509 resultados para jellyfish blooms


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Within this doctoral thesis, biogenic emissions of several globally relevant halocarbons (methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane, chloroform and bromoform) have been investigated in different environments. An airborne study was focused on the tropical rainforest ecosystem, while shipborne measurements investigated naturally occurring oceanic plankton blooms. Laboratory experiments using dried plant material were made to elucidate abiotic production mechanisms occurring in organic matter. Airborne measurements over the tropical rainforest of Suriname and French Guyana (3 - 6 °N, 51 - 59 °W) revealed net fluxes of 9.5 (± 3.8 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 methyl chloride and 0.35 (± 0.15 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 chloroform emitted in the long dry season (October) 2005. An extrapolation of these numbers to all tropical forests helped to narrow down the range of the recently discovered and poorly quantified methyl chloride source from tropical ecosystems. The value for methyl chloride obtained (1.5 (± 0.6 2σ) Tg yr-1) affirms that the contribution of the tropical forest ecosystem is the major source in the global budget of methyl chloride. The extrapolated global net chloroform flux from tropical forests (56 (± 23 2σ) Gg yr-1) is of minor importance (5 - 10 %) compared to the global sources. A source of methyl bromide from this region could not be verified. The abiotic formation of methyl chloride and methyl bromide from dead plant material was tested in a laboratory study. The release from plant tissue representative of grassland, deciduous forest, agricultural areas and coastal salt marshes (hay, ash, tomato and saltwort) has been monitored. Incubations at different temperatures (25 - 50 °C) revealed significant emissions even at ambient temperature, and that the emissions increased exponentially with temperature. The strength of the emission was found to be additionally dependent on the availability of halide and the methoxyl group within the plant tissue. However, high water content in the plant material was found to inhibit methyl halide emissions. The abiotic nature of the reaction yielding methyl halides was confirmed by its high activation energy calculated via Arrhenius plots. Shipborne measurements of the atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform have been conducted along a South Atlantic transect from the 27.01. - 05.02.2007 to characterize halocarbon emissions from a large-scale natural algae bloom encountered off the coast of Argentina. Mixing ratios of methyl chloride and methyl bromide were not significantly affected by the occurrence of the phytoplankton bloom. Emissions of methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform showed pronounced mixing ratio variations, triggered by phytoplankton abundance. Methyl iodide was strongly correlated with dimethyl sulfide throughout the sampled region. A new technique combining satellite derived biomass marker (chlorophyll a) data with back trajectory analysis was successfully used to attribute variations in mixing ratios to air masses, which recently passed over areas of enhanced biological production.


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Herbicides are becoming emergent contaminants in Italian surface, coastal and ground waters, due to their intensive use in agriculture. In marine environments herbicides have adverse effects on non-target organisms, as primary producers, resulting in oxygen depletion and decreased primary productivity. Alterations of species composition in algal communities can also occur due to the different sensitivity among the species. In the present thesis the effects of herbicides, widely used in the Northern Adriatic Sea, on different algal species were studied. The main goal of this work was to study the influence of temperature on algal growth in the presence of the triazinic herbicide terbuthylazine (TBA), and the cellular responses adopted to counteract the toxic effects of the pollutant (Chapter 1 and 2). The development of simulation models to be applied in environmental management are needed to organize and track information in a way that would not be possible otherwise and simulate an ecological prospective. The data collected from laboratory experiments were used to simulate algal responses to the TBA exposure at increasing temperature conditions (Chapter 3). Part of the thesis was conducted in foreign countries. The work presented in Chapter 4 was focused on the effect of high light on growth, toxicity and mixotrophy of the ichtyotoxic species Prymnesium parvum. In addition, a mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to study the synergic effect of the pollutant emamectin benzoate with other anthropogenic stressors, such as oil pollution and induced phytoplankton blooms (Chapter 5).


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Negli ultimi 10 anni i blooms attribuibili alla dinoflagellata bentonica Ostreopsis cf. ovata sono aumentati in termini di frequenza ed intensità lungo le coste del Mediterraneo, avendo ripercussioni negative sulla salute umana e forti impatti sulle comunità marine bentoniche, ciò a seguito della produzione di potenti tossine (composti palitossina-simili) da parte della microalga. Tra i fattori ecologici che innescano o regolano le dinamiche dei bloom tossici le interazioni tra microalghe e batteri sono in misura sempre maggiore oggetto di ricerca. In questo studio è stata analizzata la struttura filogenetica della comunità batterica associata ad O. cf. ovata in colture batch e valutate le dinamiche successionali della stessa in relazione alle differenti fasi di crescita della microalga (oltre che in relazione alle dinamiche di abbondanza virale). Lo studio filogenetico è stato effettuato tramite l’ausilio di metodiche molecolari di sequenziamento di next generation (Ion Torrent). Le abbondanze dei batteri e delle particelle virali sono state determinate tramite microscopia ad epifluorescenza; l’abbondanza cellulare algale è stata stimata tramite metodo Uthermohl. Il contributo della frazione batterica ad elevata attività respiratoria è stato determinato tramite doppia colorazione con coloranti DAPI e CTC. Dai dati emersi si evince che la comunità batterica attraversa due fasi di crescita distinte, una più marcata e concomitante con la fase esponenziale di O. cf. ovata, l'altra quando la microalga è in fase media stazionaria. Per quanto concerne la composizione filogenetica della comunità sono stati rilevati 12 phyla, 17 classi e 150 generi, sebbene i dati ottenuti abbiano rilevato una forte dominanza del phylum Proteobacteria con la classe Alphaproteobacteria, seguita dal phylum Bacteroidetes con la classe Sphingobacteria. Variazioni nella struttura filogenetica della comunità batterica, a livello di generi, tra le diverse fasi di crescita della microalga ha permesso di evidenziare ed ipotizzare particolari interazioni di tipo mutualistico e di tipo competitivo.


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Bei den Pflanzen sind viele Fragen bezüglich der Organisation und Regulation des bei der Zellteilung und differenzierung wichtigen Auf-, Ab- und Umbaus des Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes noch immer offen, insbesondere was die Rolle des γ-Tubulins betrifft. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung von BY-2 Modell-Zelllinien (Nicotiana), die verschiedene mit fluoreszierenden Proteinen (FP) markierte Elemente des Cytoskeletts exprimieren, um eine fluoreszenzmikroskopische Detektion in vivo zu ermöglichen.rnAls Grundlage für alle weiteren Versuche wurde eine zuverlässige Methode zur A. tumefaciens vermittelten stabilen Transfektion von BY-2 Zellen erarbeitet. Für die Expression von FP-markierten Cytoskelettproteinen, wurden entsprechende Fusionskonstrukte kloniert und via A. tumefaciens in BY-2 Zellen transferiert. So gelang zunächst die Herstellung transgener Zelllinien, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimierten. Diese sollten später als Basis für die Untersuchung des dynamischen Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes bzw. dessen Regulation dienen. In beiden Zelllinien standen die Konstrukte zunächst unter Kontrolle eines doppelten 35S-Promotors, was zu einer starken, konstitutiven Expression der Transgene führte. Fluoreszenzmikroskopisch konnten Strukturen, an deren Aufbau Mikrotubuli beteiligt sind, detektiert werden. Aufgrund einer starken Hintergrundfluoreszenz, vermutlich bedingt durch die konstitutive Überexpression, war die Darstellung feinerer Bereiche, wie sie im Cytoskelett häufig auftreten, jedoch äußerst schwierig. Deshalb wurde eine schwächere bzw. adäquate Expressionsrate angestrebt. rnPhysiologische Expressionsraten sollten vor allem durch den endogenen γ-Tubulin-Promotor ermöglicht werden. Da die entsprechende Sequenz noch unbekannt war, wurde sie zunächst bestimmt und in ein passendes Konstrukt integriert. Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen der resultierenden Zelllinie ließen auf eine stark reduzierte Expressionsrate schließen. Tatsächlich war die Detektion von Cytoskelettstrukturen, wenn überhaupt, erst bei deutlich längeren Belichtungszeiten möglich. Bedingt durch die langen Belichtungszeiten wurde die Dokumentation durch eine latente pflanzentypische Autofluoreszenz der Zellen erschwert. Auch wenn hier keine detailreicheren Aufnahmen der Cytoskelettstrukturen möglich waren, ist die Zellkultur für weiterführende Untersuchungen, z.B. in Studien bezüglich des zeitlichen Expressionsmusters des γ-Tubulins, potentiell geeignet. Der Einsatz eines sensibleren Mikroskopsystems ist allerdings erforderlich. rnUm klären zu können, inwieweit γ-Tubulin mit den Mikrotubuli co-lokalisiert, wurden Zelllinien benötigt, bei denen die entsprechenden Elemente unterschiedlich markiert waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Einsatz von RFP-markiertem Tubulin getestet. Eine deutliche Überexpression von RFP alleine war möglich. Trotz mehrfacher Wiederholung der Versuche war aber keine Expression von RFP-markiertem α-Tubulin in BY-2 Zellen zur Visualisierung der Mikrotubuli detektierbar. Die DNA-Sequenzen waren im Genom nachweisbar, eine Transkription jedoch nicht. Möglicherweise spielten hier gene silencing Effekte eine Rolle. Das verwendete RFP (TagRFP) und GFP stammten aus unterschiedlichen Organismen, aus einer Seeanemone bzw. einer Qualle. Eine Lösung könnte der Austausch des TagRFP durch ein Quallen-Derivat, das in einer von grün unterscheidbaren Farbe fluoresziert, bringen. Da bereits BY-2 Zelllinien vorliegen, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimieren, sollte es, nach Klonieren eines entsprechenden Konstruktes, zeitnah möglich sein, eine doppelt transfizierte Zelllinie herzustellen.


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Il Dimetilsolfoniopropionato (DMSP) è un metabolita secondario prodotto da vari organismi marini, tra cui molte microalghe. Ad oggi pochi studi riguardano gli effetti dei fattori ambientali sulla produzione di DMSP nelle microalghe tossiche, tuttavia si ipotizza che la carenza di azoto (N-dep) possa influire sulla produzione di tossine e DMSP. In questo lavoro è stata indagata nella dinoflagellata Ostreopsis cf. ovata: la presenza e l’andamento del DMSP lungo tutte le fasi di crescita; i possibili effetti di differenti condizioni di crescita (i.e. bilanciata e N-dep) sulla produzione del metabolita e delle tossine. La scelta della dinoflagellata è giustificata dalle sue frequenti fioriture dannose nel Mediterraneo e dall’osservazione, in studi pregressi, di una comunità batterica associata ai suoi blooms in grado di utilizzare il DMSP come fonte energetica. Lo studio mostra per la prima volta da parte di O. cf ovata la produzione del DMSP, riportando un trend temporale simile nelle due condizioni. Si evidenzia: un minimo a fine fase esponenziale; un massimo nella prima fase stazionaria; una riduzione al termine della fase stazionaria. Il confronto fra le due condizioni evidenzia un effetto positivo di N-dep nella produzione di DMSP, evidenziato anche dal maggior tasso di produzione, che potrebbe avvenire per: utilizzare il DMSP rispetto ad altri osmoliti azotati; rilasciare nell’ambiente composti carboniosi e sulfurei, prodotti a seguito dello stress cellulare. I risultati indicherebbero come N-dep possa interferire nella sintesi di tossine e DMSP in maniera opposta, non per competizione diretta del nutriente nei processi di sintesi, ma a seguito dei cambiamenti fisiologici della microalga dovuti alla carenza nutrizionale. Infine la produzione di DMSP da parte della microalga conferma l’instaurarsi di una fase d’interazione mutualistica con i batteri ad essa associati facilitata dal DMSP, importante per lo sviluppo della popolazione algale e dei conseguenti rischi sanitari ed ecosistemici.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the questioning strategies of preservice teachers whenteaching science as inquiry. The guiding questions for this research were: In what ways do the questioning strategies of preservice teachers differ for male and female elementary students when teaching science as inquiry and how is Bloom’s Taxonomy evident within the questioning strategies of preservice teachers? Examination of the data indicated that participants asked a total of 4,158 questions to their elementary aged students. Of these questions, 974 (23%) were asked to boys, and 991 (24%) were asked to girls. The remaining questions (53%) were asked to the class as a whole, therefore no gender could be assigned to these questions. In relation to Bloom’s Taxonomy, 74% of the questions were basic knowledge, 15% were secondary comprehension, 2% were application, 4% were analysis, 1% were synthesis, and 3% were evaluation.


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Traditional courses and textbooks in occupational safety emphasize rules, standards, and guidelines. This paper describes the early stage of a project to upgrade a traditional college course on fire protection by incorporating learning materials to develop the higher-level cognitive ability known as synthesis. Students will be challenged to synthesize textbook information into fault tree diagrams. The paper explains the place of synthesis in Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive abilities and the utility of fault trees diagrams as a tool for synthesis. The intended benefits for students are: improved abilities to synthesize, a deeper understanding of fire protection practices, ability to construct fault trees for a wide range of undesired occurrences, and perhaps recognition that heavy reliance on memorization is the hard way to learn occupational safety and health.


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The seasonal dynamics of molybdenum (Mo) were studied in the water column of two tidal basins of the German Wadden Sea (Sylt-Rømø and Spiekeroog) between 2007 and 2011. In contrast to its conservative behaviour in the open ocean, both, losses of more than 50% of the usual concentration level of Mo in seawater and enrichments up to 20% were observed repeatedly in the water column of the study areas. During early summer, Mo removal by adsorption on algae-derived organic matter (e.g. after Phaeocystis blooms) is postulated to be a possible mechanism. Mo bound to organic aggregates is likely transferred to the surface sediment where microbial decomposition enriches Mo in the pore water. First δ98/95Mo data of the study area disclose residual Mo in the open water column being isotopically heavier than MOMo (Mean Ocean Molybdenum) during a negative Mo concentration anomaly, whereas suspended particulate matter shows distinctly lighter values. Based on field observations a Mo isotope enrichment factor of ε = −0.3‰ has been determined which was used to argue against sorption on metal oxide surfaces. It is suggested here that isotope fractionation is caused by biological activity and association to organic matter. Pelagic Mo concentration anomalies exceeding the theoretical salinity-based concentration level, on the other hand, cannot be explained by replenishment via North Sea waters alone and require a supply of excess Mo. Laboratory experiments with natural anoxic tidal flat sediments and modelled sediment displacement during storm events suggest fast and effective Mo release during the resuspension of anoxic sediments in oxic seawater as an important process for a recycling of sedimentary sulphide bound Mo into the water column.


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Sick Building Syndrome is a prevalent problem with patient complaints similar to typical allergy symptoms. Unlike most household allergens, the Asp f 1 allergen is conceivably ubiquitous in the work environment. This project examined levels of the Asp f 1 allergen in office and non-industrial occupational environments, and studied the bioaerosol and dust reservoirs of Aspergillus fumigatus responsible for those levels. ^ Culturable bioaerosols of total mesophilic fungi were sampled with Andersen N6 impactors. Aggressive airborne and bulk dust samples were concurrently collected and assayed for Asp f 1. Bulk dusts were selectively cultured for A. fumigatus. Samples were collected during both wet and dry climatological conditions to examine the possibility of Asp f 1 increases due to fungal growth blooms. ^ Only very low levels of Asp f 1 were detected in relatively few samples. Analysis of wet versus dry period samples showed no differences in Asp f 1 levels, although A. fumigatus counts from dusts did fluctuate significantly with exterior moisture events as did indoor prevalence of total colony forming units. These results indicate that even in the presence of elevated fungal concentrations, levels of Asp f 1 are extremely low. These levels do not correlate with climatological moisture events, despite distinct fungal blooms in the days immediately following those events. Non-industrial office buildings devoid of indoor air quality issues did not demonstrate significant levels or occurrence of Asp f 1 contamination in the geographical region of this study. ^


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Using a three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model, we have investigated the modeled responses of diatom productivity and biogenic silica export to iron enrichment in the equatorial Pacific, and compared the model simulation with in situ (IronEx II) iron fertilization results. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, an area of 540,000 km(2) was enhanced with iron by changing the photosynthetic efficiency and silicate and nitrogen uptake kinetics of phytoplankton in the model for a period of 20 days. The vertically integrated Chl a and primary production increased by about threefold 5 days after the start of the experiment, similar to that observed in the IronEx II experiment. Diatoms contribute to the initial increase of the total phytoplankton biomass, but decrease sharply after 10 days because of mesozooplankton grazing. The modeled surface nutrients (silicate and nitrate) and TCO(2) anomaly fields, obtained from the difference between the "iron addition'' and "ambient'' (without iron) concentrations, also agreed well with the IronEx II observations. The enriched patch is tracked with an inert tracer similar to the SF6 used in the IronEx II. The modeled depth-time distribution of sinking biogenic silica (BSi) indicates that it would take more than 30 days after iron injection to detect any significant BSi export out of the euphotic zone. Sensitivity studies were performed to establish the importance of fertilized patch size, duration of fertilization, and the role of mesozooplankton grazing. A larger size of the iron patch tends to produce a broader extent and longer-lasting phytoplankton blooms. Longer duration prolongs phytoplankton growth, but higher zooplankton grazing pressure prevents significant phytoplankton biomass accumulation. With the same treatment of iron fertilization in the model, lowering mesozooplankton grazing rate generates much stronger diatom bloom, but it is terminated by Si(OH)(4) limitation after the initial rapid increase. Increasing mesozooplankton grazing rate, the diatom increase due to iron addition stays at minimum level, but small phytoplankton tend to increase. The numerical model experiments demonstrate the value of ecosystem modeling for evaluating the detailed interaction between biogeochemical cycle and iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific.


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The causes of the glacial cycle remain unknown, although the primary driver is changes in atmospheric CO(2), likely controlled by the biological pump and biogeochemical cycles. The two most important regions of the ocean for exchange of CO(2) with the atmosphere are the equatorial Pacific and the Southern Ocean ( SO), the former a net source and the latter a net sink under present conditions. The equatorial Pacific has been shown to be a Si(OH)(4)-limited ecosystem, a consequence of the low source Si(OH)(4) concentrations in upwelled water that has its origin in the SO. This teleconnection for nutrients between the two regions suggests an oscillatory relationship that may influence or control glacial cycles. Opal mass accumulation rate (MAR) data and delta(15)N measurements in equatorial cores are interpreted with predictions from a one- dimensional Si(OH)(4)-limited ecosystem model (CoSINE) for the equatorial Pacific. The results suggest that equatorial Pacific surface CO(2) processes are in opposite phase to that of the global atmosphere, providing a negative feedback to the glacial cycle. This negative feedback is implemented through the effect of the SO on the equatorial Si(OH)(4) supply. An alternative hypothesis, that the whole ocean becomes Si(OH)(4) poor during cooling periods, is suggested by low opal MAR in cores from both equatorial and Antarctic regions, perhaps as a result of low river input. terminations in this scenario would result from blooms of coccolithophorids triggered by low Si(OH)(4) concentrations.


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This study provides a continuous lateglacial and Holocene record of diatom silica oxygen isotope changes (delta O-18(DIAT)) in a subalpine lake sediment sequence obtained from the Retezat Mts (Taul dintre Brazi, 1740 m a.s.l.). This through-flow, shallow, high-altitude lake with a surface area of only 0.4 ha has short water residence time and is predominantly fed by snowmelt and rainwater. Its delta O-18(DIAT) record principally reflects the oxygen isotope composition of the winter and spring precipitation, as diatom blooms occur mainly in the spring and early summer. Hence, changes in delta O-18(DIAT) are interpreted as seasonal scale changes: in the amount of winter precipitation. Low oxygen isotope values (27-28.5 parts per thousand) occurred during the lateglacial until 12,300 cal BP, followed by a sharp increase thereafter. In the Holocene delta O-18(DIAT) values ranged from 29 to 31 parts per thousand until 3200 cal BP, followed by generally lower values during the late Holocene (27-30 parts per thousand). Short-term decreases in the isotopic values were found between 10,140-9570, 9000-8500, 7800-7300, 6300-5800, 5500-5000 and at 8015, 4400, 4000 cal BP. After 3200 cal BP a decreasing trend was visible with the lowest values between 3100-2500 and after 2100 cal BP The general trend in the record suggests that contribution of winter precipitation was generally lower between 11,680 and 3200 cal BP, followed by increased contribution during the last millennia. The late Holocene decrease in delta O-18(DIAT) shows good agreement with the speleothem delta O-18, lake level and testate amoebae records from the Carpathian Mountains that also display gradual delta O-18 decrease and lake level/mire water table level rise after 3200 cal BR Strong positive correlation with North Atlantic circulation and solar activity proxies, such as the Austrian and Hungarian speleothem records, furthermore suggested that short-term increases in the isotopic ratios in the early and mid Holocene are likely connectable to high solar activity phases and high frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation indexes that may have resulted in decreased winter precipitation in this region.


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This paper presents a multiproxy high-resolution study of the past 2600 years for Seebergsee, a small Swiss lake with varved sediments at the present tree-line ecotone. The laminae were identified as varves by a numerical analysis of diatom counts in the thin-sections. The hypothesis of two diatom blooms per year was corroborated by the 210Pb and 137Cs chronology. A period of intensive pasturing during the ‘Little Ice Age’ between ad 1346 and ad 1595 is suggested by coprophilous fungal spores, as well as by pollen indicators of grazing, by the diatom-inferred total phosphorus, by geochemistry and by documentary data. The subsequent re-oligotrophication of the lake took about 88 years, as determined by the timelag between the decline of coprophile fungal spores and the restoration of pre-eutrophic nutrient conditions. According to previous studies of latewood densities from the same region, cold summers around ad 1600 limited the pasturing at this altitude. This demonstrated the socio-economic impact of a single climatic event. However, the variance partitioning between the effects of land use and climate, which was applied for the whole core, revealed that climate independent of land use and time explained only 1.32% of the diatom data, while land use independent of climate and time explained 15.7%. Clearly land use in‘ uenced the lake, but land use was not always driven by climate. Other factors beside climate, such as politics or the introduction of fertilizers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries also in‘ uenced the development of Alpine pasturing.


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Several short sediment cores of between 35 and 40 cm from Hagelseewli, a small, remote lake in the Swiss Alps at an elevation of 2339 m a.s.l. were correlated according to their organic matter content. The sediments are characterized by organic silts and show in their uppermost part a surprisingly high amount of organic matter (30-35%). Synchronous changes, occurring in pollen from snow-bed vegetation, the alga Pediastrum, chironomids, and grain-size composition, point to a climatic change interpreted as cooler or shorter summers that led to prolonged ice-cover on the lake. According to palynological results the sediments date back to at least the early 15th century A.D., with the cooling phase encompassing the period between late 16th and the mid-19th century thus coinciding with the Little Ice Age. Low concentrations of both chironomid head capsules and cladoceran remains in combination with results from fossil pigment analyses point to longer periods of bottom-water anoxia as a result of long-lasting ice-cover that prevented mixing of the water column. According to our results aquatic biota in Hagelseewli are mainly indirectly influenced by climate change. The duration of ice-cover on the lake controls the mixing of the water column as well as light-availability for phytoplankton blooms.


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Ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem processes are linked by net primary production (NPP) in the ocean's surface layer, where inorganic carbon is fixed by photosynthetic processes. Determinations of NPP are necessarily a function of phytoplankton biomass and its physiological status, but the estimation of these two terms from space has remained an elusive target. Here we present new satellite ocean color observations of phytoplankton carbon (C) and chlorophyll (Chl) biomass and show that derived Chl:C ratios closely follow anticipated physiological dependencies on light, nutrients, and temperature. With this new information, global estimates of phytoplankton growth rates (mu) and carbon-based NPP are made for the first time. Compared to an earlier chlorophyll-based approach, our carbon-based values are considerably higher in tropical oceans, show greater seasonality at middle and high latitudes, and illustrate important differences in the formation and demise of regional algal blooms. This fusion of emerging concepts from the phycological and remote sensing disciplines has the potential to fundamentally change how we model and observe carbon cycling in the global oceans.