889 resultados para high salt intake
The large biodiversity of cyanobacteria together with the increasing genomics and proteomics metadata provide novel information for finding new commercially valuable metabolites. With the advent of global warming, there is growing interest in the processes that results in efficient CO2 capture through the use of photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria. This requires a detailed knowledge of how cyanobacteria respond to the ambient CO2. My study was aimed at understanding the changes in the protein profile of the model organism, Synechocystis PCC 6803 towards the varying CO2 level. In order to achieve this goal I have employed modern proteomics tools such as iTRAQ and DIGE, recombinant DNA techniques to construct different mutants in cyanobacteria and biophysical methods to study the photosynthetic properties. The proteomics study revealed several novel proteins, apart from the well characterized proteins involved in carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), that were upregulated upon shift of the cells from high CO2 concentration (3%) to that in air level (0.039%). The unknown proteins, Slr0006 and flavodiiron proteins (FDPs) Sll0217-Flv4 and Sll0219-Flv2, were selected for further characterization. Although slr0006 was substantially upregulated under Ci limiting conditions, inactivation of the gene did not result in any visual phenotype under various environmental conditions indicating that this protein is not essential for cell survival. However, quantitative proteomics showed the induction of novel plasmid and chromosome encoded proteins in deltaslr0006 under air level CO2 conditions. The expression of the slr0006 gene was found to be strictly dependent on active photosynthetic electron transfer. Slr0006 contains conserved dsRNA binding domain that belongs to the Sua5/YrdC/YciO protein family. Structural modelling of Slr0006 showed an alpha/beta twisted open-sheet structure and a positively charged cavity, indicating a possible binding site for RNA. The 3D model and the co-localization of Slr0006 with ribosomal subunits suggest that it might play a role in translation or ribosome biogenesis. On the other hand, deletions in the sll0217-sll218- sll0219 operon resulted in enhanced photodamage of PSII and distorted energy transfer from phycobilisome (PBS) to PSII, suggesting a dynamic photoprotection role of the operon. Constructed homology models also suggest efficient electron transfer in heterodimeric Flv2/Flv4, apparently involved in PSII photoprotection. Both Slr0006 and FDPs exhibited several common features, including negative regulation by NdhR and ambiguous cellular localization when subjected to different concentrations of divalent ions. This strong association with the membranes remained undisturbed even in the presence of detergent or high salt. My finding brings ample information on three novel proteins and their functions towards carbon limitation. Nevertheless, many pathways and related proteins remain unexplored. The comprehensive understanding of the acclimation processes in cyanobacteria towards varying environmental CO2 levels will help to uncover adaptive mechanisms in other organisms, including higher plants.
We have previously demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of both Pb2+ and Cd2+ impair the dipsogenic response elicited by three different situations: dehydration and central cholinergic or angiotensinergic stimulation. ß-Adrenergic activation is part of the multifactorial integrated systems operating in drinking behavior control in the central nervous system. In the present study acute third ventricle injections of Pb2+ (3, 30 and 300 pmol/rat) or Cd2+ (0.3, 3 and 30 pmol/rat) blocked the dipsogenic response induced by third ventricle injections of isoproterenol (ISO; 160 nmol/rat) in a dose-dependent manner. Normohydrated animals receiving ISO + NaAc (sodium acetate) or saline (controls) displayed a high water intake after 120 min (ISO + saline = 5.78 ± 0.54 ml/100 g; ISO + NaAc = 6.00 ± 0.6 ml/100 g). After the same period, animals receiving ISO but pretreated with PbAc at the highest dose employed (300 pmol/rat) drank 0.78 ± 0.23 ml/100 g while those receiving ISO and pretreated with the highest dose of CdCl2 (30 pmol/rat) presented a water intake of 0.7 ± 0.30 ml/100 g. Third ventricle injections of CdCl2 (3 nmol/rat) or PbAc (3 nmol/rat) did not modify food intake in rats deprived of food for 24 h. Thus, general central nervous system depression explaining the antidipsogenic action of the metals can be safely excluded. It is concluded that both Pb2+ and Cd2+ inhibit water intake induced by central ß-adrenergic stimulation
We have previously demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of both lead and cadmium prevent the dipsogenic response elicited by dehydration or by central injections of dipsogenic agents such as angiotensin II, carbachol and isoproterenol in rats. We have also shown that the antidipsogenic action of cadmium may be due, at least in part, to activation of thirst-inhibitory central serotonergic pathways. In the present paper we show that in Wistar male rats the antidipsogenic effect of both lead acetate (3.0 nmol/rat) and cadmium chloride (3.0 nmol/rat) may be partially dependent on the activation of brain opiatergic pathways since central injections of naloxone (82.5 nmol/rat), a non-selective opioid antagonist, blunt the thirst-inhibiting effect of these metals. One hundred and twenty minutes after the second third ventricle injections, dehydrated animals (14 h overnight) receiving saline + sodium acetate displayed a high water intake (7.90 ± 0.47 ml/100 g body weight) whereas animals receiving saline + lead acetate drank 3.24 ± 0.47 ml/100 g body weight. Animals receiving naloxone + lead acetate drank 6.94 ± 0.60 ml/100 g body weight. Animals receiving saline + saline drank 8.16 ± 0.66 ml/100 g body weight whilst animals receiving saline + cadmium chloride drank 1.63 ± 0.37 ml/100 g body weight. Animals receiving naloxone + cadmium chloride drank 8.01 ± 0.94 ml/100 g body weight. It is suggested that acute third ventricle injections of both lead and cadmium exert their antidipsogenic effect by activating thirst-inhibiting opioid pathways in the brain.
Mechanisms underlying risk associated with hypertensive heart disease (HHD) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) are discussed in this report and provide a rationale for understanding this very common and important cause of death from hypertension and its complications. Emphasized are impaired coronary hemodynamics, endothelial dysfunction, and ventricular fibrosis from increased collagen deposition intramurally and perivascularly. Each is exacerbated by aging and, perhaps, also by increased dietary salt intake. These functional and structural changes promote further endothelial dysfunction, altered coronary hemodynamics, and diastolic as well as systolic ventricular contractile function in HHD. The clinical endpoints of HHD include angina pectoris (with or without atherosclerosis of the epicardial coronary arteries), myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, lethal dysrhythmias, and sudden death. The major concept to be derived from these alterations is that not all that is clinically recognized as LVH is true myocytic hypertrophy and structural remodeling. Other major co-morbid changes occur that serve to increase cardiovascular risk including impaired coronary hemodynamics, endothelial dysfunction, and ventricular fibrosis.
The reasons for the inconsistent association between salt consumption and blood pressure levels observed in within-society surveys are not known. A total of 157 normotensive subjects aged 18 to 35 years, selected at random in a cross-sectional population-based survey, answered a structured questionnaire. They were classified as strongly predisposed to hypertension when two or more first-degree relatives had a diagnosis of hypertension. Anthropometric parameters were obtained and sitting blood pressure was determined with aneroid sphygmomanometers. Sodium and potassium excretion was measured by flame spectrophotometry in an overnight urine sample. A positive correlation between blood pressure and urinary sodium excretion was detected only in the group of individuals strongly predisposed to hypertension, both for systolic blood pressure (r = 0.51, P<0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.50, P<0.01). In a covariance analysis, after controlling for age, skin color and body mass index, individuals strongly predisposed to hypertension who excreted amounts of sodium above the median of the entire sample had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure than subjects classified into the remaining conditions. The influence of familial predisposition to hypertension on the association between salt intake and blood pressure may be an additional explanation for the weak association between urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure observed in within-population studies, since it can influence the association between salt consumption and blood pressure in some but not all inhabitants.
Angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) play important and opposite roles in the control of water and salt intake, with angiotensin II promoting the intake of both and ANP inhibiting the intake of both. Following blood volume expansion, baroreceptor input to the brainstem induces the release of ANP within the hypothalamus that releases oxytocin (OT) that acts on its receptors in the heart to cause the release of ANP. ANP activates guanylyl cyclase that converts guanosine triphosphate into cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP activates protein kinase G that reduces heart rate and force of contraction, decreasing cardiac output. ANP acts similarly to induce vasodilation. The intrinsic OT system in the heart and vascular system augments the effects of circulating OT to cause a rapid reduction in effective circulating blood volume. Furthermore, natriuresis is rapidly induced by the action of ANP on its tubular guanylyl cyclase receptors, resulting in the production of cGMP that closes Na+ channels. The OT released by volume expansion also acts on its tubular receptors to activate nitric oxide synthase. The nitric oxide released activates guanylyl cyclase leading to the production of cGMP that also closes Na+ channels, thereby augmenting the natriuretic effect of ANP. The natriuresis induced by cGMP finally causes blood volume to return to normal. At the same time, the ANP released acts centrally to decrease water and salt intake.
Uusia jäteveden puhdistusprosesseja kartoitetaan Suomessakin esimerkiksi kiristyvien päästömääräyksien vuoksi sekä parempia kustannus- ja energiatehokkuuksia tavoiteltaessa. Jätevesien puhdistus on Suomessa jo nykyään hyvällä tasolla, mutta muun muassa raskasmetallien, torjunta-aineiden, hormonien ja lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksien kasvut jätevesissä asettavat haasteita nykyisin käytössä oleville jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmille, sillä niitä ei ole suunniteltu näiden aineiden talteenottoon ja suurin osa aineista jää veteen. Lisäksi jätevedet halutaan nähdä enemmänkin resurssina kuin jätteenä, josta voidaan ottaa talteen hyödyllisiä komponentteja, kuten suoloja. Alueilla, joissa vuorokauden keskilämpötila pysyttelee edes osan vuodesta pakkasella, veden luonnollista jäätymisprosessia voidaan käyttää hyväksi jäteveden puhdistuksessa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin kiteytymisen teorian ja aikaisempien tutkimusten avulla, millaisten jätevesien puhdistukseen jäädytyskiteytys sopii sekä pohdittiin menetelmän potentiaalisia sovelluskohteita Suomessa. Jäädytyskiteytyksen todettiin olevan turvallinen ja energiatehokas ratkaisu monien koostumukseltaan erilaisien jätevesien puhdistukseen. Menetelmällä voitaneen puhdistaa öljyisiä, orgaanisia ja/tai epäorgaanisia epäpuhtauksia tai raskasmetalleja sisältäviä sekä myrkyllisiä jätevesiä. Olosuhteet prosessille ovat parhaat Pohjois-Suomessa, jossa vuorokauden keskilämpötila pysyttelee nollan alapuolella noin seitsemän kuukautta vuodesta. Etelä-Suomessa vastaava luku on kolme. Menetelmän potentiaalisia sovelluskohteita ovat esimerkiksi kaivosteollisuuden ja kaatopaikkojen jätevedet, joiden puhdistukseen jäädytyskiteytys saattaisi soveltua erinomaisesti. Jäädyttämällä voitaisiin myös puhdistaa tekstiili- ja nahkateollisuuden jätevesiä, sillä niiden sisältämien väriaineiden erottaminen vedestä on perinteisillä jäteveden puhdistusmenetelmillä usein vaikeaa tai jopa mahdotonta. Suolojen kiteyttämiseen vaadittavia korkeampia suolapitoisuuksia todettiin löytyvän lähinnä membraaniprosessien, kuten käänteisosmoosin, rejektivesistä. Sopivimmat eutektiset olosuhteet kiteyttämiseen ovat natriumsulfaatilla, kaliumsulfaatilla ja natriumkarbonaatilla. Veden luonnollisen jäätymisprosessin hyödyntäminen jätevedenpuhdistuksessa on huomionarvoinen idea. Prosessin käyttöönottoa haittaavat esimerkiksi korkeat investointikustannukset, mutta ne tulevat todennäköisesti ajan myötä teknologian kehittyessä laskemaan. Lisäksi monet prosessiin liittyvät käytännön asiat ovat vielä tutkimuksen alla. On myös huomattava, että Suomessakaan lämpötila ei pysyttele koko vuotta pakkasella, joten jäädytyksen rinnalla on oltava jokin toinen prosessi, jolla jätevedet puhdistetaan lämpötilan ollessa nollan yläpuolella.
The impact of ventricular rate (VR) on the outcome of electrical cardioversion (ECV) of acute atrial fibrillation (AF) is currently unknown. We aimed to determine the effect of VR during acute AF on the success of ECV, recurrence of AF and occurrence of post-cardioversion complications in 30 days follow-up. All ECVs performed in patients with acute atrial fibrillation lasting <48 hours in 2 Finnish university hospitals during 2003-2010 and 1 central hospital during 2010 were retrospectively identified. A total of 6,624 ECVs were performed in 2,821 consecutive patients. VR≤60 BPM was defined low and VR≥160 BPM high. The median VR before ECV was 109 BPM. The success rate of ECV was 94.2%. Bradycardia occurred in 62 (0.9%) and thromboembolic complications in 39 (0.6%) ECVs. Low VR was observed before 75 (1.1%) ECVs and male sex was its only independent predictor. High VR was observed in 165 (2.5%) ECVs. The independent predictors of high VR were younger age, <12 h episode duration, no previous history of AF and alcohol abuse. Low or high VR were not related to the success of ECV, incidence of thromboembolic or bradycardic complications, or recurrence of AF, although VR was significantly (p<0.001) lower in the patients in whom AF recurred. In conclusion, ECV of acute AF is an effective procedure and VR during AF does not affect its efficacy, the maintenance of sinus rhythm or the incidence of bradycardic, thromboembolic or other complications during 30 days follow-up after ECV. Low VR is predominately observed in male patients, while high VR was a feature related to a shorter history of AF and high alcohol-intake.
Cette étude vise à estimer l’apport en glutamine (Gln) alimentaire chez des athlètes soumis à un protocole de supplémentation en glutamine ainsi qu’à clarifier les informations diffusées au grand public en ce qui concerne les sources alimentaires de glutamine. Des études cliniques ont démontré que la supplémentation en glutamine pouvait réduire la morbidité et la mortalité chez des sujets en phase critique (grands brulés, chirurgie…). Le mécanisme en cause semble impliquer le système immunitaire. Cependant, les études chez les sportifs, dont le système immunitaire a de fortes chances d’être affaibli lors de périodes d’entraînement prolongées impliquant des efforts longs et intenses, n’ont pas été concluantes. Or, ces études négligent systématiquement l’apport alimentaire en glutamine, si bien qu’il est probable que les résultats contradictoires observés puissent en partie être expliqués par les choix alimentaires des sujets. Puisque la méthode conventionnelle de dosage des acides aminés dans les protéines alimentaires transforme la glutamine en glutamate, les tables de composition des aliments présentent la glutamine et le glutamate ensemble sous la dénomination « glutamate » ou « Glu », ce qui a comme conséquence de créer de l’ambiguïté. La dénomination « Glx » devrait être utilisée. Partant de la probabilité qu’un apport en Glx élevé soit un bon indicateur de l’apport en glutamine, nous avons créé un calculateur de Glx et avons évalué l’alimentation de 12 athlètes faisant partie d’une étude de supplémentation en glutamine. Nous avons alors constaté que l’apport en Glx était directement proportionnel à l’apport en protéines, avec 20,64 % ± 1,13 % de l’apport protéique sous forme de Glx. Grâce à quelques données sur la séquence primaire des acides aminés, nous avons pu constater que le rapport Gln/Glx pouvait être très variable d’un type de protéine à l’autre. Alors que le ratio molaire Gln/Glx est de ~95 % pour les α et β-gliadines, il n’est que de ~43 % pour la caséine, de ~36 % pour la β-lactoglobuline, de ~31 % pour l’ovalbumine et de ~28 % pour l’actine. Il est donc possible que certaines protéines puissent présenter des avantages par rapport à d’autres, à quantité égale de Glx.
Résumé L’augmentation de l’espérance de vie chez les patients atteints de fibrose kystique (FK) entraine une augmentation de la prévalence des anomalies de tolérance au glucose, soit l’intolérance au glucose (IGT) et le diabète (DAFK). En dépit du fait, que les anomalies de la tolérance au glucose soient associées à un mauvais prognostic, l’origine de ces troubles n’est pas encore clairement établie. Notre objectif était d’examiner le rôle de l’insulinopénie et de la résistance à l’insuline dans la détérioration de la tolérance au glucose dans une cohorte prospective observationelle patients FK non diabétique. Nos résultats démontrent une réduction marquée de la phase précoce de la sécrétion de l’insuline ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’aire sous la courbe de la glycémie (AUC) chez tous les groupes de patients. Nous avons aussi démontré qu’une variation de la sensibilité à l’insuline joue un rôle prépondérant dans les changements de catégorie de tolérance au glucose dans cette population. Finalement, il semblerait que l’augmentation de l’AUC du glucose et la réduction de la phase précose de la sécrétion d’insuline sont des meileurs prédicateurs du status clinique que les catégories de tolérance au glucose. Il existe plusieurs indices pour évaluer la sécrétion d’insuline et pourtant aucun n’a été validé chez les patients FK. Nous avons examiné la validité des index de la sécrétion de l’insuline dérivés de l’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale (HGPO) ainsi que des valeurs à jeun par rapport au test de référence. Alors que la plupart des index calculés à partir de l’HGPO corrèlent significativement avec les valeurs du test de référence, cela n’est pas le cas pour les index calculés à partir des valeurs à jeun. La validation de ces index nous permet d’évaluer la sécrétion de l’insuline prospectivement dans notre cohorte de FK à partir de l’HGPO, est un test recommandé pour le dépistage du DAFK. Les recommandations nutritionnelles suggèrent aux patients FK une diète comprenant environ 40% de lipides afin d’éviter la malnutrition. Nous avons examiné le profil lipidique des patients FK diabétiques et non diabétiques après une HGPO et un repas hyperlipidique (RT). Nos résultats démontrent que la FK est associée à des augmentations de l’excursion glycémique lors de l’HGPO ou d’un RT comparativement aux témoins. Cependant, le RT provoque 1) une plus faible excursion glycémique comparativement à l’HGPO ; 2) une meilleure suppression de la production hépatique de glucose et 3) l’excursion lipidique postprandiale des patients FK reste normale. Il est donc peu probable que les anomalies de la sécrétion de l’insuline par les cellules soient secondaires à une lipotoxicité. Nous avons aussi examiné les taux d’adiponectine, une hormone sécrétée par le tissu adipeux et pouvant moduler l’action de l’insuline. Les niveaux d’adiponectine corrèlent négativement avec plusieurs facteurs présents chez les patients FK incluant l’IGT, l’inflammation et une adiposité centrale en dépit d'un faible poids corporel. Les patients FK ne présentaient aucune altération des taux d’adiponectine malgré la présence d’une résistance à l’insuline, une inflammation sub-clinique et de l’IGT. La FK apparaît donc comme une condition où il existe une discordance entre les taux d’adiponectine et la résistance à l’insuline ou l’inflammation. En conclusion la prévalence de l’IGT est élevée dans cette population caractérisée par une excursion glycémique anormalement plus élevée, due principalement à une altération de la sécrétion de l’insuline exacerbée par une résistance à l’insuline. Mots clés : Adiponectine, Hyperglycémie par voie oral (HGPO), intolérance au glucose, fibrose kystique, diabète, résistance à l’insuline, sécrétion de l’insuline.
In this study, an attempt has been made to gather enough information regarding lactic acid bacteria from fish and shellfish of tropical regions. The occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen marine fish and shellfish, farmed fish and shellfish, cured and pickled fish and shellfish have been investigated. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) have for centuries been responsible for the fermentative preservation of many foods. They are used to retard spoilage and preserve foods through natural fermentations. They have found commercial applications as starter cultures in the dairy, baking, meat, fish, and vegetable and alcoholic beverage industries. They are industrially important organisms recognized for their fermentative ability as well as their nutritional benefits. These organisms produce various compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins or bactericidal proteins during lactic fermentations.Biopreservation of foods using bacteriocin producing LAB cultures is becoming widely used. The antimicrobial effect of bacteriocins and other compounds produced during fermentation of carbohydrates are well known to inhibit the growth of certain food spoiling bacteria as well as a limited group of food poisoning and pathogenic bacteria LAB like Lactobacillus plantarum are widely used as starter cultures for the Production of fish ensilage. The present study is the first quantitative and qualitative study on the occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen fish and prawn. It is concluded that Lactobacillus plantaruni was the predominant lactobacillus species in fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The ability of selected Lactobacillus cultures to grow at low temperatures, high salt content, produce bacteriocins, rapidly ferment sugars and decrease the pH make them potential candidates for biopreservation of fish and shellfish.
L - Glutaminase, a therapeutically and industrially important enzyme, was produced from marine Vibrio costicola by a novel solid state fermentation process using polystyrene beads as inert support. The new fermentation system offered several advantages over the conventional systems, such as the yield of leachate with minimum viscosity and high specific activity for the target product besides facilitating the easy estimation of biomass. The enzyme thus produced was purified and characterised. It was active at physiological pH, showed high substrate specificity towards L - glutamine and had a Km value of 7.4 x 10-2 M. It also exhibited high salt and temperature tolerance indicating good scope for its industrial and therapeutic applications
Mangroves are specialised ecosystems developed along estuarine sea coasts and river mouths in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly in the intertidal zone. Hence, the ecosystem and its biological components is under the influence of both marine and freshwater conditions and has developed a set of physiological adaptations to overcome problems of anoxia, salinity and frequent tidal inundations. This has led to the assemblage of a wide variety of plant and animal species of special adaptations suited to the ecosystem. The path of photosynthesis in mangroves is different from other glycophytes. There are modifications or alterations in other physiological processes such as carbohydrate metabolism or polyphenol synthesis. As they survive under extreme conditions of salinity, temperature, tides and anoxic soil conditions they may have chemical compounds, which protect them from these destructive elements. Mangroves are necessarily tolerant of high salt levels and have mechanisms to take up water despite strong osmotic potentials. Some also take up salts, but excrete them through specialised glands in the leaves. Others transfer salts into senescent leaves or store them in the bark or the wood. Still others simply become increasingly conservative in their water use as water salinity increases. A usual transportation or biosynthetic path as other plants cannot be expected in mangrove plants. In India, the states like West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra, and Gujarat occupy vast area of mangroves. Kerala has only 6 km2 total mangrove area with Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera cylindrica, Avicennia officinalis, Sonneratia caseolaris, Sonneratia apetala and Kandelia candal, as the important species present, most of which belong to the family Rhizophoraceae.Rhizophoraceae mangroves are ranked as “major elements of mangroves” as they give the real shape of this unique and interesting ecosystem and these mangrove species most productive and typical characteristic ecosystem of World renowned. It was found that the Rhizophoraceae mangrove extracts exhibit several bioactive properties. Various parts of these mangroves are used in ethnomedicinal practices. Even though extracts from these mangroves possess therapeutic activity against humans, animal and plant pathogens, the specific metabolites responsible for these bioactivities remains to be elucidated. Various parts of these mangroves are used in ethnomedicinal practices. There is a gap of information towards the chemistry of Rhizophoraceae mangroves from Kerala. Thorough phytochemical investigation can achieve the validity of ethnomedicines as well as apply the use of mangrove plants in the development of new drugs. Such studies can pave a firm base for their use in biomarker and chemotaxonomic studies as well as for the better management of the existing mangrove ecosystem. In this study, the various chemical parameters including minerals, biochemical components, bioactive and biomarker molecules were used to classify and assess the possible potentials of the mangrove plants of the true mangrove family Rhizophoraceae from Kochi.
In recent years, several studies have linked sodium intake to hypertension, and the consequent mortality risk due to vascular diseases. Several UE member states and the WHO recommend reducing the salt intake level to a maximum of 5 g per day. Salt is a useful ingredient for meat product processing. A reduction of added salt provokes a decrease in the quality of meat products. As a technological strategy, the reduction of the amount of added salt and the addition of potassium lactate, until a 30% molar substitution (taking into account the salt standard amount (30 g/kg)), have been proposed. This substitution could modify the product evolution during its processing. The knowledge of these effects could make the optimization of the process easier. In dry-cured meat products with a reduced salt content, it could be concluded that the proposed strategy reduces the processing period, as well as the anomalous texture risk; it increases the product safety and it does not modify the visual attributes.
Background: The regulation of platelet function by pharmacological agents that modulate platelet signaling haspharmacolo proven a successful approach to the prevention of thrombosis. A variety of molecules present in the diet have been shown to inhibit platelet activation, including the antioxidant quercetin. Objectives: In this report we investigate the molecular mechanisms through which quercetin inhibits collagen-stimulated platelet aggregation. Methods: The effect of quercetin on platelet aggregation, intracellular calcium release, whole cell tyrosine phosphorylation and intracellular signaling events including tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity of proteins involved in the collagen-stimulated glycoprotein (GP) signaling pathway were investigated. Results: We report that quercetin inhibits collagen-stimulated whole cell protein tyrosine phosphorylation and intracellular mobilization of calcium, in a concentration-dependent manner. Quercetin was also found to inhibit various events in signaling generated by the collagen receptor GPVI. This includes collagen-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain, Syk, LAT and phospholipase Cgamma2. Inhibition of phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain suggests that quercetin inhibits early signaling events following stimulation of platelets with collagen. The activity of the kinases that phosphorylate the Fc receptor gamma-chain, Fyn and Lyn, as well as the tyrosine kinase Syk and phosphoinositide 3-kinase was also inhibited by quercetin in a concentration-dependent manner, both in whole cells and in isolation. Conclusions: The present results provide a molecular basis for the inhibition by quercetin of collagen-stimulated platelet activation, through inhibition of multiple components of the GPVI signaling pathway, and may begin to explain the proposed health benefits of high quercetin intake.