954 resultados para gear clutch
One of the most common bee genera in the Niagara Region, the genus Ceratina (Hymenoptera: Apidae) is composed of four species, C. dupla, C. calcarata, the very rare C. strenua, and a previously unknown species provisionally named C. near dupla. The primary goal of this thesis was to investigate how these closely related species coexist with one another in the Niagara ~ee community. The first necessary step was to describe and compare the nesting biologies and life histories of the three most common species, C. dupla, C. calcarata and the new C. near dupla, which was conducted in 2008 via nest collections and pan trapping. Ceratina dupla and C. calcarata were common, each comprising 49% of the population, while C. near dupla was rare, comprising only 2% of the population. Ceratina dupla and C. near dupla both nested more commonly in teasel (Dipsacus sp.) in the sun, occasionally in raspberry (Rubus sp.) in the shade, and never in shady sumac (Rhus sp.), while C. calcarata nested most commonly in raspberry and sumac (shaded) and occasionally in teasel (sunny). Ceratina near dupla differed from both C. dupla and C. calcarata in that it appeared to be partially bivoltine, with some females founding nests very early and then again very late in the season. To examine the interactions and possible competition for nests that may be taking place between C. dupla and C. calcarata, a nest choice experiment was conducted in 2009. This experiment allowed both species to choose among twigs from all three substrates in the sun and in the shade. I then compared the results from 2008 (where bees chose from what was available), to where they nested when given all options (2009 experiment). Both C. dupla and C. calcarata had the same preferences for microhabitat and nest substrate in 2009, that being raspberry and sumac twigs in the sun. As that microhabitat and nest substrate combination is extremely rare in nature, both species must make a choice. In nature Ceratina dupla nests more often in the preferred microhabitat (sun), while C. calcarata nests in the preferred substrate (raspberry). Nesting in the shade also leads to smaller clutch sizes, higher parasitism and lower numbers of live brood in C. calcarata, suggesting that C. dupla may be outcompeting C. calcarata for the sunny nesting sites. The development and host preferences of Ceratina parasitoids were also examined. Ceratina species in Niagara were parasitized by no less than eight species of arthropod. Six of these were wasps from the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), one was a wasp from the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) and one was a physogastric mite from the family Pyemotidae (Acari). Parasites shared a wide range of developmental strategies, from ichneumonid larvae that needed to consume multiple Ceratina immatures to complete development, to the species from the Eulophidae (Baryscapus) and Encyrtidae (Coelopencyrtus), in which multiple individuals completed development inside a single Ceratina host. Biological data on parasitoids is scarce in the scientific literature, and this Chapter documents these interactions for future research.
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling inside her fifth and last plane (as written in her scrapbook). The airplane is described as a 1956 Beech Bonanza, 4 seat, retractable gear, 225 Continental engine.
L’intensification des pratiques agricoles a été identifiée comme cause majeure du déclin de la biodiversité. Plusieurs études ont documenté l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage naturel et de l’agriculture intensive sur la diversité des espèces, mais très peu ont quantifié le lien entre la structure du paysage et les interactions trophiques, ainsi que les mécanismes d’adaptation des organismes. J’ai étudié un modèle biologique à trois niveaux trophiques composé d’un oiseau hôte, l’hirondelle bicolore Tachycineta bicolor, de mouches ectoparasites du genre Protocalliphora et de guêpes parasitoïdes du genre Nasonia, au travers d’un gradient d’intensification agricole dans le sud du Québec. Le premier objectif était de déterminer l’abondance des espèces de mouches ectoparasites et de leurs guêpes parasitoïdes qui colonisent les nids d’hirondelles dans la zone d’étude. La prévalence de nids infectés par Protocalliphora spp. était de 70,8% en 2008 et 34,6% en 2009. Le pourcentage de nids comprenant des pupes de Protocalliphora parasitées par Nasonia spp. était de 85,3% en 2008 et 67,2% en 2009. Trois espèces de Protocalliphora ont été observées (P. sialia, P. bennetti et P. metallica) ainsi que deux espèces de Nasonia (N. vitripennis et N. giraulti). Il s’agit d’une première mention de P. bennetti et de N. giraulti dans la province de Québec. Mon deuxième objectif était d’évaluer l’impact de l’intensification agricole et de la structure du paysage sur les relations tri-trophiques entre les organismes à l’étude. Les résultats révèlent que les réponses à la structure du paysage de l’hirondelle, de l’ectoparasite et de l’hyperparasite dépendantent de l’échelle spatiale. L’échelle spatiale fonctionnelle à laquelle les espèces répondent le plus varie selon le paramètre du paysage modélisé. Les analyses démontrent que l’intensification des pratiques agricoles entraîne une diminution des populations d’oiseaux, d’ectoparasites et d’hyperparasites. De plus, les populations de Protocalliphora et de Nasonia sont menacées en paysage intensif puisque la dégradation du paysage associée à l’intensification des pratiques agricoles agit directement sur leurs populations et indirectement sur les populations de leurs hôtes. Mon troisième objectif était de caractériser les mécanismes comportementaux permettant aux guêpes de composer avec la variabilité de la structure du paysage et de la qualité des hôtes. Nos résultats révèlent que les femelles Nasonia ajustent la taille de leur ponte en fonction de la taille de la pupe hôte et de l’incidence d’hyperparasitisme. Le seul facteur ayant une influence déterminante sur le ratio sexuel est la proportion de paysage dédié à l’agriculture intensive. Aucune relation n’a été observée entre la structure du paysage et la taille des filles et des fils produits par les femelles Nasonia fondatrices. Ce phénomène est attribué aux comportements d’ajustement de la taille de la ponte et du ratio sexuel. En ajustant ces derniers, minimisant ainsi la compétition entre les membres de leur progéniture, les femelles fondatrices sont capables de maximiser la relation entre la disponibilité des ressources et la valeur sélective de leur progéniture. En conclusion, ce travail souligne l’importance de considérer le contexte spatial des interactions trophiques, puisqu’elles influencent la biodiversité locale et le fonctionnement de l’écosystème.
Bottom trawling is one among the most destructive human induced physical disturbances inflicted to seabed and its living communities. The bottom trawls are designed to tow along the sea floor, which on its operation indiscriminately smashes everything on their way crushing, killing, burying and exposing to predators the benthic fauna. Bottom trawling causes physical and biological damages that are irreversible, extensive and long lasting. The commercial trawling fleet of India consists of 29,241 small and medium-fishing boats. The northwest coast of India has the largest fishing fleet consisting of 23,618 mechanized vessels, especially the bottom trawlers. However, attempts were not made to study the impact of bottom trawling along Northwest coast of India. The estimated optimum fleet size of Gujarat is 1,473 mechanised trawlers while 7402 commercial trawlers are operated from the coast of Gujarat. Veraval port was designed initially for 1,200 fishing trawlers but 2793 trawlers are being operated from this port making it the largest trawler port of Gujarat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bottom trawling on the substratum and the associated benthic communities of commercial trawling grounds of Veraval coast. The study compared the differences between the samples collected before and after experimental trawling to detect the impacts of bottom trawling. Attempts were made to assess the possible impact of bottom trawling on:(i) the sediment characteristics (ii)the sediment heavy metals (iii) epifauna (iv) macrobenthos and (v) meiobenthos. This study is expected to generate information on trawling impacts of the studied area that will help in better management of the biological diversity and integrity of the benthic fauna off Veraval coast. An exhaustive review on the studies conducted around the world and in India on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna is also detailed.In the present study, the bottom trawling induced variations on sediment organic matter, epifauna, macrobenthos and meiobenthos were evident. It was also observed that the seasonal/ natural variations were more prominent masking the trawling effect on sediment texture and heavy metals. Enforcement of control of excess bottom trawlers and popularization of semi pelagic trawls designed to operate a little distance above the sea bottom for off bottom resources will minimize disturbance on the sea bottom. Training and creating awareness in responsible fishing should be made mandatory requirements, to the coastal communities. They should be made wardens to protect the valuable resources for the benefit of sustainability. To protect the biodiversity and ecosystem health, the imminent need is to survey and make catalogue, identification of sensitive areas or hot spots and to adopt management strategies for the conservation and biodiversity protection of benthic fauna. The present study is a pioneering work carried out along Veraval coast. This thesis will provide a major fillip to the studies on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna along the coast of India.
The overall focus of the thesis involves Studies on the riverine fishing geara of central kerala.Rivers and reservoirs of India harbour a rich and varied spectrum of fishes exceeding 400 species, which include commercially important fishes.The fish and fisheries play a crucial role in kerala's economy,employment generation ,food security and well being of its people.In the present study ,results of investigations conducted during 2001-2002 on riverine fishing gears of central kerala are presented along with detailed description of fishing gears,their distribution and operation covering aspects of selectivity and operational economics.Chapter I gives an introduction to the topiC of the study highlighting the relevance of the study and reviews of the existing literature on fishing gears and practices in riverine sector and sets out objectives of the study.The chapter 11 deals with the Materials and Methods used for the conduct of the investigations. In this chapter the area and the rivers selected for the study. reasons for the selection process and methodologies used for survey of riverine fishing gaear and investigations on design, structure and operation of different gear systems are presented.The chapter III discusses gillnet and its operation. Gill netting is one of the simplest and oldest methods of fishing. They are the most widely operated fishing gear in the rivers of Central Kerala. Gill netting being a low cost fishing method is of special interest for artisanal fisheries. Twenty different types of gillnets are operated in this sector.Chapter IV deals with cast nets. The origin and evolution of cast net has been briefly described in the introductory part.The chapter V deals with fishing lines, traps and other miscellaneous gears.This findings will be useful for riverine fishermen for deployment of appropriate gear systems during different seasons to ensure profitability of fishing operations.
Present work deals with the studies on energy requirement and convervation in selected fish harvesting systems.Modem fishing is one of the most energy intensive methods of food production. Fossil fuels used for motorised and mechanised fishing are nonrenewable and limited. Most of the environmental problems that confront mankind today are connected to the use of energy in one way or another. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995) highlights the need for efficient use of energy in the fisheries sector. Information on energy requirement in different fish harvesting systems, based on the principles of energy analysis, is entirely lacking in respect of Indian fisheries. Such an analysis will provide an unbiased decision making support for maximising the yield per unit of non-renewable energy use, from different fishery resource systems, by rational deployment of harvesting systems. In the present study, results of investigations conducted during 1997-2000 on energy requirement in selected fish harvesting systems and approaches to energy conservation in fishing, are presented along with a detailed description of the fish harvesting systems and their operation. The content of the thesis is organised into 8 Chapters.
The fishing industry the world over is passing through a critical situation.The landings of marine fishes seemed to have reached saturation in major fishing areas of the world.As a general rule fisheries employing fishing gear and techniques used by small scale and artisanal fishermen either from shore or from onboard small fishing craft come under small-scale fisheries.This study on gill nets of Kerala, the fishing method depended upon by maximum fishermen of the state focuses on the importance of this selective and low energy fishing method in the marine fishing sector of the state.The study opens with the conceptual framework by briefly reviewing the crisis in the marine fisheries sector. Maximum fishermen depend upon gill net, which is, an important selective and low energy fishing gear. A review of relevant literature on aspects such as material, selectivity and techno-economic efficiency together with scope and main objectives of the study form the major part of the compass of the introductory chapter.This survey provided the inputs for selection of centres. The chapter presents the basis for selection of sample centres, sample units and methodology for field and experimental study.The subject matter of the fourth chapter is a basic study on gear aterials. The weathering resistance, which is an important criterion to assess the material performance, was studied for polyamide monofilament in comparison to polyamide multifilament and polyethylene twisted monofilament.The study provides supporting evidence of oxidation and characteristic C-O stretching in polyethylene and cyclic lactam .formation and presence of OH in polyamide.The study indicates that small mesh gill netting can be encouraged as a selective fishing method in the inshore waters with restrained use of 30 and 32 mm mesh sizes. The economic efficiency was assessed using standard indices such as rate of return, internal rate of return, pay back period, fishery income, energy efficiency and factor productivity. The effect of size and cost of capital and cost of production on the economics of operation is also discussed in this chapter. It was observed that level of technology did not have direct effect on economic performance.
In the present study. extensive investigations were carried out on various factors affecting the selectivity of prawn gill nets with reference to material, mesh size, coefficient of hanging secolouration. Effect of tidal current on fishing height of prawn gill net and seasonal variation of catch during the course of these investigations were also studied.
The properties of synthetic fibres vary with thc inherent physical characteristics of the basic raw materials used mode of preparation of yarns and method of construction of twines. Since the synthetic fibres as maufactured from polymers which are synthesized from simple chemical units, the qualities of man-made fibres can he influenced by the process of manufacture and certain modifications can even be introduced at the processing stage to meet any specific requirement to a certain extent. Hence, an elaborate study of the properties of fish not twines produced has been taken up with a view to determining their suitability for various types of fishing gear with particular reference to conditions prevailing in India.
True crabs are the most fascinating group of organisms among the decapod crustaceans. Great importance is attached at present to the increased exploitation of these animals and therefore there is great scope for further development of their fishery. They have a broad and hard carapace, massive chelate legs, bent abdomen and exhibit high degree of adaptation to the environment. They show pelagic, benthic, intertidal, burrowing and terrestrial modes of life. Their commensal association with other invertebrates, their breeding behaviour and life history are of great interest to biologists. More than six hundred species of crabs are known to occur in Indian waters and among them about eight species form a regular fishery along the entire stretch of peninsular India (Rao §§_al., 1973) round the year. Crab fishery in India is fast developing and there is vast scope for them as there are many more potential species. Among the various crustacean diets, crabs are celebrated for deliciousness and for nutritional richness. In recent days, crab food items have become more popular and gained global reception. These resources can also be augmented further by culturing them in ponds in the future. Information on biology and ecology of constituent species go a long way not only in effective exploitation and regulation of the respective fishery resources but also helps in evolving a suitable gear for their capture. Information collected on the national level in various aspects as reproduction, growth rate, larval development, parasites, diseases, nutritive values etc. will be of help in evolving a national policy for the effective utilisation and conservation of this resource. They also provide the baseline information for undertaking any purposeful and meaningful culture activities. Information on the various aspects mentioned above is very much restricted in true crabs and hence the present study
Fish, a natural resource, has received great attention from all over the world. since it provides a cheap protein, employment and income to the millions of people for centuries. So fishermen, industrialist and multinationals are trying to exploit the marine resources to their maximum benefit by using modern craft, advance fishing equipments and efficient gear. Fishery resources in the open system particularly in oceans, were considered to be unlimited. However, recent developments in the innovation of efficient craft and gear using well tested material fitted with modern equipments that have greatly enhanced the mobility of craft, agility of gear and the ability of equipments to locate fishery resources have proved otherwise. Hence as the exploitation increases with more effort entering the fishery, the catch per unit of fishing effort starts to decline due to the limitness of the resources. The heavy fishing pressure in the recent past led to commercial extinction of a number of stocks such as. the North Sea herring, California sardine, Japanese Sardine and Peruvian anchovy (FAO. 1968: Gulland, 1974). In India, seer fish from Palk-Bay declined due to uncontrolled fishing (Devaraj 1983).
Mi ni -trawls are operated by the artisanal fishermen from small wooden non-motorised canoes. Shrimp, fish and crab trawls wi th head rope length rang ing from 3.5-8 m, made of Po lyethy lene mon ofila ment (PE) twisted and Polyamide mullifilament (PA) rigged to 6-7 kll fla t rectangular wooden otter boards are common in the lower reaches of Kariango de and Chandrag iri rive rs. Since the trawling speed is less, ca tch is do minated by crus taceans. Less scope ratio also may be affecting the catching efficiency of the gear. This pape r deals with the design, operation and economics of mini traw ling carried out by a group of fisherme n in the above rivers of Kasargod district Kerala state.
Globally most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of optimum exploitation or even over-exploitation; efficient utilization of non-conventional resources is necessary to meet the supply-demand gap for protein supply. Mesopelagic fishes can be considered as one such promising resource for the future, if appropriate harvest and post-harvest technologies are developed. Increasing human population and increasing demand for cheaper food fishes has made myctophids a possible potential resource for future exploitation and utilization. Earlier studies indicated the abundance of Diaphus spp. in the eastern and northeastern Arabian Sea. The present study also indicates the dominance of Diaphus spp. in the deep sea trawling grounds of south west coast of India. Commercial viability of the myctophid fishing in the Indian waters has to be worked out. The present catch estimation is based on the Stratified Random Sampling Method from the landing data. As the coverage of sampling area was limited and the gear efficiency was not standardized, the data generated are not precise. A counter check for the estimates is also not possible due to the absence of comparable works in the study area. Fish biomass estimation by acoustics survey coupled with direct fishing would only confirm the accuracy of estimates. Exploratory surveys for new fishing areas to be continued, for gathering the distribution, abundance, biological and ecological data and map the potential fishing ground on a GIS platform and the data should be provided to the commercial entrepreneurs. Generally non-conventional and non-targeted resources are under low fishing pressure and exploitation rates. Low values of fishing mortality and exploitation rates indicate that removal from the stock by fishing was only nominal from the present fishing grounds. The results indicate that the stock is almost at virgin state and remains grossly underexploited. Since the extent of distribution and abundance of the stock in the ecosystem remains to be ascertained, sustainable yield could not be estimated. Also the impact of myctophids harvest, on other commercially important fishes, has to be studied.
The study covers theFishing capture technology innovation includes the catching of aquatic animal, using any kind of gear techniques, operated from a vessel. Utilization of fishing techniques varies, depending upon the type of fisheries, and can go from a basic and little hook connected to a line to huge and complex mid water trawls or seines operated by large fishing vessels.The size and autonomy of a fishing vessel is largely determined by its ability to handle, process and store fish in good condition on board, and thus these two characteristics have been greatly influenced by the introduction and utilization of ice and refrigeration machinery. Other technological developments especially hydraulic hauling machinery, fish finding electronics and synthetic twines have also had a major impact on the efficiency and profitability of fishing vessels.A wide variety of fishing gears and practices ranging from small-scale artisanal to advanced mechanised systems are used for fish capture in Kerala. Most important among these fishing gears are trawls, seines, lines, gillnets and entangling nets and traps The modern sector was introduced in 1953 at Neendakara, Shakthikulangara region under the initiative of Indo-Norwegian project (INP). The novel facilities introduced in fishing industry by Indo- Norwegian project accordingly are mechanically operated new boats with new fishing nets. Soon after mechanization, motorization programme gained momentum in Kerala especially in Alleppey, Ernakulam and Kollam districts.
A novel process based on the principle of layered photolithography has been proposed and tested for making real three-dimensional micro-structures. An experimental setup was designed and built for doing experiments on this micro-fabrication process. An ultraviolet (UV) excimer laser at the wavelength of 248 nm was used as the light source and a single piece of photo-mask carrying a series of two dimensional (2D) patterns sliced from a three dimensional (3D) micro-part was employed for the photolithography process. The experiments were conducted on the solidification of liquid photopolymer from single layer to multiple layers. The single-layer photolithography experiments showed that certain photopolymers could be applied for the 3D micro-fabrication, and solid layers with sharp shapes could be formed from the liquid polymer identified. By using a unique alignment technique, multiple layers of photolithography was successfully realized for a micro-gear with features at 60 microns. Electroforming was also conducted for converting the photopolymer master to a metal cavity of the micro-gear, which proved that the process is feasible for micro-molding.