750 resultados para glyphosate potássico


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RESUMOO azevém é uma planta daninha de ciclo anual, encontrada em praticamente todas as lavouras de inverno, em pomares e vinhedos da região Sul do Brasil. A espécie é normalmente controlada pelo herbicida glyphosate, no entanto, o uso continuado desse produto selecionou biótipos resistentes. Diferenças na suscetibilidade do azevém a herbicidas têm sido atribuídas a características morfológicas, anatômicas e genéticas das plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar a caracterização morfoanatômica, adequar metodologia para a análise citológica de cromossomos e indicar corantes para testes de viabilidade polínica de biótipos de azevém suscetível e resistentes ao herbicida glyphosate. As sementes dos biótipos de azevém suspeitos de resistência provieram do município de São Valentin, RS (SVA 1 e SVA 4), e Passo Fundo, RS (PFU 5), e as do biótipo conhecidamente suscetível (SVA 2), de São Valentin. Os biótipos de azevém estudados que apresentam resistência ao herbicida glyphosate não podem ser diferenciados do biótipo suscetível através de aspectos morfológicos, não existindo diferenças anatômicas de folha e raiz que evidenciem possibilidade da absorção diferencial do herbicida glyphosate entre os biótipos de azevém. A metodologia para a análise citológica dos biótipos de azevém merece adequações para melhor nitidez dos cromossomos, podendo-se aumentar o tempo de hidrólise e de exposição ao agente antimitótico utilizado neste trabalho, bem como testar outros agentes. Todos os corantes apresentaram bom desempenho na determinação da viabilidade polínica frente aos biótipos avaliados, exceto o azul de tripan, que subestimou os resultados.


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ABSTRACT The recent introduction of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Brazilian agricultural areas may promote several changes on weed management, especially in no-till systems and in glyphosate-resistant crops, since glyphosate-resistant biotypes of A. palmerihave been frequently selected in other countries. Therefore, this research was developed in order to evaluate the glyphosate susceptibility of a Palmer amaranth biotype recently identified in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. For this purpose, glyphosate susceptibility of three Amaranthusbiotypes was compared: A.hybridus var. patulus, collected in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil; A.hybridus var. patulus, collected in the State of São Paulo - Brazil; and A.palmeri, collected in the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil. Dose-response curves were generated for all biotypes, considering eight rates of glyphosate and six replicates. All the experiments were repeated twice. Both A.hybridus biotypes were satisfactorily controlled by glyphosate, demanding rates equal to or lower than 541.15 g a.e. ha-1 for 80% control (LD80). The A.palmeri biotype was not controlled by glyphosate in any of the assessments and required rates greater than 4,500 g a.e. ha-1 to reach LD80, which are economically and environmentally unacceptable. Comparison of the Brazilian A.palmeri biotype to the A. hybridus biotypes, as well as, to the results available in scientific international literature, led to the conclusion that the Brazilian Palmer amaranth biotype is resistant to glyphosate.


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ABSTRACTEfficiency of weed control can be increased if the herbicide formulation provides higher target coverage and evaporation time that enable an adequate distribution of herbicide on the target plant, allowing the absorption to continue even after the droplets evaporation. The aim of this research was to assess the influence of glyphosate formulations on the wetted area and evaporation time of droplets on different targets. Tests were conducted with droplets sizing from 500 μm containing three formulations of glyphosate (isopropylamine salt, ammonium salt and potassium salt) deposited on three surfaces, two leaves (Bidens pilosa and Cenchrus echinatus) and glass slides. Sequential images analyses were used to quantify the evaporation time and the wetted area. An experimental system was utilized that was composed of a droplet generator, a stereo microscope with a camera to capture images, as well as an environmental chamber controlled for temperature and relative humidity. The kind of glyphosate formulations and target surfaces are crucial in the wetted area and evaporation time. The isopropylamine salt decreased the wetted area and evaporation time when compared with ammonium salt and potassium salt for all the surfaces deposited on. Bidens pilosa allows an increased wetted area for all the glyphosate formulations when compared to Cenchrus echinatus and glass slides.


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ABSTRACTWith the present study we aim to assess the damage caused to Eucalyptus plants exposed to glyphosate drift in different canopy portions. The drift simulation was carried out through application of 1,080 g ha-1 of glyphosate in five canopy portions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the low branches), in four areas of cultivation. Areas I and II, plants with 0.91 and 2.98 m, and height of canopy drift exposition of 0.30 and 1.0 m, respectively. In areas III and IV both cultivations were 8.15 m high, varying the height of drift exposition between 2.0 and 2.5 m, respectively. At 30 and 480 days after application (DAA), the survival rate was assessed, and at 300 and 480 DAA diameter at breast height (DBH), height, volume and their respective increment were determined. The medium annual increment (MAI) was determined at 480 DAA. Area I, in which the plants were 0.91 m high, we observed that treatment with 100% of the low branches exposed to drift led to stand reduction of the plants around 18.75 and 38.19% at 30 and 480 DAA, respectively. Areas I and II showed reduction in plant growth in height and DBH, wood volume and MAI, to the extent that there was an increase in the portion of canopy exposed to glyphosate drift. However, in areas III and IV, in which 8.15 m height plants were found, no changes were verified for the evaluated characteristics, regardless of the portion of canopy exposed to glyphosate drift.


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RESUMO Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a interação entre o tamanho do vaso de cultivo e doses de glyphosate no crescimento, na fisiologia e na eficácia de controle de Brachiaria decumbens. A semeadura foi feita em vasos contendo 2, 5, 10 e 20 L de substrato, mantidos em casa de vegetação. Entre os 41 e 63 dias após a emergência (DAE), avaliou-se o crescimento deB. decumbens. Aos 64 DAE, fez-se a aplicação do glyphosate nas doses de 0,0, 0,8, 1,6 e 3,2 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido. Foram avaliadas as trocas gasosas e a fluorescência da clorofila a, aos dois dias após a aplicação (DAA), bem como a eficácia de controle, aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 DAA, sendo nesta última avaliação determinada ainda a matéria seca da parte aérea. Por fim, aferiu-se ainda a capacidade de rebrota de B. decunbens aos 28 dias após o corte. O crescimento de B. decumbens aumentou linearmente com o aumento do tamanho do vaso. As trocas gasosas e os parâmetros de fluorescência foram afetados pelas doses de glyphosate, mas não pela variação do tamanho do vaso. Não houve interação significativa entre doses e tamanhos de vasos sobre a eficácia de controle, porém essa variável aumentou consideravelmente com o aumento da dose e, discretamente, com o aumento do tamanho de vaso, sobretudo nas avaliações até os 14 DAA. A matéria seca da parte área aos 28 DAA e de rebrota foi dependente da interação entre tamanho do vaso e dose de glyphosate. O tamanho do vaso deve ser escolhido com critério para ensaios de eficácia de controle de B. decumbens com herbicida sistêmico.


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RESUMO A adubação fosfatada pode influenciar a resposta das culturas tolerantes ao glyphosate em razão de a absorção ativa do herbicida ser mediada por carreadores de fosfato. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar características de crescimento de plantas de milho RR e soja RR quando submetidas à aplicação de glyphosate e de adubo fosfatado. O primeiro experimento foi realizado variando as doses de glyphosate (720 a 1.440 g e.a. ha-1) e de superfosfato triplo (54 a 162 kg ha-1 de P2O5) adicional à adubação recomendada. O segundo experimento foi realizado variando as mesmas doses de glyphosate e com adubação fosfatada (162 kg ha-1 de P2O5) ou não, mantendo-se a testemunha sem aplicação do herbicida e do adubo. Para ambas as culturas, altura e massa seca foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos, e o número de folhas não foi afetado. A resposta das plantas de milho e soja, quanto à altura e à massa seca, foi contrária com a aplicação de glyphosate e de superfosfato triplo; enquanto o crescimento das plantas de soja foi afetado negativamente, plantas de milho aumentaram seu crescimento quando expostas ao glyphosate em substrato com elevada adubação fosfatada (162 kg ha-1 de P2O5).


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The success of the intercropping among cultivated species depends on the adoption of practices that provide, in due course, greater competitive ability of a species over another. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of glyphosate herbicide in the suppression of Brachiaria (signalgrass) intercropped with maize. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a 5 x 2 + 2 factorial arrangement, the first factor corresponding to the doses of glyphosate (48, 96, 144, 240, 480 g ha-1 of the acid equivalent (a.e)) and the second one to the vegetative stages of the signalgrass at the time of application (2 and 4 tillers). Two controls were added to the treatment list, comprising controls without herbicide application and hand removal of the signalgrass. The number of plants, tillers and dry matter of signalgrass was reduced with glyphosate. The increase of the glyphosate doses enhanced the injure to the forage plants, mainly when the compound was sprayed at the two-tiller vegetative stage. The dry matter of maize plants increased proportionally to the glyphosate dose. However, the height of the maize plants was not affected. The grain mass and productivity of maize grain increased with increasing dose of glyphosate. The maize yield was negatively influenced on the untreated control. Glyphosate at 96 and 144 g ha-1, when applied at 2 and 4 tiller stage, respectively, reduces the growth of signalgrass and does not affect the maize grain yield.


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A dessecação de plantas de soja em pré-colheita com glyphosate vem se tornando prática rotineira entre os produtores, apesar de não ser recomendada, pois pode comprometer a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da dessecação das plantas em pré-colheita com glyphosate na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja colhidas em duas épocas após a aplicação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas principais consistiram da dessecação ou não das plantas de soja com glyphosate em pré-colheita, no estádio R7, e as subparcelas da colheita das sementes 7 e 14 dias após a aplicação. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, dano mecânico, viabilidade, massa de 100 sementes e teor de proteína. A qualidade fisiológica foi avaliada por meio dos testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica, comprimento de plântulas e massa da matéria seca das plântulas. A dessecação das plantas de soja em pré-colheita com glyphosate ocasiona redução da germinação das sementes e do desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas. O atraso na colheita reduz a germinação das sementes oriundas de plantas de soja dessecadas com glyphosate em pré-colheita, mas minimiza os efeitos fitotóxicos no desenvolvimento das plântulas.


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In consequence of several studies and speculations concerning the issue of RR transgenic soybean after the application of glyphosate, additional scientific investigations became necessary to clarify the actual viability of the product use when applied in different developmental stages of the soybean crop. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the physiological quality as well as seed health quality of RR soybean subjected to application of the herbicide glyphosate in different phonological stages of the transgenic soybean, cultivar CD 219RR. For this, an experiment with a complete block experimental design with treatments randomly distributed within the block, with four replications, was carried out. The assessed treatments were foliar sprayings of glyphosate in three increasing dosages [0 (control); 1,440 g ha-1; and 2,880 g ha-1] of acid equivalent, applied in two crop developmental stages: vegetative (V6) and reproductive (R2). The variables assessed were: germination; first count of germination; fresh and dry mass of seedlings, lengths of seedling and root; vigor and viability by the tetrazolium test; and seed health quality. Glyphosate application may adversely affect physiological quality of RR soybean seeds, when applied in dosages varying from 1,440 to 2,880 g acid equivalent per hectare at the stages V6 and R2.


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This paper describes the development of a sequential injection method to automate the fluorimetric determination of glyphosate based on a first step of oxidation to glycine by hypochlorite at 48 degrees C, followed by reaction with the fluorogenic reagent o-phthaldialdehyde in presence of 2-mercaptoethanol in borate buffer (pH > 9) to produce a fluorescent 1-(2`-hydroxyethylthio)-2-N-alkylisoindole. The proposed method has a linear response for glyphosate concentrations between 0.25 and 25.0 mu mol L(-1), with limits of detection and quantification of 0.08 and 0.25 mu mol L(-1), respectively. The sampling rate of the method is 18 samples per hour, consuming only a fraction of reagents consumed by the chromatographic method based on the same chemistry. The method was applied to study adsorption/desorption properties in a soil and in a sediment sample. Adsorption and desorption isotherms were properly fitted by Freundlich and Langmuir equations, leading to adsorption capacities of 1384 +/- 26 and 295 +/- 30 mg kg(-1) for the soil and sediment samples, respectively. These values are consistent with the literature, with the larger adsorption capacity of the soil being explained by its larger content of clay minerals, while the sediment was predominantly sandy. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple, rapid, and low-cost coulometric method for direct detection of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in water samples using anion-exchange chromatography and coulometric detection with copper electrode is presented. Under optimized conditions, the limits of detection (LODs) (S/N = 3) were 0.038 mu g ml(-1) for glyphosate and 0.24 mu g ml(-1) for AMPA, without any preconcentration method. The calibration curves were linear and presented an excellent correlation coefficient. The method was successfully applied to the determination of glyphosate and AMPA in water samples without any kind of extraction, clean-up, or preconcentration step. No interferent was found in the water, like this, the recovery was, practically, 100%. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A copper phthalocyanine/multiwalled carbon nanotube film-modified glassy carbon electrode has been used for the determination of the herbicide glyphosate (Gly) at -50 mV vs. SCE by electrochemical oxidation using differential pulse voltamtnetry (DPV). Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that Gly is adsorbed on the metallic centre of the copper phthalocyanine molecule, with formation of Gly-copper ion complexes. An analytical method was developed using DPV in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution, without any pretreatment steps: Gly was determined in the concentration range of 0.83-9.90 mu mol L(-1), with detection limit 12.2 nmol L(-1) (2.02 mu g L(-1))


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar os sintomas de intoxicação causados pela aplicação de glyphosate, foi montado um estudo composto por quatro ensaios com aplicações de glyphosate (360 g e.a. L-1) em eucalipto. em todos os ensaios, mudas foram transplantadas em vasos de 5,0 L. Nos ensaios 1 e 2, foram aplicados volumes crescentes de solução de glyphosate no caule do eucalipto. No ensaio 1, a solução de 3% (v/v) foi aplicada nos volumes de 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 e 160 µL de calda por planta e, no segundo, a solução de glyphosate a 2% (v/v) foi aplicada nos volumes de 0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 µL de calda por planta. Nos ensaios 3 e 4, foram feitas aplicações de glyphosate sobre as plantas de eucalipto. No ensaio 3, as doses foram de 0, 7,2.10-7, 7,2.10-6, 7,2.10-5, 7,2.10-4, 7,2.10-3, 7,2.10-2, 7,2.10-1, 7,2, 72, 360 e 720 g e.a. de glyphosate ha-1 e, no ensaio 4, de 0, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 432, 576, 720, 1.080, 1.440 e 2.160 g e.a. de glyphosate ha-1. Nos quatro ensaios foi utilizado o delineamento DIC, com três repetições. Nas plantas, foram avaliadas a altura, a área foliar e a matéria seca de caule e folhas. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análises de regressão. Quando aplicadas no caule, doses de 40,78 e 51,41 µL de calda por planta de glyphosate a 3 e 2% (v/v), respectivamente, nos ensaios 1 e 2, foram suficientes para redução média de 50% das características estudadas. Nas aplicações sobre as folhas, houve maior sensibilidade das plantas mais desenvolvidas. Para redução média de 50% nas variáveis analisadas, foram necessárias doses de 277,4 e 143,3 g e.a. de glyphosate ha-1 nos ensaios 3 e 4, respectivamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)