992 resultados para local thinking
Nas correições, nas vereações e nas posturas encontramos, para uma época como os séculos XVI a XVIII, a maior parte da normativa local da actividade económica. As primeiras destas fontes primárias diferem das restantes, entre outros aspectos, por a sua produção depender de um agente externo, o corregedor, e por serem na sua maior parte especificamente dirigidas aos executivos camarários. Correspondem ao que chamaríamos hoje uma avaliação externa do desempenho, ou seja, uma imagem alternativa do poder concelhio. Mas uma imagem muito modelada pela cultura jurídica, política e económica do avaliador, que não difere muito da dos avaliados.
27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 April 2013.
O objectivo deste estudo é apresentar os resultados de uma análise diagnóstica da atuação institucional relativamente às situações de violência infanto-juvenil em três territórios de um concelho da períferia de Lisboa(Portugal)
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA
Liver steatosis is a common disease usually associated with social and genetic factors. Early detection and quantification is important since it can evolve to cirrhosis. Steatosis is usually a diffuse liver disease, since it is globally affected. However, steatosis can also be focal affecting only some foci difficult to discriminate. In both cases, steatosis is detected by laboratorial analysis and visual inspection of ultrasound images of the hepatic parenchyma. Liver biopsy is the most accurate diagnostic method but its invasive nature suggest the use of other non-invasive methods, while visual inspection of the ultrasound images is subjective and prone to error. In this paper a new Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for steatosis classification and analysis is presented, where the Bayes Factor, obatined from objective intensity and textural features extracted from US images of the liver, is computed in a local or global basis. The main goal is to provide the physician with an application to make it faster and accurate the diagnosis and quantification of steatosis, namely in a screening approach. The results showed an overall accuracy of 93.54% with a sensibility of 95.83% and 85.71% for normal and steatosis class, respectively. The proposed CAD system seemed suitable as a graphical display for steatosis classification and comparison with some of the most recent works in the literature is also presented.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Água, 12 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
In the last decade, local image features have been widely used in robot visual localization. To assess image similarity, a strategy exploiting these features compares raw descriptors extracted from the current image to those in the models of places. This paper addresses the ensuing step in this process, where a combining function must be used to aggregate results and assign each place a score. Casting the problem in the multiple classifier systems framework, we compare several candidate combiners with respect to their performance in the visual localization task. A deeper insight into the potential of the sum and product combiners is provided by testing two extensions of these algebraic rules: threshold and weighted modifications. In addition, a voting method, previously used in robot visual localization, is assessed. All combiners are tested on a visual localization task, carried out on a public dataset. It is experimentally demonstrated that the sum rule extensions globally achieve the best performance. The voting method, whilst competitive to the algebraic rules in their standard form, is shown to be outperformed by both their modified versions.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular
We introduce a new wavelet transform within the framework of the local fractional calculus. An illustrative example of local fractional wavelet transform is also presented.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas. Orientada por Prof. Doutor Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo
In almost all industrialized countries, the energy sector has suffered a severe restructuring that originated a greater complexity in market players’ interactions. The complexity that these changes brought made way for the creation of decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets. MASCEM – “Multiagent Simulator for Competitive Electricity Markets” arose in this context providing a framework for evaluating new rules, new behaviour, and new participants in deregulated electricity markets. MASCEM uses game theory, machine learning techniques, scenario analysis and optimisation techniques to model market agents and to provide them with decision-support. ALBidS is a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. Fully integrated with MASCEM it considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches. The Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique used to look at decisions from different perspectives. This tool’s goal is to force the thinker to move outside his habitual thinking style. It was developed to be used mainly at meetings in order to “run better meetings, make faster decisions”. This dissertation presents a study about the applicability of the Six Thinking Hats technique in Decision Support Systems, particularly with the multiagent paradigm like the MASCEM simulator. As such this work’s proposal is of a new agent, a meta-learner based on STH technique that organizes several different ALBidS’ strategies and combines the distinct answers into a single one that, expectedly, out-performs any of them.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios