830 resultados para multiresolution filtering
Traditional content-based filtering methods usually utilize text extraction and classification techniques for building user profiles as well as for representations of contents, i.e. item profiles. These methods have some disadvantages e.g. mismatch between user profile terms and item profile terms, leading to low performance. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome by incorporating a common ontology which enables representing both the users' and the items' profiles with concepts taken from the same vocabulary. We propose a new content-based method for filtering and ranking the relevancy of items for users, which utilizes a hierarchical ontology. The method measures the similarity of the user's profile to the items' profiles, considering the existing of mutual concepts in the two profiles, as well as the existence of "related" concepts, according to their position in the ontology. The proposed filtering algorithm computes the similarity between the users' profiles and the items' profiles, and rank-orders the relevant items according to their relevancy to each user. The method is being implemented in ePaper, a personalized electronic newspaper project, utilizing a hierarchical ontology designed specifically for classification of News items. It can, however, be utilized in other domains and extended to other ontologies.
This thesis objective is to discover “How are informal decisions reached by screeners when filtering out undesirable job applications?” Grounded theory techniques were employed in the field to observe and analyse informal decisions at the source by screeners in three distinct empirical studies. Whilst grounded theory provided the method for case and cross-case analysis, literature from academic and non-academic sources was evaluated and integrated to strengthen this research and create a foundation for understanding informal decisions. As informal decisions in early hiring processes have been under researched, this thesis contributes to current knowledge in several ways. First, it locates the Cycle of Employment which enhances Robertson and Smith’s (1993) Selection Paradigm through the integration of stages that individuals occupy whilst seeking employment. Secondly, a general depiction of the Workflow of General Hiring Processes provides a template for practitioners to map and further develop their organisational processes. Finally, it highlights the emergence of the Locality Effect, which is a geographically driven heuristic and bias that can significantly impact recruitment and informal decisions. Although screeners make informal decisions using multiple variables, informal decisions are made in stages as evidence in the Cycle of Employment. Moreover, informal decisions can be erroneous as a result of a majority and minority influence, the weighting of information, the injection of inappropriate information and criteria, and the influence of an assessor. This thesis considers these faults and develops a basic framework of understanding informal decisions to which future research can be launched.
Recommender systems are now widely used in e-commerce applications to assist customers to find relevant products from the many that are frequently available. Collaborative filtering (CF) is a key component of many of these systems, in which recommendations are made to users based on the opinions of similar users in a system. This paper presents a model-based approach to CF by using supervised ARTMAP neural networks (NN). This approach deploys formation of reference vectors, which makes a CF recommendation system able to classify user profile patterns into classes of similar profiles. Empirical results reported show that the proposed approach performs better than similar CF systems based on unsupervised ART2 NN or neighbourhood-based algorithm.
WDM signal degradation from pump phase-modulation in a one-pump 20dB net-gain fibre optical parametric amplifier is experimentally and numerically characterised for the first time using 10x59Gb/s QPSK signals.
We show both numerically and experimentally that dispersion management can be realized by manipulating the dispersion of a filter in a passively mode-locked fibre laser. A programmable filter the dispersion of which can be software configured is employed in the laser. Solitons, stretched-pulses, and dissipative solitons can be targeted reliably by controlling the filter transmission function only, while the length of fibres is fixed in the laser. This technique shows remarkable advantages in controlling operation regimes in ultrafast fibre lasers, in contrast to the traditional technique in which dispersion management is achieved by optimizing the relative length of fibres with opposite-sign dispersion. Our versatile ultrafast fibre laser will be attractive for applications requiring different pulse profiles such as in optical signal processing and optical communications.
Sentiment classification over Twitter is usually affected by the noisy nature (abbreviations, irregular forms) of tweets data. A popular procedure to reduce the noise of textual data is to remove stopwords by using pre-compiled stopword lists or more sophisticated methods for dynamic stopword identification. However, the effectiveness of removing stopwords in the context of Twitter sentiment classification has been debated in the last few years. In this paper we investigate whether removing stopwords helps or hampers the effectiveness of Twitter sentiment classification methods. To this end, we apply six different stopword identification methods to Twitter data from six different datasets and observe how removing stopwords affects two well-known supervised sentiment classification methods. We assess the impact of removing stopwords by observing fluctuations on the level of data sparsity, the size of the classifier's feature space and its classification performance. Our results show that using pre-compiled lists of stopwords negatively impacts the performance of Twitter sentiment classification approaches. On the other hand, the dynamic generation of stopword lists, by removing those infrequent terms appearing only once in the corpus, appears to be the optimal method to maintaining a high classification performance while reducing the data sparsity and substantially shrinking the feature space
This dissertation presents a unique research opportunity by using recordings which provide electrocardiogram (ECG) plus a reference breathing signal (RBS). ECG derived breathing (EDR) is measured and correlated against RBS. Standard deviations of multiresolution wavelet analysis coefficients (SDMW) are obtained from heart rate and classified using RBS. Prior works by others used select patients for sleep apnea scoring with EDR but no RBS. Another prior work classified select heart disease patients with SDMW but no RBS. This study used randomly chosen sleep disorder patient recordings; central and obstructive apneas, with and without heart disease.^ Implementation required creating an application because existing systems were limited in power and scope. A review survey was created to choose a development environment. The survey is presented as a learning tool and teaching resource. Development objectives were rapid development using limited resources (manpower and money). Open Source resources were used exclusively for implementation. ^ Results show: (1) Three groups of patients exist in the study. Grouping RBS correlations shows a response with either ECG interval or amplitude variation. A third group exists where neither ECG intervals nor amplitude variation correlate with breathing. (2) Previous work done by other groups analyzed SDMW. Similar results were found in this study but some subjects had higher SDMW, attributed to a large number of apneas, arousals and/or disconnects. SDMW does not need RBS to show apneic conditions exist within ECG recordings. (3) Results in this study support the assertion that autonomic nervous system variation was measured with SDMW. Measurements using RBS are not corrupted due to breathing even though respiration overlaps the same frequency band.^ Overall, this work becomes an Open Source resource which can be reused, modified and/or expanded. It might fast track additional research. In the future the system could also be used for public domain data. Prerecorded data exist in similar formats in public databases which could provide additional research opportunities. ^
We develop a new autoregressive conditional process to capture both the changes and the persistency of the intraday seasonal (U-shape) pattern of volatility in essay 1. Unlike other procedures, this approach allows for the intraday volatility pattern to change over time without the filtering process injecting a spurious pattern of noise into the filtered series. We show that prior deterministic filtering procedures are special cases of the autoregressive conditional filtering process presented here. Lagrange multiplier tests prove that the stochastic seasonal variance component is statistically significant. Specification tests using the correlogram and cross-spectral analyses prove the reliability of the autoregressive conditional filtering process. In essay 2 we develop a new methodology to decompose return variance in order to examine the informativeness embedded in the return series. The variance is decomposed into the information arrival component and the noise factor component. This decomposition methodology differs from previous studies in that both the informational variance and the noise variance are time-varying. Furthermore, the covariance of the informational component and the noisy component is no longer restricted to be zero. The resultant measure of price informativeness is defined as the informational variance divided by the total variance of the returns. The noisy rational expectations model predicts that uninformed traders react to price changes more than informed traders, since uninformed traders cannot distinguish between price changes caused by information arrivals and price changes caused by noise. This hypothesis is tested in essay 3 using intraday data with the intraday seasonal volatility component removed, as based on the procedure in the first essay. The resultant seasonally adjusted variance series is decomposed into components caused by unexpected information arrivals and by noise in order to examine informativeness.
With the advent of peer to peer networks, and more importantly sensor networks, the desire to extract useful information from continuous and unbounded streams of data has become more prominent. For example, in tele-health applications, sensor based data streaming systems are used to continuously and accurately monitor Alzheimer's patients and their surrounding environment. Typically, the requirements of such applications necessitate the cleaning and filtering of continuous, corrupted and incomplete data streams gathered wirelessly in dynamically varying conditions. Yet, existing data stream cleaning and filtering schemes are incapable of capturing the dynamics of the environment while simultaneously suppressing the losses and corruption introduced by uncertain environmental, hardware, and network conditions. Consequently, existing data cleaning and filtering paradigms are being challenged. This dissertation develops novel schemes for cleaning data streams received from a wireless sensor network operating under non-linear and dynamically varying conditions. The study establishes a paradigm for validating spatio-temporal associations among data sources to enhance data cleaning. To simplify the complexity of the validation process, the developed solution maps the requirements of the application on a geometrical space and identifies the potential sensor nodes of interest. Additionally, this dissertation models a wireless sensor network data reduction system by ascertaining that segregating data adaptation and prediction processes will augment the data reduction rates. The schemes presented in this study are evaluated using simulation and information theory concepts. The results demonstrate that dynamic conditions of the environment are better managed when validation is used for data cleaning. They also show that when a fast convergent adaptation process is deployed, data reduction rates are significantly improved. Targeted applications of the developed methodology include machine health monitoring, tele-health, environment and habitat monitoring, intermodal transportation and homeland security.
My work presents a place-specific analysis of how gender paradigms interact across and within spatial scales: the global, the regional, the national and the personal. It briefly outlines the concepts and measures defining the international gender paradigm, and explores the filtration of this paradigm into assessments and understandings of gender and gender dynamics by and within Barbados. It does this by analyzing the contents of reports of the Barbados government to international bodies assessing the country’s performance in the area of gender equality, and by analyzing gender-comparative content of local print news media over the decade of the 1990s, and the first decade of the 2000s. It contextualizes the discussion within the realm of social and economic development. The work shows how the almost singular focus on “women” in the international gender paradigm may depreciate valid gender concerns of men and thus hinder the overall goal of achieving gender equality, that is, achieving just, inclusive societies.
With the advent of peer to peer networks, and more importantly sensor networks, the desire to extract useful information from continuous and unbounded streams of data has become more prominent. For example, in tele-health applications, sensor based data streaming systems are used to continuously and accurately monitor Alzheimer's patients and their surrounding environment. Typically, the requirements of such applications necessitate the cleaning and filtering of continuous, corrupted and incomplete data streams gathered wirelessly in dynamically varying conditions. Yet, existing data stream cleaning and filtering schemes are incapable of capturing the dynamics of the environment while simultaneously suppressing the losses and corruption introduced by uncertain environmental, hardware, and network conditions. Consequently, existing data cleaning and filtering paradigms are being challenged. This dissertation develops novel schemes for cleaning data streams received from a wireless sensor network operating under non-linear and dynamically varying conditions. The study establishes a paradigm for validating spatio-temporal associations among data sources to enhance data cleaning. To simplify the complexity of the validation process, the developed solution maps the requirements of the application on a geometrical space and identifies the potential sensor nodes of interest. Additionally, this dissertation models a wireless sensor network data reduction system by ascertaining that segregating data adaptation and prediction processes will augment the data reduction rates. The schemes presented in this study are evaluated using simulation and information theory concepts. The results demonstrate that dynamic conditions of the environment are better managed when validation is used for data cleaning. They also show that when a fast convergent adaptation process is deployed, data reduction rates are significantly improved. Targeted applications of the developed methodology include machine health monitoring, tele-health, environment and habitat monitoring, intermodal transportation and homeland security.
We develop a new autoregressive conditional process to capture both the changes and the persistency of the intraday seasonal (U-shape) pattern of volatility in essay 1. Unlike other procedures, this approach allows for the intraday volatility pattern to change over time without the filtering process injecting a spurious pattern of noise into the filtered series. We show that prior deterministic filtering procedures are special cases of the autoregressive conditional filtering process presented here. Lagrange multiplier tests prove that the stochastic seasonal variance component is statistically significant. Specification tests using the correlogram and cross-spectral analyses prove the reliability of the autoregressive conditional filtering process. In essay 2 we develop a new methodology to decompose return variance in order to examine the informativeness embedded in the return series. The variance is decomposed into the information arrival component and the noise factor component. This decomposition methodology differs from previous studies in that both the informational variance and the noise variance are time-varying. Furthermore, the covariance of the informational component and the noisy component is no longer restricted to be zero. The resultant measure of price informativeness is defined as the informational variance divided by the total variance of the returns. The noisy rational expectations model predicts that uninformed traders react to price changes more than informed traders, since uninformed traders cannot distinguish between price changes caused by information arrivals and price changes caused by noise. This hypothesis is tested in essay 3 using intraday data with the intraday seasonal volatility component removed, as based on the procedure in the first essay. The resultant seasonally adjusted variance series is decomposed into components caused by unexpected information arrivals and by noise in order to examine informativeness.
Existe una cantidad enorme de información en Internet acerca de incontables temas, y cada día esta información se expande más y más. En teoría, los programas informáticos podrían beneficiarse de esta gran cantidad de información disponible para establecer nuevas conexiones entre conceptos, pero esta información a menudo aparece en formatos no estructurados como texto en lenguaje natural. Por esta razón, es muy importante conseguir obtener automáticamente información de fuentes de diferentes tipos, procesarla, filtrarla y enriquecerla, para lograr maximizar el conocimiento que podemos obtener de Internet. Este proyecto consta de dos partes diferentes. En la primera se explora el filtrado de información. La entrada del sistema consiste en una serie de tripletas proporcionadas por la Universidad de Coimbra (ellos obtuvieron las tripletas mediante un proceso de extracción de información a partir de texto en lenguaje natural). Sin embargo, debido a la complejidad de la tarea de extracción, algunas de las tripletas son de dudosa calidad y necesitan pasar por un proceso de filtrado. Dadas estas tripletas acerca de un tema concreto, la entrada será estudiada para averiguar qué información es relevante al tema y qué información debe ser descartada. Para ello, la entrada será comparada con una fuente de conocimiento online. En la segunda parte de este proyecto, se explora el enriquecimiento de información. Se emplean diferentes fuentes de texto online escritas en lenguaje natural (en inglés) y se extrae información de ellas que pueda ser relevante al tema especificado. Algunas de estas fuentes de conocimiento están escritas en inglés común, y otras están escritas en inglés simple, un subconjunto controlado del lenguaje que consta de vocabulario reducido y estructuras sintácticas más simples. Se estudia cómo esto afecta a la calidad de las tripletas extraídas, y si la información obtenida de fuentes escritas en inglés simple es de una calidad superior a aquella extraída de fuentes en inglés común.
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