231 resultados para lagarta-enroladeira


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The objective of this study was to compare growth and development of Helicoverpa zea Boddie and Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae that were feeding on an artificial diet. Neonate larvae of H. zea and H. armigera were collected in maize fields cultivated at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Maize & Sorghum, in Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais) and in farmers? cotton fields in Luís Eduardo Magalhães (Bahia), respectively. Bioassays were conducted in the laboratory using individual larvae in 50 mL plastic cups fed a white bean?based artificial diet and maintained at a temperature of 26 ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of 47 ± 10%. The following larval biological parameters were evaluated: number and duration of instars, survival of larval instars and pupae, larval biomass, larval head capsule size, and larval length. An adaptation index was computed for comparison of development of the 2 species. Significant differences were observed between the species for all variables except for the number of instars and pupal survival. Although H. armigera larvae developed faster and were smaller than H. zea larvae, the diet tested can be considered adequate for rearing both species in the laboratory.


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Exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins in low- and moderate-dose transgenic crops may induce sublethal effects and increase the rate of Bt resistance evolution, potentially compromising control efficacy against target pests. We tested this hypothesis using the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, a major polyphagous lepidopteran pest relatively tolerant to Bt notorious for evolving field-relevant resistance to single-gene Bt maize. Late-instar larvae were collected from Bt Cry1Ab and non-Bt maize fields in five locations in Brazil, and their offspring was compared for survival, development, and population growth in rearing environment without and with Cry1Ab throughout larval development. Larval survival on Cry1Ab maize leaves varied from 20 to 80% among the populations. Larvae reared on Cry1Ab maize had seven-day delay in development time in relation to control larvae, and such delay was shorter in offspring of armyworms from Cry1Ab maize. Population growth rates were 50?70% lower for insects continuously exposed to Cry1Ab maize relative to controls, showing the population-level effect of Cry1Ab, which varied among the populations and prior exposure to Cry1Ab maize in the field. In three out of five populations, armyworms derived from Bt maize reared on Cry1Ab maize showed higher larval weight, faster larval development and better reproductive performance than the armyworms derived from non-Bt maize, and one of these populations showed better performance on both Cry1Ab and control diets, indicating no fitness cost of the resistance trait. Altogether, these results indicate that offspring of armyworms that developed on field-grown, single-gene Bt Cry1Ab maize had reduced performance on Cry1Ab maize foliage in two populations studied, but in other three populations, these offspring had better overall performance on the Bt maize foliage than that of the armyworms from non-Bt maize fields, possibly because of Cry1Ab resistance alleles in these populations. Implications of these findings for resistance management of S. frugiperda in Bt crops are discussed.


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The Heliothinae complex in Argentina encompasses Helicoverpa gelotopoeon (Dyar), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), Helicoverpa armigera (Hu ̈ bner), and Chloridea virescens (Fabricius). In Tucum an, the native species H. gelotopoeon is one of the most voracious soybean pests and also affects cotton and chickpea, even more in soybean-chickpea succession cropping systems. Differentiation of the Heliothinae complex in the egg, larva, and pupa stages is difficult. Therefore, the observation of the adult wing pattern design and male genitalia is useful to differentiate species. The objective of this study was to identify the species of the Heliothinae complex, determine population fluctuations of the Heliothinae complex in soybean and chickpea crops using male moths collected in pheromone traps in Tucuman province, and update the geographical distribution of H. armigera in Argentina. The species found were H. gelotopoeon, H. armigera, H. zea , and C. virescens. Regardless of province, county, crop, and year, the predominant species was H. gelotopoeon . Considering the population dynamics of H. gelotopoeon and H. armigera in chickpea and soybean crops, H. gelotopoeon was the most abundant species in both crops, in all years sampled, and the differences registered were significant. On the other hand, according to the Sistema Nacional Argentino de Vigilancia y Monitoreo de Plagas (SINAVIMO) database and our collections, H. armigera was recorded in eight provinces and 20 counties of Argentina, and its larvae were found on soybean, chickpea, sunflower crops and spiny plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides). This is the first report of H. armigera in sunflower and spiny plumeless thistle in Argentina.


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O desenvolvimento da resistencia de pragas a inseticidas depende das caracteristicas geneticas da resistencia, dos fatores biologicos da praga e dos aspectos operacionais de escolha do inseticida e de sua aplicacao. Isto leva a particularidades que devem ser consideradas na escolha de praticas preventivas ou remediadoras da resistencia para cada praga. Uma ferramenta auxiliar importante para o manejo da resistencia a inseticidas e o estabelecimento de um programa de monitoramento da resistencia, por possibilitar a deteccao de mudancas na suscetibilidade de populacao de insetos, alem de permitir a avaliacao da eficacia das medidas de manejo adotadas. As estrategias possiveis de serem utilizadas para o manejo da resistencia a inseticidas em pragas consistem da substituicao de produtos, da protecao aos individuos suscetiveis da populacao da praga, do uso de inseticidas adequados, da alternancia de produtos com diferentes modos de acao, da mistura de produtos, do uso de substancias sinergicas, da dose adequada dos inseticidas e de medidas que reduzam a pressao de selecao aos individuos resistentes da populacao. Serao discutidas as vantagens e desvantagens de cada estrategia, devendo-se considerar sempre o seu uso combinando para a obtencao de resultados mais significativos. Deve-se trabalhar no sentido de introduzir praticas culturais e alternativas tecnologicas nos sistemas de producao que diminuam a incidencia de pragas, que por sua vez irao diminuir a necessidade de praticas de controle, dentre elas o controle com inseticidas quimicos. Serao apresentados resultados obtidos com um programa de manejo da resistencia da lagarta da maca do algodoeiro (Heliothis virescens) a inseticidas piretroides, nos Estados Unidos, bem como de estrategias que tem sido propostas para o manejo da resistencia de Alabama argilacea a piretroides em algodoeiro, na Argentina.


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Spodoptera frugiperda é a praga do milho de maior importância econômica no Brasil. Existe pouca informação disponível sobre a estrutura genética, utilizando marcadores SSR, de populações de S. Frugiperda coletadas em cultivos de milho.Neste estudo, 21 marcadores SSR foram utilizados para avaliar a diversidade e a estrutura genética de S. frugiperda coletadas em regiões brasileiras geograficamente distintas. Um total de 227 alelos foram obtidos, com uma média de 10,76 alelos por marcador, e os valores do Conteúdo de Informação Polimórfica (PIC) variaram de 0,242 a 0,933, com uma média de 0,621, indicando alto poder de discriminação. O FST geral, 0,061, indicou moderada diferenciação genética entre as populações de S. frugiperda coletadas em milho e a Amova mostrou que 87,36% da variação está dentro de populações. O teste de Mantel mostrou correlação significativa entre distâncias genéticas e distâncias geográficas. Os dados genéticos demonstraram que todos os indivíduos dos seis locais de amostragem foram estruturados em duas sub-populações, sendo uma delas composta apenas pela população CL, coletada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O conhecimento sobre a diversidade genética e a estrutura populacional de S. frugiperda é importante para o desenvolvimento de estratégias para os sistemas de manejo e monitoramento de insetos-praga, especialmente para a diferenciada população CL.


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The apple is attacked by a significant number of insect pests in Brazilian commercial orchards, including Bonagota salubricola and Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Sexual disruption of B. salubricola and G. molesta was evaluated in apple orchard using the flowable pheromone formulations, SPLAT Grafo+Bona (SG+B), SPLAT Attract and Kill Grafo+Bona (SAKG+B), and compared with the standard insecticides used for management in the Integrated Apple Production (IAP) system. Both formulations were applied at a rate of 1kg/ha on October 10, 2005 and December 13, 2005 using 300 and 1000 point sources/ha of SG+B and SAKG+B, respectively in experimental units of 7 ha. Adult male captures of B. salubricola and G. molesta were evaluated weekly in Delta traps with specific synthetic sex pheromone from October 10, 2005 to February 14, 2006. Damage to fruits was evaluated on November 21 and December 21, 2005, and January 25 and February 14, 2006. In the SPLAT treated experimental units a significant reduction was observed in the number of B. salubricola and G. molesta males caught in Delta traps compared to the experimental unit IAP. Damage by B. salubricola at harvest ranged from 1.63 to 4.75% with no differences between treatments, while damage by G. molesta was near zero in all experimental units. Mating disruption using SG+B and SAKG+B was sufficient to control B. salubricola and G. molesta with results equivalent to IAP guidelines. This technology is promising for management of both pests in Brazilian apple orchards with immediate reduction of 43% in the number of insecticide applications.


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This study aimed to evaluate the development and reproduction of the black armyworm, Spodoptera cosmioides when larvae fed on leaves of Bt-corn hybrids, expressing a single Cry1F and also Cry1F, Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 in pyramided corn and their non-Bt-isoline (hybrid 2B688), as well as on leaves of two soybean isolines expressing the Cry1Ac protein and its non-Bt isoline (A5547-227). We also assessed the effect of these Bt and non-Bt plants on the leaf consumption rate of S. cosmioides larvae. This pest was unable to develop when fed on any of the corn isolines (Bt and non-Bt). When both 1st and 3rd instar larvae were fed on corn leaf, mortality was 100% in both Bt and non-Bt corn. In contrast, when corn leaves were offered to 5th instar larvae, there were survivors. Defoliation and leaf consumption was higher with non-Bt corn than with both of the Bt corn isolines. There was no negative effect of Bt soybean leaves on the development and reproduction of S. cosmioides with respect to all evaluated parameters. Our study indicates that both Bt and non-Bt corn adversely affect the development of S. cosmioides while Bt soybean did not affect its biology, suggesting that this lepidopteran has major potential to become an important pest in Bt soybean crops.


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de inseticidas autorizados emergencialmente para o controle de Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em soja. Sete inseticidas foram pulverizados em campo e, após 24 horas, folhas do ponteiro foram coletadas e oferecidas para lagartas de 2o instar em laboratório. Lagartas do 4o instar receberam a última folha trifoliolada que se encontrava completamente expandida no momento da pulverização. Outro grupo foi exposto a folhas coletadas a partir de 72 horas da pulverização. Em campo, seis inseticidas foram pulverizados e, em seguida, as plantas foram infestadas com lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. No primeiro estudo, flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole, clorfenapir, indoxacarbe e metoxifenozida causaram 100% de mortalidade do 4o instar aos oito dias após o início da exposição, enquanto baculovírus e Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) propiciaram mortalidade de 60-75%, que evoluiu para 88?90% ao final da fase de pupa. Para o 2o instar, apenas flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole proporcionaram mortalidade de 100%. Flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole e clorfenapir apresentaram o menor tempo letal para o 4o instar, e flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole, para o 2o instar. Após 72 horas da pulverização, o desempenho dos inseticidas foi insatisfatório. Em campo, houve eficiência satisfatória de flubendiamida, espinosade, baculovírus e Bt sobre lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. ABSTRACT:The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of insecticides authorized on an emergency basis to control of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean. Seven insecticides were sprayed on the field and, 24 hours after that, soybean pointer leaves were collected and offered to 2nd instar larvae in the laboratory. Fourth instar larvae received the last trifoliate leaf that was fully expanded at the time of spraying. Another larvae group was exposed to leaves collected from 72 hours onwards after spraying. In the field, six insecticides were sprayed, and then the plants were infested with 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. In the first study, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, and methoxyfenozide caused 100% mortality of the 4th instar, eight days after the beginning of exposure, while baculovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) caused 60?75% mortality, which reached 88?90% at the end of the pupal stage. For 2nd instar larvae, only flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole caused 100% mortality. Flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, and chlorfenapyr showed the lowest lethal time for the 4th instar, and flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole for the 2nd instar. Seventy-two hours after spraying, the performance of insecticides was not satisfactory. In the field, there was satisfactory efficiency of flubendiamide, spinosad, baculovirus, and Bt on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae.


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Grapholita molesta é uma praga-chave em cultivos de macieira no sul do Brasil. Para controle de suas populações inúmeras intervenções com agrotóxicos são necessárias ao longo da safra. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de formulações comerciais à base de Bacillus spp. no controle de lagartas de primeiro ínstar de G. molesta. O estudo foi realizado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições: B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Dipel WG®); B. thuringiensis var. aizawai + kurstaki (Agree®); B. subtilis (Serenade®); B. pumilus (Sonata®) e uma testemunha (água). Cada tratamento foi alocado em uma microplaca contendo 24 células preenchidas com 0,67ml de dieta artificial e 12micronL da solução tratamento (em dose comercial) mais uma lagarta por célula. Os tratamentos foram mantidos em condições controladas e avaliada a mortalidade em 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. As formulações de B. thuringiensis mostraram eficiência de controle superior aos demais tratamentos e não diferem entre si. Bacillus subtilis e B. pumilus evidenciaram controle da praga, porém, intermediário quando comparado à B. thuringiensis.