891 resultados para largemouth and smallmouth bass


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People go through their life making all kinds of decisions, and some of these decisions affect their demand for transportation, for example, their choices of where to live and where to work, how and when to travel and which route to take. Transport related choices are typically time dependent and characterized by large number of alternatives that can be spatially correlated. This thesis deals with models that can be used to analyze and predict discrete choices in large-scale networks. The proposed models and methods are highly relevant for, but not limited to, transport applications. We model decisions as sequences of choices within the dynamic discrete choice framework, also known as parametric Markov decision processes. Such models are known to be difficult to estimate and to apply to make predictions because dynamic programming problems need to be solved in order to compute choice probabilities. In this thesis we show that it is possible to explore the network structure and the flexibility of dynamic programming so that the dynamic discrete choice modeling approach is not only useful to model time dependent choices, but also makes it easier to model large-scale static choices. The thesis consists of seven articles containing a number of models and methods for estimating, applying and testing large-scale discrete choice models. In the following we group the contributions under three themes: route choice modeling, large-scale multivariate extreme value (MEV) model estimation and nonlinear optimization algorithms. Five articles are related to route choice modeling. We propose different dynamic discrete choice models that allow paths to be correlated based on the MEV and mixed logit models. The resulting route choice models become expensive to estimate and we deal with this challenge by proposing innovative methods that allow to reduce the estimation cost. For example, we propose a decomposition method that not only opens up for possibility of mixing, but also speeds up the estimation for simple logit models, which has implications also for traffic simulation. Moreover, we compare the utility maximization and regret minimization decision rules, and we propose a misspecification test for logit-based route choice models. The second theme is related to the estimation of static discrete choice models with large choice sets. We establish that a class of MEV models can be reformulated as dynamic discrete choice models on the networks of correlation structures. These dynamic models can then be estimated quickly using dynamic programming techniques and an efficient nonlinear optimization algorithm. Finally, the third theme focuses on structured quasi-Newton techniques for estimating discrete choice models by maximum likelihood. We examine and adapt switching methods that can be easily integrated into usual optimization algorithms (line search and trust region) to accelerate the estimation process. The proposed dynamic discrete choice models and estimation methods can be used in various discrete choice applications. In the area of big data analytics, models that can deal with large choice sets and sequential choices are important. Our research can therefore be of interest in various demand analysis applications (predictive analytics) or can be integrated with optimization models (prescriptive analytics). Furthermore, our studies indicate the potential of dynamic programming techniques in this context, even for static models, which opens up a variety of future research directions.


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FTY720 (aussi connu sous le nom de Fingolimod ou Gilenya) agit sur les récepteurs sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) et induit la suppression du système immunitaire (immunosuppression). Cette molécule est reconnue pour avoir une activité contre plusieurs cellules cancéreuses. Cette activité est indépendante de l’action sur les récepteurs S1P et on attribue plutôt la mort (apoptose) des cellules cancéreuse à la capacité que possède la molécule à réduire le transport des nutriments dans la cellule. Toutefois, malgré ses nombreux avantages, FTY720 ne peut pas être utilisé afin de traiter des humains puisque l’activation secondaire des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3 mènent à une diminution du rythme cardiaque (bradycardie) chez les patients. Notre groupe s’est donc concentré sur la synthèse d’analogues qui potentiellement n’activeraient pas le récepteur S1P tout en gardant une activité biologique contre plusieurs cellules cancéreuses. Malgré le fait que nos analogues agissent également sur la diminution du transport des nutriments dans les cellules, nous ne connaissons pas le mécanisme d’action par lequel ceux-ci agissent. Au passage, le projet de recherche ci-présenté nous aura par ailleurs permis de développer une grande variété de sondes photo-actives dans l’espoir d’isoler une ou plusieurs protéines qui seraient impliquées dans le mécanisme d’action.


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This paper examines the social dynamics of electronic exchanges in the human services, particularly in social work. It focuses on the observable effects that email and texting have on the linguistic, relational and clinical rather than managerial aspects of the profession. It highlights how electronic communication is affecting professionals in their practice and learners as they become acculturated to social work. What are the gains and losses of the broad use of electronic devices in daily lay and professional, verbal and non-verbal communication? Will our current situation be seriously detrimental to the demeanor of future practitioners, their use of language, and their ability to establish close personal relationships? The paper analyzes social work linguistic and behavioral changes in light of the growth of electronic communication and offers a summary of merits and demerits viewed through a prism emerging from Baron’s (2000) analysis of human communication.


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Il a été avancé que des apprenants expérimentés développeraient des niveaux élevés de conscience métalinguistique (MLA), ce qui leur faciliterait l’apprentissage de langues subséquentes (p.ex., Singleton & Aronin, 2007). De plus, des chercheurs dans le domaine de l’acquisition des langues tierces insistent sur les influences positives qu’exercent les langues précédemment apprises sur l’apprentissage formel d’une langue étrangère (p.ex., Cenoz & Gorter, 2015), et proposent de délaisser le regard traditionnel qui mettait l’accent sur l’interférence à l’origine des erreurs des apprenants pour opter pour une vision plus large et positive de l’interaction entre les langues. Il a été démontré que la similarité typologique ainsi que la compétence dans la langue source influence tous les types de transfert (p.ex., Ringbom, 1987, 2007). Cependant, le défi méthodologique de déterminer, à la fois l’usage pertinent d’une langue cible en tant que résultat d’une influence translinguistique (p.ex., Falk & Bardel, 2010) et d’établir le rôle crucial de la MLA dans l’activation consciente de mots ou de constructions reliés à travers différentes langues, demeure. La présente étude avait pour but de relever ce double défi en faisant appel à des protocoles oraux (TAPs) pour examiner le transfert positif de l’anglais (L2) vers l’allemand (L3) chez des Québécois francophones après cinq semaines d’enseignement formel de la L3. Les participants ont été soumis à une tâche de traduction développée aux fins de la présente étude. Les 42 items ont été sélectionnés sur la base de jugements de similarité et d’imagibilité ainsi que de fréquence des mots provenant d’une étude de cognats allemands-anglais (Friel & Kennison, 2001). Les participants devaient réfléchir à voix haute pendant qu’ils traduisaient des mots inconnus de l’allemand (L3) vers le français (L1). Le transfert positif a été opérationnalisé par des traductions correctes qui étaient basées sur un cognat anglais. La MLA a été mesurée par le biais du THAM (Test d’habiletés métalinguistiques) (Pinto & El Euch, 2015) ainsi que par l’analyse des TAPs. Les niveaux de compétence en anglais ont été établis sur la base du Michigan Test (Corrigan et al., 1979), tandis que les niveaux d’exposition ainsi que l’intérêt envers la langue et la culture allemandes ont été mesurés à l’aide d’un questionnaire. Une analyse fine des TAPs a révélé de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans l’activation consciente du vocabulaire en L2, tout en permettant l’identification de niveaux distincts de prise de conscience. Deux modèles indépendants de régressions logistiques ont permis d’identifier les deux dimensions de MLA comme prédicteurs de transfert positif. Le premier modèle, dans lequel le THAM était la mesure exclusive de MLA, a déterminé cette dimension réflexive comme principal prédicteur, suivie de la compétence en anglais, tandis qu’aucune des autres variables indépendantes pouvait prédire le transfert positif de l’anglais. Dans le second modèle, incluant le THAM ainsi que les TAPs comme mesures complémentaires de MLA, la dimension appliquée de MLA, telle que mesurée par les TAPs, était de loin le prédicteur principal, suivie de la dimension réflexive, telle que mesurée par le THAM, tandis que la compétence en anglais ne figurait plus parmi les facteurs ayant une influence significative sur la variable réponse. Bien que la verbalisation puisse avoir influencé la performance dans une certaine mesure, nos observations mettent en évidence la contribution précieuse de données introspectives comme complément aux résultats basés sur des caractéristiques purement linguistiques du transfert. Nos analyses soulignent la complexité des processus métalinguistiques et des stratégies individuelles, ce qui reflète une perspective dynamique du multilinguisme (p.ex., Jessner, 2008).


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Common terns currently are listed as endangered or threatened in many states, including Illinois, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York, and a species of special concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS, 2002). The sole remaining nesting colony in Illinois is located at the Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in Lake County where intensive management by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has reduced nest predation and increased the number of eggs that hatch. However, the overall reproductive success (the number of young successfully reaching independence) has not improved. Observations of gross deformities in hatchlings (i.e. compromised feather development and cross-bill), lethargic behavior of young birds, and lesions, suggested the influence of environmental contaminants (Jablonski et al., 2005). I investigated if there were significant levels of environmental contaminants in eggs and nestlings of common terns. While there were minimal concentration of selenium, mercury, lead, and cadmium, there were large concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in both the eggs and nestlings. The greater amounts of PCBs in older chicks than younger chicks suggest local contamination. In order to potentially manage the factors responsible for exposing the terns to PCBs I investigated the pathway by which PCBs were exposed to terns. The two most likely biological pathways as determined by research on Great Lake fishes were investigated. The first pathway is through atmospheric deposition of PCBs and resuspension of PCB-ladel sediment which are subsequently acquired by filter-feeding fish (e.g. alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus) and then pelagic fish (e.g. lake trout, Salvelinus namaychus) or in this case terns. The second pathway explored was via the biodeposits of zebra mussels which are consumed by round gobies (Neogobius melanostromus) and ultimately littoral fish (e.g. small-mouthed bass, Micropterus dolomieui) or terns. Because common terns breed in near-shore sites where concentrations of zebra mussels are found, as well as forage in more pelagic environments it is possible that either or both pathways may be contributing to their PCB exposure. Field experiments and stable isotope analyses demonstrated that the most likely pathway by which terns are exposed to PCBs is via alewives, similar to how apex predators such as lake trout acquire PCBs. Biodeposits from zebra mussels do not appear to be a significant factor in PCB accumulation in terns. The impact of PCB exposure on birds can vary widely, however in this situation we choise to investigate one specific behavior often affected by PCB exposure, parental attentiveness. PCBs are known to cause endocrine disruption which ultimately results in reduced brooding of young and incubation of eggs. I used temperature sensors to quantify nest temperatures and parental attentiveness during incubation. High concentrations of PCBs in our study population appear to be leading to poor parental attentiveness, and extended periods of absence during incubation and brooding, ultimately leading to poor reproductive success. Common terns are perilously close to being extirpated in Illinois and management of PCB exposure will be difficult. I propose that additional testing should be conducted to locate a site with less PCB contamination and then to move the tern colony to this location, possibly using social cues as has been done with other tern species in Illinois. PCBs are having a profound impact on common tern populations in Illinois and without moving the colony it is likely that the population will continue to decline.


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Although protists are critical components of marine ecosystems, they are still poorly characterized. Here we analysed the taxonomic diversity of planktonic and benthic protist communities collected in six distant European coastal sites. Environmental deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) from three size fractions (pico-, nano- and micro/mesoplankton), as well as from dissolved DNA and surface sediments were used as templates for tag pyrosequencing of the V4 region of the 18S ribosomal DNA. Beta-diversity analyses split the protist community structure into three main clusters: picoplankton-nanoplankton-dissolved DNA, micro/mesoplankton and sediments. Within each cluster, protist communities from the same site and time clustered together, while communities from the same site but different seasons were unrelated. Both DNA and RNA-based surveys provided similar relative abundances for most class-level taxonomic groups. Yet, particular groups were overrepresented in one of the two templates, such as marine alveolates (MALV)-I and MALV-II that were much more abundant in DNA surveys. Overall, the groups displaying the highest relative contribution were Dinophyceae, Diatomea, Ciliophora and Acantharia. Also, well represented were Mamiellophyceae, Cryptomonadales, marine alveolates and marine stramenopiles in the picoplankton, and Monadofilosa and basal Fungi in sediments. Our extensive and systematic sequencing of geographically separated sites provides the most comprehensive molecular description of coastal marine protist diversity to date.


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The role of the double bass in Vienna during the eighteenth century evolved significantly between 1760 and 1812. During these years, Viennese composers began to view the double bass less as an accompanimental instrument and more as a solo voice. Despite the abundance of music written for the double bass during this time, few of these compositions are regularly performed today. This dissertation serves three purposes. I explore how learning eighteenth-century Viennese compositions in the original tuning can influence modern performances of these works. Secondly, I document the arrangement of a lesser-know work for the modern tuned bass using the manuscript as the source material. Finally, by performing a variety of eighteenth-century bass works, I bring this music to the public's attention. The research for this dissertation has been presented in two forms. The recitals present both solo and chamber works from eighteenth-century Vienna. The repertoire for the three recitals was chosen so that each recital addresses one of the three purposes mentioned above. The research paper presents performance practices of the eighteenth century, challenges the modern double bassist faces when playing this literature, as well as a look into how to arrange one of these works for the modern tuned double bass. The three recitals were performed on the campus of the University of Maryland in the Leah M. Smith Hall, Gildenhorn Recital Hall and the Ulrich Recital Hall, respectively. Recordings of all three recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).


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Microplastics are present in marine habitats worldwide and may be ingested by low trophic organisms such as fish larvae, with uncertain physiological consequences. The present study aims at assessing the impact of polyethylene (PE 10-45µM) microbeads ingestion in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Fish were fed an inert diet including 0, 104 and 105 fluorescent microbeads per gram from 7 until 43 days post-hatching (dph). Microbeads were detected in the gastrointestinal tract in all fish fed diet incorporating PE. Our data revealed an efficient elimination of PE beads from the gut since no fluorescent was observed in the larvae after 48h depuration. While the mortality rate increased significantly with the amount of microbeads scored per larvae at 14 and 20 dph, only ingestion of the highest concentration slightly impacted mortality rates. Larval growth and inflammatory response through Interleukine-1-beta (IL-1) gene expression were not found to be affected while cytochrome-P450-1A1 (cyp1a1) expression level was significantly positively correlated with the number of microbeads scored per larva at 20 dph. Overall, these results suggest that ingestion of PE microbeads had limited impact on sea bass larvae possibly due to their high potential of egestion


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Climate change challenges the capacity of fishes to thrive in their habitat. However, through phenotypic diversity, they demonstrate remarkable resilience to deteriorating conditions. In fish populations, inter-individual variation in a number of fitness-determining physiological traits, including cardiac performance, is classically observed. Information about the cellular bases of inter-individual variability in cardiac performance is scarce including the possible contribution of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. This study aimed at providing insight into EC coupling-related Ca2+ response and thermal plasticity in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). A cell population approach was used to lay the methodological basis for identifying the cellular determinants of cardiac performance. Fish were acclimated at 12 and 22 A degrees C and changes in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) following KCl stimulation were measured using Fura-2, at 12 or 22 A degrees C-test. The increase in [Ca2+](i) resulted primarily from extracellular Ca2+ entry but sarcoplasmic reticulum stores were also shown to be involved. As previously reported in sea bass, a modest effect of adrenaline was observed. Moreover, although the response appeared relatively insensitive to an acute temperature change, a difference in Ca2+ response was observed between 12- and 22 A degrees C-acclimated fish. In particular, a greater increase in [Ca2+](i) at a high level of adrenaline was observed in 22 A degrees C-acclimated fish that may be related to an improved efficiency of adrenaline under these conditions. In conclusion, this method allows a rapid screening of cellular characteristics. It represents a promising tool to identify the cellular determinants of inter-individual variability in fishes' capacity for environmental adaptation.


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The Hotel Victory opened on South Bass Island in 1892. It was an enormous structure that accommodated 625 guests and had a capacity for 800 dinner guests. The owners believed the hotel, located on a bluff on the west side of the island, could compete with the prestigious summer retreats on the East Coast. Promotional materials boasted that the Hotel Victory was the largest seasonal hotel in the country. The hotel burned to the ground in a massive fire in 1919. Today the grounds are part of the South Bass Island State Park.


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People go through their life making all kinds of decisions, and some of these decisions affect their demand for transportation, for example, their choices of where to live and where to work, how and when to travel and which route to take. Transport related choices are typically time dependent and characterized by large number of alternatives that can be spatially correlated. This thesis deals with models that can be used to analyze and predict discrete choices in large-scale networks. The proposed models and methods are highly relevant for, but not limited to, transport applications. We model decisions as sequences of choices within the dynamic discrete choice framework, also known as parametric Markov decision processes. Such models are known to be difficult to estimate and to apply to make predictions because dynamic programming problems need to be solved in order to compute choice probabilities. In this thesis we show that it is possible to explore the network structure and the flexibility of dynamic programming so that the dynamic discrete choice modeling approach is not only useful to model time dependent choices, but also makes it easier to model large-scale static choices. The thesis consists of seven articles containing a number of models and methods for estimating, applying and testing large-scale discrete choice models. In the following we group the contributions under three themes: route choice modeling, large-scale multivariate extreme value (MEV) model estimation and nonlinear optimization algorithms. Five articles are related to route choice modeling. We propose different dynamic discrete choice models that allow paths to be correlated based on the MEV and mixed logit models. The resulting route choice models become expensive to estimate and we deal with this challenge by proposing innovative methods that allow to reduce the estimation cost. For example, we propose a decomposition method that not only opens up for possibility of mixing, but also speeds up the estimation for simple logit models, which has implications also for traffic simulation. Moreover, we compare the utility maximization and regret minimization decision rules, and we propose a misspecification test for logit-based route choice models. The second theme is related to the estimation of static discrete choice models with large choice sets. We establish that a class of MEV models can be reformulated as dynamic discrete choice models on the networks of correlation structures. These dynamic models can then be estimated quickly using dynamic programming techniques and an efficient nonlinear optimization algorithm. Finally, the third theme focuses on structured quasi-Newton techniques for estimating discrete choice models by maximum likelihood. We examine and adapt switching methods that can be easily integrated into usual optimization algorithms (line search and trust region) to accelerate the estimation process. The proposed dynamic discrete choice models and estimation methods can be used in various discrete choice applications. In the area of big data analytics, models that can deal with large choice sets and sequential choices are important. Our research can therefore be of interest in various demand analysis applications (predictive analytics) or can be integrated with optimization models (prescriptive analytics). Furthermore, our studies indicate the potential of dynamic programming techniques in this context, even for static models, which opens up a variety of future research directions.


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In this study, Dicentrarchus labrax encephalitis virus (DIEV), which causes sea bass encephalitis, was propagated in cell culture, thus allowing study of its lytic cycle, DIEV infection of mammalian and fish cells induced different patterns of expression of capsid proteins, which were assembled as virus-like particles, accumulating in the cytoplasm either as diffuse masses or in vesicles, as shown by electron microscopy, These particles correspond to virions, as shown by their ability to induce Secondary infection, Fish cells proved to be more permissive for DIEV than mammalian cells, although virus yield remained low, RNA analysis of infected sea bass cells revealed DIEV RNA3, in addition to genomic RNA1 and RNA2, and the presence of the RNA;! minus strand, thus demonstrating the replication of the DIEV genome, In addition, DIEV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase was associated with mature virions even after purification by a CsCl gradient, but it was dissociated when capsids were destabilized, In addition to providing more information about the relatedness of DIEV to the members of the family Nodaviridae, this study shows that fish nodaviruses may not be able to infect as wide a variety of cells as insect nodaviruses can.


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FTY720 (aussi connu sous le nom de Fingolimod ou Gilenya) agit sur les récepteurs sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) et induit la suppression du système immunitaire (immunosuppression). Cette molécule est reconnue pour avoir une activité contre plusieurs cellules cancéreuses. Cette activité est indépendante de l’action sur les récepteurs S1P et on attribue plutôt la mort (apoptose) des cellules cancéreuse à la capacité que possède la molécule à réduire le transport des nutriments dans la cellule. Toutefois, malgré ses nombreux avantages, FTY720 ne peut pas être utilisé afin de traiter des humains puisque l’activation secondaire des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3 mènent à une diminution du rythme cardiaque (bradycardie) chez les patients. Notre groupe s’est donc concentré sur la synthèse d’analogues qui potentiellement n’activeraient pas le récepteur S1P tout en gardant une activité biologique contre plusieurs cellules cancéreuses. Malgré le fait que nos analogues agissent également sur la diminution du transport des nutriments dans les cellules, nous ne connaissons pas le mécanisme d’action par lequel ceux-ci agissent. Au passage, le projet de recherche ci-présenté nous aura par ailleurs permis de développer une grande variété de sondes photo-actives dans l’espoir d’isoler une ou plusieurs protéines qui seraient impliquées dans le mécanisme d’action.


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The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is an economically important fish native to the Mediterranean and Northern Atlantic. Its complex life cycle involves many migrations through temperature gradients that affect the energetic demands of swimming. Previous studies have shown large intraspecific variation in swimming performance and temperature tolerance, which could include deleterious and advantageous traits under the evolutionary pressure of climate change. However, little is known of the underlying determinants of this individual variation. We investigated individual variation in temperature tolerance in 30 sea bass by exposing them to a warm temperature challenge test. The eight most temperature-tolerant and eight most temperature-sensitive fish were then studied further to determine maximal swimming speed (U-CAT), aerobic scope and post-exercise oxygen consumption. Finally, ventricular contractility in each group was determined using isometric muscle preparations. The temperature-tolerant fish showed lower resting oxygen consumption rates, possessed larger hearts and initially recovered from exhaustive exercise faster than the temperature-sensitive fish. Thus, whole-animal temperature tolerance was associated with important performance traits. However, the temperature-tolerant fish also demonstrated poorer maximal swimming capacity (i.e. lower UCAT) than their temperature-sensitive counterparts, which may indicate a trade-off between temperature tolerance and swimming performance. Interestingly, the larger relative ventricular mass of the temperature-tolerant fish did not equate to greater ventricular contractility, suggesting that larger stroke volumes, rather than greater contractile strength, may be associated with thermal tolerance in this species.


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European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, is a highly valuable species in Europe, both for aquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea and for commercial and recreational fisheries in the North East Atlantic Ocean. Subjected to increasing fishing pressure, the wild population has recently experienced significant recruitment fluctuation as well as a northward extension of its distribution area in the North Sea. While the nature of the ecological and/or physiological processes involved remains unresolved, ontogenetic habitat shifts and adult site fidelity could increase the species’ vulnerability to climate change and overfishing. As managers look for expert information to propose management scenarios leading to sustainable exploitation, exploratory modelling appears to be a cost-efficient approach to enhance the understanding of recruitment dynamics and the spatio-temporal scales over which fish populations function. A conceptual modelling framework and its specific data requirements are discussed to tackle some sound ecological questions regarding this species. We consequently provide an updated review of current knowledge on bass population structure, biology and ecology. This paper will hence be particularly valuable to develop spatially-explicit models of European sea bass dynamics under environmental and anthropogenic forcing. Knowledge gaps requiring further research efforts are also reported.