269 resultados para iceberg
Mineralogical and granulometric properties of glacial-marine surface sediments of the Weddell Sea and adjoining areas were studied in order to decipher spatial variations of provenance and transport paths of terrigenous detritus from Antarctic sources. The silt fraction shows marked spatial differences in quartz contents. In the sand fractions heavy-mineral assemblages display low mineralogical maturity and are dominated by garnet, green hornblende, and various types of clinopyroxene. Cluster analysis yields distinct heavy-mineral assemblages, which can be attributed to specific source rocks of the Antarctic hinterland. The configuration of modern mineralogical provinces in the near-shore regions reflects the geological variety of the adjacent hinterland. In the distal parts of the study area, sand-sized heavy minerals are good tracers of ice-rafting. Granulometric characteristics and the distribution of heavy-mineral provinces reflect maxima of relative and absolute accumulation of ice-rafted detritus in accordance with major iceberg drift tracks in the course of the Weddell Gyre. Fine-grained and coarse-grained sediment fractions may have different origins. In the central Weddell Sea, coarse ice-rafted detritus basically derives from East Antarctic sources, while the fine-fraction is discharged from weak permanent bottom currents and/or episodic turbidity currents and shows affinities to southern Weddell Sea sources. Winnowing of quartz-rich sediments through intense bottom water formation in the southern Weddell Sea provides muddy suspensions enriched in quartz. The influence of quartz-rich suspensions moving within the Weddell Gyre contour current can be traced as far as the continental slope in the northwestern Weddell Sea. In general, the focusing of mud by currents significantly exceeds the relative and absolute contribution of ice-rafted detritus beyond the shelves of the study area.
High-resolution geophysical and sediment core data are used to investigate the pattern and dynamics of former ice flow in Kvitøya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea. A new swath-bathymetric dataset identifies three types of submarine landform in the study area (streamlined landforms, meltwater channels and cavities, iceberg scours). Subglacially produced streamlined landforms provide a record of ice flow through Kvitøya Trough during the last glaciation. Flow directions are inferred from the orientations of streamlined landforms (drumlins, crag-and-tail features). Ice flowed northward for at least 135 km from an ice divide at the southern end of Kvitøya Trough. A large channel-cavity system incised into bedrock in the southern trough indicates that subglacial meltwater was present at the former ice-sheet base. Modest landform elongation ratios and a lack of mega-scale glacial lineations suggest that, although ice in Kvitøya Trough was melting at the bed and flowed faster than the likely thin and cold-based ice on adjacent banks, a major ice stream probably did not occupy the trough. Retreat was relatively rapid after 14-13.5 14C kyr B.P. and probably progressed via ice sheet-bed decoupling in response to rising sea level. There is little evidence for still stands during ice retreat or of ice-proximal deglacial sediments. Relict iceberg scours in present-day water depths of more than 350 m in the northern trough indicate that calving was an important mass loss mechanism during retreat.
An additional Heinrich ice-rafting event is identified between Heinrich events 5 and 6 in eight cores from the Labrador Sea and the northwest Atlantic Ocean. It is characterized by sediment rich in detrital carbonate (40% CaCO3) with high concentration of floating dropstones, high coarse-fraction (% > 150 µm) content, and has a sharp contact with the underlying but grades into the overlying hemipelagic sediment. It also shows lighter d18ONpl values, indicating freshening due to iceberg rafting and/or meltwater discharge. This event is correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger event 14 and interpreted as an additional Heinrich event, H5a. The thickness of H5a in the Labrador Sea reaches up to 220 cm. This additional Heinrich event has also been reported in cores PS2644 and SO82-5 from the northern North Atlantic. With the recognition of H5a the temporal spacing between Heinrich events 1 to 6 becomes more uniform (~7 ka).
A marine sediment core from Vaigat in Disko Bugt, West Greenland, has been analysed in terms of lithology, dinoflagellate cysts and foraminifera in order to evaluate the influence of oceanographic variability on West Greenland glacier stability. The data show that during the past 5200 years the Atlantic foraminiferal abundance in the subsurface waters of the West Greenland Current (WGC) episodically increased, indicating periods of increases in the inflow of subsurface warm Atlantic water at 2000 - 1500 cal. yr BP and 1300 cal. yr BP as well as periods of less pronounced increased bottom-water temperatures around 4700 - 4000 cal. yr BP, 3100 - 2800, 2600, 1000 - 800, 500 - 400, and at 200 cal. yr. The sedimentological and dinoflagellate cyst data indicate that these episodes with enhanced advection of Irminger Sea-derived waters are accompanied by increased iceberg rafting, which we link to increased iceberg calving in relation to destabilization of the Jakobshavn Isbrae. The long-term trend in the data documents the end of a late-Holocene Thermal Maximum between 5200 and 4300 cal. yr BP and a final onset of the Neoglaciation at 3500 cal. yr BP. Increased responses of the iceberg rafting after 3500 cal. yr BP, reflects a westward/seaward advance of the glacier margin in relation to onset of Neoglaciation and a development of the glacier into a floating tongue after 2000 cal. yr BP. A comparison of our record with a record from the eastern North Atlantic indicates that a NAO-like anomaly pattern between subsurface waters in West Greenland and atmospheric temperature in the Eastern North Atlantic may have been operating during most of the late Holocene. However, during the past 1000 years the NAO signal may have weakened as some other mode of climate variability overprints the anti-phase climate signal in this region.