999 resultados para multiple monitors
Materials selection is a matter of great importance to engineering design and software tools are valuable to inform decisions in the early stages of product development. However, when a set of alternative materials is available for the different parts a product is made of, the question of what optimal material mix to choose for a group of parts is not trivial. The engineer/designer therefore goes about this in a part-by-part procedure. Optimizing each part per se can lead to a global sub-optimal solution from the product point of view. An optimization procedure to deal with products with multiple parts, each with discrete design variables, and able to determine the optimal solution assuming different objectives is therefore needed. To solve this multiobjective optimization problem, a new routine based on Direct MultiSearch (DMS) algorithm is created. Results from the Pareto front can help the designer to align his/hers materials selection for a complete set of materials with product attribute objectives, depending on the relative importance of each objective.
In the last decade, local image features have been widely used in robot visual localization. In order to assess image similarity, a strategy exploiting these features compares raw descriptors extracted from the current image with those in the models of places. This paper addresses the ensuing step in this process, where a combining function must be used to aggregate results and assign each place a score. Casting the problem in the multiple classifier systems framework, in this paper we compare several candidate combiners with respect to their performance in the visual localization task. For this evaluation, we selected the most popular methods in the class of non-trained combiners, namely the sum rule and product rule. A deeper insight into the potential of these combiners is provided through a discriminativity analysis involving the algebraic rules and two extensions of these methods: the threshold, as well as the weighted modifications. In addition, a voting method, previously used in robot visual localization, is assessed. Furthermore, we address the process of constructing a model of the environment by describing how the model granularity impacts upon performance. All combiners are tested on a visual localization task, carried out on a public dataset. It is experimentally demonstrated that the sum rule extensions globally achieve the best performance, confirming the general agreement on the robustness of this rule in other classification problems. The voting method, whilst competitive with the product rule in its standard form, is shown to be outperformed by its modified versions.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do European Master in Computational Logics, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Computational Logics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Matemática e Aplicações Especialização em Actuariado, Estatística e Investigação Operacional
A thirty three year-old, male patient was admitted at the Hospital of the São Paulo University School of Medicine, at the city of São Paulo, Brazil, with complaint of pains, tingling and decreased sensibility in the right hand for the last four months. This had progressed to the left hand, left foot and right foot, in addition to a difficulty of flexing and stretching in the left foot. Tests were positive for HBeAg, IgM anti-HBc and HBsAg, thus characterizing the condition of acute hepatitis B. The ALT serum level was 15 times above the upper normal limit. Blood glucose, cerebral spinal fluid, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-HIV and anti-HCV serum tests were either normal or negative. Electroneuromyography disclosed severe peripheral neuropathy with an axon prevalence and signs of denervation; nerve biopsy disclosed intense vasculitis. The diagnosis of multiple confluent mononeuropathy associated to acute hepatitis B was done. This association is not often reported in international literature and its probable cause is the direct action of the hepatitis B virus on the nerves or a vasculitis of the vasa nervorum brought about by deposits of immune complexes.
8th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2015), Helsinki, Finland.
20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), Madrid, Spain.
OCEANS 2003. Proceedings (Volume:1 )
This work presents a hybrid maneuver for gradient search with multiple AUV's. The mission consists in following a gradient field in order to locate the source of a hydrothermal vent or underwater freshwater source. The formation gradient search exploits the environment structuring by the phenomena to be studied. The ingredients for coordination are the payload data collected by each vehicle and their knowledge of the behaviour of other vehicles and detected formation distortions.
Demo presented in 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2015). 8 to 12, Jun, 2015. La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium. Extended abstract.
With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.
With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.
We present a case of central nervous system (CNS) infection by a member of the Penicillium genera in a HIV-negative man in Brazil. The patient was admitted complaining of loss of visual fields and speech disturbances. CT scan revealed multiple brain abscesses. Stereothacic biopsies revealed fungal infection and amphotericin B treatment begun with initial improvement. The patient died few days later as a consequence of massive gastrointestinal bleeding due to ruptured esophageal varices. The necropsy and final microbiologic analyses disclosed infection by Penicillium sp. There are thousands of fungal species of the Penicillium genera. Systemic penicilliosis is caused by the P. marneffei and was formerly a rare disease, but now is one of the most common opportunistic infection of AIDS patients in Southeast Asia. The clinical presentation usually involves the respiratory system and the skin, besides general symptoms like fever and weight loss. Penicillium spp infection caused by species other than P. marneffei normally cause only superficial or allergic disease but rare cases of invasive disease do occur. We report the fourth case of Penicillium spp CNS infection.
Presented at INForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Portugal.