942 resultados para electric power plant


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The present study was conducted in the Aquaculture Station of Hydroeletric Power Station situated in Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil. Seventy freshwater corvinas, Plagiscion squamosissimus, and 66 tucunarés, Cichla ocellaris were captured bimonthly from April 2000 through April 2001 with net and hook. The helmints were identified as Diplostomun (A.) compactmn which showed the highest prevalence in the corvina's eyes in April 2000 (70%), February 2001 (80%) and April 2001 (60%), while in tucunaré occurred in April 2000 (33.3%), August 2000 (18.2%) and October 2000 (18.2%). Nevertheless, increase in the mean intensity of parasites was related in April (6.6), June (6.0), August (18.5) 2000 and February (5.7), April (4.8) 2001 for corvina and in August (16.0) and October (7.0) 2000 for tucunaré. Corvina's females showed infection during all period, while males did not show the same prevalence in June 2000 and April 2001. On the other hand, tucunare's males were infected in all months while females in August and October 2000. The highest prevalence in corvina was observed in the months which presented elevated water temperature (April, October, December 2000 and April 2001). The number of parasites collected in corvina on February 2000 was higher than the one observed in August 2000. The same was not observed for tucunaré. This work demonstrate corvina's high susceptibility to metacercariae of Diplostomum.


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A simulação numérica do escoamento de ar em ambientes internos é na atualidade o método mais apropriado para análise de conforto térmico em ambientes internos. O escoamento de ar nesses ambientes configura-se como um escoamento complexo, pois, em regra geral, é uma combinação de escoamentos cisalhantes livres (jatos) e cisalhantes de parede, além disso, esses escoamentos são governados por forças de inércia e forças de empuxo, caracterizando-o como de convecção mista. A combinação desses mecanismos cria um escoamento com características complexas, como zonas de recirculação, vórtices, descolamento e recolamento de camada-limite dentre outras. Portanto, a precisão da solução estará diretamente ligada, principalmente, na habilidade do modelo de turbulência adotado de reproduzir as características turbulentas do escoamento de ar e da transferência térmica. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi a simulação computacional do ambiente térmico interno do galpão que abriga os geradores e motores Wärtzilä da Usina Termelétrica Santana no estado do Amapá. A formulação matemática baseada na solução das equações gerais de conservação inclui uma análise dos principais modelos de turbulência aplicados ao escoamento de ar em ambientes internos, assim como os processos de transferência de calor associados. Na modelagem numérica o método de volumes finitos é usado na discretização das equações de conservação, através do código comercial Fluent-Airpak, que foi usado nas simulações computacionais para a análise dos campos de velocidade e temperatura do ar. A utilização correta do programa computacional foi testada e validada para o problema através da simulação precisa de casos retirados da literatura. Os resultados numéricos foram comparados a dados obtidos de medições experimentais realizados no galpão e apresentou boa concordância, considerando a complexidade do problema simulado, o objetivo da simulação em face da diminuição da temperatura no interior do galpão e, também, em função das limitações encontradas quando da tomada das medições experimentais. Além disso, foram feitas simulações de estratégias de melhoria do ambiente térmico da Usina, baseadas na realidade levantada e nos resultados da simulação numérica. Finalmente, foram realizadas simulações do protótipo de solução proposto para a diminuição da temperatura interna do galpão o que possibilitará um aumento, na faixa de 20 a 30%, do tempo de permanência no interior do galpão.


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15th and 16th supplements issued together.


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A new design technique for an SVC-based power system damping controller has been proposed. The controller attempts to place all plant poles within a specified region on the s-plane to guarantee the desired closed loop performance. The use of Horowitz's quantitative feedback theory (QFT) permits the design of a 'fixed gain controller' that maintains its performance in spite of large variations in the plant parameters during its normal course of operation. The required controller parameters are arrived at by solving an optimization problem that incorporates the control specifications. The performance of this robust controller has been evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system equipped with a mid point SVC, and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the stabilizer. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Renewable energy generation is expected to continue to increase globally due to renewable energy targets and obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some renewable energy sources are variable power sources, for example wind, wave and solar. Energy storage technologies can manage the issues associated with variable renewable generation and align non-dispatchable renewable energy generation with load demands. Energy storage technologies can play different roles in each of the step of the electric power supply chain. Moreover, large scale energy storage systems can act as renewable energy integrators by smoothing the variability. Compressed air energy storage is one such technology. This paper examines the impacts of a compressed air energy storage facility in a pool based wholesale electricity market in a power system with a large renewable energy portfolio.


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Uusiutuvan sähköntuotannon osuuden kasvaessa kasvaa tarve tasata sähköntuotannon ja kulutuksen vaihteluita varastoimalla sähköä. Power to Gas (PtG) - sähköenergiasta luonnonkaasua tarjoaa yhden mahdollisuuden varastoida sähköä. Sähköä käytetään veden elektrolyysiin, jossa syntynyt vety käytetään metanoinissa yhdessä hiilidioksidin kanssa muodostamaan korvaavaa luonnonkaasua. Näin syntynyttä korvaava luonnonkaasua sähköstä kutsutaan e-SNG-kaasuksi. Tässä työssä tutkitaan PtG-laitoksen investointi, käyttö- ja kunnossapitokuluja. Työssä luodaan laskentamalli, jolla lasketaan PtG-laitoksen neljälle käyttötapaukselle kannattavuuslaskelma. Käyttötapauksille lasketaan myös herkkyystarkasteluja. Kannattavuuslaskelmien perusteella päätellään PtG-laitoksen liiketoimintamahdollisuudet Suomessa. Työssä laskettujen kannattavuuslaskelmien perusteella PtG-laitoksen perustapausten liiketoimintamahdollisuudet ovat huonot. Laskettujen herkkyystarkastelujen perusteella havaittiin, että investointikulut, laitoksen ajoaika ja lisätulot hapesta ja lämmöstä ovat kannattavuuden kannalta kriittisimmät menestystekijät.


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Sir Adam Beck ( a London, Ontario manufacturer, Mayor and Conservative member of the provincial legislature) was a champion of municipal and provincial power ownership. Beck become the “Power Minister” and chairman of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario which was the world’s first publicly owned utility. In 1925 the first unit of the Hydro Electric Power Commission’s Queenston Chippawa hydro-electric development on the Niagara River went into service. The station was renamed in 1950 as “Sir Adam Beck #1”. This marked the 25th anniversary of Beck’s death. This is one of 2 generating stations in Niagara Falls. There is also Adam Beck Plant #2. The Niagara generating stations supply one quarter of all power used in New York State and Ontario.Ontario Hydro has two water tunnels which traverse the entire City of Niagara Falls from the Village of Chippawa in the South to the Sir Adam Beck Hydro Electric Generating Stations in the North. Also they are in the process of building the third tunnel. In addition, Ontario Hydro has a 13.6 km open canal which traverses the entire City of Niagara Falls. Source: http://www.hydroone.com/OurCompany/Pages/OurHistory.aspx


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The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solar energy is the most abundant persistent energy resource. It is also an intermittent one available for only a fraction of each day while the demand for electric power never ceases. To produce a significant amount of power at the utility scale, electricity generated from solar energy must be dispatchable and able to be supplied in response to variations in demand. This requires energy storage that serves to decouple the intermittent solar resource from the load and enables around-the-clock power production from solar energy. Practically, solar energy storage technologies must be efficient as any energy loss results in an increase in the amount of required collection hardware, the largest cost in a solar electric power system. Storing solar energy as heat has been shown to be an efficient, scalable, and relatively low-cost approach to providing dispatchable solar electricity. Concentrating solar power systems that include thermal energy storage (TES) use mirrors to focus sunlight onto a heat exchanger where it is converted to thermal energy that is carried away by a heat transfer fluid and used to drive a conventional thermal power cycle (e.g., steam power plant), or stored for later use. Several approaches to TES have been developed and can generally be categorized as either thermophysical (wherein energy is stored in a hot fluid or solid medium or by causing a phase change that can later be reversed to release heat) or thermochemical (in which energy is stored in chemical bonds requiring two or more reversible chemical reactions).


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The supercritical Rankine power cycle offers a net improvement in plant efficiency compared with a subcritical Rankine cycle. For fossil power plants the minimum supercritical steam turbine size is about 450MW. A recent study between Sandia National Laboratories and Siemens Energy, Inc., published on March 2013, confirmed the feasibility of adapting the Siemens turbine SST-900 for supercritical steam in concentrated solar power plants, with a live steam conditions 230-260 bar and output range between 140-200 MWe. In this context, this analysis is focused on integrating a line-focus solar field with a supercritical Rankine power cycle. For this purpose two heat transfer fluids were assessed: direct steam generation and molten salt Hitec XL. To isolate solar field from high pressure supercritical water power cycle, an intermediate heat exchanger was installed between linear solar collectors and balance of plant. Due to receiver selective coating temperature limitations, turbine inlet temperature was fixed 550ºC. The design-point conditions were 550ºC and 260 bar at turbine inlet, and 165 MWe Gross power output. Plant performance was assessed at design-point in the supercritical power plant (between 43-45% net plant efficiency depending on balance of plantconfiguration), and in the subcritical plant configuration (~40% net plant efficiency). Regarding the balance of plant configuration, direct reheating was adopted as the optimum solution to avoid any intermediate heat exchanger. One direct reheating stage between high pressure turbine and intermediate pressure turbine is the common practice; however, General Electric ultrasupercritical(350 bar) fossil power plants also considered doubled-reheat applications. In this study were analyzed heat balances with single-reheat, double-reheat and even three reheating stages. In all cases were adopted the proper reheating solar field configurations to limit solar collectors pressure drops. As main conclusion, it was confirmed net plant efficiency improvements in supercritical Rankine line-focus (parabolic or linear Fresnel) solar plant configurations are mainly due to the following two reasons: higher number of feed-water preheaters (up to seven)delivering hotter water at solar field inlet, and two or even three direct reheating stages (550ºC reheating temperature) in high or intermediate pressure turbines. However, the turbine manufacturer should confirm the equipment constrains regarding reheating stages and number of steam extractions to feed-water heaters.


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Ocean energy is a promising resource for renewable electricity generation that presents many advantages, such as being more predictable than wind energy, but also some disadvantages such as large and slow amplitude variations in the generated power. This paper presents a hardware-in-the-loop prototype that allows the study of the electric power profile generated by a wave power plant based on the oscillating water column (OWC) principle. In particular, it facilitates the development of new solutions to improve the intermittent profile of the power fed into the grid or the test of the OWC behavior when facing a voltage dip. Also, to obtain a more realistic model behavior, statistical models of real waves have been implemented.


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