987 resultados para new taxa


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DNA sequence analysis dictates new interpretation of phylogenic trees. Taxa that were once thought to represent successive grades of complexity at the base of the metazoan tree are being displaced to much higher positions inside the tree. This leaves no evolutionary “intermediates” and forces us to rethink the genesis of bilaterian complexity.


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As metalo-β-lactamases (MBL) são capazes de hidrolisar os carbapenêmicos, a classe de antimicrobianos com maior potência para o tratamento de infecções graves e de maior uso clinico. Dentre as MBL, o grupo mais recentemente descrito e que apresentou rápida disseminação em todo o mundo é o da New-Delhi-Metalo- β-lactamases (NDM). Nas enterobactérias, os genes que codificam essas enzimas estão mais frequentemente localizados em plasmídeos. O estudo da estabilidade de plasmídeos que albergam o gene blaNDM-1 é importante para entender a predominância de espécies que carregam esses plasmídeos, desvendar mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na sua persistência e para desenvolver novas drogas que possam diminuir a sua persistência. Estudos recentes sobre estabilidade plasmidial evidenciaram que a maprotilina é capaz de induzir perda plasmidial de até 90% em E. coli K12. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o efeito da maprotilina na indução de cura de plasmídeos, que albergam o gene blaNDM-1, em diferentes espécies da família Enterobacteriaceae. Nove isolados pertencentes a diferentes espécies foram incluídas no estudo. Os plasmídeos foram caracterizados quanto ao seu tamanho por eletroforese e por sequenciamento de DNA no sistema Illumina. A persistência plasmidial foi determinada pelo método de contagem em placa em LB ágar com e sem tratamento com maprotilina em concentrações sub-inibitórias (50mg/L). O experimento foi conduzido por 10 dias, representando aproximadamente 100 gerações. Neste estudo evidenciou-se que o grupo das enterobactérias estão envolvidas na disseminação de plasmídeos com blaNDM-1, sendo que plasmídeos do grupo IncF estão mais relacionados a essa dispersão. A maprotilina teve efeito de cura plasmidial em todos os isolados exceto em E. hormaechei \"subsp. oharae\" e C. freundii. O isolado P. rettgeri apresentou maior taxa de perda plasmidial e a análise comparativa da sequência nucleotídica do plasmídeo indicou que a presença da IS5 pode estar relacionada com a diminuição da persistência plasmidial. Diferenças na persistência plasmidial, quando tratados com maprotilina, entre E. hormaechei \"subsp. steigerwaltii\" e E. hormaechei \"subsp. oharae\" sugerem que E. hormaechei \"subsp. oharae\" pode ser um possível disseminador de plasmídeos albergando blaNDM-1, devido a processos de adaptação co-evolutivos.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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A detailed dinoflagellate cyst investigation of the almost continuous Middle Miocene through Pliocene of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 907A in the Iceland Sea has been conducted at 100-kyr resolution. The investigated section is well constrained by magnetostratigraphy, providing for the first time an independent temporal control on a succession of northern high-latitude dinoflagellate cyst bioevents. Based on the highest/lowest occurrences (HO/LO) and highest common occurrence (HCO) of 20 dinoflagellate cyst taxa and one acritarch species, 26 bioevents have been defined and compared with those recorded at selected DSDP, ODP, and IODP sites from the North Atlantic and contiguous seas, and in outcrops and boreholes from the onshore and offshore eastern U.S.A., and the North Sea and Mediterranean basins. Comparisons reveal near-synchronous HOs of the dinoflagellate cysts Batiacasphaera micropapillata (3.8-3.4 Ma, mid-Pliocene) and Reticulatosphaera actinocoronata (4.8-4.2 Ma, Lower Pliocene) across the Nordic Seas and North Atlantic, highlighting their value on a supraregional scale. This probably applies also to Hystrichosphaeropsis obscura (upper Tortonian), when excluding ODP Hole 907A where its sporadic upper stratigraphic range presumably relates to cooling in the early Tortonian. Over a broader time span within the upper Tortonian, the HO of Operculodinium piaseckii likely also permits correlation across the Nordic Seas and North Atlantic, and the HO of Labyrinthodinium truncatum appears useful in the Labrador and Nordic Seas. Biostratigraphic markers useful for regional rather than supraregional correlation are the HOs of Batiacasphaera hirsuta (c. 8.4 Ma, upper Tortonian) and Unipontidinium aquaeductus (c. 13.6-13.9 Ma, upper Langhian), the HCO of the acritarch Decahedrella martinheadii (c. 6.7-6.3 Ma, Messinian), and possibly the LO of Cerebrocysta irregulare sp. nov. (c. 13.8 Ma, uppermost Langhian) across the Nordic Seas. Since Habibacysta tectata, B. micropapillata, R. actinocoronata and D. martinheadii have been observed in the Arctic Ocean, they are potentially useful for high latitude correlations in the polar domain. The LOs of Habibacysta tectata and Unipontidinium aquaeductus suggest a mid- to late Langhian age (15.1-13.7 Ma) for deposits at the base of Hole 907A, thus providing new constraints on the age of basalts at the base of ODP Hole 907A. The stratigraphically important dinoflagellate cysts Cerebrocysta irregulare sp. nov., and Impagidinium elongatum sp. nov. are formally described.


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Planktonic foraminifera are used to identify late Pliocene-Quaternary near surface water masses on the northeastern flank of Chatham Rise by comparison with faunas in core-tops east of New Zealand. In an overview study, distance measures, ordinations, and discriminant analysis are applied to 32 faunas from Site 1123B to identify similar faunas among 35 core-tops between 35 and 61°S east of New Zealand. Many Site 1123B faunas in the 2.72 myr interval sampled compare with those in core-tops on the northern side of Chatham Rise from a similar latitude, and are identified as transitional zone assemblages now associated with the subtropical gyre. This result is consistent with studies of late Quaternary planktonic foraminifera from this region and suggests that, typically, the Subtropical Front was locked to Chatham Rise through glacial and interglacial periods, at least back to the late Pliocene. However, a fauna at ca. 1.17 Ma compares with subpolar assemblages in core-tops between 44 and 48°S and identifies cooler surface water. Expectedly, closer sampling may reveal additional periods when southern water moved over the northeastern flank of Chatham Rise. Although the dominance of Globorotalia inflata, a species typical of the southern margin of subtropical gyres, is a principal feature of Site 1123B faunas, in a minority it is replaced as the most abundant species by dextral populations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, particularly about the time of the middle Pleistocene transition. Close analogues of these variant transitional assemblages are not present in core-tops about Chatham Rise but sediment trap and coretop data from other regions suggest that they identify high fertility in the mixed layer associated with upwelling or mixing of water masses. The proportion of sinistrally coiled Neogloboquadrina pachyderma rises to ca. 0.6 between ca. 2.45 and 2.57 Ma, soon after the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Although the coiling data indicate subantarctic near surface water, the species remains rare. As the faunas retain their transitional zone character, only minor entrainment of subantarctic water may have occurred.


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A new species of Gyracanthides from the mid-Visean Ducabrook Formation of Middle Paddock site, near Springsure in the Drummond Basin, central Queensland, is based on isolated three-dimensionally preserved elements. The specimens comprise paired and unpaired spines and pectoral girdle elements, procoracoids and scapulocoracoids, and include growth series. The morphology, especially of the shoulder girdle bones and the form and tubercular ornamentation of the paired fin spines, is used to distinguish the new taxon. These characters also help differentiate the numerous described gyracanthid species. Aspects of palaeobiology including possible sexual dimorphism are explored. A hypothetical reconstruction of the fish is based on our interpretation of the articulation of isolated elements combined with examination of wear patterns on fin spines. Gyracanthides hawkinsi sp. nov. is compared with other Australian taxa as well as with gyracanthids from North America, Europe, Russia, Iran, Africa and Antarctica, some of which are tentatively reassigned here to the Gondwanan genus Gyracanthides.


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A fossil deposit excavated from the floor of Kids Cave, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, is interpreted as having been primarily accumulated by New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae, with some contribution by Haast's eagle Harpagornis moorei. The fauna is rich: 3699 bones represented 41 bird species, two frog species, unspecified geckoes and skinks, and one bat species. Fossil deposition was mainly within the Last Glacial Maximum from about 22,000 cal yr bp to about 15,000 cal yr bp, with a marked change in sediment characteristics at the onset of the LGM's coldest period. Chronological control is given by three Uranium-series dates for a speleothem and radiocarbon AMS dating of four avian eggshell samples and one bone. The fauna is the first extensive predator accumulation of LGM age described from the West Coast of the South Island, and it indicates a palaeoenvironment of a mosaic of shrublands with forest patches. The onset of the coldest part of the LGM (Aurora 3 glacial advance, 19,500 - 19,000 cal yrs bp) saw marked climate cooling/drying affecting the site, but the avifauna indicates that although open-country taxa became more common in this period, some forest persisted nearby throughout the remainder of the LGM.


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The leaves of woody plants at Harvard Forest in Central Massachusetts, USA, changed color during senescence; 70% (62/89) of the woody species examined anatomically contained anthocyanins during senescence. Anthocyanins were not present in summer green leaves, and appeared primarily in the vacuoles of palisade parenchyma cells. Yellow coloration was a result of the unmasking of xanthophyll pigments in senescing chloroplasts. In nine red-senescing species, anthocyanins were not detectable in mature leaves, and were synthesized de novo in senescence, with less than 20 m g cm - 2 of chlorophyll remaining. Xanthophyll concentrations declined in relation to chlorophyll to the same extent in both yellow- and red-leaved taxa. Declines in the maximum photosystem II quantum yield of leaves collected prior to dawn were only slightly less in the red-senescing species, indicating no long-term protective activity. Red-leaved species had significantly greater mass/area and lower chlorophyll a / b ratios during senescence. Nitrogen tissue concentrations in mature and senescent leaves negatively correlated to anthocyanin concentrations in senescent leaves, weak evidence for more efficient nitrogen resorption in anthocyanic species. Shading retarded both chlorophyll loss and anthocyanin production in Cornus alternifolia , Acer rubrum , Acer saccharum , Quercus rubra and Viburnum alnifolium . It promoted chlorophyll loss in yellow-senescing Fagus grandifolia . A reduced red : far-red ratio did not affect this process. Anthocyanins did not increase leaf temperatures in Q. rubra and Vaccinium corymbosum on cold and sunny days. The timing of leaf-fall was remarkably constant from year to year, and the order of senescence of individual species was consistent.