985 resultados para energiavisio 2050
Global warming is assertively the greatest environmental challenge for humans of 21st century. It is primarily caused by the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) that trap heat in the atmosphere. Because of which, the GHG emission mitigation, globally, is a critical issue in the political agenda of all high-profile nations. India, like other developing countries, is facing this threat of climate change while dealing with the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic growth. India’s economy is closely connected to its natural resource base and climate sensitive sectors like water, agriculture and forestry. Due to Climate change the quality and distribution of India’s natural resources may transform and lead to adverse effects on livelihood of its people. Therefore, India is expected to face a major threat due to the projected climate change. This study proposes possible solutions for GHG emission mitigation that are specific to the power sector of India. The methods discussed here will take Indian power sector from present coal dominant ideology to a system, centered with renewable energy sources. The study further proposes a future scenario for 2050, based on the present Indian government policies and global energy technologies advancements.
The future of privacy in the information age is a highly debated topic. In particular, new and emerging technologies such as ICTs and cognitive technologies are seen as threats to privacy. This thesis explores images of the future of privacy among non-experts within the time frame from the present until the year 2050. The aims of the study are to conceptualise privacy as a social and dynamic phenomenon, to understand how privacy is conceptualised among citizens and to analyse ideal-typical images of the future of privacy using the causal layered analysis method. The theoretical background of the thesis combines critical futures studies and critical realism, and the empirical material is drawn from three focus group sessions held in spring 2012 as part of the PRACTIS project. From a critical realist perspective, privacy is conceptualised as a social institution which creates and maintains boundaries between normative circles and preserves the social freedom of individuals. Privacy changes when actors with particular interests engage in technology-enabled practices which challenge current privacy norms. The thesis adopts a position of technological realism as opposed to determinism or neutralism. In the empirical part, the focus group participants are divided into four clusters based on differences in privacy conceptions and perceived threats and solutions. The clusters are fundamentalists, pragmatists, individualists and collectivists. Correspondingly, four ideal-typical images of the future are composed: ‘drift to low privacy’, ‘continuity and benign evolution’, ‘privatised privacy and an uncertain future’, and ‘responsible future or moral decline’. The images are analysed using the four layers of causal layered analysis: litany, system, worldview and myth. Each image has its strengths and weaknesses. The individualistic images tend to be fatalistic in character while the collectivistic images are somewhat utopian. In addition, the images have two common weaknesses: lack of recognition of ongoing developments and simplistic conceptions of privacy based on a dichotomy between the individual and society. The thesis argues for a dialectical understanding of futures as present images of the future and as outcomes of real processes and mechanisms. The first steps in promoting desirable futures are the awareness of privacy as a social institution, the awareness of current images of the future, including their assumptions and weaknesses, and an attitude of responsibility where futures are seen as the consequences of present choices.
Finland, other Nordic countries and European Union aim to decarbonize their energy production by 2050. Decarbonization requires large scale implementation of non-emission energy sources, i.e. renewable energy and nuclear power. Stochastic renewable energy sources present a challenge to balance the supply and demand for energy. Energy storages, non-emissions fuels in mobility and industrial processes are required whenever electrification is not possible. Neo-Carbon project studies the decarbonizing the energy production and the role of synthetic gas in it. This thesis studies the industrial processes in steel production, oil refining, cement manufacturing and glass manufacturing, where natural gas is already used or fuel switch to SNG is possible. The technical potential for fuel switching is assessed, and economic potential is necessary after this. All studied processes have potential for fuel switching, but total decarbonization of steel production, oil refining requires implementation of other zero-emission technologies.
Currently widely accepted consensus is that greenhouse gas emissions produced by the mankind have to be reduced in order to avoid further global warming. The European Union has set a variety of CO2 reduction and renewable generation targets for its member states. The current energy system in the Nordic countries is one of the most carbon free in the world, but the aim is to achieve a fully carbon neutral energy system. The objective of this thesis is to consider the role of nuclear power in the future energy system. Nuclear power is a low carbon energy technology because it produces virtually no air pollutants during operation. In this respect, nuclear power is suitable for a carbon free energy system. In this master's thesis, the basic characteristics of nuclear power are presented and compared to fossil fuelled and renewable generation. Nordic energy systems and different scenarios in 2050 are modelled. Using models and information about the basic characteristics of nuclear power, an opinion is formed about its role in the future energy system in Nordic countries. The model shows that it is possible to form a carbon free Nordic energy system. Nordic countries benefit from large hydropower capacity which helps to offset fluctuating nature of wind power. Biomass fuelled generation and nuclear power provide stable and predictable electricity throughout the year. Nuclear power offers better energy security and security of supply than fossil fuelled generation and it is competitive with other low carbon technologies.
Selvityksessä arvioitiin ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksia Iisalmen reitin hydrologiaan, säännöstelylupien toimivuuteen sekä vesistöjen kuormitukseen ja tilaan. Ilmastoskenaarioiden perusteella virtaamien ennakoidaan kasvavan Iisalmen reitin joissa ja järvissä talvella ja syksyllä, kun taas kevään maksimivirtaamat aikaistuvat ja pienenevät. Ilmastonmuutoksen odotetaan myös lyhentävän kautta, jolloin maa on lumen peitossa ja roudassa. Ilmastonmuutoksen hydrologisia vaikutuksia sekä sopeutumismahdollisuuksia Onki- ja Poroveden säännöstelykäytäntöjä muuttamalla tarkasteltiin Suomen ympäristökeskuksen (SYKE) Vesistömallijärjestelmän avulla vertailujaksolla 1971-2000 sekä tulevaisuuden jaksoilla 2010-39 ja 2040-69. Tulosten perusteella nykyisen lupaehdon mukainen kevätkuoppa Poro- ja Onkivedellä osoittautuu useimpina vuosina tarpeettomaksi kevättulvien pienenemisen ja aikaistumisen johdosta. Raportissa on esitetty sopeutuva säännöstelyohje, jossa kevätkuoppaa on aikaistettu ja madallettu tai jätetty joinakin vuosina kokonaan tekemättä. Jatkossa suuriin tulovirtaaman nousuihin on syytä varautua talvella mahdollisesti pitämällä järvien vedenkorkeuksia hieman nykyisen kaltaista säännöstelykäytäntöä alempana. Sopeutuva säännöstelykäytäntö edellyttäisi säännöstelyluvan muuttamista. Mallinnettujen hydrologisten skenaarioiden ja toisaalta lupaehtojen mukaisen sekä sopeutuvan säännöstelyn vaikutuksia vesiluontoon, virkistyskäyttöön ja taloudellisiin tekijöihin Onki- ja Porovedellä arvioitiin vedenkorkeus- ja virtaamavaihteluista laskettujen mittareiden avulla. Tulosten perusteella sopeutuvaa säännöstelytapaa voidaan pitää vesiluonnon ja vesistön käytön kannalta suositeltavana, kun se toteutetaan joustavasti tulovirtaamaennuste huomioon ottaen. Säännöstelytapaa voisi kehittää vielä paremmin varautumaan lisääntyviin talvitulviin. Ilmastonmuutoksen ja maatalouden sopeutumisen vaikutuksia fosforikuormitukseen tulevaisuuden jaksoilla 2020-30 ja 2050-59 arvioitiin VEMALA-mallilla. Iisalmen reitin järviin tuleva fosforikuormitus muuttuu ilmastonmuutoksen keskiarvoskenaariossa jaksolle 2050-59 mennessä vain vähän (−4…7 %), mutta runsassateisessa skenaariossa se kasvaa selvästi. Vesienhoidon toimenpiteiden vaikutusta maatalouden kuormitukseen arvioitiin käyttäen ICECREAM-mallia. Käyttämällä tarkennettua lannoitusta kaikilla pelloilla, suorakylvöä noin 12 000 hehtaarilla, lietteen sijoitusta lähes kaikilla nurmilla ja varaamalla suojavyöhykkeille 122 ha, voidaan 2020-luvulla päästä peltojen fosforikuormituksessa ilmastonmuutosskenaariosta riippuen 1 – 15 % nykytilaa pienemmälle tasolle. Vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden kustannustehokkuutta Iisalmen reitillä arvioitiin KUTOVA-työkalun avulla. Yleisesti ottaen kaikilla osavaluma-alueilla kustannustehokkaimpia vesiensuojelutoimenpiteitä ovat metsä- ja maatalouden toimenpiteet. Maatalouden toimenpiteistä kustannustehokkaimpia ovat kosteikot sekä suojavyöhykkeet ja peltojen talviaikainen kasvipeitteisyys kaltevilla pelloilla. Toimenpiteitä kannattaa kohdistaa paitsi suurten hyvää huonommassa tilassa olevien järvien lähivaluma-alueille myös vesistön latvoille. Kustannustehokasta ja mahdollisesti jopa välttämätöntä olisi vähentää kuormitusta Poroveden kannalta myös osa-alueilla, missä vesistöt ovat jo pääosin hyvässä ekologisessa tilassa (Sonkajärven reitin ja Iso-Iin alueet). Muuttuvassa ilmastossa ja maatalouden kentässä yksittäisten toimenpiteiden kustannustehokkuus pääsääntöisesti huononee eri tulevaisuuden skenaarioissa. Vesienhoidon toimenpideohjelmassa alueelle suunnitellut toimenpiteet kompensoivat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusta, mutta maatalouden muutoksilla on suurempi merkitys toimenpiteiden vaikuttavuuteen.
1930/04/06 (Numéro 2050).
1889/12/28 (Numéro 2050).
Gestión del Conocimiento
The new economy has spirited a transformation ofwork organizations from big business structures into smaller, more flexible enterprises, many of which are launched as self-employment initiatives. The growing trend towards increasing selfemployment in Canada demands aeritical review of how educational programs support and encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities for students ofpost-secondary and adult training programs. The focus ofthis study was threefold. First, the study examined whether a relationship exists between self-directedness and success in self-employment. Secondly, the purpose of this research was to determine whether a relationship exists between psychological type as defined by Jung and success in selfemployment. Finally, this research effort attempted to develop a model for identifying individual potential for self-employment based on combined factors of self-directedness and psychological type. Success was measured in three stages: 1) Did the subject start a selfemployment initiative? 2) Did the business survive six months? 3) Did the business survive one year? The research went beyond classroom training activities to determine whether individuals actually started a business enterprise while participating ina self-employment program designed for individuals who were unemployed. Given that many people initiate a self-employment venture.without actually operating the business beyond the initial start-up, this research effort measured success based on a commitment of at least one year to the selfemployment initiative. Results ofthe study revealed that individuals with a high level of selfdirected learning readiness tended to be more likely to succeed in business in terms ofbusiness starts, survival for six months, and survival for one year. In addition, it was discovered that individuals who were extraverted intuitive types succeeded more often in business at all three levels than any other type. These findings supported a model using the SDLRS and the PET Type Check as predictors for success in entrepreneurial ventures.
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Nutrición Comunitaria) UANL