998 resultados para eastern Philippine Sea


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The success of any efforts to determine the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems depends on understanding in the first instance the natural variations, which contemporarily occur on the interannual and shorter time scales. Here we present results on the environmental controls of zooplankton distribution patterns and behaviour in the eastern Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean. Zooplankton abundance and vertical migration are derived from the mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS) and the vertical velocity measured by moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), which were deployed simultaneously at 64°S, 66.5°S and 69°S along the Greenwich Meridian from February, 2005, until March, 2008. While these time series span a period of full three years they resolve hourly changes. A highly persistent behavioural pattern found at all three mooring locations is the synchronous diel vertical migration (DVM) of two distinct groups of zooplankton that migrate between a deep residence depth during daytime and a shallow depth during nighttime. The DVM was closely coupled to the astronomical daylight cycles. However, while the DVM was symmetric around local noon, the annual modulation of the DVM was clearly asymmetric around winter solstice or summer solstice, respectively, at all three mooring sites. DVM at our observation sites persisted throughout winter, even at the highest latitude exposed to the polar night. Since the magnitude as well as the relative rate of change of illumination is minimal at this time, we propose that the ultimate causes of DVM separated from the light-mediated proximal cue that coordinates it. In all three years, a marked change in the migration behaviour occurred in late spring (late October/early November), when DVM ceased. The complete suspension of DVM after early November is possibly caused by the combination of two factors: (1) increased availability of food in the surface mixed layer provided by the phytoplankton spring bloom, and (2) vanishing diurnal enhancement of the threat from visually oriented predators when the illumination is quasi-continuous during the polar and subpolar summer. Zooplankton abundance in the water column, estimated as the mean MVBS in the depth range 50-300 m, was highest end of summer and lowest mid to end winter on the average annual cycle. However, zooplankton abundance varied several-fold between years and between locations. Based on satellite and in situ data of chlorophyll and sea ice as well as on hydrographic measurements, the interannual and spatial variations of zooplankton mean abundance can be explained by differences in the magnitude of the phytoplankton spring bloom, which develops during the seasonal sea ice retreat. Whereas the vernal ice melt appears necessary to stimulate the blooming of phytoplankton, it is not the determinator of the blooms magnitude, its areal extent and duration. A possible explanation for the limitation of the phytoplankton bloom in some years is top-down control. We hypothesise that the phytoplankton spring development can be curbed by grazing when the zooplankton had attained high abundance by growth during the preceding summer.


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Petrological, mineralogical and chemical investigations of marine manganese nodules from the West Pacific revealed the intimate relation between the chemical and mineral compositions and the remarkable preferential partitioning of metal elements in the ferromanganese minerals. The microscopic observations of textures of manganese nodules tell the growth history of manganese nodules and the formation conditions of ferromanganese minerals. Chemical compositions of nodules from Komahashi-Daini Seamount are very similar to those of the nodules from marginal banks and seamounts. Compositional variations in the bulk composition of nodules collected from the same dredge haul are considerably small, suggesting the similarity of the growth history of individual nodules, although the contents of metal elements vary remarkably from layer to layer in a single nodule.


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Abundance, diversity, and distribution of suprabenthic Isopoda caught from a water layer between 0.27 to 0.60 m above the seafloor were analysed. The samples were taken during the ANT XV/3 cruise on RV Polarstern by means of an epibenthic sledge along two transects in the southern Weddell Sea (Vestkapp and Halley Bay) and another one east of King George Island. At each of these three bathymetric transects, five to six stations were sampled between 200 and 2000 m. In total, 4258 specimens of isopods were sampled at 14 stations standardized to 1000 m2 hauls. 114 species were identified from 49 genera and 23 higher taxa (families and suborders) of Isopoda. Most of them belonged to the suborder Asellota. Dominant families are Munnopsididae (Eurycopinae, Ilyarachninae), Joeropsidae, Munnidae, Paramunnidae, Ischnomesidae and Desmosomatidae. No striking differences were found between areas (Vestkapp, Halley Bay, Kapp Norvegia, and Bransfield Strait). Overall isopod abundances were highest at the shallowest station; species richness was slightly higher above 1000 m depth.


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The book is devoted to geology of the Philippine Sea floor. This region is studied most extensively among other marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. Rocks of the sedimentary and basalt layers within this sea have been studied during five legs of D/S Glomar Challenger. International geological expedition on board R/V Dmitry Mendeleev carried out according to the Project ''Ophiolites of Continents and Comparable Rocks of the Ocean Floor''obtained unique collection of rocks from the second and third layers of the ocean crust in the Philippine Sea. The book provides detailed petrographic and geochemical description of igneous and sedimentary formations from the Philippine Sea and compares them with rocks of the continental ophiolite association. An analysis of structure and history of the ocean crust formation in the region is based on all known geological information. The main periods of tectonic movement activation and nature of their manifestations within the sea are shown.


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The pore water chemistry of mud volcanoes from the Olimpi Mud Volcano Field and the Anaximander Mountains in the eastern Mediterranean Sea have been studied for three major purposes: (1) modes and velocities of fluid transport were derived to assess the role of (upward) advection, and bioirrigation for benthic fluxes. (2) Differences in the fluid chemistry at sites of Milano mud volcano (Olimpi area) were compiled in a map to illustrate the spatial heterogeneity reflecting differences in fluid origin and transport in discrete conduits in near proximity. (3) Formation water temperatures of seeping fluids were calculated from theoretical geothermometers to predict the depth of fluid origin and geochemical reactions in the deeper subsurface. No indications for downward advection as required for convection cells have been found. Instead, measured pore water profiles have been simulated successfully by accounting for upward advection and bioirrigation. Advective flow velocities are found to be generally moderate (3-50 cm/y) compared to other cold seep areas. Depth-integrated rates of bioirrigation are 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than advective flow velocities documenting the importance of bioirrigation for flux considerations in surface sediments. Calculated formation water temperatures from the Anaximander Mountains are in the range of 80 to 145 °C suggesting a fluid origin from a depth zone associated with the seismic decollement. It is proposed that at that depth clay mineral dehydration leads to the formation and advection of fluids reduced in salinity relative to sea water. This explains the ubiquitous pore water freshening observed in surface sediments of the Anaximander Mountain area. Multiple fluid sources and formation water temperatures of 55 to 80 °C were derived for expelled fluids of the Olimpi area.


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The Antarctic Pack Ice Seal (APIS) Program was initiated in 1994 to estimate the abundance of four species of Antarctic phocids: the crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophaga, Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddellii, Ross seal Ommatophoca rossii and leopard seal Hydrurga leptonyx and to identify ecological relationships and habitat use patterns. The Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (the eastern sector of the Weddell Sea) was surveyed by research teams from Germany, Norway and South Africa using a range of aerial methods over five austral summers between 1996-1997 and 2000-2001. We used these observations to model densities of seals in the area, taking into account haul-out probabilities, survey-specific sighting probabilities and covariates derived from satellite-based ice concentrations and bathymetry. These models predicted the total abundance over the area bounded by the surveys (30°W and 10°E). In this sector of the coast, we estimated seal abundances of: 514 (95 % CI 337-886) x 10**3 crabeater seals, 60.0 (43.2-94.4) x 10**3 Weddell seals and 13.2 (5.50-39.7) x 10**3 leopard seals. The crabeater seal densities, approximately 14,000 seals per degree longitude, are similar to estimates obtained by surveys in the Pacific and Indian sectors by other APIS researchers. Very few Ross seals were observed (24 total), leading to a conservative estimate of 830 (119-2894) individuals over the study area. These results provide an important baseline against which to compare future changes in seal distribution and abundance.


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A 3.38 m long sediment core raised from the tidal flat sediments of the 'Blauortsand' in the Wadden Sea northwest of Büsum (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) was analysed in order to investigate long term changes in sediment pollution with Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd. Comparison with the topographic maps since 1952 and 210Pb activity allowed a general dating of the sediment succession in the core. The heavy metal concentrations including 210Pb of the < 20 µm grain-size fraction in thick sediment slices below 1.30 m indicated background niveaus. Their values increased and reached modern levels in the upper sediment layers of the core above 1 m. The increments for Pb, Cu, Zn was 1 to 3 fold and Cd up to 11 fold since the second half of the 19th century. More investigations are needed to quantify the geographical extent and history of the contaminations shown in this pilot study.


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Clay mineral assemblages in a sediment core from the distal Nile discharge plume off Israel have been used to reconstruct the late Quaternary Nile sediment discharge into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS). The record spans the last ca. 140 ka. Smectite abundances indicate the influence of the Blue Nile and Atbara that have their headwaters in the volcanic rocks of the Ethiopian highlands. Kaolinite abundances indicate the influence of wadis, which contribute periodically to the suspension load of the Nile. Due to the geographical position, the climate and the sedimentary framework of the EMS is controlled by two climate systems. The long-term climate regime was governed by the African monsoon that caused major humid periods with enhanced sediment discharge at 132 to <126 ka (AHP5), 116 to 99 ka (AHP4), and 89 to 77 ka (AHP3). They lasted much longer than the formation of the related sapropel layers S5 (>2 ka), S4 (3.5 ka) and S3 (5 ka). During the last glacial period (MIS 4-2) the long-term changes of the monsoonal system were superimposed by millennial-scale changes of an intensified mid-latitude glacial system. This climate regime caused short but pronounced drought periods in the Nile catchment, which are linked to Heinrich Events and alternate with more humid interstadials. The clay mineral record further implies that feedback mechanisms between vegetation cover and sediment discharge of the Nile are detectable but of minor importance for the sedimentary record in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea during the investigated African Humid Periods.


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Ten-month time series of mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS) and vertical velocity obtained from three moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) deployed from February until December 2005 at 64°S, 66.5°S and 69°S along the Greenwich Meridian were used to analyse the diel vertical zooplankton migration (DVM) and its seasonality and regional variability in the Lazarev Sea. The estimated MVBS exhibited distinct patterns of DVM at all three mooring sites. Between February and October, the timing of the DVM and the residence time of zooplankton at depth were clearly governed by the day-night rhythm. Mean daily cycles of the ADCP-derived vertical velocity were calculated for successive months and showed maximum ascent and descent velocities of 16 and -15 mm/s. However, a change of the MVBS pattern occurred in late spring/early austral summer (October/November), when the zooplankton communities ceased their synchronous vertical migration at all three mooring sites. Elevated MVBS values were then concentrated in the uppermost layers (<50 m) at 66.5°S. This period coincided with the decay of sea ice coverage at 64°S and 66.5°S between early November and mid-December. Elevated chlorophyll concentrations, which were measured at the end of the deployment, extended from 67°S to 65°S and indicated a phytoplankton bloom in the upper 50 m. Thus, we propose that the increased food supply associated with an ice edge bloom caused the zooplankton communities to cease their DVM in favour of feeding.