and LPS also induced a reduction on hemoglobin and an increase on the hematocrit. The thrombocytes count decreased 6 h post A. hydrophila injection, whereas increased 48 hours post LPS injection. The leukocytes count increased after 6 h post A. hydrophila injection, while the lymphocytes and PAS-positive granular leukocytes (PAS-LG) count decreased after 24 h post injection. In fish injected with thioglycolate or with LPS showed an increase in the LG-PAS counts when compared to A. hydrophila or control groups. The monocytes count was not affected by the different inflammatory agents.