849 resultados para maladaptive coping
This study investigated self-esteem in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Fifteen children between the ages of 8 and 12 years diagnosed with DCD were compared with a typically developing group comprising 30 children with average and good motor abilities, using measures of perceived competence, social support and self-esteem. The types of coping strategy generated in response to example vignettes were also compared. There was no significant difference between the groups in global self-esteem, but the children with DCD reported lower athletic and scholastic competence than their typically developing peers. No difference was found between the groups in level of perceived social support. The DCD group generated fewer coping strategies overall, but more passive and avoidant strategies than the typically developing children. The implications of the study are discussed with regard to future research directions, such as the investigation of the effects of motor skill intervention on self-esteem and the development of strategies to protect children's self-esteem.
Overestimation of threat and underestimation of coping have been frequently reported amongst anxious adults and children. The current study examines the longitudinal relationship between mothers' anxious cognitions and expectations about their child, and children's anxious cognitions. 54 children (aged 10-11 years) and their mothers reported on their interpretation of ambiguous scenarios at two time points. Mothers also reported on their expectations about their child's reaction to ambiguous situations. Significant cross-sectional associations were found between mother and child anticipation of distress. Associations were most consistent between mothers' expectations and children's cognitions. Furthermore, based on regression analyses, mothers' expectations predicted change in children's anxious cognitions over time. Evidence for a reciprocal relationship, that child cognitions predict change in mothers' expectations, was found for girls. The results provide empirical support for potential influences on the development of children's 'anxious cognitive style,' and suggest targets for preventing and reducing maladaptive cognitions in children.
The study investigated the relationship between depressive feelings and coping amongst older widowed men and women. Participants were interviewed about their affective experiences of widowhood and completed two depression questionnaire assessments, the Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Scale ( SAD) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale ( HADS). Participants were assessed as either coping or not coping. The results showed that both measures were effective at differentiating those who coped (Copers) from those who did not (Non-Copers) in the sample as a whole. Amongst the widows the HADS significantly differentiated the two groups. Amongst men, neither measure significantly distinguished Copers from Non-Copers. However, an examination of the interviews suggested that widowers reported depressive feelings significantly more often than widows. The results suggest that depressive feelings are associated with non-coping in older widowed people. There is also evidence to suggest that widows and widowers respond differentially to assessment measures.
The study examined the effects of psychological response and gender on coping with late life widowhood. Forty-six men and 46 women (55 years +) were interviewed about their experiences of widowhood. Participants were classified as to whether they were coping well or less well. Data were analyzed using grounded theory, content. analysis, and three-way loglinear analyses. Loglinear analyses revealed three-way interactions for Gender, Coping, and Response. Men who report feeling upset or selfish are more likely to be coping, as are women who report being comfortable alone. There were two-way interactions between Coping and Response and Gender and Response. Participants who talk to their dead spouse are more Rely to be coping than those who do not. Those who "keep themselves to themselves" are more likely not to be coping than those who do not. Gender differences, were found in psychological response. Differences were also found between those who coped and those who coped less well. The study has enabled the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data to present a more complete view of late life widowhood than has previously been possible. In addition, the article draws attention to the importance of distinguishing between the effects of bereavement and those of widowhood.
Recent work has shown that the evolution of Drosophila melanogaster resistance to attack by the parasitoid Asobara tabida is constrained by a trade-off with larval competitive ability. However, there are two very important questions that need to be answered. First, is this a general cost, or is it parasitoid specific? Second, does a selected increase in immune response against one parasitoid species result in a correlated change in resistance to other parasitoid species? The answers to both questions will influence the coevolutionary dynamics of these species, and also may have a previously unconsidered, yet important, influence on community structure.
The present study sets out to examine the strategies used by Chinese learners in a predominantly naturalistic environment and how such learner strategy use relates to their proficiency in the second language. Data were collected from four Chinese research students in the UK using semi-structured interviews. Their proficiency in English was assessed with an oral interview and a listening test. The main findings from this study are that the learners used a wide range of strategies overall, including metacognitive, cognitive, social/affective and compensation strategies. The majority of the commonly reported strategies were metacognitive strategies, suggesting that the learners were self-directed and attempting to manage their own learning in an informal context. They also showed idiosyncrasies in their use of learner strategies. Attempts to explain the learners’ strategy use in relation to their levels of proficiency in English and contextual factors, as well as several other factors, are offered. Implications for target-country institutions in terms of the provision of support to Chinese students are discussed.
In this paper we describe how to cope with the delays inherent in a real time control system for a steerable stereo head/eye platform. A purposive and reactive system requires the use of fast vision algorithms to provide the controller with the error signals to drive the platform. The time-critical implementation of these algorithms is necessary, not only to enable short latency reaction to real world events, but also to provide sufficiently high frequency results with small enough delays that controller remain stable. However, even with precise knowledge of that delay, nonlinearities in the plant make modelling of that plant impossible, thus precluding the use of a Smith Regulator. Moreover, the major delay in the system is in the feedback (image capture and vision processing) rather than feed forward (controller) loop. Delays ranging between 40msecs and 80msecs are common for the simple 2D processes, but might extend to several hundred milliseconds for more sophisticated 3D processes. The strategy presented gives precise control over the gaze direction of the cameras despite the lack of a priori knowledge of the delays involved. The resulting controller is shown to have a similar structure to the Smith Regulator, but with essential modifications.
We conducted 2 longitudinal meditational studies to test an integrative model of goals, stress and coping, and well‐being. Study 1 documented avoidance personal goals as an antecedent of life stressors and life stressors as a partial mediator of the relation between avoidance goals and longitudinal change in subjective well‐being (SWB). Study 2 fully replicated Study 1 and likewise validated avoidance goals as an antecedent of avoidance coping and avoidance coping as a partial mediator of the relation between avoidance goals and longitudinal change in SWB. It also showed that avoidance coping partially mediates the link between avoidance goals and life stressors and validated a sequential meditational model involving both avoidance coping and life stressors. The aforementioned results held when controlling for social desirability, basic traits, and general motivational dispositions. The findings are discussed with regard to the integration of various strands of research on self‐regulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract)
Objective. To compare mental health, coping and family-functioning in parents of young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and no known mental health problems. Method. Parents of young people with OCD (N=28), other anxiety disorders (N=28), and no known mental health problems (N=62) completed the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993), the Coping Responses Inventory (Moos, 1990), and the McMaster family assessment device (Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983). Results. Parents of children with OCD and anxiety disorders had poorer mental health and used more avoidant coping than parents of non-clinical children. There were no group differences in family-functioning. Conclusion. The similarities across the parents of clinically referred children suggest that there is a case for encouraging active parental involvement in the treatment of OCD in young people.
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva det stöd som bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor ansåg vara av stor betydelse under sjukdomstiden samt att belysa kvinnornas känslor i samband med sjukdomen utifrån begreppen coping och fatigue. Studien utfördes med hjälp av 25 vetenskapliga artiklar från åren 1993-2004. Artikelsökningen har skett via databaserna Elin, PubMed, Blackwell-Synergy och Elsevier (Science Direct). Sökorden som användes enskilt eller i kombination var breast cancer, fatigue, care, coping strategies, experience, information, nursing och support. Urvalet av artiklar gjordes utifrån syfte och frågeställningar. Dess vetenskapliga värde skattades med hjälp av granskningsmallar enligt Forsberg och Wengström. Resultatet visade att det var av stor betydelse att bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor fick stöd under sjukdomstiden för att känna trygghet och ökat välbefinnande. Det framkom även att information var en viktig del i omvårdnaden av kvinnorna. Det framkom vidare i studier att bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor som använde flera typer av copingstrategier samtidigt lättare kunde hantera sin sjukdom. De som deltog i samtalsgrupper hade ökad chans att emotionellt ta sig genom sjukdomen, jämfört med dem som inte deltog. Upplevelsen av fatigue varierade och förändrades under sjukdomstiden hos dessa kvinnor. Hos dem som motionerade kontinuerligt sjönk fatiguenivån jämfört med dem som inte motionerade alls. Studier visade även ett samband mellan fatigue och sömnrubbningar.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar dois grupos de crianças, vítimas e não vítimas de violência doméstica, no que se refere aos problemas enfrentados e relatados com os professores e os colegas, as estratégias de coping adotadas e a manifestação da agressividade no ambiente escolar. A amostra foi composta por 87 crianças de ambos os sexos, 49 vítimas de violência doméstica e 38 não vítimas, com idades entre sete e doze anos. As crianças vítimas de violência doméstica apontaram com maior freqüência as agressões verbais por parte da professora como problema e utilizam agressões físicas como estratégia de coping mais do que as outras crianças. As crianças não vítimas citam com maior freqüência a busca de apoio de outras pessoas como estratégia para lidar com seus problemas junto aos colegas. Os resultados da Escala de Percepção de Professores dos Comportamentos Agressivos de Crianças na Escola mostram que as crianças vítimas de violência são percebidas como mais agressivas que as outras e que os meninos são percebidos como mais agressivos que as meninas. Estes dados foram discutidos segundo a Abordagem Ecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano. Concluiu-se que o aprofundamento de estudos sobre a conceitualização das estratégias de coping, enfatizando, especialmente, os aspectos do contexto e das relações hierárquicas, e manifestação da agressividade em crianças vítimas de violência doméstica pode trazer maiores esclarecimentos e subsídios para programas de intervenção que promovam a resiliência e adaptação sadia dessas crianças na escola.
A adolescência tem sido compreendida enquanto etapa de transição entre a infância e a idade adulta há muito tempo. No século IV a.C. o caráter universal desde período do desenvolvimento já era referido nas descrições de Aristóteles. No entanto, as concepções sobre adolescência normal, especialmente nos países mais pobres, como o Brasil, chocam-se com o mundo real. Diante da realidade de pobreza e violência, os jovens adolescentes não se preocupam apenas com estudo e lazer, mas incluem em suas vidas o contexto do trabalho. Frente a isto, esta pesquisa avaliou, em adolescentes, o impacto do trabalho nas variáveis coping e bem-estar subjetivo, comparando adolescentes não-trabalhadores, adolescentes em regime de trabalho regular e adolescentes em regime de trabalho educativo. A amostra foi composta de 193 jovens entre 14 e 17 anos de idade (77 não-trabalhadores, 58 trabalhadores em regime regular e 58 trabalhadores em regime educativo). Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário demográfico, a Escala Multidimensional de Satisfação de Vida (que avalia a satisfação de vida a partir dos fatores família, amizade, self, self comparado, escola, não violência e trabalho), as Escalas de Afeto Positivo e Afeto Negativo (PANAS), a Escala de Eventos de Vida Estressores na Adolescência e a Entrevista sobre Estratégias de Coping no Trabalho. Os resultados demonstraram que, entre os três grupos de jovens, os adolescentes em regime de trabalho educativo mostraram-se mais satisfeitos com suas vidas, principalmente em relação à subescala self comparado. Na comparação entre os dois grupos os jovens trabalhadores, aqueles de regime educativo mostraram-se mais satisfeitos com seu trabalho; as estratégias de coping, no entanto, não correlacionaram-se com o bem-estar subjetivo, nem diferenciaram os grupos, sendo que ambos referiram uma maior utilização de coping ativo frente a eventos estressores no trabalho.
Coping é o processo cognitivo utilizado pelos indivíduos para lidar com situações de estresse e inclui esforços para administrar problemas no seu cotidiano. Este conceito também tem sido amplamente estudado por estar associado à saúde e à adaptabilidade social. Coping apresenta, portanto, fundamental importância para estudos de vulnerabilidade e resiliência, indicando a necessidade da elaboração de instrumentos fidedignos e válidos para sua avaliação em populações brasileiras. O presente estudo visou desenvolver instrumentos para avaliar coping e prover uma contribuição teórica para seu estudo a partir do modelo de Aproximação-Evitação. O resultado deste trabalho consistiu na adaptação do Questionário de Coping em Diferentes Situações (Kavsek & Seiffge-Krenke, 1996) para o português e na elaboração do Inventário Multidimensional de Coping. Achados complementares deste estudo mostraram a influência de traços de personalidade e depressão sobre respostas de coping, bem como a relação entre o tipo de estratégia de coping utilizado e bem-estar subjetivo