962 resultados para high rainfall areas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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In this paper, the spatial and temporal distribution of the daily precipitation concentration index (CI) in Algeria (south Mediterranean Sea) has been assessed. CI is an index related to the rainfall intensity and erosive capacity; therefore, this index is of great interest for studies on torrential rainfall and floods. Forty-two daily rainfall series based on high-quality and fairly regular rainfall records for the period from 1970 to 2008 were used. The daily precipitation CI results allowed the identification of three climate zones: the northern country, characterized by coastal regions with CI values between 0.59 and 0.63; the highlands, with values between 0.57 and 0.62, except for the region of Biskra (CI = 0.70); and the southern region of the country, with high rainfall concentrations with values between 0.62 and 0.69.


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The world’s population is having more and more difficulties in performing their daily activities and leisure, becoming, this way, more sedentary. Sedentary lifestyle can be considered as a reduction or as a lack of physical activity, less than the minimum volume suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical activity changes the behavior and some environmental acts. This study aimed to identify the NAF of students in the area of Physical Education and Healt Nursing and compare it with identified students’ levels non-health areas, being Production Engineer and Pedagogy. Aimed to correlate the found volume of 15 participants, with the state of cardio respiratory fitness (VO2max). The study included 125 students of both sexes from a university located in São Paulo state country. We conducted a cross-sectional study from August to October of 2012. For the initial test of the volume of physical activity we used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version. In order of assessing cardio respiratory fitness, the Katch and McArdle seat test (1981) was used. Data were analyzed according to Physical Activity Level (PAL) presented by the university students in sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 of the IPAQ, and 15 students’ results were correlated with VO2max test. From these results we can say that: IPAQ session 1 showed that students in the health area are statistically superior to the non-health students area to the high-active classification. In session 2 the results were significant and superior to the health area and very active in sedentary classification. The session 3 results were very similar to session 1, showing that the health area as high-active with statistics differences. In session 4 we can see very significant results for health area in high-active areas and irregular actives. A total of 4 sessions found significant results for very active and sedentary. When was the attempt of association between levels 15 participants found the IPAQ long version and test bank VO2max, the results showed no significant association. The results of this study show a need for policies to encourage physical activity in the University environment, emphasizing a greater need for students who do not work in healthcare.


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Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration for several types of mineral deposits. When combined with direct studies as geochemistry, a substantial increase in the probability of ore discovery is possible in mineral exploration activities. Electrical geophysical methods are particularly promising in studies related to the search of sulphides due to the contrast of physical properties electric resistivity and chargeability. This paper presents the results obtained from the application of Resistivity (DC) and Induced Polarization methods, through the electrical profiling technique, aiming at evaluating the potential mineral of a gabbro intruded in a metasedimentary sequence, in an area where several occurrences of gold and copper were described. This gabbro is ranked on the Basic-Ultrabasic stratiform bodies, which gather peridotites, gabbros, and layered anortosites. Three radial lines of electrical profiling were performed, spaced of 60° and crossing at the area center, with readings of electric resistivity and chargeability in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The association of low resistivity and high chargeability areas has allowed defining potentially mineralized zones related to structures that condition the drainage net in the gabbro domain. Grains of gold detected through geochemical prospection of alluvial sediments dowstream from the gabbro may have originated from leaching of ores deposited in fractures through the action of river waters within the gabbro domain, possibly consisting of sulphides and gold.


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The study aimed mapping of the land use capacity classes for the Rio das Pedras watershed, Itatinga-SP in order to provide another mechanism of environmental planning for the studied area. It was used 1:10,000 topographic letters for the slope map generation which was overlaid with the studied area soil map. It was applied the judgment table criteria method, for generation of land use capacity map of the studied area. It were identified the following results: First, class III with constraints in relation of low fertility and restrictions about erosion risks on high slope areas. Second, class VI with the same characteristics of class III however with the presence of an aggravating factor of sand texture in all horizons, resulting in high risks of erosion events, especially in high slopes areas, and contamination by pollutants due the high soil permeability. Conclusions: It was verified that the more critical regions for land use capacity classes were VIs and mainly VIes class. The last one has more high relief areas and the presence of Neossolo Quartzarenico soil, with a big erosion propensity. The land use capacity map allow making different decisions for each region of the watershed respecting their individual characteristics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Results from a large-scale, capture–recapture study of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the North Atlantic show that migration timing is influenced by feeding ground origin. No significant differences were observed in the number of individuals from any feeding area that were re-sighted in the common breeding area in the West Indies. However, there was a relationship between the proportion (logit transformed) of West Indies sightings and longitude (r2 = 0.97, F1,3 = 98.27, P = 0.0022) suggesting that individuals feeding farther to the east are less likely to winter in the West Indies. A relationship was also detected between sighting date in the West Indies and feeding area. Mean sighting dates in the West Indies for individuals identified in the Gulf of Maine and eastern Canada were significantly earlier than those for animals identified in Greenland, Iceland and Norway (9.97 days, t179 = 3.53, P = 0.00054). There was also evidence for sexual segregation in migration; males were seen earlier on the breeding ground than were females (6.63 days, t105 = 1.98, P = 0.050). This pattern was consistently observed for animals from all feeding areas; a combined model showed a significant effect for both sex (F1 = 5.942, P = 0.017) and feeding area (F3 =4.756, P=0.0038). The temporal difference in occupancy of the West Indies between individuals from different feeding areas, coupled with sexual differences in migratory patterns, presents the possibility that there are reduced mating opportunities between individuals from different high latitude areas.


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In 1966, when the annual damage survey was initiated, Dr. C. R. Weaver, Statistician at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, drew up a sampling plan, balancing costs against desired precision. The plan included three combinations of fields to be sampled and stations per field for high damage areas, three combinations for moderate damage areas, and two combinations for light damage areas. Alternatives for the high damage area included (1) 497 fields with two stations per field (± .48), (2) 775 fields with two stations per field (± .26), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (— .68). For the moderate damage areas, the alternatives were (1) 441 fields with three stations per field (± .26), (2) 155 fields with three stations per field (± .50), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (± .32). The light dam¬age area alternatives were (1) 297 fields with three stations per field (- .26), and (2) 81 fields with three stations per field (± .50). The original survey in 1966 sampled eight counties in three regions. In 1967, 14 counties in the same three regions were sampled. Two new counties were added to one region and two new regions with two counties each (treated as one region for sampling purposes) were added to the 1968 survey. The 1968 survey was of sufficient size to be representative of the corn damage picture in Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The 1969 survey was identical to the 1968 survey.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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The rapid expansion of ethanol production from sugarcane in Brazil has raised a number of questions regarding its negative consequences and sustainability. Positive impacts are the elimination of lead compounds from gasoline and the reduction of noxious emissions. There is also the reduction of CO2 emissions, since sugarcane ethanol requires only a small amount of fossil fuels for its production, being thus a renewable fuel. These positive impacts are particularly noticeable in the air quality improvement of metropolitan areas but also in rural areas where mechanized harvesting of green cane is being introduced, eliminating the burning of sugarcane. Negative impacts such as future large-scale ethanol production from sugarcane might lead to the destruction or damage of high-biodiversity areas, deforestation, degradation or damaging of soils through the use of chemicals and soil decarbonization, water resources contamination or depletion, competition between food and fuel production decreasing food security and a worsening of labor conditions on the fields. These questions are discussed here, with the purpose of clarifying the sustainability aspects of ethanol production from sugarcane mainly in Sao Paulo State, where more than 60% of Brazil`s sugarcane plantations are located and are responsible for 62% of ethanol production. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Portunid crabs are an important resource in estuaries, and require appropriate management to guarantee their long-term availability. We investigated the population dynamics and reproduction of Callinectes danae in the Estuarine-Bay Complex of Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to provide basic biological information for public policies for the management of this fishery. Monthly samples were obtained from March 2007 to February 2008 on eight transects, four in the estuary and four in the bay. A total of 2261 specimens (403 males, 1288 females, of which 570 were ovigerous) were collected. Males were significantly larger than females, and the size-frequency distribution was unimodal for males, females and ovigerous females. The sex ratio was nearly always skewed toward females (M:F - 1:4.6). C. danae showed seasonal-continuous reproduction, with high reproductive activity in the warmer season. C. danae breeds in the estuarine-bay complex, with males and juvenile females concentrated in the estuary. After copulation, fertilized females migrate to the estuary entrance and the bay, where ovigerous females are commonly found spawning in high-salinity areas. Therefore, to manage this important economic resource, both the estuary and the bay should be considered for protection, but special attention should be given to the estuary entrance during the summer months, when ovigerous females concentrate.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze cause-specifi c mortality rates according to the relative income hypothesis. METHODS: All 96 administrative areas of the city of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, were divided into two groups based on the Gini coefficient of income inequality: high (>= 0.25) and low (<0.25). The propensity score matching method was applied to control for confounders associated with socioeconomic differences among areas. RESULTS: The difference between high and low income inequality areas was statistically significant for homicide (8.57 per 10,000; 95% CI: 2.60; 14.53); ischemic heart disease (5.47 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.76; 10.17]); HIV/AIDS (3.58 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.58; 6.57]); and respiratory diseases (3.56 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.18; 6.94]). The ten most common causes of death accounted for 72.30% of the mortality difference. Infant mortality also had signifi cantly higher age-adjusted rates in high inequality areas (2.80 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.86; 4.74]), as well as among males (27.37 per 10,000 [95% CI 6.19; 48.55]) and females (15.07 per 10,000 [95% CI 3.65; 26.48]). CONCLUSIONS: The study results support the relative income hypothesis. After propensity score matching cause-specifi c mortality rates was higher in more unequal areas. Studies on income inequality in smaller areas should take proper accounting of heterogeneity of social and demographic characteristics.